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Let's Play Final Fantasy VII

Acacia Sgt

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Chapter 7: MGS - Shinra Edition

Sadly, no one brought some cardboard boxes, oh well...


Omnious, and this is suppose to be an electric company... :mellow:

Anyway, now that we're here, the're two ways to enter:


Bust in involves entering through the front door and fight and kill security and use the elevator, while sneaking in involves climbing the stairs to the side of the entrance avoiding battles. Keep in mind both paths lead to the 59th floor... yeah, no way I'm taking the stairs... <_<

If you decide to anyway, there is an Elixir halfway through, and amusing dialogue of the party complaining and complaining, but it's not worth it for me.

So, after going through the front gate like the brave party they are, they scare the employees while fighting some guards. To the back of the floor is the elevators, but make a quick search in the bulletin board to the right...


Yeah, here's the next of those fliers. This one is the only one that becomes unavailable after some point, so better check it now. You still have another chance later on in the game, but you can already claim the reward before that point if otherwise anyway.

Well, now in the elevator, at floor 6 the alarms go off and now it'll randomly stop at various floors with a battle. However, if it stops at certain floors it may be just an encounter with a Shinra employee who'll quickly just run away (as in, no battle).

Now at the 59th floor, there are some Shinra guards here. After the fight,


Every floor starting from the 60th needs these Keycards for access and usage of the special elevators. With Keycard 60, it's just the 60th floor. Anyway, going up the other elevator...


How much you guys bet that he'll get fired after this for sleeping on the job...? lol

Now in the 60th floor, time for some sneaking around.


Just like the image shows. If you get caught, a battle will follow and have to start all over again. Now in the 61th floor, talking to a guy around here:


And answering as such, gives you Keycard 62. Next!

Floor 62 has a library and Domino, the Mayor of Midgar. Well, more like a figurehead as Shinra is who actually runs everything, the Mayor's actual job would be that of librarian.


Of course, his dislike of Shinra is reason enough to help us despite knowing we're AVALANCHE.

With a puzzle. Each room of the library has a different topic, but contains one book that don't match. Each title has a number. So, with the misplaced books, according to the number it's the position of a letter of the password (spaces don't count). It's randomly generated, so I can't help you here.

Guessing correctly gives you Keycard 65 and depending on the number of tries you algo get another prize. If it's in the first try, you get an Elemental Materia. If linked to another Materia, it's elemental properties transfer to the weapon or armor depending where it was linked. Allowing for elemental attacks and half protection respectively.

Now the 63th floor is optional, but has another puzzle. You can only open three doors here, and there are three coupons lying around to exchange for items. To get all of them, go around the right side of the room, open the upper door, then the second one going down, into the room for Coupon A. Then climb the ventilation shaft to the room with Coupon B. Then out and open the door of the left for Coupon C. Then backtrack through the ventilation shaft to the entrance.

The coupons get changed with an All Materia, Four Slots armor, and a Star Pendant accesory. Four Slots has, well, four Materia slots, but are unlinked, and has weaker Defense. It has higher MDefense,but, you know, it's useless here.

Floor 64 is a recreational and fitness area. A vending machine here sells special drinks. Trying to buy one will get you nothing, as the machines gets stuck, and trying to bang it up will get you stopped by the employee here. But do so anyway, since like with the kid with 5 gil back at the slums, this gets you another thing later.

Most of the lockers here are locked, but some can be looted of items.


Hm, it can't be aquired... yet. ;)

Floor 65 brings a return of random encounters, but the rate is low. And there is another puzzle here. A model of Midgar with pieces missing, placed in chests. The chests have to opened and the pieces places in an specific order. For the model it's counterclockwise starting bottom right. For the chests, it's the lower of upper left then lower left room. Then the upper chests. Then the one in the upper right. This gets you Keycard 66.

Floor 66 has the meeting room. And there is one with the Shinra Executives right now. So let's sneak in on them, eh? Well, there is a bathroom nearby, with another access to the ventilation shafts. Cue overhearing...

They mostly talk about the Sector 7 incident. Reeve goes on about the damage and repair costs, but President Shinra says there are not rebuilding. Talk goes on about a Neo-Midgar plan, a Promised Land, and about the Ancient leading them there (hm...).

Just then, someone else enters.


Meet Proffesor Hojo... I hate him, but won't say more right now... anyway, Hojo is asked about Integrity, and Hojo says research would take 120 years before results. Not very encouraging. But Hojo plans to... breed her... to produce an... specimen... that would last longer.

(If you're not starting to think this is reaching the Wall Market levels of wierdness, just you wait... :blink: )

After the meeting is over. Get back down and follow Hojo to the 67th floor.

In here, while the encounter rate is low, I'd recommend getting into fights, as there are some useful items to steal. Moth Slashers have Carbon Bangles, a better armor; while the SOLDIER 3rd Class has the Hardedge, finally, a weapon upgrade for Life.

After doing it or not, follow Hojo to the lab area. In here, the party observe Hojo with a creature inside a tube. But Life gets distracted by something else, a headless wierd thing called Jenova (no, no picture of it to show...).

Anyway, once Hojo leaves, time to move out. There is a Poison Materia in a chest. Quite useful as human-type enemies, of which there are quite a few, are weak to the poison element. Anyway, take the lift here to floor 68. Before going on, deequip either Furetchen or Esau, equip the Star Pendant in Life or the other one, and link Poison and Elemental on the one without the Pendant. Then approach Hojo.

Inetegrity is here, in another tube. The party quickly demand Integrity's freedom, but Hojo will have nothing on that. He then orders for the creature below to be brought up here. Asking why he's doing this...


So let me get this straight... he want to... breed Integrity with... OMG!! :wtf:

Furetchen gets tired of this, and starts shooting the tube. Which works, as it opens, and the creature is quick to attack Hojo. But something else is coming up the elevator. Then the creature surprises everone by talking (yeah, I suppose so, it really is quiet shocking first time seeing that).


Choosing someone will remove it from the party for now. Life asks the creature for his name. He says Hojo named him RedXIII, but dislikes it, so says he can call him whatever he likes.


Which happens to be Grandjackal, or GJ for short. Great, so Grandjackal is a furry now... >_>

Wait...Hojo wanted to breed Integrity and Grandjackal.......... excuse me, I think I'm gong for the Brain Bleach now, again...

*Some minutes later*

Okay, after all the chat, boss fight.

