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Pokemon Black: Masochist edition(No EXP run) videos


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It may be a little too early to start these videos seeing as I will probably run into a forced ending soon enough but I'm just going to throw it out there that the game can still be somewhat playable even without XP gains.

As for the next order of business: You're probably going to wonder where the first gym battle is with the Jonas Brothers. Well, I didn't decide to record my battles until after obtaining the first badge(lulz). Anyways, I'll try to see how far I get with the no-EXP penalty and try to keep anyone that watches and is interested in this updated as much as possible

I'll be definitely doing gym leader battles and any other potentially major battles. Rival battles are a maybe, I'll try and get some of them but try not to expect them.

Anyways, here's the vid:

Number of tries for this fight: 4.

Edit: a couple of things to note:

Dangoro has an Impish nature(+def -spA). Having all the defense he can get is very nice for this battle.

I kinda fucked up midway through the fight

Also, Dageki had a Chesto Berry equipped incase Miruhoggu managed to sleep him with Hypnosis. He had a nature not worth nothing(as in, no bonuses at all)

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Number of attempts: 2(Although first attempt I didn't even make it past the first pokemon and had to replace 3 team members prior to attempt #2)


-This battle was actually easier than the battle against Aloe.

-Intimidate+Screech is pretty awesome for this fight

-I gave Troll the Futsude a Berry so that I didn't have to waste a turn using a potion

-Dageki for top tier, how he still manages to be useful against a Pokemon that's 9 levels higher than him is pretty awesome(Well, I guess a reason for his wtfbases is probably because he doesn't have any evolutions but still)

-By the end of the battle I noticed I only needed 2 screeches for Fire Fang to 1HKO the first and last pokemon that Atei used.

-This battle involved no turtling

-I accidentally wasted a Hyper Potion >___>

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More updates, I know it took a while but that's because during the week I don't really have too much time to play due to school and stuff and also I've been playing LoL and HoN again which takes up quite a bit of time as well.

Anyways, here's two videos, one is the recent battle with N and the other is gym leader #4. I was going to upload the battle with Cheren and Belle as well but I decided not to at the last minute out of sheer laziness.

N battle:


Nothing really spectacular here other than Bruce Lee still being useful and maybe accidentally selecting Doubleslap instead of Psybeam when Trap was out to fight the Darumakka which made me kinda facepalm.

Gym leader #4, Kamitsure AKA Vocaloid Bitch:


-Quite a bit of strategical errors on my part in this battle along with some RNG screwage. I probably could've done this battle much more efficiently but I really don't want to re-do a battle just so it looks good for youtube and this thread, just glad I got it over with.

-Press Z the Chillarmy was alright I guess, had technician ability and joined with Sing so I figured I'd give her a shot and as you can see, Swift does 25% damage to the flying pikachus which was quite nice(Keep in mind she did have Technician to help with this, although no SpA beneficial nature). I actually think she might have been able to do very nice things in this battle if Sing didn't miss so early but I suppose she did beat one of them down pretty low.

-You can never have too much pussy for this battle. Fake out is awesome. Although it does blow that "Pimp" has a Sassy nature(+S-Def -speed >___>)

-Also, picked cotton with Mischievous Heart is win when it means prioritized Stunspores are involved

-This battle was actually pretty close

-Bye Bruce Lee ):. You will be missed

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Second gym is actually probably one of the tougher gyms in this game I mean the 4th gym still wasn't as hard as the second one. Second gym is the only gym where I resort to turtling tactics so far. Although I'm sure if you train your Dageki/Nageki up depending on version they can probably kick the second gym's asses pretty easily.

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if its no exp, how can people get 18 lvl pokes, isit wild pokes? because to have high leveled wild pokes by the second gym is just :blink:

Note: i haven't seen the vids

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if its no exp, how can people get 18 lvl pokes, isit wild pokes? because to have high leveled wild pokes by the second gym is just :blink:

Note: i haven't seen the vids

Just refer to ASL's posts, he took the words right out of my mouth.

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I take down Yakon, the fifth gym leader with quite ease once the RNG decided to stop screwing me over on my third attempt at the battle.

Here's how the first attempt basically went with massive RNG screwage(IE my Pokemon hitting themselves due to confusion and stunspore missing this fucker twice in a row):


And then two tries later, after the RNG decides to cooperate I get these results which results in an easy victory and sweet payback as seen in this video:


- Wooden Stick Gangsta gets a lucky crit on Warubiru which results in a 1HKO

- Dageki is STILL useful even as a level 12 thanks to sturdiness and dealing effective damage against Doryuuzu with possible defense lowering as well.

- If the RNG is cooperative, this battle is quite easy. Probably the easiest one yet.

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