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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"I doubt Jace himself would come after us, he probably has more important things to do than hunt down our group. Anyway, if you all want to join Jace I suppose I cannot stop you, he has far more gold to offer than I. Just remember that the Goddess judges those based on whether what they did what was right, not how full their coffers were at the end of their lives." Charlotte replied to Esphyr.

While going outside of the palace, Morgan ran into Luc and an unconscious Alferis. "What's going on here?" she asked him. "Who did this?"

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"You'll find someone else to teach you," Kelas instructed Altion reflexively before realizing exactly what he'd said. She whirled to face him and took a deep breath. "Altion. I am leaving because my brother is dying. If I don't go get his tome back-- and this group's not going to help with that, they can hardly walk in a straight line for five minutes-- he. Will. Die. I am not going to let my brother die for horse races, I am not going to let my brother die for archery contests, I am not going to let my brother die for your horse, and I am not going to let my brother die for someone I've known for scant days. I am not going to let my brother die for you. UNDERSTAND?" she snapped.

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Into the Shadows

Approaching what seemed to be a market, the man began to see outlines of other people, along with masses of light inside the outlines. These auras were usually blue, green, or yellow, but he didn't notice them as much. Instead, the amnesiac was bombard with what seemed to be thoughts. Focusing on a single individual, for example, he could sense what their mood was, and what they were thinking. It was rather disconcerting, but, perhaps unfortunately, this discovery was cut short, as outlines seemed to be slammed by dark purple and black energy, and the auras faded out, leaving only the motionless forms. Turning vaguely in the direction of where the dark energy was, the man could hear an see a druid hurling orbs at people, while others ran for their lives. Disturbed by this, and by the man's dark aura, he found the handle of the sword, and drew it with his left hand. The grip of the blade felt comfortable in his hands, as if it was made for him.

"... Who are you, and why are you attacking these people?" the man asked, approaching the Dark Druid with difficulty.


"... You would think he'd have done it by now, if he is such a threat to us," Eric pointed out. "But, it would be nice if you kept those thoughts to yourself. I don't like thinking about death. The Lady knows how many times I've been on the verge of it. But, regardless, I guess we'll leave."

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Luc Altair

"Some druid who painted his face white," Luc answered. "I have no idea where he is now, but the screaming and feeling suggest he's gone to ground within the city."

The Fargo

Fargo meanwhile was hopelessly lost within the halls of the palace. He wasn't used to buildings as large as these. So when he stumbled upon the majority of the group he supposed he was a part of, he shut his mouth and didn't say a word.


"I could really use an apple."

One Man, One Leg, One Mission

Burgosas was a beautiful city, but old veteran Cal had no time to admire the scenes. He had an old man to browbeat!

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"Are you Heinz? If you are Heinz, I'm going to take you with me. None of these people are Heinz. So I disposed of them, being no use after all. And now, I'm going to make them smile," he said, kneeling down next to a dead man with a knife by his side. Pulling the knife out, he carved a smile onto the man's face.

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Heights and Power Surges

Kamilal clung to Shamus while Lev pondered what to do. Ixion winced and so did Stephanie at the continuous barrage of mana bursting out from the city! Ixion quickly stood up and looked over the edge of the guard wall.

Ixion: ... Morgan wouldn't be launching that many attacks. The other shaman is far too weak to unleash that much power, and the new shaman is never around.

Stephanie: That power. It's a druid isn't it?

Ixion: Possibly stronger. Those are pot shots. Grrrr.

Ixion clutched his fists at the distant display.

Ixion: This ... has to stop. Immediately.

Stephanie: What are you going to do?

Ixion: Isotov's friends will get involved in this in minutes or less. The last thing we need is yet another incident. This practitioner will be stopped now or slain. I don't care which. Come.

Ixion quickly jumped up onto the guard wall standing over the edge! Stephanie gasped! Lev, Shamus, and Kamilla looked on in shock!

Lev: The hell are you doin?!

Shamus: Don't jump, ya fool! That's Levski's job!

Lev: (Shut the hell up.) >_>

Stephanie: Ixion! This is no time to show off!

Ixion: I won't have you waste energy warping us around, now come on. I'm taking you with me.

Stephanie: ... ... ... oh goodness. I'm afraid of heights, Ixion ....

He quickly knelt down and hauled her up before throwing himself over the edge along with her as well! She only had time to scream as the plummeted!

Lev: Whoa!

Shamus: Holy mother of breast milk! They jumped!

