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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"Ignore her." said Esphyr. "And as I understand it, yes. The madder I get, the more likely it is to come out and maul someone. Taking advantage of me while I am drunk is a deathwarrent in my book most of the time. You're alive, so I wasn't mad, and... Uggg... Something like that. I don't know. My head hurts still."

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"All right, then. I got your pack, if there's anything you need outta it, and we should probably get breakfast at some point," Kelas announced as she entered the room, setting the pack at the foot of the bed and crossing the room to open the curtains-- the light might not help Isotov, but it kept some of her own tiredness at bay. "Today's gonna be a fun one, what with everyone else being hungover..."

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That Sober Blind Guy

Iso grunted when she mentioned the hung over portion of the group.

Iso: At a time like this ... you know I'll be absolutely amazed if the demons didn't just happen to show up and kill off and replace someone. And yet we all spread out into a crowd of strangers and some drank their butts off.

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Luc Altair

"So quick to brush me off hm? I have to go that direction for my own matters anyway, so like it or not I will be close," Luc said as Reika walked away. Luc followed her to the changing rooms, seeing Alferis and Esphyr already awake outside them.

"Well, how's the hangover Alferis?" Luc addressed the man before he took a position opposite the woman's dressing room. He couldn't risk Reika slipping out.

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"We knew it was a dumb idea, we told them so, there's not really anything we can do about it besides trying to keep things in order," Kelas replied, followed by a sigh that turned into a yawn. "You want to go get breakfast, or wait for a bit?" She should probably get some tea, she thought; the armchair across the room looked entirely too tempting, and she couldn't afford to be falling asleep already.

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Bath Skipper! ( :o )

Iso: Breakfast sounds nice. Hmm they're probably serving way better than what we're used to in a place like this ...

He moved his hand around searching for the edge of the bed and once he found it, he pulled himself to the edge and let his feet come down to the floor.

Iso: (Baby steps ...)

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"Right then." Once again, Kelas took Isotov's hand and led the way down the hall. Without too much trouble, she found the kitchens. Arrin was sitting at the table with a cup of tea and some toast; he waved as they entered.

Looking for drinks, she was met by a cook who pressed a mug of something that appeared to be tea into her hand. "Drink up," the cook ordered. Cautiously Kelas took a sip, wondering if this was some sort of custom.

"Baugh! What's in this?!" Kelas spluttered. It was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea, and it was incredibly nasty.

"Don't worry about it, it'll get rid of yer hangover right quick," the cook replied.

"I'm not hung over! Didn't drink yesterday!"

"Oh. Well then. I suppose I'll get you some real tea." The cook bustled off and returned with another mug. This one was indeed tea.

Spotting a table laden with food, Kelas went over and picked up a couple of plates, finally sitting down next to Arrin after helping Isotov find a chair. "Feeling any better?" she asked her brother.

"A little. I don't want to know what's in this tea, though."

"Well, keep drinking it, if it helps. There's food on the table right in front of you," she added to Isotov.

edit: word order

Edited by Kiryn
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"You know, that's probably not tea. Tea is not nearly that disgusting." Pary walked up behind Kelas and Iso, before taking a seat and some toast. He had already bathed and been into town, before coming back.

"It's amazing how many people are sick from last night."


Cess and Rita:

Rita woke slowly, the sun flowing in from the large Victorian windows. "Owwww. Too bright." Turning over, she just fell off of the lounge, and knocked Cess off.

"Zzzzzz. Ow! Hey-what's going on? Rita?"

"I think we fell asleep. We're still wearing our ball clothes." Stifling a yawn, they began to walk towards the door.

"That chair was surprisingly comfy though. Anyway, let's go find the others. Over there I think."

Rita went over to Kelas and Iso, taking a seat between them, and laying her head on the tables. Cess got two cups of juice for them.

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"Painful." answered Esphyr. "I have one as well. We woke up in the same room together and..." a sudden look of realization started to come over Esphyr's face as she started to put together the events of the morning. "AND I'M COVERED IN VOMIT! AGH!" she suddenly screamed, dropping Alf to the floor as she started to claw at the dirty shirt, trying to remove it.


