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[FE6] HM Draft Tournament


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Dorothy is the easy choice, and I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to decide my final (non-Wendy) draft. Rather than waste any more of your time I'll just settle on taking Garret.

Also, I started some of the early chapters yesterday, and am reasonably pleased with turn-counts. That said, I should probably go and compare them to the NM draft just to be sure. I did hit a nasty bottleneck on Ch2 which I feel I should be able to do better, I mean I have Thany I should be able to manage a reasonable completion here due to air transit. Also, Ch3 I have to waste a turn to pick up the Halberd (which I'm almost positive while more than pay off in terms of ease of completion if not actual turn-count reduction), that I'm also going to try to consider alternate strategies to get. When the runs are finalized, I post stats, videos, etc.

Edit: Looking at the NM turncounts for Ch2 puts a serious damper on my optimism. I may have to entirely revise my strat and see what falls out.

Edited by Balcerzak
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You don't have to do videos, I understand how much of a pain they can and will undoubtedly be.

I'll be giving turn-by-turn information, including information on who uses stat booster items, etc.

Also if you remember when we were both in the FE7 draft tourney, we were restarting chapters/games to try to get the best score we possibly can. This time, once the tourney starts, we can only restart if there's a death of a drafted unit. Maybe I should put this into the rules.

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Dorothy is the easy choice, and I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to decide my final (non-Wendy) draft. Rather than waste any more of your time I'll just settle on taking Garret.

Also, I started some of the early chapters yesterday, and am reasonably pleased with turn-counts. That said, I should probably go and compare them to the NM draft just to be sure. I did hit a nasty bottleneck on Ch2 which I feel I should be able to do better, I mean I have Thany I should be able to manage a reasonable completion here due to air transit. Also, Ch3 I have to waste a turn to pick up the Halberd (which I'm almost positive while more than pay off in terms of ease of completion if not actual turn-count reduction), that I'm also going to try to consider alternate strategies to get. When the runs are finalized, I post stats, videos, etc.

Edit: Looking at the NM turncounts for Ch2 puts a serious damper on my optimism. I may have to entirely revise my strat and see what falls out.

Well, you could also compare them to Aquilae and dondon's HM playthroughs. If any of the NM tourney's beat their turncount you can probably just chalk it up to NM being easier. Though I haven't actually taken a look to see if any of the NM tourney's have ever actually beat one of their turncounts.

You don't have to do videos, I understand how much of a pain they can and will undoubtedly be.

I'll be giving turn-by-turn information, including information on who uses stat booster items, etc.

Also if you remember when we were both in the FE7 draft tourney, we were restarting chapters/games to try to get the best score we possibly can. This time, once the tourney starts, we can only restart if there's a death of a drafted unit. Maybe I should put this into the rules.

Okay, retrying old strategies to make something hit/dodge should not be allowed, obviously. But what is wrong with trying to figure out the best strategy? Like, send Thany left, figure out that was a dumb idea, and restart sending her right? Besides, the wording of your rule is easily exploitable. If you are abusing resets to make something hit/miss, then chances are failure to succeed results in the death of a drafted unit anyway. It's actually better to allow for optimizing strategy rather than allow forcing a 30% chance to avoid death to work.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Narga, I think the motivation for that is to deter the following:

  1. Player A finishes chapter 7 before everyone else.
  2. Player B then finished chapter 7 with a turn count five less than Player A, posts his notes.
  3. Player A goes back and redoes chapter 7 using this new information to tie or exceed Player B.
  4. Go To 1.

I will agree the phraseology could use some work, and I personally don't see what's wrong with continuing to revise and retest new strategies of your own devisings up and until competitors catch up. Granted, this does give a bit of an advantage to those who wait to see strategies of the other players, but some of that is always going to be unavoidable.

Edit: Also, it does look like things are at least a bit mode-dependant.


Draft on NM


Chapter 1: 5 turns

Chapter 2: 6 turns

Chapter 3: 9 turns


Chapter 1: 5 turns

Chapter 2: 8 turns

Chapter 3: 8 turns


Chapter 1: 5 turns

Chapter 2: 7 turns

Chapter 3: 7 turns


CHAPTER 1: 8 turn clear.

CHAPTER 2: 9 turn clear.

CHAPTER 3: 12 turn clear.