Boss 5: H0512 and OPT-samples x3


Another not hard. The samples may be annoying but fall easily. H0512 can revive them but only up to three times due to it's MP. It has another MP consuming attack, Shady Breath, that can poison, so better have that Star Pendant and Poison=Elemental on armor. It resists Lightning and absorbs Poison, so stick to Fire and Ice. Since it's in the back row, physical attacks won't be as usefull, unless Furetchen is in the party. After defeat, the boss drops a Talisman, which increases Spirit by 10. Quite valuable due to the MDefense bug.

Afterwards, the party reunited, time to get out of here. The party splits again to meet up at the 66th floor elevator, but it doesn't matter how you set up the parties for now so do so as you like. There is a guy here that gives you the Keycard 68. Grab that to be able to leave. Before you do, there is an Enemy Skill Materia in the tube. This one allows usage of the Blue Magic in this game, but there is none to aquire here. Anyway, once reaching the elevator...


Too bad, the Turks finally caught us. Now what? Well, until next time to find out...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Chapter 8: Boss Gauntlet

So we got captured, so much for our rescue mission, eh? The party is sent to the President's Office. The President talks about how they will use Integrity to guide them to the Promised Land, a place where supposedly it will bring eternally happiness and is full of life. Furetchen quickly realizes he's talking about Mako, to which the President says they will build Neo-Midgar there and harness all the Mako there. Furetchen's answer accordingly:


Yeah. Unfortunetly, this doesn't do much, and they get thrown in some cells.


Note here. This option affects Esau's relationship value. Top option increases it by 1, bottom one reduces it by 1 as well. But, it can be done as many times as you like before advancing through the plot. This way, you can remove her from the competition or guarantee her victory. Either way, I'm not abusing it (but I will abuse something else ;) ), but it's there for anyone else to do it.


Now this next set affects values as well. You have to choose the three, but depending on the order, it's +3 for the first one choosed, +1 for the second, and no change for the third. Obviously, Grandjackal is not affected, so you can only use him to avoid giving the bonus or no bonus to someone else. Sorry GJ, looks like this LP favors traps over furries. :lol:

Anyway, Furetchen thinks about reforming AVALANCHE, GJ thinks of his grandfather, and Integrity about what her real mother told her about the Ancients (though Cetra would be their actual name) finding their own Promised Land. So, afterwards, Life goes on to take a rest.

When he wakes up, the cell door is open, and the guard outside death... Taking the keys to free the rest, they proceed to figure out what happened. Everyone on the floor is death, and the door to the stairs locked. Creepy...


Really creepy... :ph34r:

We have no choice, we have to follow the blood trail all the way up to the 70th floor.


Of course, this is no Yellow Road of Oz, what else did you expect to find at the end? -_-

Anyway, Life recognizes that sword, it's of Sephiroth's, a former SOLDIER who went rogue. Just then, Shinra Executive Palmer appears from his hiding place. The party interrogates him, and confirms Life's claim, adding that Sephiroth said he'll not allow Shinra get to the Promised Land. Most likely he has his own plans for the place as well. Just then a helicopter arrives, to which Furetchen says it must be Rufus's. Vice-President of Shinra's, as well as his son.


The party is quick to make their names known to the guy. Rufus talks about how as the new President he'll now lead Shinra and the masses through fear instead of worrying that much over money as his father did. Well, of course he wouldn't actually be good, eh? Life tells everyone else to flee, he'll stay behind to stall Rufus. They comply, but halfway through the floor below, Esau says she'll stay as well. You get the option to remove their Materia. Do so. Be sure to equip Integrity and GJ with offensive Materia, then head to the elevator (the stairs' door is locked now), but once you start heading down...

Boss 6: Hundred Gunner


Don't get fooled, even though the building is only 70 floors tall, the battle is not timed. Yeah, no explanation as to why you can descend indefinitely, but anyway, since it's attacking over the other elevator, Integrity and GJ's physical attacks won't hit (though GJ's Limit Break will for some reason). That's why you need them with Materia to attack. It's weak to Lightning, as all machines are. It has a few attacks that damage the whole party, but nothing an Restore=All can't handle. Or Integrity's Healing Wind Limit Break. Anyway, once defeated, don't think you're in the clear, since as soon as it's defeated...

Boss 7: Heli Gunner


This guy arrives. It's basically like the Hundred Gunner except some of it's party attacks can inflict Poison or Sleep. In addition to Lightning, it's also weak to Wind and immune to Earth (kinda obvious there since it's flying), though it changes nothing as these elements are not available yet. Other than the above, the battle is the same as the previous one. You get a Mythril Armlet after this.

Meanwhile, back with Life and Rufus, you can access the menu and remove Materia. Do so, and be sure to equip the Poison Materia, and so...

Boss 8: Rufus and Dark Nation


Epic. Anyway, time to fight Rufus and his... dog I guess. Be sure to take Dark Nation out first, as it can cast Barrier (halves physical damage) and MBarrier (halves magical damage) on Rufus. It's weak enough to be able to one-shot it. Now as for Rufus. Cast Poison. Since he's human, he's weak to it, and you can also poison him as well. Poison=Elemental in the weapon is useful as well. Once defeated, Rufus is quick to hang on the helicopter and escape. But you win a Protect Vest (accesory that increases Vitality by 10) and a Guard Source (permanently increases Vitality by 1 on the character it's used on) anyway.

Now Life regroups with Esau, and they make their way down as well. Meanwhile, the others have made it to the ground floor, but Shinra soldiers have the building surrounded. How to get out now? Just then Esaus arrives saying they have solved that. And how exactly? By using a motorcycle and car found within the building of course.


Badass. So, they quickly jump into the driveway, with Shinra Soldiers in pursuit. Time for a mini-game! But before, you get one more chance to edit your party. Note: this time, you want to place your characters in the inverse row of their usual position. Also, equip Fire=Elemental on a character's armor.

So, for the mini-game. You have to protect everyone as they make their way to Midgar's outer limit.


Notice the HP bars? If even one reaches 0, you'll have to start over. You can move around with the D-Pad, and use [] and O to attack the left and right sides respectively. The Orange riders are no problem, but the Red ones are more dangerous as they will try to separate you from the car. If only Furetchen could help you by shooting at them instead of just sitting there... <_<

Be sure to keep the HP bars as full as possible. Their values are your actual HP values, meaning any damage they suffer, they will loose it, which is not good since once you reach the end of the road...

