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Unlucky with the BK


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has anyone ever had more bad luck with the BK than me?

my 20/20 Ike, having str, skl, spd and def capped, gets Luna'd twice in a row by BK.(on my turn and on his own)

Mist had already fled for not being trained, and I found out I forgot to take elixers with me.

went to safety and used a vulnerary, but noticed that'd be taking to long. went on attacking BK hoping for aether to activate, Ike misses and BK would've killed him if it weren't for miracle.

decided to try and activate aether on a reinforcement, but it didn't. and then I ended up with Ena...

I liked my first PT better, where Ike aethered the BK twice instead (on my turn and on BK's

anyone had a worse experience? please, get my mood up...

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My fully capped out Ike goes vs. the BK. He decides to Aether the BK 3 times.

He misses 3 times. (Note: You can only miss one part of Aether, I believe it's the Sol part, but it was still annoying)

What happens after that? BK Lunas me.

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Either part can miss, and annoyingly, I usually miss the Luna for some reason. On my first PT, I Aethered him twice, and both of my Lunas missed. And soon I die. *resets*

The best way to beat him reliably is to battle him from a distance with capped str. This way he can't Luna you, and you have just enough power to defeat him. Obviously this requires Mist healing him. To prevent missing, Ike should have capped skill, high luck, and you can abuse Ike's biorhythm to high and BK's to low. On hard mode, as BK moves, to prevent him from Luna'ing have Ike do the following moves:

1. Go up 1, attack him, go down 3 and right 3. (Yes, this requires the knight ring). Have Mist move to 2 right of him. BK will be forced to attack Ike from 2 spaces above him.

2. Have Ike attack BK and go 6 left. Mist should go 2 left. BK will once again be forced to attack Ike from 2 spaces above.

3. Have Ike attack BK and go 6 right. Mist should go 2 right. BK will do the same as usual.

4. Same as turn 2, but Mist may kill some of the enemies on the enemy phase with a magic sword.

5. Same as turn 3, but Mist may kill some of the enemies on the enemy phase with a magic sword.

And Mist should be healing as necessary.

Edited by Kinata
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You know, interestingly enough, on my first playthrough, Ike wasn't at all fit to fight the Black Knight. He'd upgraded at around... Level 7, and then he was only level 3.

I never finished that playthrough because I thought only Ike was capable of damaging Ashnard, but that's another story.

Well, every time I play the game, I refuse to not defeat him. Which would be fine if it were just the Black Knight fight, but unfortunately I have to play over the first part of the chapter, too.

Once I had to try 7 times. It took all I had not to throw the GC controller at the tv.

But the last time paid off in that I double aether'd him. Victory on the first turn, if I remember correctly.

Ironic that it was on the seventh try--/shot

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On my first attempt, the BK died in two turns b/c Ike was lucky enough to Aether twice in a row. Other attempts haven't gone so well...

On my last PT, Ike activated Aether and got the BK down to 9 HP, but then the healers came up and healed him. That was annoying, I forgot to give Mist the Sonic Sword, and her Strength wasn't high enough to kill the enemy healers. Ugh...

But no, I have never gotten unlucky with the Ch. 27 battle. Ike has never missed, and the BK has never activated Luna when Ike was unhealed. I just have an issue with the enemy healers!!!

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