Meanwhile, upstairs, Altion had finally managed to exit his room. Stumbling backwards and forwards in a wild zigzag pattern across the hallway, he started to try and make it down to whatever place would be serving breakfast, if he didn't crash through a window first.

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Getting up just before the sun rose, Dani quickly got dressed, and produced a sheet of parchment she had wrote a few days beforehand. Pinning it to the outside of her door, the mage pulled her hood up, and left the castle, unnoticed by the rest of the party.


Meanwhile, the swordsman was up, sharpening his sword. Today was going to be his chance at vengeance, so he didn't want to blow it on some technical issue. The more that he thought about it, the more he was certain it would benefit everyone, if Jace died.

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Duke Von has quickly succumbed to the little bit of alcohol and fallen asleep quite early. He'd slept for a total of twelve hours before finally being woken up by Kamilla. He was lying peacefully in a bed though still wearing his expensive and now wrinkled outfit.

Von: Oh ... oh my. Kamilla, what time is it?

Kamilla: Time for you to get up, I think.

The Duke came up into a sitting position and shook his head repeatedly trying to get over his morning daze and look at Kamilla with clearer vision.

Von: What happened to me last night? That was absolutely dreadful.

Kamilla: Even the punch was alcoholic. That's what the other nobles kept saying after you left. Didn't matter though because nobody cared in the end. Some switched off to the real alcohol, and others forgot the punch was spiked and kept drinking anyway. I think half the ball attendants passed out before it was all over.

Von: Hmm. Sounds like a dreadful way to end a party. Perhaps it is for the best that I retired early. Well then, Kamilla I must thank you for repaying your debt to me.

The girl gasped, her shoulders rising a bit!

Kamilla: Y-you mean I can ...

Von: Yes, you performed splendidly and avoided making me look bad. I will in turn forgive Shamus for his gross violation of my personal space and not press charges against him.

Kamilla: Oh thank you so much, Duke Von!

She quickly bowed her head with a smile and when she came back up she noticed the Duke was staggering to his feet! She quickly gave him a helping hand to keep him steady.

Kamilla: Oh maybe you shouldn't be up yet after all!

Von: No no, dear. I really should. I just need a bit of fresh air. You should depart now if you still wish to return to that church of yours.

Kamilla: Well I ... uh ...

Good Morning

Levski had decided to keep the very expensive overcoat for the time being but discarded everything else. Under the coat he was wearing his greaves for at least some protection though under the cloak of the coat, they were nearly impossible to notice. His sleaves however were rolled up to his elbows so his gauntlets were easily noticeable. He made his way to the entrance of the castle and headed around to the aeries to see a few sleepy looking hostlers playing cards. One peek into the aerie revealed all of the wyverns.

The pink wyvern was unconscious and on her back and outside of the pins. Kiev was completely tied up and hitched from four different directions. Krinkov was snoozing in the corner practically lying on top of the remaining rudoberry. Lev walked over the pink one since she was somewhat blocking further entry and gave Kiev some special attention on his way by the two. What had the little wyvern done to warrant that kind of restraint?

When he reached Krinkov, the wyvern raised his head and sniffed Levski before snorting at him in disapproval. He smelled the black pegasus rider all over him. She was the enemy and unless his master was changing sides, that didn't make much sense. Of course Levski knew exactly what Krinkov was on about.

Lev: Ah it was just a party. Besides, nothing happened (dammit), and even if it did, it would make little difference in the end. She's not my enemy in these.

Krinkov shrugged as only a wyvern could at Lev's explanation. He barely understood the message, but they clearly weren't changing sides, and if his master liked having an enemy female rub herself all over him then so be it. Probably a better female to rub up against then most in their current group. Next Lev held out a barely visible strand of hair. It wasn't from the pegasus rider. It was from another female he hadn't smelled before.

Lev: The person these belongs to ... DOES NOT ... leave the city. Understood?