Chapter 1: 7 turns

Chapter 2: 8 turns

Chapter 3: 11 turns

All Units on HM:


Chapter 1 : 10 turns

Chapter 2 : 7 turns

Chapter 3 : 13 turns


01 8 turns

02 8 turns

03 11 turns

My rough draft:

Ch1: 6 turns

Ch2: 9 turns

Ch3: 10 turns

Edited by Balcerzak
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Narga, I think the motivation for that is to deter the following:

  1. Player A finishes chapter 7 before everyone else.
  2. Player B then finished chapter 7 with a turn count five less than Player A, posts his notes.
  3. Player A goes back and redoes chapter 7 using this new information to tie or exceed Player B.
  4. Go To 1.

I will agree the phraseology could use some work, and I personally don't see what's wrong with continuing to revise and retest new strategies of your own devisings up and until competitors catch up. Granted, this does give a bit of an advantage to those who wait to see strategies of the other players, but some of that is always going to be unavoidable.

Honour system. it's in place already for not making stuff up about turncounts. Just make the rule "don't base your own strategies off the other people's strategies" or something like that.

Besides, the bolded statement is really what I was trying to say should be allowed. The rest of it is stuff that shouldn't be done. Honour system.

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Karel or Yuno? ...Does it even matter?

Karel then, because I'll probably end up going to Sacae(I have Tate and Sue, and Shin starts higher leveled than Thany). I don't want to intentionally hold back Sue just to get a character that probably wouldn't even be worth it.

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Ch.1: Dawn of Destiny [8/8]

Sent Marcus, Roy and Wolt the Northern way, sent Bors East, towards the village.

Some shit went down, but in the end the group heading North wiped everything out except for an Archer because Wolt missed, while Bors took the village. 5,000 G get. The boss was killed by Marcus, and Roy took the gate on the 8th turn.


Ch.2: The Princess of Bern [13/21]

Sent my drafted units Southwards towards the fort. Merlinus first went to the village, then to the armoury, then the vendor. Bought Iron Swords, Iron Lances, Javelins and bows, and Vulneraries en masse. Everyone proceeded to go East. I can't seem to get any kills for Bors, he is either missing or not quite in range to do anything. Roy got some much needed speed in both level-ups, while Wolt became even more balanced. Thany got the Armorslayer from Merlinus and gave it to Marcus, so Marcus knocked seven shades of shit out of the boss. Roy seized.


Ch.3: Late Arrival [14/35]

Well, this could have been done in 12 turns but I wanted the 3,000G and Halberd fom the chests, as well as to give Lugh the boss kill instead of Marcus. Marcus went North and got Lugh, then they both headed East from there towards the throne. Everyone else took the frontline on. Ward was a hero here, one-rounding the Soldiers. He's been really lucky with his Spd. Vulneraries drain surprisingly fast when you have no drafted healer, I'm glad I bought loads in the previous chapter. When it was safe, Merlinus went to the village in the East. Marcus and Lugh proceeded to take on reinforcement Cavaliers, then got to the boss. Marcus did damage to the boss during player phase and enemy phase, allowing Lugh to kill him with a single hit, taking the valuable Exp. Roy seized on turn 14.

Roy--------5.84-22---6---7---9---9---5---0--Wolt C
Wolt-------3.72-20---6---6---5---2---6---1---Roy C

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Chapter 1

Marcus weakened things up for Roy & Alan to kill.

Alan got the boss kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Roy       2.49  19  6   6   7   8   5   0    
Marcus    1.51  32  9  14  11  10   9   8
Alan      3.18  22  9   5   7   4   8   0 

Turns taken: 8/8

Chapter 2

Sent Merlinus to the Village. Marcus weakened things so Roy and Alan could kill. Lott stayed in a Fort and solo'd the RHS until the other three arrived.

Marcus beasted his way through, and Alan got the boss kill in the end.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Roy       4.09  21  7   7   8   9   5   0    
Marcus    1.95  33  9  14  11  10  10   8
Alan      5.73  23 10   5   9   5   9   0 
Lott      4.94  30  8   7   8   2   5   1

Turns taken: 10/18

Chapter 3

I really suck at detailing and describing. Marcus, Alan and Lott handled the lot of Loldiers, Roy got some left-overs.

I got the two treasure chests before finishing the map.