Boss 9: Motor Ball


It will come from behind so placing the party in inverse rows is escential to do before than to waste turns doing so in-battle. It's weak to Lightning and resists Fire, and has a few Fire-elemental attacks as well, so the Fire resistance is escential as well. After winning, you get a Star Pendant.

Afterwards, the party gazes into the horizon. Life says he plans to find and defeat Sephiroth. Furetchen asks if it'll help the planet to which Life says yes. Everyone agrees to go as well.


Indeed good bye, though for now, as you won't get back here until much, much later. But don't think this means Rufus and Shinra (the company of course, now that the man is death) are now out of the picture. They will still be plot important for quite some time.


With our objective set, we now venture to the World Map for the first time. Until next time then!

This has to be one of my favorite moments of Disk 1. Certainly epic and action-filled all the way.

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Ahhh, so glad to finally enter the fray. I notice you aren't using me though. Start doing so.


I love you guys.

Next time...

Now this next set affects values as well. You have to choose the three, but depending on the order, it's +3 for the first one choosed, +1 for the second, and no change for the third. Obviously, Grandjackal is not affected, so you can only use him to avoid giving the bonus or no bonus to someone else. Sorry GJ, looks like this LP favors traps over furries. :lol:

FF7 has no anthropomorphic characters, so of course it wouldn't. Well...unless you count Cait Sith since it stands upright on two legs, but that wouldn't make it any less weird. Buhh...

Still, imagine if it did allow a romance between Red and Cloud. Would be the funniest damn thing in the series. Cloud and Red return from their date, and they return to the inn where the rest of the cast just gives them funny looks.

Aeris: Wow, Cloud, uhh...I had no idea.

Tifa: All that time away really has changed you, hasn't it?

Barret: Dammit, now it's making me think of $^&%. I mean...how you romance a dog...wolf...thing that talks? What the hell you buy it for a candlelight dinner? Dammit Cloud, why yo' spiky ass gotta be so #&%!ed up!?

That alone would be worth the original price of $50. I payed for entertainment, and dammit I would have got it. Would still be laughing to this day.

Boss 6: Hundred Gunner

Don't get fooled, even though the building is only 70 floors tall, the battle is not timed. Yeah, no explanation as to why you can descend indefinitely, but anyway, since it's attacking over the other elevator, Integrity and GJ's physical attacks won't hit (though GJ's Limit Break will for some reason). That's why you need them with Materia to attack. It's weak to Lightning, as all machines are. It has a few attacks that damage the whole party, but nothing an Restore=All can't handle. Or Integrity's Healing Wind Limit Break. Anyway, once defeated, don't think you're in the clear, since as soon as it's defeated...

Speaking of weak to Lightning, I recall you being able to switch materia between this fight and Rufus. You could have gave Barret the Lightning-Elemental and equipped it to his weapon for this guy. Why cast when you can just shoot the guy, no MP required?

Also, my limit break hits because I'm awesome.

Boss 8: Rufus and Dark Nation


Who died and made you president? Oh right! BAHAHAHAHAAA!!

Boss 9: Motor Ball

It will come from behind so placing the party in inverse rows is escential to do before than to waste turns doing so in-battle. It's weak to Lightning and resists Fire, and has a few Fire-elemental attacks as well, so the Fire resistance is escential as well. After winning, you get a Star Pendant.

It's hardly essential, especially if you have Aeris who can just Healing Wind the damage away from this thing's super attack. You probably would have been better off equipping Lightning-Element to someone's weapon. Though, I suppose it's not that big a deal to cast it.

Bleh, too much FF5. You gotta learn to do thinks quick while being MP economical.

Edited by Amaterasu
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Heh, don't worry aout it. I tend to use everyone when I play, and everyone's more or less forced to be in the active at some point anyway.

Reason why I don't go for Lightning=Elemenal on the Weapons is for two reasons. First, I'm more of a Defensive strategist, so I tend to prioritize staying alive. And second, casting Lightning did more damage. It did a little over 200 while my physical attacks barely reached 100. So even with the added element, it would still have done less on average than just casting it directly. All this since Magic materia tends to lower Strength while rising Magic.

MP is not a problem for me despite how costly Ethers are since I don't tend to cast magic that often in regular battles. Besides, later it would stop being a problem... ;)

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Chapter 9: Flashback Time


Okay, the World Map. Able to save anywhere and all that stuff. Red point in the mini-map of the corner is your location. White dots are various places. Kalm is to the northeast of Midgar.

But first, there is a particular enemy to fight in the dirt area of the region: Custom Sweepers. These machines have the first Enemy Skill to be found: Matra Magic (non-elemental magical attack to all enemies... though it looks like a missile barrage). To learn Enemy Skills is the same deal as V's Blue Magic. Basically, character holding Enemy Skill Materia must be hit by the skill, survive, and the battle must be won to count. Some can get a little tedious to get due to this, though (I prefer VI's method as it made much more sense in the theory and practice of it). Anyway, Custom Sweepers also have a particular item to steal: Atomic Scissors. A better weapon for Furetchen, though this one is close ranged, so he has to move to the front row now.

So, reaching Kalm, everyone is upstairs in the Inn. Life is asked about Sephirtoth, and a long flashback starts...


It all started 5 years ago. Life and Sephirtoh, along a group of Shinra soldiers are heading to Nibelheim, Life's hometown (...Nibelheim...? No wonder... eh, read on...), to investigate the Mako reactor there since monsters have been emerging from within.


Just then, monsters attack the vehicle.


Life in this flashback is Level 1 with initial equipment and only a Materia enabling more Preemtive Strikes often. Sephiroth is Level 50 with various mastered Materia linked to either All or Elemental, and the best equipment this game may offer. Guess who is the one who will take care of the fighting here... :mellow:

After that battle. The team reaches Nibelheim. Sephiroth says they'll depart in the morning and everyone can do whatever they like in the meantime. You can explore the town, even Esau's house.


So Life, even back then you were into it? No, don't think this is the reason to visit the house... it's actually...


If you want another item later in the game, choose this. You can actually play it. With the buttons, L1, R1 and the D-Pad for it. In any case, that's all you can do here. You can also visit Life's house if you want to visit his mother.


Once you're done exploring, head to the Inn. Downstairs you can find Zangan. A Martial Arts especialist that travels around and almost 130 students all over the world. Esau is one of them, by the way (well, she had to learn them from somewhere). Sephiroth is upstairs. Talk to him and choose to rest.

