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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Amari wants you to stay put? If the animals are acting like this then doesn't that usually mean ... ... oh no ... the demons .... (For crying out loud! There's nothing I can do in a situation like this! Not now, not now, not now!)

Irina: Demons?! Oh for the love of ... please don't say things like that if you're not positive. I can't fight in this dress and I can't find the aeries and get Kiev like this either.

Intercept Course

Krinkov sped through the air putting up as little wind resistance as possible! Meanwhile the pink wyvern was looking for the edge of the city hoping to esscape back into the wild with her precious cargo! That's when she saw him! Coming up on her left flank was Krinkov and she had no way to avoid him without crashing into something else! He wasn't stopping either! He was going to ram her! She couldn't save the rudoberry and herself so she dropped the crate and pulled up hard! The crate itself just happened to fall into a cart of hay and disappear beneath it! As she pulled up, Krinkov followed her! Lev and Kiev were right behind him!

Lev: Krin?! The hell are you doing here?! I told you to make sure that girl doesn't escape! Ah to hell with it, as long as he's got the scent she won't get far anyway. Best to hurry these up!

They reached the pink wyvern at the top of her climb and Krinkov grabbed onto her paws locking the two together! Unable to hold hi weight and pull away, she was forced into a nosedive with him! Normally a hand in hand nosedive was used for mating, but Krinkov wasn't in the mood for mating, he was more interested in knocking the manipulative wyvern out with a high speed crash! She desperately tried to pull away but Krinkov didn't let her go until they were just about to hit the ground and he did it without warning which left her with nothing to do but yelp out just before slamming into the pavement! Krinkov swooped into a slide but barely avoided tumbling across the ground! He caught his footing and walked over to her while waiting for Lev and Kiev to land. He'd have some aggression for them too he thought.

In View of The Castle

A woman wearing a red cloak was walking toward the castle. She was in the middle of the street with a gold lined crimson colored tome under her right arm. The smile on her face seemed a bit mischievous. She hadn't yet come into view of the castle guards.

???: (I hope you're ready for a shocking reunion, Tovy. If not this could be a bit troublesome. Interesting though ...)

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"Yeah, it's got to be," Kelas replied grimly. "And of course we're completely unarmed... they're probably waiting for us to make a break for the doors, so going back in's out. Any ideas?" Mentally she was kicking herself for leaving her bow inside; as a guest in the palace it would get her in trouble, but she'd rather deal with guards while armed than with demons while unarmed any day. "I'm a damned idiot..."

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"Actually, I have one." offered Altion, approaching the pair. "There probably is a pitchfork or two lying about, seeing as this place is used as a stable and they need to move hay about. If you can get me one, at least one of us is armed. Doubly so if you can get me on a horse."

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"If it was humans, I'd already consider myself armed," Kelas sighed, gesturing to Amari for Altion's benefit. "It's a little more than 'something sharp to wave around' though... reckon we should look more into working out where they are, if they don't show themselves soon. ...That might not be too hard," she added, as several of the horses looked up towards the path around the side of the palace, shied, and ran for the far side of the pasture. "If it's that path, we've got room to run, but who knows if that'll help..."

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Morgan decided to walk out of the palace. Won't recover any tomes lying about here. she thought to herself. She decided to walk in the streets outside the palace, hoping she would find something of interest. She scanned the crowd...not any notable persons.

She felt an odd presence...familiar somehow? Her eyes fell upon a blonde haired woman with a mischievous smile. Looking her over more closely, she noticed a crimson colored tome under her right arm.

"Odd decision coming here alone Shanice." morgan said, firing a globe of darkness at the woman.

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OOC: All of these events coincide with each other. Everything is happening at the exact same time.

The Stables

Irina: Kelas, you're not a foooool. You're the only one who can be ... um ... horse smart. Dammiiiiit! My head hurts in places that don't exist!

Iso: So we're going to be defending ourselves with pitch forks? Eh, I guess that's something but ... huh?

Iso felt a slight pulse fire off in the distance. Someone had just launched a magical attack. It wasn't an overpowered one, but the couldn't have been too far away!

Iso: Kelas, someone somewhere nearby just cast an attack spell ...

The Gates

Miranda: (She thinks I'm Shanice and she's trying to gun me down on the spot. That's Morgan. Ugh.)

She quickly side stepped the attack(not so much a side step as moving around in a seven foot dodging radius) and then shot her an annoyed look!

Miranda: Greeeeat. Do I really need to go through you to give Iso his tome back? If so, I think you might have the wrong person, Morgan.