Marcus took dibs on Erik.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Roy       6.13  22  8   8   8  10   5   0    
Marcus    2.84  33  9  14  12  10  10   8
Alan      7.39  24 10   7  10   6  10   0 
Lott      6.15  31  9   7   8   3   7   1

Turns taken: 13/31

Chapter 4

Lott and his Halberd made this chapter much easier than the last time I tried. He roflstomped Cavaliers here and there. It helped that Marcus procc'd Spd and Str with a level up, so he could 1RKO Archers and Nomads. Again, Roy got left-overs. Lott visited the village and got the Angelic Robe.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Roy       6.81  22  8   8   8  10   5   0    
Marcus    3.80  33 10  14  13  10  10   8
Alan      8.69  24 11   7  11   7  11   0 
Lott      6.76  31  9   7   8   3   7   1
Clarine   1.66  15  2   5   9   8   2   5

Turns taken: 10/41

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Ch.3 is in my past post.

Edit: Here it is anyway:

Ch.3: Late Arrival [14/35]

Well, this could have been done in 12 turns but I wanted the 3,000G and Halberd fom the chests, as well as to give Lugh the boss kill instead of Marcus. Marcus went North and got Lugh, then they both headed East from there towards the throne. Everyone else took the frontline on. Ward was a hero here, one-rounding the Soldiers. He's been really lucky with his Spd. Vulneraries drain surprisingly fast when you have no drafted healer, I'm glad I bought loads in the previous chapter. When it was safe, Merlinus went to the village in the East. Marcus and Lugh proceeded to take on reinforcement Cavaliers, then got to the boss. Marcus did damage to the boss during player phase and enemy phase, allowing Lugh to kill him with a single hit, taking the valuable Exp. Roy seized on turn 14.

Roy--------5.84-22---6---7---9---9---5---0--Wolt C
Wolt-------3.72-20---6---6---5---2---6---1---Roy C
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This is the first time I'm playing this game's Hard Mode, so I'm still figuring things out as I go.

Chapter 1 (9/9)

Some of the fighters avoid getting doubled by Marcus… What the hell?

Marcus goes up to kill enemies and Roy follows. Since Roy is 2HKO'd by every enemy combination except 2 archers, he can't reliably face more than one enemy per turn unless he is on a forest. Even though he can't use his full movement every turn, he is still able to get a couple levels by finishing Marcus's scraps. Marcus got the boss kill and I didn't get the village.

Chapter 2 (10/19)

I just found out that Ellen gets 1HKO'd by fighters on Hard Mode… Reset.

Anyway, Marcus and Roy take on the enemies directly south of them, while Merlinus runs for the Armorslayer village and Dieck solos the otherside on a fort. Merlinus trades the Armorslayer to Marcus and he grabs Roy so they can run to assist Dieck while Ellen tries to keep up. Lot trades Marcus an Iron Axe, and Marcus and Dieck defeat the remaining enemies while Roy provides chip damage. Merlinus buys some Iron Swords, Javelins and Vulneries. Marcus one-rounds the boss, then Roy seizes.

This is going to be much more interesting than the Sacred Stones draft. I can feel it.

Unit Stats(I'm not going to bother with Merlinus):

Name    Level  HP Pw Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Roy 	04/--  20 05 07 07 08 07 02
Marcus  --/02  32 10 14 12 11 09 09
Ellen   02/--  16 01 06 08 08 00 06
Dieck   06/--  27 09 13 11 05 07 01

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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This is the first time I'm playing this game's Hard Mode, so I'm still figuring things out as I go.

Brave man. My turncounts were all much lower my second playthrough of HM than the first. Well, I'm still not done the second, but I assume the trend would (mostly) continue.

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Brave man indeed. I've played this game's Hard Mode myself (on my Japanese cartridge), but I've not quite finished it yet, but I do at least know what to expect. Hopefully some of the drafted units I've chosen will keep up with what I've seen them to be capable of. Not having a healer until Lugh promotes is going to be killer.

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Ch.4: Collapse of the Alliance [9/44]

This chapter took alot of restarts, but after nobody died this time, it got done in 9 turns. Also managed to get all the village items. Once Rutger was recruited, I gave his Killing Edge to Marcus. Made a beeline for the boss with Roy close behind. Remaining enemies were trying to hit Rutger (as opposed to Clarine) but kept missing, so that was some relief for my units. Marcus killed the boss allowing Roy to conquer.

Roy--------6.35-23---6---7---9--10---6---0--C Wolt
Wolt-------4.69-20---6---6---6---2---6---1---C Roy

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Turns: 6

Comments: There's enough movement available that a 5 turn is _theoretically_ possible. But trying it just got my dudes killed. Fuck picking up $, that's for chumps.