In the morning, everyone head on to the reactor. Sephiroth hired a guide to show them the way. The guide is no other than Esau. Just before departing, some guy wants to take a photograph of Sephiroth, which he doesn't mind to. No, we don't get to see it... yet.


The path is straightforward, the monsters hard... but Sephiroth defeats them easily anyway. Just then, the bridge they're walking breaks, so everyone falls and they die.

They survive, well, almost everyone, as one of the soldiers is missing, and most likely death since where they fell into is the edge of a cliff...

Now to travel through the caves. Still straightforward, they soon encounter a Mako Spring with Materia within. Sephiroth explains that Materia is basically condensed Mako, and within contain the knoledge and secrets of the Cetra.


The party soon reaches the reactor. Asking Esau and the remaining soldier to stay behind, Life and Sephiroth go within until reaching a chamber with many pods. They find out what is wrong and fix it. Just then Sephiroth takes a look into the pods, and explains how these pods are specimens of Hojo, who has just replaced the now death Proffesor Gast (Is that so...). Life then takes a look.


Woah. Sephiroth explains that if SOLDIERs are humans with slight Mako injection, these are actually humans practically covered with it... >_<

Just then, Sephiroth seems to loose it there and attacks the pods. He calms down eventually, but then notices the door at the top of the room with JENOVA written above it...

Returning to Nibelheim, Sephiroth goes into the big mansion north of town. Called Shinra Mansion, it was used by, obviously, Shinra, but is now abandoned. Going to a secret basement, they find a big library. Sephiroth then spends hours looking at them. Once Life returns to check on him, he... well, calls him traitor. Then goes to explain:

Basically, thousands of years ago, the Cetra populated the planet. They lived nomadic lives, traveling around, and they would eventually settle on the Promised Land after their harsh journey. But soon, some started to go against it, settling in sedentary lives than to continue the pilgrimage. Soon, disaster struck the planet, and those who stopped being Cetra lived since they hid, but the Cetra were 'sacrificed' to stop this calamity. So basically, the people of the planet are the descendants of those guys while the Cetra became near extint.

Sephiroth then learned that Jenova is apperantly a Centra found buried in a 2000 year old geological stratum. And Shinra started the Jenova Proyect headed by this Proffesor Gast to grant humans the powers of the Cetra. Sephiroth wonders if he is one of them as well, but at this point has now gone mad of the revelation (Well, in his position, who wouldn't?), and now departs to see his 'Mother' (he's talking about Jenova here). Omnious music starts to play. This can't be good...

Sure enough, once Life gets out he finds the town on fire! :o

He finds Zangan who tells him to help out with rescuing whoever he can. Life is quick to go to his house... but it's too late... :(

Just then, he finds Sephiroth killing everyone on his path out of town...


Quick, after him! :angry:

Back in the reactor. Life finds Esau and her father, killed. Blinded with rage, she grabs Sephiroth's Masamune and attempts revenge, forgetting that:

1) She's more skilled in Martial Arts than Swordfighting

2) Even so, she would be beaten in a flash anyway

And it happens. Sephiroth enters the door, and Life follows. Inside, Sephiroth removes most of the container, revealing...


It's hard to tell due to the size of the letters, but the plate on the headbands reads:

'Made in Hong Kong

All Rights Reserved 1996

Square Company Limited'


In any case, Sephiroth proclaims he has been chosen as this planet's ruler, and will eradicate mankind, and so on. Life prepares to fight him... and the flashback ends.

The party asks what happened afterwards. Life is not sure why Sephiroth spared him, but then Jenova was moved to Midgar. And of course, Sephiroth has come for her again, and has ran off. Furetchen gets tired of this an decides to leave the thinking to the rest while he just fights...


Everyone else is worried about the whole story, while GJ just says 'fascinating'. Heh...

Now to keep moving. Downstairs...


PHS stands for Party Hensei System. Hensei stands for 'editing'. Basically serves for changing the active party. Now for some random trivia. PHS is a play of words with Japan's Personal Handiphone System, cellphones. Yeah, you just call them for editing the party. XD

So, now it's time to explore Kalm. Upstairs in the inn there is a drawer with an item you can't reach. Inspect it 5 times to get it. A Megaelixir. Yeah, better save it for when it's needed.

The houses here have mostly Ethers. Meanwhile one has...


And options for the relationship values. These affect only the ones in the active party, so keep in mind. Another house has a locked chest. You can never open it no matter what you do throughout the whole game. It is rumored that it was going to be involved in a side-quest using now dummied out items and reward, but who knows...

Another house has another option.


Now to check on the shops. Only one worth of checking is the Materia shop. Selling Earth and Heal Materia which you don't have yet. Get those then. The Weapon/Armor shop is also obsolet to visit if you have been stealing those weapons from before. Only Esau's here is still better than what she has, but I wouldn't buy it, as a more powerful one can be stolen as well soon enough.

Some people here in Kalm talk about a man dressed in black who headed south. Hm...

And that is all. Will continue next time!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Chapter 10: Journey for Fun and Profit

Time to go south. We'll soon reach another building, the Chocobo Ranch. Talk to the Chocobo nearest the fence, and answer with the first option. This'll make the Chocobos make a little dance (okay I guess), but more importantly:


Our first Summon Materia to find. This one can cast either of two attacks: Deathblow can inflict Stop, but the more rare Fat-Chocobo is stronger, though it lacks status infliction. Despite the Status Screen saying the Materia is Wind elemental, it actually deals non-elemental damage. What actually is Wind elemental, is the effect of using Materia such as Elemental.

The owner, Choco Bill, will talk about how the marsh that leads to the Mythirl Mines is habited by a very powerful monster called Midgar Zolom (yeah, that Zolom of Norse Mythology, this one even is Midgar related too), but you can avoid it if you're riding a Chocobo, and also that a man in black went there. You can pay him to use his bed like an inn if you like. Go to the barn and talk to his grandson, Choco Billy. He will explain to you all about Chocobo Catching, and sell you the Chocobo Lure Materia. With this you can encounter Chocobos in battle, but you must be near Chocobo Tracks found on the World Map. But first, let's go Enemy-Skill hunting, shall we?

For this first one, you must have a character whose level is divisable by 4. The enemy Mu in this area can cast L4 Suicide, which can inflict Critical (HP down to 1/32) and Mini (Attack and Defense reduced to pitiful amounts) if the targets are in a level divisable by 4. Of course, this means you must avoid having more than one party member like so just in case.