The people nearby scattered at the sight of the attack! Nearby Shamus was watching! His horses were spooked to no end! The women in the distance seemed to be having a showdown, but that's all he could really tell being out of earshot!

Shamus: Well what's this about? A couple of lassies fightin in the streets?

Within The Halls

Kamilla quickly peeked out of the room to see Ixion still facing Damian. If she ran passed them they might catch her, but if she took another hall she might be able to escape and find Shamus! With that she ran back the way she came and took another hall! Ixion felt the same thing Isotov did and turned toward the source.

Ixion: Elder magic. I need to see what's going on out there. Follow along if you wish.

With that, the Dark Druid marched off toward the castle entrance! Kamilla using another hallway ended up cutting through the breakfast hall and made it to the entrance at the same time as Ixion. He looked at her and she at him.

Kamilla: (Is he after me like the others?)

Ixion gave a small "hmph" at her and then proceeded to walk off toward the gates. She gave a heavy sigh and then headed in the same direction as him. She didn't have much choice since Shamus was outside the castle gates.

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Morgan furrowed her brow. "So now the Lord of Azure Flame is giving the tomes back to their wielders? Interesting story...likely a trap just to finish Isotov off." Morgan sent another globe of darkness towards the woman, knowing she would dodge it. Hopefully the others get here soon, not sure why it's taking so long to attack...toying with its prey perhaps.

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"Don't be a--" Kelas began to tell Altion, but paused as Isotov spoke up. "Magic? Oh lovely. Well, it's not here yet, then, someone's stalling it... suppose I could grab my bow and go check it out. At any rate, if we've got a chance to get back inside, we should take it." Tentatively she started towards the nearest doorway.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I'm so screwed. I don't have a lance or armor or anything and I can't think straight.

Iso: Just stay close to us then.

The Rush

Kamilla bolted for the gates and raced passed the guards there! Both of them thought they recognized her as one of the women from last night but had no idea what to do about a woman fleeing the castle rather than trying to get in! They called out to her but she kept running! Ixion wasn't too far behind and the guards turned to face him instead!

Guard: Do you know that girl? What's she running from?

Ixion: Probably Morgan. Unfortunately she's running in the wrong direction. If you'll excuse me, I need to see to something personally.

Guard: Err ... fine. No restrictions on leaving outside an emergency so you're free to pass, shaman.

Her Point of View

As Morgan predicted, she dashed to avoid another attack keeping Proxima firmly in her grasp.

Miranda: Ixion told me you people were paranoid ... but what would be the point in giving you an explanation? You won't believe me and will probably just keep on attacking, eventually I'll get tired of playing nice and knock you on your ass.

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They reached the outside of the building without incident, and Kelas quickly ducked inside. Luckily the door was right near the area where their belongings had been left, so she was able to grab her bow and run back outside to the others. "Right, you lot stay here, I'll go investigate," she instructed, shouldering her bow. "Don't worry, I won't involve myself unless I have to..." She started forward, but stopped: Amari was following at her heels. "<You stay too,>" Kelas sighed. "I'll be right back." Cautiously she set off down the path again.

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"You already found out everything you needed to know while you were impersonating Katie...why would you need Ixion to tell you anything?" Morgan asked, stopping the attacks for the moment. It should have attacked by now...what game is it playing here?

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By The Gates

As Kelas left, Irina held onto Iso both trying to support him and steady herself. All he could do was wait. Irina noticed a girl run out of the gates followed by Ixion(and Damian if Ether had damian follow)! She wasn't going anywhere so she merely commented.

Irina: What's going on? Why's Ixion leaving?

Iso: Ixion? Oh no.

Searching For Druids

Stephanie had been looking everywhere for Ixion and couldn't find him. Once the magical attacks began to get her attention, she paused.

Stephanie: That is the distinct sign of dark magic. Oh Ixion what are you doing this time?!

She stomped off toward the entrance herself, a half eaten apple in one hand, and her bag of essentials in the other.

OOC: Stephanie's bag is shaped like a cylinder. The staffs will fit inside.

Who Is But Isn't

Miranda: Urgh, again with this Shanice thing. This is what I get for dying in the first place I suppose. Look, Morgan, I'm not Shanice, in fact Shanice should be dead. All I know about your little group is what Ixion was dumb enough to tell me.

My Rider! Mine!

As soon as they landed, Lev hopped down from Kiev who was subsequently tail bashed in the skull by Krinkov! The blow cause Kiev so much pain that he lied down on the ground and buried his head under his paws! Lev turned around with a perplexed look on his face. He quickly realized that Krinkov was likely still upset and laughed.