Their drop ended quite suddenly as Ixion released a powerful blast of dark energy directly into the ground! The blast flattened out and shot upwards repelling them just a few meters off the ground, slowing their decent significantly! The landed roughly, and Ixion helped Stephanie up before walking off toward the source of the chaotic energy! Stephanie wobbled a bit and then yelled at the reckless man!

Stephanie: Ixion!! Don't ever do that again, do you hear me?!! That was completely unnecessary! Ixion!! W-wait for me! I am not finished scolding you! Wait!

She hurried after him leaving those up in the tower still stunned by what had happened!

The Colonel's Search

Having searched nearly the entire castle and still being unable to locate Ixion, Daneka resigned to heading outside the castle itself to at least see her pegasus. She came upon the group by the castle entrance and slowed to a stop.

Daneka: Well well. What have we here?

Alphonse leaned into Daneka and whispered into her ear.

Alphonse: I kept a close eye on things during the ball and some in this group may know of Ixion, Madame Colonel.

Daneka: Zat so? Well then I suppose I will ask. Have any of you people see Monsieur Ixion zis morning?

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"So now helping you out is automatically good and gives rewards in the afterlife?" asked Esphyr, her eyebrow raised. "Listen priss. I don't muck about with what is right and wrong. I just do the best I can in this life and pray the Goddess will sort it out right. I have faith in her for that. I don't know how important it is to stop the Lord of Flame, or if it will boot me into her gardens for doing so. What I do know is that you are the princess of a dead nation and he is a demon strong enough to challenge the Goddess herself. Jace is a warrior with great influence. Technically, he doesn't even have to leave his manor to screw us over. It's nice and all that you think helping bring back your nation is the right thing, but as far as I'm concerned, I was hired for a job and I do that job. That job is defeat the Lord of Azure Flame, and I do it better when I don't have Jace stampeding behind me. Now if Damian says to stand by you, I will. If he says to stand against you, I will. Otherwise, end of discussion. Understand?"


"Wait. What?" exclaimed Altion defensively. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know you had a brother or that he was dying by some means! I thought... Never mind. That's not important. I'm sorry Kelas. I didn't know. I wish I could help, but I know that what I can do for you is little indeed. I can spare some coin, but unless I were to accompany you, that is all I can do. I don't know how to cure your brother and I would slow you down and unless we ended up in a fight, I would be useless. I know that. I'm sorry Kelas." he said, fishing out what little coin he had on him. Taking it, he offered it to Kelas. "Here. I have more money, but if your brother is dying, I don't have time to fetch it. Take it, and may the Goddess ride with you."

It hurt to say such a thing. It hurt Altion a lot. As he offered her the coin, a stabbing feeling, like this would be the last time he saw Kelas, dug into his heart. Yet he knew what he was doing was still the right thing to do, and the life of her brother was more important than any petty desires of his own.

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"I suppose I cannot fault you for having no sense of right and wrong, no more can be expected of a mercenary. May the Goddess have mercy on your soul." Charlotte said icily to Esphyr.

"I think you are right Sir Eric, let's gather Derek and Dani and we should leave them. And I want to say my goodbyes." Charlotte said. She went into the hallways and heard Kelas yelling. I'll just wait for her to stop I think...

Morgan's attention focused towards the town square. "If you want to meet Ixion, you can follow us I suppose." she said to Daneka. "Both of the druids seem to be together. Personally I will be staying out of their way for now."

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Luc Altair

Her again. Luc didn't have time to be dealing with her now. Dammit, when would he have his time? No, that was too reckless. He had to be patient, calm, and plan for what he would do. "If that man let's you stay out of his way," Luc warned Morgan. "In case this demonstration didn't make that obvious."

The Fargo

What? Had he heard that right? Weren't they all supposed to be like, fighting against Jace? Oh jeez, this wasn't really his place. But still, "Aw jeez, you all seem so dumb!" he shouted at Esphyr and others before running off after Charlotte.

"Hey!" he shouted at Charlotte. "Not like this is really my business," well it does decide whichever suicidal operation I'm a part of, Fargo thought, "but you should really say something to the Captain before you leave." And he'd flay me alive if he didn't know.

One Man, One Leg, One Mission

Screams echoed in Cal's ears. The old feelings came flooding back. Johny? Where was Johnny? Oh dear Goddess those bastards had gotten Johnny! But where was Silvester? There! He could still help him! Cal charged off in the direction of the screams, completely unaware of his own delusions.

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"If you can, go ahead if you want," said Njordjenka. "Sit Geraro is a nutcase, but an extremely dangerous nutcase, being a powerful Dark Druid and all.

Geraro is my master. And I've done nothing to this man here. My orders are to guard him and monitor his actions when he wakes up. He was knocked unconscious by my master's aura. Fair warning if you will."