Next is Chocobuckle. This one is a little tricky to get. You must have Mimett Greens (Choco Billy sells them), and must be fighting a Chocobo whose level is divisable by 4. Already figured it out? Yeah, first, must give the greens to the Chocobo, then cast L4 Suicide. It will counter with Chocobuckle (non-elemental magical damage to one target).

Next is Beta. This one is hard to get right now, understandalbe if you skip it. You must fight the Midgar Zolom for this. To prepare for this, have the party with full Limit Bars, and use Tranquilizers on them. Normally, these items cure Fury (Limit Bar fills quicker but you recieve more damage), if you're not you'll get inflicted with Sadness (the opposite of Fury basically) instead. Then unequip all Materia. Have your character with the most Spirit with Enemy Skill and Fire=Elemental on armor, and the Talisman accesory. Then another with Poison. Then go fight the Zolom. Having Graviballs (can cast Demi, dealing 1/4 of current HP) can help as well.

This guy has 4000 HP. Use Graviballs if you have, then cast Bio and use your Limit Breaks. Be careful, the Zolom can knock a character off the battle, usually the one who attacked it last. Once it reaches 1500 HP or below, it will counter any attack with Beta. Be sure to poison it to weaken it through (it will not counter the poison damage). To play it safe, attack it when it has 400 HP or around there so that it will die from poison before it can attack after using Beta.


Yeah, it's almost suicide to try right now. But if you manage to learn Beta, it'll be worth it. Beta is basically like Fire3 in terms of power and targets all the enemies, so yeah, it's very powerful at this point. Anyway, doing so or not, let's catch a Chocobo then. First, you must have some greens (again, Choco Billy sells them). Get in a battle with a Choboco and use the greens on it. This will prevent it from running away as you fight the other monsters. Once the Chocobo is alone it will count as caughted. A bit of warning, you may outrun the Zolom now, but if you allow it to catch up with you, you will fight it, despite being on the Chocobo.

Once on the other side, the party watch one more thing before entering the Mythril Mines...


If you thought the Zolom was hard... and Sephiroth easily killed one just like that... :ph34r:

Now in the Mythirl Mines, Kalm's main source of income until the Zolom arrived. It's not long and there is some loot to aquire here. There is a Long Reach Materia atop a ledge here. It allows close-ranged attacks to do full damage on the back row. Then the Ark Dragons here have the Flame Thrower Enemy Skill. Fire damage to one target, can't hold a candle to Beta, though. ;) And last, Madouges have the Grand Gloves to steal, the weapon of Esau's I mentioned earlier.

Once you reach the exit, you encounter the Turks. Rude, Tseng, and newcomer Elena, replacing Reno since he's hospitalized thanks to that battle against him. They mention that their mission right now is to find and stop Sephiroth. But if we get in their way... and besides, we aren't exactly off their list either, but they'll let this pass for now since Sephiroth is more important right now.


Didn't you knew it's not wise to reveal this type of information to your enemies, eh Elena? Well, too late now. They leave and we must as well.

Once outside, there is a building to the south, Junon to the west, but first, let's go and battle in the forests. Since there is a chance we might find...


The Mystery Ninja. You can encounter her in any forest, this ones being the earliest. Defeat her, it's an easy battle.


Now, first of all. DO NOT IGNORE HER. So don't go to the menu, or the Save Point, or talk to your party, the ninja will steal some Gil and escape, and must find her once again. Instead, talk to her. You must give the correct choices, though. Which are:

'Not interested'


'Wait a second!'

'...That's right'

'...Let's hurry on'

Basically, she is bragging about her skills and demaning a rematch. After declining, inflate her ego a little and convince her to join us. Which she does.


Great, another trap... <_< Anyway, Saloma is an optional party member (sorry dude), so it's not mandatory to get her. Either way, let's do so anyway. By the way, she comes with the Throw Materia, allowing to throw a weapon for damage. And if you fight Formulas in the area, you can steal a Boomerang which is stronger than her starting weapon. Another note, the correct choices in that sequence will increase Saloma's relationship value. If you fail and try again, they'll stack. But won't count anymore once reaching 30.

Now, let's go to that southern building now. It's Fort Condor. Once inside climb the rope and stairs and talk to the old man there. He tells you they are here fighting the Shinra, and asks if you want to hear him out.


He explains the place is a Mako Reactor some Condors have claimed as their nest. There is also a rumor about a Materia also in the reactor. Shinra wants to get rid of the birds and get the Materia but the people here have put up a resistance to protect the place. They have to resort to hire soldiers and would be grateful if you could become their benefactor.


So let's help them shall we? You can rest in their inn and buy at the shops if you want. Now climb further and talk to the guy up there to explain you of stuff. You can donate Gil to the cause. At least 3000 Gil for every fight if you want them to stay in shape with their fundings if you decide to leave them on their own for every fight here. Anyway, this is basically a mini-game. A little complex to explain, so I'll go over just the basics.

You have to defend the topmost part. You can hire soldiers for 400 Gil each to fight the incoming Shinra enemies. Each soldier especialieses against one type of enemy and is weak to another. Basically a triangle like the whole Sword/Lance/Axe thing of FE. You can also place catapults and such. Not to mention hired medics for the troops as well. The enemy will also have a commander (a Cmd. Grand Horn) which is the last to arrive, the boss, if you will. If the enemy reaches the top, you'll have to fight the commander yourself, but the battle will be count as lost anyway.


When you win, you get a prize and a refund of 200 Gil per surviving unit. For this fight, you get a Magic Comb, a weapon for GJ (more like Materia-Holder, but it still doesn't make sense how it can boost his attack :huh: ). The Shinra will attack periodically throughout the game, and if you decide to not go and help, well, it's still fine. And another thing, if you skip a fight, the rewards will move, so if you skip the 2nd fight, but win the 3rd, you get the rewards usually given at the 2nd battle, then the 3rd for the 4th, and so on.

Anyway, once you're done here for now, head now west on the World Map, until you reach Junon.


Woah, that's a very big cannon they got there :o . Until next time then...

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See man, this is why you should use me. Magic Comb. Double AP growth is pretty huge, since materia need a ton to level up. You know you want super magic nuking with All with a far earlier lvl 2 spell. Helps build your limits nicely.

Also, hate the Zolom. Even with the best plan, it's still possible he kicks your enemy skill guy out of the team when you fight him. Not to mention he's just a pain. I'd say screw Beta when you could just use Magic Comb to power up spells.

I forget if the boss in Junon's weak to wind, but when you're equipping a materia to Element, might wanna keep Choco/Mog in mind.