Lev: Relax. We couldn't let her escape.

Krinkov turned to Lev and hissed at him! Lev merely shrugged in response.

Lev: Fine. Be that way.

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Kelas looked around the corner, staying hidden as much as she could.

Morgan was facing off against an unfamiliar woman near the gates. Kelas watched for a moment, wondering if this was the demon or just another target of Morgan's. With a start she realized that the blond woman was holding a red-bound tome... she couldn't tell which from this distance, but one of the tomes was right there. She turned on her heel and sprinted back to where she'd left the others.

"Blond woman fighting against Morgan. Probably a demon. She's got one of the tomes," Kelas reported quickly. "Couldn't tell which, but... I should probably go back there."

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"So, I'm supposed to believe that Shanice is dead and that some fool decided to raise you from the dead?' Morgan said, raising her eyebrow at Miranda. "Sounds rather implausible, but as long as you're not going to attack or flee, I suppose I can wait for Ixion to sort out this mess, provided you're handing the time over." Morgan said, still not putting her weapon away.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: She has one of the crimson tomes?!

Irina: Oh wow. That's weird. Why would the demons come here with one of the tomes?

Kamilla and Shamus

As soon as she spotted him, Kamilla plowed into Shamus wrapping her arms as far as she could around him!

Shamus: What's this, Lass? Ya done with yu'r Dick Voom guy already?

Kamilla: Duke Von, and yes. He said we're free to go. Shamus we have to hurry and escape before Morgan tracks me down.

Shamus: In a minute, Lassy. I wanna see how this ends.

Kamilla: How what ends?

The entertained weapon smith pointed at the two women in the distance and when Kamilla saw them she gasped!

Kamilla: Ahhh! Shamus, we have to go NOW! Please!

Shamus: What kinda trouble are we in this time?


Miranda: Wait for Ixion?! What?! He's alive?!! (How on earth did he survive that attack?!)

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"Yes. Now let me understand this correctly: Ixion raised you from the dead, you attacked him, snd Shanice somehow died in the process? Either you're Shanice and trying to confuse me...it's working quite well actually, or this is one of the oddest situations I've encountered in quite a while." Morgan said, giving Miranda an incredulous look.

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Isotov, Irina, and ...

Iso: I don't know. Did you see anything else going on over there at all? Is Morgan actually fighting with the woman?

Irina looked up trying to get used to the morning light and saw two wyverns heading their way from the distance! A quick gasp, and a moment later she was running in their direction near the gate waving her arms up at them!

Irina: Kiiiiiiev!! Leeeeev!!

Iso: Where the hell is she ... urgh.


Ixion looked to his left and saw Kamilla pleading with a man he could have sworn he'd seen somewhere before. Then he looked off into the distance and saw a crowd clearing. He hadn't seen Morgan and Miranda just yet, and closing in behind him was Stephanie who'd just come out of the castle!

Stephanie: Ixion!!

Ixion: ... urgh.

Stephanie: Why are you casting dark magic spells?!

Ixion: Why don't you come with me ...


Miranda: You can get the full story after you tell me how the hell Ixion survived? No mere human could survive a thunder spell striking their heart directly. Forget the fact that he was buried under a tower of rubble and dead beasts.

OOC: Will make a better post when I'm not pressed for mac issues.

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Behind The Gates

As soon as Krinkov landed, he dropped the pink one from his back and huffed at her. Next he took a quick whiff of the air. The girl he was looking for was ... very close by. She'd run along that path and he ignored everything else in favor of following the scent! Lev hopped down from Kiev with the recovered crate in hand and looked to see Krinkov walking off and Irina running straight at him!

Lev: ... oh sh*t. Irina slow down!

It was too late! Irina slammed into him taking them both to the ground! The crate of rudoberry went flying through the air! Kiev quickly caught the crate in his mouth and sat it down. He would be the hero no matter what it took, and keeping the crate safe was a decent enough start. It seemed he was right in listening to Lev too. Irina was safe now.

Lev: Okay what is it? What did I miss? Give me the long version for comprehension.

Irina: I have a huge headache, the horses are freaking out, and someone's talking to Morgan about a crimson tome!

Lev: ... I said the long version.

Iso: That was the long version, Lev! The short version is "Bad things are happening!"!

Lev: Whatever.

He quickly got up and hauled Irina to her feet. Her dress was very dirty by this point and her stockings had nearly worn to the point of holes showing up.

