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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"Was that...when you got your weapon? And mage knights? Huh. Never heard of them. I guess it's some secret TISME thing. Anyway so that's how you're so familiar with the Headmaster. Anyway did you go on a rampage like what happened with Damian a couple of times?" Alferis asked very gently, bringing her head to his chest.

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"Yes." she said, whispering gently into his chest. "The first time it happened, we were play-fighting in class for sparring. I... I wounded the boy badly. Almost killed him. For the next month, I didn't know why class was canceled, or where all my friends were going. Then, just when it started up again, my roommate stole my dolly when we were playing. All I remember next was the Headmaster trying to hug me and whisper it wasn't my fault as blood pooled about my feet. I killed my roommate over a doll!" she hissed before she buried her head fully into his chest, letting it rest there as soft sobs poured out.

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"It was an accident," he said soothingly. gently patting her head and wiping the tears away. "It's ok Esphyr. You were only a little girl. You didn't know what you were doing. You weren't aware. It's ok...It's ok..." he whispered sadly.

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"Oh, it's old man Cal," one of the soldiers said, recognizing the veteran. "How's home... Anna-Seline died? And HE did the deed?!" Face contorting with rage, the soldier slammed Pary against a wall, with the tip of his spear on his throat.

"Whoa, Rob, relax," the other two said, fighting to restrain him.

"Let me go! He's a dead man!" the soldier replied, struggling to keep his weapon on the priest. "Anna-Seline was my cousin, you dastard!"

Pain, without love and the Cavalier

Eric merely flinched as Rita drove her foot into his boot, but went back to listening to the conversation.

Derek, on the other hand, was heading out to the courtyard when Rita passed him, missing him for some reason. Sighing, he continued on, attempting to make it to the rest of the group before she turned around.

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"Thats what she said too..." said Esphyr, prying her head away from his chest. "That it was an accident, not my fault, I didn't know... Do you know what that's like? It's something I can't control! I could go on another rampage like that and I don't even know. I took up the sword so that, when I do, I at least don't risk killing myself."

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"At least you didn't do it on purpose Esphyr. I did kill people. I remember once when I went on a raid when I was a kid, I came across a merchant who was fleeing for his life. And I chased after him and I killed him. I can still remember how I smashed his head in wildly with the axe I had. And I took his money. And I felt so rotten afterward. I wanted to die after that. And when I was still young, when I ran away to the town, I beat people up and took their money. I didn't have any skills and I couldn't find anyone to apprentice me you see? I had nothing else to do. But sometimes I went overboard and killed others. And it was years before I was able to get over it somewhat. I still feel horrible about what I did," Alferis explained, letting her go.

"It's too late for me, but you're still somewhat clean. You killed innocents, but it was the sword that controlled you. I chose to kill a couple of those people. Which one is worse? I'm not telling you to get over it, but don't beat yourself up over it so much."

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RIta turned around, seeing a flash of green in her eyes. "Oh, there you are Derek. Um, can we dual? *sigh* I'm feeling drained, and I need to keep my mind off of things."



"*Sigh* Not this again. I have no idea who you are, who this old man is, and I've never even met an Anna-Seline. We met a Captain Luc and he led us through a canyon. Some rocks fell, and his squad died. If you insist I can control nature, I'd like a little shower right now. It's a bit hot out. Now, please unhand me before I report you to your captain for abusing the civilians. Or what about Captain Alex or Prince Tristan?"

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One Man, One Leg, One Mission

"Anna-Seline was part of his squad! You had her staff! You killed her! Crush kill destroy! Oh no, they got everyone, I'm all alone again ahhhh!" Cal gripped his head at his war flashbacks. Oh, poor Lucky Jimmy. He wasn't so lucky that day.

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"I became a mercenary Alf. Good, evil, innocent, I tried to pick the jobs I knew weren't wrong, but I didn't know in the end. Besides, if it was the sword, I can't stop it... I don't know what to do Alf. It's not that easy."

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"You did the best you can. You tried your best to stay clean. And that's what counts in the end. Anyway, we'll search for a way. I promise you. I'll find a way to get rid of the weapon safely. For now, just go with your gut. And Esphyr, if Damian or Morgan asked you to kill innocents or if Damian asked you to kill me, would you do it?"

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"My god! For the last time! I found those staffs! And it was an act of the goddess! You should be happy she took her, and not the Lord!" Pary broke the soldiers grip, walking towards the others. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find people with sanity. So just Morgan."

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"It's no big deal. You'll be ok Esphyr. You made it this far, I'm sure you can manage without Damian for at least a little while. Though I don't trust that Dark Druid creep.

Esphyr I love you like a sister, so you can come to me if you want to or need to. If releasing your trauma makes you feel better, feel free. I'll listen and I'll try to make you feel better."

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"Thanks Alf. That... That means a lot to me. I... I don't love you like a brother, but I don't know how to love someone like that. I wish I could. I'm sure... I'm sure I probably would love you like that."

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"You don't have to now. I'm sure you could, but there's nothing stopping you from feeling that way about anyone. I dunno. You're one of the closest things to family I've got. The rest here....big, ugly, dysfunctional family" he said giving her a quick hug. "I just want to let you know is all. Anyway I wonder what we're doing now."

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"Actually, if we're going to do this right away, I'd rather have Arrin stay with the larger group where he'll be more heavily defended," Kelas told Morgan. "If you can actually get people to act, then I don't need to leave. Of course, I'm still not convinced, and if this takes more than a few days I'll have to take Arrin and go. Anyway, suppose I'll go find Isotov and Arrin and tell them what's going on..." She turned and headed down the hall. Well, Arrin didn't have to say goodbye to Tessa after all...

Turning into another hallway, she spotted Isotov and Irina. "Oi, change in plan," she called, heading over.

ooc: added second paragraph

Edited by Kiryn
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"I guess you're right. Hmm....I don't have a job for you. Maybe you could get work from....Morgan..." he said, spitting out Morgan like it was a rotten fish. "Speaking of Morgan, I have some choice words for her regarding her mindwiping later. Anyway, what are we gonna do now? Maybe later we can go drinking if we have time. Or at the next town."

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The Hallway ... Aaaagain

Iso: Hm?

Iso looked up and Irina looked passed him by leaning forward as far as she could without losing her balance. Kelas was heading over to them.

Iso: Are they going to help or not? (Not that it changes what I'm doing when this is over. Either way I need to find Miranda and talk to her alone before we leave the city. Not sure where to look though ...)

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"I am many things Alf. Stupid is one of them I try not to be. Going drinking after an emotional outpouring is a bad idea. I'm not sure it didn't happen already considering how we woke up, but I would rather not repeat it. Though... I suppose so long as one of us stays sober, it's fine. And I will not work for Morgan. Plain and simple. She... She's weird and I don't want weird orders."

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"Good point. I didn't mean today. You know how slowly everyone moves. We could leave by next month. And by then we can drink some of it. Let's drink at the next town. Is there anything else you like doing we can possibly do?

Anyway, I don't see why people are so loyal to that psychopathic, loathsome, cold bitch," he spat. "Mindwipes? What the hell?"

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"Yeah. Apparently Morgan managed to get Stephanie on board, and supposedly the rest of the group too. There's a small group going ahead as bait-- I'm in that, not sure who else yet-- and then when we engage the demons, Stephanie'll warp the others in." Kelas sighed. "Not sure I believe anyone can get the group moving properly, it's like herding cats, but with Stephanie maybe there'll at least be enough backup for this to work."

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