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See man, this is why you should use me. Magic Comb. Double AP growth is pretty huge, since materia need a ton to level up. You know you want super magic nuking with All with a far earlier lvl 2 spell. Helps build your limits nicely.

Also, hate the Zolom. Even with the best plan, it's still possible he kicks your enemy skill guy out of the team when you fight him. Not to mention he's just a pain. I'd say screw Beta when you could just use Magic Comb to power up spells.

I forget if the boss in Junon's weak to wind, but when you're equipping a materia to Element, might wanna keep Choco/Mog in mind.

Wow, you sure are persistent about being in the active party... lol Yeah, your time in the spotlight is still far-off, but now that Magic Comb is tempting to use, especially since the All Materia seem to grow the quickest... (and sell for 1.4 M Gil if Mastered ;))

Well, the Zolom will only knock someone out if it's who attacked it last, so if you not use the E.Skill dude or just attack quickly with someone else, you'll be fine. And like I mentioned, it's optional, it's not like you have to get it here like Saloma. lol Maybe this will become a running gag or what? XD

Indeed, the Boss is weak to Wind (since it's flying after all, that usually means its weak to Wind, and if not, then at least it's definetly an Earth immunity anyway obviously).

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Wow, you sure are persistent about being in the active party... lol Yeah, your time in the spotlight is still far-off, but now that Magic Comb is tempting to use, especially since the All Materia seem to grow the quickest... (and sell for 1.4 M Gil if Mastered ;))

Oh wait, the two slots for materia are linked in the Magic Comb? Yeah, why AREN'T you using me right now? I'll get you Lunatic High for boss fights, I'll quickly get Stardust Ray which is an excellent limit. Then, eventually you can just switch me for one of the later joining characters for when my crappy limit breaks come in and my level 2 stuff isn't enough.

Also, why sell a mastered All materia?

Well, the Zolom will only knock someone out if it's who attacked it last, so if you not use the E.Skill dude or just attack quickly with someone else, you'll be fine. And like I mentioned, it's optional, it's not like you have to get it here like Saloma. lol Maybe this will become a running gag or what? XD

I did not know that. Good to know.

Indeed, the Boss is weak to Wind (since it's flying after all, that usually means its weak to Wind, and if not, then at least it's definetly an Earth immunity anyway obviously).

Yeah, equip Choco/Mog Elemental to someone.

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Oh wait, the two slots for materia are linked in the Magic Comb? Yeah, why AREN'T you using me right now? I'll get you Lunatic High for boss fights, I'll quickly get Stardust Ray which is an excellent limit. Then, eventually you can just switch me for one of the later joining characters for when my crappy limit breaks come in and my level 2 stuff isn't enough.

Also, why sell a mastered All materia?

Alright, alright... <_< XD

Well, you never know when you may need the money. Fort Condor, Coin Toss, perhaps. Besides, it's not like you may need all those All uses in a single battle. At least I don't.

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Great, another trap... <_<

What are you talkin about, that's the manliest character in the game.

Also, be sure to give me lots of materia. I need it for uh... research.

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Chapter 11: Let's Party!

Alrigh, we made it to Junon. It's composed of two parts basically: a small village down here, and the main Shinra City above and along the cliff-face it's resting on. The shops over here don't sell something worthy of notice, so let's go to the beach.

In there, they find a girl named Priscilla playing with a dolphin inb4 you ask, she doesn't have a brother called Raymond lol . Just then, a monster attacks.

Boss 10: Bottomswell


Normally, GJ wouldn't be there, but since he knocked me down, tied me, tortured me, and gave the 'I'll smash them' threat :ph34r: insisted, I had to... lol

Anyway, this guy here is flying, so it's weak to Wind and immune to Earth, but, it's also out of range for close ranged attacks. So only either long ranged or use of the Long Reach Materia will hit. Recommended to have Choco/Mog=Elemental on weapon to exploit the Wind weakness. This guy has an attack similar to Reno's Pyramid, but with a few differences. First, it's a bubble. Next, it has a Drain (HP decreases over time) effect so this one is actually more dangerous. Then, you can only break it with a magic attack. Finally, it has it's own target so avoid targetting the party member by accident or something. Once you win, you get a Power Wrist accesory, which increases Strength by 10.

Afterwards, Priscilla is lying unconscious. Her grandad quickly comes, and tells Life to administer CPR to the girl. So don't go into thinking Life is into lolicon now... XD

Anyway, it's quite simple:


The gauge there can only hold up to 10 'breaths' per inhale. If you don't stop, Life will exhale the air and have to start over. Priscilla needs a total of 41 to regain consciousness.

Afterwards, she and her grandad thank you and leave. Back at the village an old woman offers her house to rest in, so do so. During the night, Life gets another of those 'inward talks' with that voice in his head of his, but now saying to ask Esau about what happened back in Nibelheim. In the morning, Life does just that, but before Esau can answer, some festivity-like music starts playing, so they leave the house to see what's going on.

The whole party is gathered in front of Priscilla's house, but don't go to them just yet. Because, Fort Condor is under attack once again. Going there and back will be somewhat tedious since Life has to do it alone against the random battles on the way, but remember, you don't have to go, but I'd recommend to do so anyway for the rewards. For the 2nd battle, you get a Peace Ring accesory, that prevetns Berserk (attack increases but you loose control of the character), Fury, and Sadness.

Back in Junon, now approach the party. Priscilla will come out of the house and give you something in thanks for saving her.


A summon materia, with the well-known ice lady, eh? So, the party asks about the music, and it turns out, Rufus is here in Junon for his ascention to presidency celebration and continue pursuit of Sephiroth. The party decide to go to the upper parts, but problem is, the elevator there is guarded, and while there is a nearby tower to climb, it's discharging electricy around the base making it impossible to climb. But Priscilla says she has an idea and tells to go the beach.

Follow her, and she will give you a Dolphin Whistle. The plan is to have the dolphin to help you. How? I'll explain, but before you go into the water, it's time for another Fort Condor battle (you guys better start to get used to it, as some come in a very small window of availability not to mention it gets more tedious to backtrack the further we go on). The prize is 3 Ethers, despite the text box saying 'Tinctures'.

Now back to the beach...


You may think you have to move into an adequate position to made it, but, what is more easy to do is just press the button twice without moving. Doing so will make you able to reach the pole without problems. Now climb that tower. Once at the top...