Krinkov nodded and began walking out of the pin and heading for the entrance. He was going to find this person and keep them put. If that didn't work, he would kidnap them and bring them straight to Lev. The hostlers stood up to block Krinkov from leaving but he snapped at them! He had a mission and if people tried to stop him while he was working it was their funeral. With one quick beat of his wings he took off and flew to the top of the castle to get a look around.

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"Oi! Mind!" Kelas grumbled, yanking her plate of food away as Rita narrowly avoided turning it into a pillow. She ate a little faster, hoping to get out before Rita started attaching herself to people. "Rita, are you even awake?"

Arrin got up; the room was beginning to fill with people, and the noise level still bothered him a bit. "I'm going back for now, I think... come get me if we're leaving or anything," he told Kelas.

"All right. You need anything, I'll probably be here, or else back at the rooms myself."

Arrin nodded and headed back to wash, change into normal traveling clothes, and rest a bit.

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The Bathes (... just deal with it, Luna.)

When Stephanie woke up she quickly rose from the bed, flattened out the sheets and covers, knelt down at the bed's edge and said a quick prayer. Once she was done she stood up and grabbed a robe and a towel. She left the room a moment later heading into the halls.

Not far away Viveka was also heading down the halls with a pillow wrapped around her ears to block out Jasmine's story about Alphonse. Jasmine was carrying both towels herself. When they reached the door to one of the bathrooms Stephanie was already inside. She looked up to see the two of them and quickly recognized Jasmine. Not wanting to single her out though, she gave a generic greeting to both of them.

Stephanie: Oh. Good morning to the both of you.

Viveka took the pillow off of her head and made a simple wave before popping a quick question.

Viveka: How many tubs are in here?

Stephanie: These seem to be mostly individual bathrooms.

Viveka: *sigh* great. Time to find another one I guess.

Stephanie: Oh I'm truly sorry.

Viveka: No worries, it's probably better that way ... ... so I don't have to listen to any stories while I wash up.

She shot Jasmine an annoyed look which caused the other pegasus rider to lean back defensively with a nervous smile on her face. The two waved goodbye as they left and exited into the hallway. Once Stephanie had run herself a bath she sunk into it slowly sighing heavily as the warm water engulfed her. A happy giggled came out and she started fiddling with her hands while thinking about various things. As soon as they shut the door, Ixion made his way passed them.

Jasmine: Oh, uh good morning, Ixion.

Viveka turned her head away and rolled her eyes. Ixion stopped right where he was.

Ixion: Drunken idiocy, shenanigans, and three barely avoided incidents all while the demons remained totally absent. I suppose a quick look at how things could have turned out validates that statement.

Jasmine: ... dude ... it's just a gesture. I had a headache when I woke up and Alphonse was gone.

Viveka: "What a great guy!". Great at ditching you too it seems.

Jasmine: Maybe he had somewhere to be.

Ixion: Should either of you be involved with such people?

Jasmine: Alphonse is a nice guy. I like him.

Viveka: What do you mean "either" of us? Who the hell am I involved with right now?

Ixion: Never mind. Do what you want. I don't really care.

As he began walking again Jasmine span around facing Viv.

Jasmine: I call the next bathroom we find!

Viveka: ... no way! I danced last night! You just sat around eating out of that Alphonse bastard's hand. The next one's mine.

Jasmine: I already called it!

Viveka: Don't make me hurt you.

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Luc Altair

"You all really should learn how to handle your liquor," Luc said slightly amused. Seconds after he uttered those words, Esphyr dropped Alferis and began clawing at the vomit on her shirt that Luc hadn't cared to notice. It was amusing how she was practically livid from vomit yet she was killing people days earlier. Luc walked over and helped Alferis up, sitting on floors--even good ones--when in hangover was never a good idea. Luc spoke to Esphyr. "Calm down, if you claw away like that you'll just make the stuff spread."

Alferis asked why Luc had come. Had he not seen or heard Reika? Or was he asking Esphyr and Luc had misunderstood? Either way, Luc should answer. "Waiting," he said, not giving up more than necessary.