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"I have a sense of right and wrong. It's why I don't take certain jobs. I also have a family to feed and a curse to deal with. Tell you what? Why don't you take a weapon that can potentially kill everyone about you in a fit of rage inside of your soul and then see how idealistic you are? I'd rather have a dagger hanging by a thread over my head then have this... thing... inside me. All you care about is what it takes to restore your nation. I notice that you have no problem condemning the group to being potentially hunted by one of the most powerful men in the world if it helps you restore your nation. May the goddess have mercy on such a selfish soul."

"Girls! Girls!" shouted the Headmaster, stepping between the two. "Stop your bickering this instant! It won't get us anywhere! I don't care who is right and who is wrong in this case. It is neither of your decisions to make. If it is anyones, it's Morgan's."

"Great. I'll get ready to be chased then." said Esphyr, rolling her eyes and turning her back to both.


"Kelas. Please. I know you like to go and do things alone. I would think that part of the proud and free lifestyle of your kind. This is your brothers life though. Please. Take it. Even if it doesn't help, it serves to show that I, at least, am willing to do what I can to help."

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"So to feed your family you would support a man who has shattered countless lives? Claiming to have morals must be your idea of a sick joke. Jace is only one man, he would have no power if everyone would stand up for what is right. But it's weak-willed people like you who enable him to commit atrocities, and by joining him you are just as at fault as he is. Let the blood of children stain your hands. You can blame Jace, or Damian or your sword, or whatever, but in the end it was you who failed to care about what was right and it is you who will face the consequences. Everyone is resposible for their actions, mercenary or no, and to support a man like Jace makes you one of the most sickening people on the face of the earth."

Charlotte stormed off down the hallway and ran straight into Kelas. "Oh, I'm sorry.." she said, rather disoriented.

"Perhaps if he is so dangerous it would be better to remain here." Morgan said. "Though I would like to speak with Ixion before he leaves the city..."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"This isn't about pride! Your money won't help. It's as simple as that. I accept your sentiment, but I can't take your money. I can't take your traveling cash just because you'd like to help. I can't put myself into debt--" Kelas was saying, when Charlotte interrupted her by accidentally half-tackling her. "Er, s'all right, just mind next time," she mumbled, equally disoriented, as she regained her balance. "Look, I've got to go..."

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"Perhaps," Njordjenka said coldly. "Who is this Ixion fellow? If he meets with Geraro, it will not end well. Geraro is a maniac and he won't hesitate to destroy the city if he gets into a rage. Keeping your distance would be wise.

Do you know this Heinz fellow?" Excellent chance to learn more about him if I can. If I play my cards right, Liane should reward me handsomely.

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"I've got to go...I'm so sorry that it had to come to this Kelas. I guess...it was too much to hope for that people outside of Jerdon would choose to do what was right, instead of lining their pockets. I...don't want to have to fight any of you, so I hope it doesn't come to that." Charlotte's eyes glistened as she gave the nomad a quick hug.

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Luc Altair

"Good idea. Or at the very least, wait until he and Ixion settle their match and we swoop down upon the winner." Luc looked at Alferis. Luc wasn't in a position to ably move the man, and just judging from his stature Luc doubted he could move him if he hadn't taken the brunt of a druid attack, but he had to get the man cared for someone.

The assistant--no, at this point it was a servant really--poke up. It was obviously trying to get information, but just asking so blatantly like that was remarkably idiotic. "Really, such childish games as claiming he could destroy the whole city won't work. Even discounting the obviously inept guards, there's also Jace to worry about as well as any actual military redirected to this squabble."

The Fargo

"Huh? What was that? Oh well..." Fargo ran? Was he running? Or was he walking? Well, he was going somewhere. Where was he going to? Yes, he had to find someone. Someone important.

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"True, but when he gets in rage, he gets stronger. Jace the Brute will be quite dangerous, but Geraro's very cunning. He knows what he's doing. Although I wish I was stronger to stop him. Killing sprees are bad for the magic business.

Anyway if you know this Heinz fellow, it would be best for all of you to deliver him to Geraro before you and more people die needlessly."


Magic Hulk

"WHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! What fun! What fun! Don't you agree?" said Geraro, clutching the face of a woman's corpse, one with a carved on smile. Geraro pressed his lips against hers and let the body fall.

"So sorry. The dead aren't really my thing, but I'm glad to see everyone so happy! Ah, the goddess should be pleased with my work."