Meet the Highwind, an Airship. For now, it's just there to see at, so let's move on. Walk south to the big elevator-platform and descend to the lower part, and go inside the building down there.

Once there, some soldiers are making their way for the parade, and Life gets mistaken for one. Go into the locker room at the top of the corridor and change into an uniform, then go back and follow the soldiers.


Yeah, if it weren't for the fact, he's our enemy, it would be nice to celebrate the parade, eh? :newyears:

Anyway, they seem to be late and got left behind, so now short-cut through an alley and get into position to sneak in the formation. And we get to see an overview of the place:


Yeah, there's that big cannon. Wouldn't a thing like that be like useless? They don't seem to have any enemy that thing would be necessary against. :huh: There was that war with that Wutai place, sure, but... again, why the need of a cannon like that over here in Junon? Maybe they are just compensating for something else... lol

Anyway, back to the parade, once the officer signals, run to the empty spot when the soldeirs come marching. Pressing O will make you move the gun as they do.


If you do it when those text boxes appear and being in position, you'll increase the TV ratings. Depending how much they were when it's over will determine a prize. Over 50% is 5000 Gil, the best price value-wise (I'd go for this one even if it's a little hard to get, specially since almost all the money is going to Fort Condor).

Afterwards, Rufus asks about their air transport. According to Heidegger, they won't be ready in days, so Rufus will have to settle for crossing the ocean on boat. The soldiers all get dismissed and Life'll be back in the lockers. Now the officer will say about the send-off for Rufus. Time to practice...


Afterwards the officer will ask for the last move. And he asks Life to come up with one. He does his battle victory pose. They think it's good enough and go for it lol. Now to go into the dock, but first, let's explore the city while we go there.

On this part, there is a Materia shop selling new ones with Seal and Revive. The alley next to it has the Weapon/Armor shop, but like in Kalm it's obsolet if you've been stealing for weapons instead. In fact, the ones stolen are sold here, so this is where you'd have buy them instead.

Downstairs you can find a bar, with Rude in it. Then there is an Item store if you need supplies. The final house has a Begginer's Hall like the one back at Sector 7. In fact, some of those guys' ghosts are here as well. :mellow: But the reason you're here would be for that Enemy Skill Materia on the floor. Keep in mind it's empty. Yes, you would have to fill it from scratch, and using the ones of your other E.Skill on yourself won't work to learn them.

Now to move into the next part of the city. You'll bypass the entrace to Junon's underwater Mako Reactor, but it's off-limits anyway.


Yeah, as you can see, the party has infiltrated the place disguised as well. Except for GJ who is just pretending to be a guard-dog or something lol.

Anyway, this part has shops as well. There is also a bar with the other 3 Turks. One building has an Inn, and a Materia shop, but sells nothing new this time, and an Accesory Shop. It sells Silver Glasses (prevent Darkness, which lowers accuracy), and Headbands (prevent Sleep). There is another Weapon/Armor shop in another building, but don't sell anything at the moment.

Now enter the dock at the far end of the area. Here it's time for Rufus's send-off.


lol at GJ trying to see, despite Rufus just being a few feet and risking blowing their cover. Anyway, depending on your performance, you get a prize as well here. The best one is a Force Stealer, a weapon for Life with Double AP Growth. Better get that one in my opinion and reducing GJ's need of being in the active party for now. Ha, take that GJ! lol.

Anyway, afterwards Rufus and Heidegger board the ship. The soldiers talk about Heidegger being on edge lately since Hojo has apperantly resigned and now Heidegger is in charge of his division now. Afterwards, board the boat and be on your way.

So what now? Until next time that is...

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What are you talkin about, that's the manliest character in the game.

Nonesense! It's quite clear in my opinion that Totally-not-a-Mr.-T-rip-off Furetchen is the manliest guy here. With your host as runner-up perhaps. Besides, you're optional, so you're opinion is among the ones with lowerst priority. lol

FF7 seems absolutely chock-full of minigames.

Yeah, at least you only have to do them once, and for most that's the end of it. At least the rewards are decent at least.

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What a useless cannon. What, were they expecting a giant monster to attack them, by walking directly in front of it?


Nonesense! It's quite clear in my opinion that Totally-not-a-Mr.-T-rip-off Furetchen is the manliest guy here. With your host as runner-up perhaps. Besides, you're optional, so you're opinion is among the ones with lowerst priority. lol

Well at least I'm manlier than that other optional character...

Edited by Saloma
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So let me get this straight, you added me in, and yet you kept Tifa in the battle where there is a boss that's flying? I have a good reason to be there, double AP growth. Cloud is forced. What reason does Tifa have to be there over Barret?

As for the part with the television ratings, I hate that part. I can never do it right, every time I just get in line with the group, it almost automatically takes me away and the prize they give me is a grenade (lol).

As for Force Steeler "reducing my reason to be in the group", you have it backwards. If anything, it amplifies it. Why grow 2 materia at double rate when you could grow 4 at double rate?

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So let me get this straight, you added me in, and yet you kept Tifa in the battle where there is a boss that's flying? I have a good reason to be there, double AP growth. Cloud is forced. What reason does Tifa have to be there over Barret?

As for the part with the television ratings, I hate that part. I can never do it right, every time I just get in line with the group, it almost automatically takes me away and the prize they give me is a grenade (lol).

As for Force Steeler "reducing my reason to be in the group", you have it backwards. If anything, it amplifies it. Why grow 2 materia at double rate when you could grow 4 at double rate?

I was just messing up with you as payback for your constant nagging of adding you right now.

Seriously though, I had Esau there since she was getting behind in EXP. I tend to have everyone balanced, especially when this game forces almost everyone at one point or another to be in the active party, so it's not like they never get to be in the spotlight Though the optional characters... well, obviously had to do with the fact they're optional.

And I don't want to risk it when fighting Bizarro Sephiroth if for some reason the main party fails.

Besides, it was an easy battle anyway, I could have just used Beta and as such it wouldn't matter the party set-up, but I didn't. And yeah, I know having both Double Growth weapons is better, but again *Points at crossed sentence*.

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I'll use the names as I damn well please!

And I don't care about Tifa's humongous bosoms! I have the internet! So take your huge chest and go be boring somewhere else, Mr. T with his gatling gun for a hand needs to come in and be awesome!

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Chapter 12: Journey West


Alright, so we're at sea now. Time to sneak around the place. Here downstairs are Saloma and Integrity.