Lev: I might need to back Morgan up, so point me in the right direction.

Iso: She's somewhere outside the castle. In town or something? I don't know for certain.

Irina: I'm coming with you! You can't leave me here like this!

Lev: Irina, are you nuts? I'm not dragging you into a possible fight like this. Stay with Kiev.

He quickly followed after Krinkov leaving Irina standing there. Kiev came up to her and nudged her hip with his nose. She looked at him and smiled.

Irina: Hi, Kiev. Wait. I'm a wyvern rider! I don't need armor or my lance! I'll have you ram them if I have to! Come on!

She quickly mounted him and took hold of the reins! Kiev wasn't sure if Irina was up for fighting but he was sure he could keep anything bad from happening to her. After all Esphyr wasn't able to kill her thanks to his quick timing. With his mind made up, he followed her commands and they took off! The sounds and voices made things pretty obvious for Isotov.

Iso: ... oh no ... she's going out there isn't she?

In Front of The Gates

The guards watched for a moment while Stephanie chewed Ixion out. That was about all they could do.

Stephanie: Ixion!! Are you trying to start an incident or something?!

Ixion: Not quite, but I may have to slay someone if things go poorly.

Stephanie: Murder?! You speak of murder in front of me?! You've grown quite bold indeed! What makes you think I will allow you to end a life on my watch?!

Ixion: Listen, I don't have time to argue with you ...

Stephanie: I am not arguing, Ixion! I am chastising your reckless behavior! It's bad enough that you would actually kill someone for any reason, but to boast about it is entirely inappropriate obnoxious! You know I don't like to hear about the brutal details of what you do and yet you still persist in-

Ixion: (Perhaps I erred in being completely honest.)

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"Yeah I think she is, and I reckon we probably should too. Looks like Morgan's still talking and that's definitely a Crimson tome so I'm not sure whether this is an enemy or not. Come on, let's go to the gates at least, I can at least watch..." Kelas suggested, starting towards the gates.

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"Let's see, my life or whatever paltry sum you offer me to work for you. How dumb do you think I am? Frankly, I thought you were smarter than this. They found me without me seeking them out before and they did it again. They'll probably find out whether or not I did decide to work with you against them instead, and then, they'll either kill me or they'll do something awful and force me to spy again," she said, incredulous at Luc and her teeth chattering. Her head hurt somewhat, the effects of too much drink from last night.


The Pained Man

Heading towards the gates, Alferis heard a bit of a commotion outside and tapped on a nearby guard's shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on out there? I need to go somewhere and I don't want to get hurt...owww...."

"Sounds like you're pretty hurt yourself big guy. Too much drinking last night?" the guard said. "Anyway, no regulations about allowing you to leave during an emergency. Go on ahead."

"Thanks," Alferis nodded, clutching his head. Heading outwards, he saw the blond shaman from before and the healer with him. He crept by, hoping they wouldn't notice him, not seeing Miranda and Morgan and not caring. He saw Kamilla pleading with a large man for a ride somewhere and crept away from there as well, wondering about her, but not caring at all to find out what she was up to. She seemed afraid of hm last night. Gritting his teeth, he headed to the market area, wondering where the blacksmith was.

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Iso: If you're sure I won't be too much of a burden, alright.

The Gates

Krinkov walked right passed Ixion, Stephanie, and the guards and made a left turn heading down along the outer walls. Ixion and Stephanie stopped arguing long enough to watch him head off sniffing around. That's when Lev showed up right behind them getting their attention through the clanking of his greaves!

Lev: Ixion? Stephanie?

Stephanie: Lev >_>

Ixion: Levski >_>

Lev: ... whatever, I need to find Morgan while Krinkov does his thing!

Stephanie: What thing?!

Lev: No time!

Ixion: So Morgan launched that attack? I knew it. She's here.

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Rita and Cess:

Downtrodden, Rita closed the door, her depression obvious on her face. She walked down the hall, quickly bathed and changed, and headed outside. Walking past her door, she saw Cess, fully dressed and holding his head. "Something wrong?"

"No...just a headache. And I didn't drink last night. Eh."

The two of them walked outside, past the others standing there. Rita noticed some woman in a red cloak. "I really like that cloak. See if they have one in a shop around here. I'll try and find you for lunch or something."

Rita split off down an alley, towards a large open field. She unsheathed her sword, and starting thinking about what to do.



Having followed the nomad and fire mage out here, he stared at the scene. "Um.....I'll go see if Lev could use a hand." I though she was dead.

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