Roy:        3.21 20  6  6  9  8  6  2
Marcus:     1.54 32 BASE
Lance:      1.92 20 BASE

Chapter 2

Turns: 8

Comments: I had an earlier go as I mentioned, that didn't require as much planning and had Thany see a whole lot more combat and a whole lot less ferrying.

for shits and giggles. The proper attempt one took a good while longer, tinkering with things, to get everything lined up right. The key was, it turns out, the early hand-off of Wolt's vulnerary.


Roy:        3.72 20  6  6  9  8  6  2
Marcus:     2.01 33  9 14 12 10  9  8
Lance:      4.64 22  7  7 10  4  7  1
Merlinus:   1.00 15 BASE
Thany:      1.68 17 BASE

Chapter 3

Turns: 10

Comments: Redoing Ch2 entailed redoing Chapter 3, but not much really changed. A weaker Thany made this go around a little bit more interesting, as did weaker Marcus (previously he cleanly killed that archer at the beginning, and he could also 3HKO that armor with the Steel Axe. I sort of assumed he still could, but it didn't work, and I never bothered to try going back, using Iron to conserve.) Anyway, Marcus hits the crucial D Axes weapon rank here, though I'm starting to feel the pinch of low vulneraries, but I didn't have men to spare to shop for them in Ch 2. Merlinus has his first opportunity to do what he will do a lot of, soak miscellaneous hits, luring and distracting, saving (Chad's) lives, as well as being useful for mid-chapter item manipulations.


Roy:        5.04 21  7  7 10  9  6  4
Marcus:     2.88 33  9 14 12 10  9  8
Lance:      5.33 23  7  8 10  4  8  1
Merlinus:   1.01 15 BASE
Thany:      4.01 17  6  7 14  8  8  7
Chad:       2.70 17  3  3 11  5  2  0

I played around a bit on Ch4, but didn't really put together anything that could seriously be called "strategy", it was more of an AI and "where does Rutger rape come from" refresher course.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Balcerzak is raping shit. If he continues with this trend, I predict he'll win this. Either way, I don't care how well I do, I just want to finish it.

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Either way, I don't care how well I do, I just want to finish it.

I feel the same way. I don't want to see just how well I do, but also how well everyone else does, what their strategies are and how I compare and can improve. Anyway, update:

Chapter 3 (11/30)

Whose idea was it to have Dieck start about as far away from the action as possible?

Marcus runs up and Javelins a soldier while my undrafted units huddle in the corner. Dieck and Marcus end up leading the charge with Roy and Ellen trying to keep up and not die. Once the eastern threat(if you can call two soldiers a 'threat') was dealt with, the undrafted scrubs ran for the east so they would not be in range of the soldiers coming from the north, with Merlinus going with them. His objective: the Mend village(only healing 11HP is not cool, Ellen).

Inside the castle, Marcus and Dieck steamroll(kinda...) the enemies while Roy fails to be very effective against cavaliers and knights even with a 12mt weapon. My over-cautiousness causes me to lose a turn here, because Roy ends up just short of the throne after Marcus kills Slater.

Chapter 4 (10/40)

I. Hate. Cavaliers.

Marcus grabs an Iron Lance and a Vulnerary from Merlinus and charges west. Dieck stands on the western bridge to kill the northern-most cavalier while Roy and Ellen hang back just outside enemy range. Marcus gets rid of the first round of cavaliers just to get mobbed by another one, Dieck runs down to assist him, Roy and Ellen creep forward, and Merlinus runs for the Angelic Robe.

Clarine recruits herself, then everyone gets ready to fight yet another cavalier swarm accompanied with Rutger's reinforcements. Clarine recruits him, and runs away. After the dust settles, my party ends up in a plus formation, with Ellen at 1HP in the middle. They stay in this formation, running for the castle while fighting off cavaliers. Merlinus finally makes it to the village around this time.

Once reaching the castle, Dieck kills the archer that parked itself in front of Erik and Rutger attacks him with the Killing Edge. Ellen heals him, and Roy rescues her. Next turn, Rutger attacks again, Dieck rescues him, and Marcus kills him, after which Roy seizes.

Unit Stats:

Name    Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Roy 	07/--  22  07  10  09  08  08  02
Marcus  --/03  32  11  14  13  11  09  09
Ellen   04/--  18  02  06  08  10  00  08
Dieck   08/--  28  10  13  12  06  07  01
Rutger  04/--  25  08  14  14  04  06  01

EDIT: Last I checked, 30 + 10 did not equal 41...

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Lol, chapter 5. I've tried going through the gate several times with my small group, but someone ends up dying all the time (Bors or Wolt). I'll try some other strategies because I'm determined to go through that gate.

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