Look's like Saloma's seasick. So much for her 'Skilled Ninja' claim. XD Giving her a Tranquilizer will increase her relationship value, if you do not, or just don't have one, it'll lower it instead.

Up on the deck, you can find the rest of the party. Esau is on watch duty apperantly.


Seems to hate the current situation. This is another relationship value modifier choice. Integrity also has one, but for some reason I didn't trigger it. Why? Strange... :huh: (Anyway, it follows the same drill. Upper raises, bottom lowers)


lol, GJ, you suck at hiding in the open. lol

Anyway, your next place to visit is the front, but a soldier is in the way. You must talk to Integrity until she mentions where Furetchen could be, this triggers the soldier no longer being there to pass.

Now there, Furetchen is spying on Rufus and Heidegger. He is angry about not being able to act now, when suddenly...


Okay, maybe Furetchen's choice of disguise may not be good as well. He really does stand out, isn't he? Then again, it's not like everyone on the boat knows about them, do they?

Anyway, that alarm isn't exactly about the party, so Life quickly thinks that Sephiroth is here. Time to head downstairs. Everyone down here is death... okay, Sephiroth IS here then. An All Materia can be gotten now. Saloma was blocking access to it before. Head into the previously guarded door, but don't apporach the officer here. Go into the catwalk above to the chest with a Wind Slash, Saloma's Double Growth weapon. The area also is full of enemies. The Marines here have Shinra Betas to steal, the next armor upgrade.

Anyway, approach the guy now, but falls death as well. Just then Sephiroth appears.


Sephiroth doesn't seem to recognize Life. He just mentions something about being time, and leaves, but not before...

Boss 11: Jenova*BIRTH


Now this boss is a little tougher from the usual. It has various laser attacks of either single or party range. It can also cast Stop. It has no elemental weaknesses, but can be inflicted with Slow or Darkness. Be sure to heal when needed, and if you got it, Beta can make quick work of it if you don't want to risk it. It will drop after defeat a White Cape accesory, which prevents Toad and Mini.

Afterwards, you can have Life tell of recap of the main events up to now, but it's not really needed. What you fought was a piece of Jenova, but anyway, the boat will soon reach Costa del Sol. (And that's 'Sun's Coast' if you don't understand the Spanish :mellow: ) Before leaving the room, grab the Ifrit Materia (the fire summon).


So yeah, Costa del Sol is basically a resort, so the party decides to take a break here. Just after they leave Rufus and Heidegger leave the boat as well. Rufus is aware both Sephiroth and the party were in the boat, and tells Heidegger to not make further screw ups. A helicopter arrives and Rufus boards, leaving the city while Heidegger takes off his frustration by throwing some sailors into the water. lol

Depending on who is is your inactive party while you visit, they'll be around doing stuff. Furetchen will be in the inn, using his sailor uniform as a pajama. As Life says, he looks like a giant marshmallow lol. GJ will be playing with a ball with some kids, you can even kick the ball and hit him. Too bad he's in the current party now, I would be having SO MUCH FUN otherwise! >:) lol joking... or am I? :o Saloma will be working in the Materia Shop. A subtle forshadowing perhaps for... eh, not the time I guess. :ph34r: And finally, Esau and Integrity would be at the beach. If they're wearing actual bikinis there I'd rather not go there at all... or at least with the brain bleach at hand. :wacko:

Fortunetly, they're not (phew...), as they're too surprised to see, of all people, Hojo. I understand, the guy's right there... surrounded with girls in bikinis... isn't the guy like, over his 50's or something? Well, looks like at that age he still manages to get some I guess since, after all, it's right there the proof. But enough, it's a perfect time to interrogate him!


Unfortunetly, they don't get much. Integrity asks about Jenova and Sephiroth, but Hojo only says 'head west'. And didn't seem to know her mother was death. Well, we won't get much more information, so let's leave. Back in town, the bar has a guy selling Armor. There are a new armor, Platinum Bangles, being sold here. They only have 2 unlinked Materia slots and are weaker than even the Carbon Bangles, but do have Double Growth. I'd skip them, just 2 slots isn't worth it in my opinion.

There is a villa you can visit as well. It has some items in the basement, incluiding the Motor Drive, Esau's Double Growth weapon; and Fire Ring accesory, which nullifies all fire damage. The guy down here says this is actually Shinra Sr.'s Mansion. Since he's death, he's actually seeling it. But it costs 300000 Gil. You can buy it if you want, but the only thing to win about is using it as a free inn. Besides, it's too costly to get it right now anyway.

That's all to do here (the Materia shop sells nothing new), so it's time to move on. Back on the World Map, the next destination is northwest. Follow the path until reaching a mountain trail, Mount Corel.

An old man here says about a man in black passing through. Looks like we're on the right track. Following further the path...


Yeah, a Mako Reactor is here. Nothing to do about it, though, so keep going now over some train tracks.

You'll reach a Save Point. A little after the tracks split, up and down. Go up first. At some points the tracks will break, you can press O to jump out of the way, but fall instead. As you do, you can press O while holding left or right. This determines where you'll end up to climb back up. There are two items here, and since you can only fall a limited number of times, better get those while you can, so aim carefully where to fall. One of them is the Wizard Staff, Integrity's Double Growth weapon, and the other a Star Pendant. Back on the tracks, the upper section has a W Machine Gun on a chest, Furetchen's Double Growth weapon. Since it's blocking the path, you have to go through the lower branch. But on the other side of the upper tracks, a Transform Materia can be found.

Afterwards, it branches again, the lower path has a bridge that's been raised, so go through above until you reach a cabin. Here you'll find the lever to lower the bridge.


Further on the upper path, you'll hear birds chirping, and you can climb the cliff to reach a Cockatolis nest. There are 10 Phoenix Downs as well. If you decide to grab them, you'll fight the mother Cockatolis. I'd leave them alone if you do climb the cliff. Otherwise you're a heartless monster for leaving those poor babies orphaned. :( :angry: (It's not like you can't get more Phoenix Downs elsewhere) Anyway, you can return now to the lower path.

Back on track (wait a second... was that a pun I just did...? :facepalm: ), further on the path'll branch again. Go left first to reach a cave where some guy is living. He mentions he used to be a Coal Miner of the town of Corel. Now, that is no more and he's now here. You can grab some items here, he doesn't mind. Back on the latest branch, now go right, to reach a long bridge (don't worry, it won't fall like the one back in the flashback). Follow it to the end to reach North Corel.


Looks like Furetchen seems to know the place. Looks like something important will follow. Well, until next time then...

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