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Pokemon Tactical Game (Game Over; Team Rocket Wins)

General Spoon

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No, everyone don't claim to Spike. No offense but I don't think you should lead the village.

##Vote for Jean-Marc to avoid my brain being crushed.

OK, I'm now going to volunteer myself to be the Town Leader. I was in touch with both Tables and MLS before they died and I have basically been cleared by both of them. I also have a lot of info on the town from talking to everyone since the start of the game but if I don't have your role PM, I'd like to have it. Also, we should lynch Balcerzak today. We have had proof for a couple of days that he's Mafia. And yet he's still alive.

You might wanna assign someone as the next leader because we've had two leaders dead already. If you die and their knowledge is lost, we're doomed.

##Bullet Punch: Balcerzak

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No, don't vote for Jean Marc. I've been pursuaded to vote for him. If I don't vote for him, I die.

I need the rest of you to vote for Bal. Let's lynch him already.

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You might wanna assign someone as the next leader because we've had two leaders dead already. If you die and their knowledge is lost, we're doomed.

Already been done.

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I'm too worried Bal is gonna avoid the lynch again. I don't want to waste a day, and have the town die out while the mafia's fight amongst themselves.

I believe that he escaped the lynch thanks to a one use item. According to the posts by MLS after Silent Mercenary died, Bal had the exact same claim (Thief). If Bal was unlynchable, he'd claim that instead of Thief.

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- Would he really claim immune-to-lynch over thief? I wouldn't want people to know they couldn't lynch me if it meant they'd fail to try to when they decide I have to die after figuring me out.

- Were you REALLY cleared? Like, 100% guaranteed? Pretty sure all the actual cops died. Everyone keeps saying there's a cop left but it doesn't look like it with the way things are going.

- You were in contact with them more than I was and have been in contact with leaders since Tables I imagine. Sure, everyone who's been in a leading position has been pointing out who they're talking to, giving the mafia plenty of targets, but there's also the idea that since this is the SECOND time TWO important people, a leader and a potential leader, have been killed in the same night phase, suspecting a spy doesn't seem too farfetched.

- If you really had a protective role that would have saved Tables and TWO people with "role blocker" type abilities weren't the ones who kept you from protecting Tables the night he died like you say, then either there's yet another role blocker type role out there or you're lying about having a protective role.

You're one of the better players here so I wouldn't put it past you to be the "mastermind" type player of this forum. Every forum has one.[/poorscumhuntinginnonscumhuntmafiagamepost]

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- Were you REALLY cleared? Like, 100% guaranteed? Pretty sure all the actual cops died. Everyone keeps saying there's a cop left but it doesn't look like it with the way things are going.

I was really cleared. Tables came to me telling me that the alliance checker had checked me out and told him that I was innocent. He's the only "cop" (a literal cop because he gives just the alliance) left in the game.

- Would he really claim immune-to-lynch over thief? I wouldn't want people to know they couldn't lynch me if it meant they'd fail to try to when they decide I have to die after figuring me out.

Yes he would claim unlynchable. Or at least to Tables and Lux. All they'd have to do is try to lynch him that day to test the claim. If he lives, he's right.

I've played in a game like this where I was a Mafia thief. I was forced to claim thief because of a series of stupid events. Now since there probably aren't going to be 2 thieves in a game, I was lynched based on this logic and found out to be guilty. Now I wouldn't have claimed thief if I could have avoided it but certain events happened that made me.

- You were in contact with them more than I was and have been in contact with leaders since Tables I imagine. Sure, everyone who's been in a leading position has been pointing out who they're talking to, giving the mafia plenty of targets, but there's also the idea that since this is the SECOND time TWO important people, a leader and a potential leader, have been killed in the same night phase, suspecting a spy doesn't seem too farfetched.

This point makes a lot of sense... except you're forgetting one thing. I never had real access to any role PMs of the town. If I have someone's info, it's because they told it to me on their own terms.

What you're suggesting is if I was a spy, I somehow knew the identity of the doctor and had him blocked every right. And yet, the doctor hasn't died. Strange...

- If you really had a protective role that would have saved Tables and TWO people with "role blocker" type abilities weren't the ones who kept you from protecting Tables the night he died like you say, then either there's yet another role blocker type role out there or you're lying about having a protective role.

There could easily be a mafia hooker that we don't know about. But I don't know how to prove this fact to you other than finding that person and lynching him. Other than that, I can show you my role PM and you can make your own decision on whether I'm lying about a protective role.

You're one of the better players here so I wouldn't put it past you to be the "mastermind" type player of this forum. Every forum has one.[/poorscumhuntinginnonscumhuntmafiagamepost]

This is the kind of shit that made me make that other topic. Because I'm smart, me helping the town makes me look scummy. Why? Simply because I've been Mafia a lot.