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Luc Altair

"Running around in a murder spree isn't very cunning," Luc said. Or was it? It's certainly not something that anyone would expect of a cunning mind--barring some circumstances of course. Maybe the man was smarter than he appeared. But no, none of it mattered for now. The man was running around killing people and Luc had no ability to stop it. So now he was relying entirely on Ixion to do so. No, that wasn't a wise choice either, if anything things might become worse. And relying on the guard was futile at this point.

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"Err, of course not. Well, unless I would be getting it to give back to him. Anyway, from what Esphyr was saying it seems like you all have decided to work for Jace. I thought this might happen eventually, but I had hoped the group would stand steadfast against him...too much to hope for I suppose, given the makeup of this group. No honor among thieves...or mercenaries apparently." Charlotte said to Kelas.

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The Colonel and The Bodyguard

Daneka: Heh. Alright zen. Come, Alphonse. We have a Druid to catch.

Alphonse: Yes, Madame Colonel.

The Approach

Ixion and Stephanie walked down the street together as soldiers rushed to quell the chaos. One of the soldiers accosted them!

Soldier: Hey! You're going the wrong way! There's a disturbance in the area! It's not safe for common folk!

Ixion: I'm here to quell the disturbance or kill it. Follow me if you wish, but if you value your lives, you'll stay out of this.

Soldier: Wh- ... huh?

Meanwhile up on the tower, Lev finally got an idea and snapped his fingers in excitement!

Lev: Right! Enough sitting around up here! Krinkov! Get'em!

Krinkov snarled at Shamus and quickly tackled the man to the ground! Kamilla screamed as Shamus desperately punched the wyvern trying to get free! It was no use though! He was pinned!

Shamus: Urgh! Run, Lass! Run!!

Levski quickly grabbed Kamilla and held her up as he jumped up to the edge of the stone wall overlooking the city!

Kamilla: Eeeeeek!! Let me go! Please?! Eeeeeeeeeeeek!

Lev: Damn I love my job!

He gave a quick parting gesture to Shamus before he leaped over the edge with Kamilla in his arms!

Lev: Yeeeeeeehaaaaaah!!


Krinkov released Shamus and leaped over the edge as well diving to catch them both! With Kamilla along for the ride, Levski rode off high over the city cheering and laughing!

Lev: See ya later, Shamus! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaah!!

Shamus: Get back here, you goddess damned Zaftran coward!! You spineless little fruit cup!! You conniving perfume sucking son of a bitch!! You poontang sn-

The raving continued on ...

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"Uweeheeeheee...Eh? Dark aura...quite powerful..." Geraro muttered, his smile falling a little. Heading towards the direction of Ixion's aura, Geraro skipped along and whistled a small tune, waving at Ixion and Stephanie when he came into eye contact with him.

"Hmmm...you're the first I've seen in a long time with such a strong aura! I'm Geraro, I'm an agent of the goddess. I make people smile, like she wants, even if I have to make people scream, cry, bleed, or die to do so. Look at my work! Won't she be pleased?"

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Luc Altair

Even she was planning on going. Damn it all. But no, he couldn't let that get in the way. He had to stay back and wait. He couldn't afford to charge in recklessly. Yes, this was better, she could distract the druid if she went down there. Luc would follow them, and then he could do something.

The Fargo

"Oh right! I was supposed to..." Fargo trailed off. "Dammit!"

One Man, One Leg, One Mission

Some of the soldier boys had tried to stop old Cal but he was too wild for their grabbing hands! He slipped past each of them and continued on! Silvester was waiting for him!

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Darkness Abounds

The soldiers had surrounded the entire area and cut off escape routes hoping to trap the insane druid! There were at least forty men standing by unsure of what Ixion would do. Ixion himself stopped on the spot and stood his ground with Stephanie nervously standing behind him. Geraro's explanation seemed twisted and Stephanie immediately fired back from the safety of Ixion's back!

Stephanie: Work of the Goddess?! Are you a madman?!

Soldier: Yeah ... or we wouldn't be here >_>

Stephanie: How dare you claim to be doing the work of the Goddess! Murder is the work of the Lord of Hellfire! You cannot possibly get by with such an insidious remark!

Ixion: Making people smile? Hmph. Try letting them live. In my experience that tends to work wonders.

What Ever Happened To Nyx?

Daneka paid the stables a quick visit and saw Nyx sulking in her stall. When she saw Daneka and Alphonse her head shot up! Finally! Her master was here ... hopefully with pocky. Daneka indeed fed her beloved pegasus a stick of grape flavored pocky and then led the dark horse out of the stables. She wasn't planning to search for Ixion by air necessarily, but having her pegasus always proved to come in handy.

Alphonse: Where should we begin our search, Madame Colonel?

Daneka: Around ze immediate area I suppose. He likely didn't wander too far.

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