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"Why ya waiting for her? And I drunk 11 or so glasses last night. Tasted like strawberries....I'm surprised I didn't go out on the ball floor..." he said leaning against the wall after getting up.

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Luc Altair

"You're remarkably curious for someone who should be more concerned with trying to keep the noise down. But very well," Luc leaned in closer to whisper his next words. He didn't want Reika to hear them at all so Luc could have the advantage of surprise in the negotiations. Though there was the chance Alferis would blurt things out anyway. "A business deal." Luc drew back away.

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"Business deal? You're awfully dirty for a knight..." he said very quietly. "As her bodyguard, I'd like to know what kind of deal you're making with her....did she do ok at the ball last night?" he said clutching his head.

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Luc Altair

"It's unflattering how lowly you think of me. But perhaps, you haven't had the greatest of comparisons," Luc was appalled that he had suggested something like that. But it was within the acceptable limits. "You're her bodyguard hm? Well, it's something that she would be free to tell you about afterwords, but until then I shall keep it secret. As for her conduct, well, it wasn't the worst of everyone present so there's that." Luc had seen worse in similar events, and Alferis himself wasn't a contender for person of the evening.

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"Hope she did better than I did...what'd she do? Did she fight with someone or be rude to some nobles?" Alferis looked over Luc suspiciously. He was a knight and he was under no obligation to spread word not to spread word about her severing if he heard. Making a deal with Reika was pretty much unheard of in the group, let alone a knight.

What is this man after?

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As the sunlight shone into his eyes, Damian awoke. Sitting upright with a yawn, he looked around. He was the only one in the room, lying in a decent sized bed.

'Good thing I stayed away from the drinks last night, else I'd be one of the poor saps with a blistering hangover...' Damian reminded himself thankfully. A small pulse in his head told him the punch must have been spiked, but that aside, it barely registered anyway.

Seeing his regular clothing was not with him, Damian figured it was likely still being held near the change rooms. Straightening his current clothing out, Damian exited the room, and entered the hallway.

'And there he is. Guess I won't need to look for him.' Damian noted, as Ixion walked down the hallway in his direction.

"Ixion." Damian called out, to get the dark druid's attention.

"I will do it. Teach me to control the Gae-Borg."


As the sunlight shone into her eyes, Aiya awoke.

"Owwwwww..." She whined out, the brightness of the morning sun sending a searing pain into her still recovering mind.

Burying her head under a blanket, she began to complain at herself.

"Nnagh! What an idiot? Why did I have so much alcohol...?" Aiya then remembered the shenanigans of the night before with Irina.

"Well, I guess I must be feeling better than Irina, at least..."

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The Dark Lord of The Sith Ixion

Ixion: (Damian? Huh.)

Ixion stopped and turned to face Damian. The look on his face was exceptionally calm rather than stern. He seemed almost friendly for a change.

Ixion: So you've decided to accept my offer then? Well you aren't the only one. The headmaster was able to decide for herself that she would offer her weakness at least some resistance after our little talk. With that, I've decided to bring both of you should you choose to come back to the fortress in Halton. There I will do my best to help you master the Crimson Lance, and help the aloof one gain an edge over her own condition. With any fortune, I will succeed.

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"The headmaster is going as well? That is likely a good thing, I suppose. Prolonged exposure to her oppressive mana network should help with my resistance to it, even if I don't train with her." Damian replied, seeing that the usually serious man seemed... happy?

"Anyway, I guess we will have to meet up somewhere. When and where do you want me? I'll assume we'll either warp or fly to the base."


"I guess I should get out of bed..." Aiya told herself, bracing for the shining barrage that awaited her sensitive irises when she removed the shielding blanket from atop her.

"Three... two... one..."

The blanket's protective shade was gone.

"Nngh...! Stupid sun... why couldn't it have been cloudy? Okay... I can do this... I just need to get used to the light, and ignore the figurative poleax digging into my skull..."

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