This exact scenario happened last time. Our doctor (Raymond) decided to foil my every attempt to help the town. And Spoon called him an idiot in the postgame since he was going after a smart person who was trying to help. Why are you making history repeat itself?

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This isn't my history. This is my first real game with you or on this forum!

There is no "you've been mafia a lot" to me. You just claim that since you're trying to help the town, which I acknowledge you could be, that I necessarily see it that way. I'm sure there's been others who like me actually don't regard every post you make as benign. If we could read your mind things would be too easy!

Also, proving someone has the role ABILITY they claim doesn't prove their alliance. If someone claimed to me "unlynchable" I'd piss myself and have them checked immediately. Without telling them. And then have them killed. Edit: if they were mal-aligned, of course. Hopefully I didn't need this edit.

Maybe this is why I'm not a good mafia player. Maybe it'd be good for a mafioso to actually show that they're unlynchable in an attempt to appear as a pro-town unlynchable rather than keep their inability to be lynched a secret, and my description earlier of what my thought process would be in such a mafioso's shoes shows that I'm an idiot.

But I'll let the town decide that. All these posts are is me pointing out things I've noticed and then acting on them.

If you're so worried about history repeating itself, wait for more people to follow my vote. Getting worked up over one vote is pretty scummy.

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If you're so worried about history repeating itself, wait for more people to follow my vote. Getting worked up over one vote is pretty scummy.

Not when we have two confirmed Mafia members. Taking a shot at me like that is more scummy than me defending myself.

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Go ahead and kill them then.

And then who are we going after next? No idea? Well there's my idea, take it or leave it.

Edit: Yes, I voted for you on the grounds that it might attract more people to read and digest my posts rather than looking over them. I don't really care who gets lynched as long as they're not pro-town.

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Go ahead and kill them then.

And then who are we going after next? No idea? Well there's my idea, take it or leave it.

I am trying to lynch Mafia members but your vote on me doesn't help.

And this is the kind of shit that I bitch about. I'm one of the smartest people here when it comes to Mafia, meaning that I'm a spy once I'm still alive. What's your proof about you being innocent? The exact same as mine.

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That's true, I have no proof I'm innocent. I never tried to convince anyone of that beyond giving them information I had (such as how according to Psych, he didn't stop your protective role, and I know my role didn't stop your protective role, so what else could have?).

Also, if the proof going for either of us is "the same" then the town may as well follow me just as soon as they should follow you. Right?

Bitch to someone you've played with before.

Edit: Spoon, I think you miscolored Lux's name in the deceased list.

Should be 11 town, 0 lovers, 4 cipher and 5 rocket left according to this and the first post. Ugly numbers are ugly.

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Also, if the proof going for either of us is "the same" then the town may as well follow me just as soon as they should follow you. Right?

While this thinking is correct, it doesn't match up with your actions.

We have 2 known mafia members in our town: Bizz and Bal. Bizz has an info role, Bal is a thief. And yet, you vote for me on the grounds of "speculation"? Why should I follow you? You're playing Russian Roulette to satisfy your own needs when we have two freshly painted targets that are bound and gagged (pardon me for the metaphor).

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While this thinking is correct, it doesn't match up with your actions.

We have 2 known mafia members in our town: Bizz and Bal. Bizz has an info role, Bal is a thief. And yet, you vote for me on the grounds of "speculation"? Why should I follow you? You're playing Russian Roulette to satisfy your own needs when we have two freshly painted targets that are bound and gagged (pardon me for the metaphor).

So, we have Mr and Mrs Gaggles, then? Good to know.

But, uh, one has to wonder why Obviam's pushing for a different leader.

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To expound on that last statement, Life will probably die tonight, so, why are you so against him being village leader for a day, when all that really needs to be done is pick a lynch? It's like you don't want scum to be lynched, in this instance.

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This is entertaining. Witholding vote for now.

Why? Balcerzak is essentially a confirmed mafia unless there are quirks I'm unaware of. If MLS/ALS were still alive, I'm pretty sure he would do the same.

To expound on that last statement, Life will probably die tonight, so, why are you so against him being village leader for a day, when all that really needs to be done is pick a lynch? It's like you don't want scum to be lynched, in this instance.

There is the chance of him collecting roles and killing off the better ones.

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I think you're reading into what I said too much. I never wanted to be the leader. I can't say I'm comfortable with Life leading but I wouldn't be willing to take his place.

Lynch Bal or Bizz all you want. Just remember what I said concerning Life.

Hell, if you want, just don't send your roles out for now; do we even have anyone capable of leading at the moment? Let whatever cop there might be find people and link them silently like the good old days.

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I'll change my vote later if it becomes an issue. At the moment I fail to see how my one vote will decide who is lynched.

I'm loving your responses though, this is fun.

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