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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"Price for letting him talk? Nnnhhhh....Don't see why. Although I'm low on cash....tell you what. You pay me 10 gold if you want to talk to her and if she doesn't tell me about what happened, you have to tell me afterward."

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Ixion: After my meeting we will likely depart. If Stephanie is not with me when it is time to leave it would be best if one of you gathered her up.


With Rita and Cess sitting at the table, Iso was left a bit startled.

Iso: (Okay ... this can only go badly or strangely. Just stay calm.)

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Rita and Cess:

"Zzzzz. Mr. Nomad! Where are you! I had the worst nightmare that you were a woman! I guess I drank too much." Rita rolled off the table and fell asleep in Iso's lap.

Cess walked back over and began sipping his juice.

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Charlotte woke up with a smile on her face and new resolve. She walked to the common area to find Esphyr pawing at the vomit on her shirt.

"Oh hello Esphyr. Jace is supposedly in his manor today, so you can go talk to him about the whole stealing business. May want to change your shirt, though I don't really care what he thinks."

Morgan woke up and furrowed her brow in frustration. What are we doing again? she thought to herself. What's the plan?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Luc Altair

Before Luc could respond, Esphyr had interrupted and brought to Aleris' attention payment. Luc didn't care for a price--the joys of tax and military money--but paying for it could easily be seen as Luc being overeager to talk to Reika. That wasn't a good idea. "Payment? Do you really think my business so important as for it to require money? Ha, how amusing, really," Luc dug out a small purse and brought out the coins. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't."

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"Oi, isn't she your friend/sister/puppy/whatever?" Kelas asked Cess, irritated that he seemed to just be watching. She grabbed Rita's collar and hauled her upright again, shoving her so she wouldn't fall off the table again. "I think she needs a leash. I'm done eating, you ready to go?" she asked Isotov.

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Iso had actually managed to get some food in his stomach before Rita and Cess had arrived, and with a possible incident about to unfold, he was satisfied with just that. Lunch or dinner couldn't be that far away could it?

Iso: Yeah, I'm ready when you are.

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Rita and Cess:

"Mr. Nomad must not be a *yawn* morning person." Rita rubbed her eyes, before taking the juice from Cess. She took a sip before heading towards the baths. "Time to practice."

"I'm going to go shopping. Meet me in town later. I'll watch you train with Eric or Esphyr or someone."

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Luc Altair

"If you say."

Luc hadn't been the first to respond to Charlotte's arrival, indeed he was the last. It was rude of him, for sure, but he felt it would be better for the others to get their words in first. "I trust last night was enjoyable for you, milady," Luc said.

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"Oh...I didn't really notice you there, so no harm done." Charlotte said to Alferis, shrugging. "Probably did not reflect well on Count Altair though..."

"I had an excellent time Count Altair, thank you." she replied to Luc. "Did your dancing improve any as the night went on?" she asked him.

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Murphy's Regulations

As Rita made her way to the bathrooms, she was passed by a man with a large wooden strut over his shoulder. The man quickly turned around curious about the girl, but he'd forgotten how long the strut was and during his turn it swung right for the back of her head!

Hoping To Share The Good News

Once Duke Von dismissed her, Kamilla headed through the halls heading for the entrance only to come across Ixion and Damian. She slowed down her stroll and leaned up again the wall trying to hide behind wall decor. She wasn't sure if they'd seen her yet. When Ixion turned in her direction, she ducked into a room and shut the door!

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Rita and Cess:

Rita noticed her shoe was untied, so she quickly bent over and tied it. Behind her, Cess was laying on the floor. "Come on silly. Get up. *yawn*"

She lifted him over her shoulders and carried him to their room.

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"I don't even know what we're doing until everyone's up," Kelas remarked as they headed down the hall. "I would head for the practice courts, see if I can hunt down Aiya or Eric or someone, but... she's going to be there, so that's out. You need anything, or you want to head outside, or...?" She stifled a yawn: the tea was waking her up a bit, but it was taking a little while. "We really need to get moving again, but that lot..."

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Murphy's Gags

As Rita and Cess opened the door to their room, they saw two people already inside. Either they'd picked the wrong room, or two drunks had. Either way, they were in their pajamas and not amused!

Man: I say! Get out of here! You can't just barge in here like that!

The woman grabbed random things and began chucking them at the pair!


Iso: I'm fine. I've really got nothing to do until we're on the road again. If we're going to avoid incidents with Rita, we'd best find people she's not typically with. Or just hide out in the room for awhile. *sigh* ... this is ridiculous. Where did Cess meet that girl?

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Rita and Cess:

"Whoops. Wrong room. I forgot we were down a door." Rita walked to the next door and pulled it open. Tossing Cess on the bed, she left him to sleep a little longer. She took her bag and her clothes from last night before folding them up. She took a new tunic, and headed towards the showers, noticing Viveka and Jasmine already soaking. "S'cuse me."

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"Gods know... the local bedlam house, maybe? Ehh, let's go outside, she probably won't be out there for a while... and I should probably check on Amari. That sound all right?" Kelas asked, beginning to feel properly alert again. She hoped that Amari hadn't terrorized the stablehands too much...

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Murphy's Illusions (Context: It'll f*ck your sh*t up)

The two women were not actually Viveka and Jasmine, as they were in two separate bathing rooms. The blonde who slightly resembled Viveka was actually a servant woman preparing a bath for the burgundy haired woman, a nobleman's wife. There was only one tub in the room as well. The woman gasped at the intruders!

Woman: What are you doing?! Didn't you see the sign that said "Occupied"? My goodness, how can you be so reckless?!

Servant Woman: There are other bathes elsewhere. I suggest using one of those.


Iso: Yeah let's go. You've got a horse to take care of so that should be a priority ... and ... anything to be at a safe distance until someone gets through to her. (I wonder what Irina's up to ...)

What Irina's Up To

Irina: Ahhhhhhhhh! It won't stop! My head's gonna explode!

Irina held onto her head while rolling around on the floor in her ball dress! She had the worst headache of her life and didn't know how to cope with the pain.

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"Whoops! Sorry." Rita slowly backed out of the room, before heading deeper into the castle. As she entered the other bath rooms, this time she saw Viveka staring straight at her. "Oh there you two are. I keep getting lost."

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Viveka's Regulations

Seeing Rita barge in and ignoring the occupied sign, Viveka turned to face her from the only tub that was in the room and gave her an annoyed look.

Viveka: You know I thought I left the sign out there. If this isn't urgent, then go find another bathing room.

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"Damned dresses. Why are they so hard to get out of?" Reika muttered to herself having trouble pulling it over her head. She managed to get out of it and wrapped her arms around her body shivering, covering herself. She put on her old clothes, a black sleeveless shirt with a black skit. She headed out of the room, seeing Luc stand opposite to the door conversing with Alf and Charlotte. She shot him a glare and tapped his shoulders, her arm wrapped in her body.

"Ok. Tell me what it is you want," Reika said impatiently, seeing Alferis pocket some gold.

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