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Just when you didn't think there would be any more "end of the world" theories.

Just call me AL

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And right now, I'm just facepalming at this whole article. Interesting that the URL was literally posted near where I can catch a bus to New York. (As you can tell, I think it's BS.)

What are your thoughts on this?

Edited by LittleAl
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The end of the world isn't going to happen anytime soon unless some nutjob decides to go insane and cause a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Newsflash: The end of the world has been predicted many times before this. And we're all still here.

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That website has the worst formatting I've ever seen, seriously who wants to read huge text down the middle of the page that changes size every few lines?

as for Doomsday theories, I don't particularly care for them. the way I see it some nutter is always going to believe something bizarre. and hey, scaring people into faith has proved to be an effective trick in the past.

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thread needs more timecube

If the 4 racial components of 2 sex pole hemispheres agreed to a cubing of the sphere as a spiritual unity, heavenly music of cubed sphere could be audible on Earth simultaneously to every human ear, not discord, but harmony.

The simultaneous 4 human races debunks a God for any race.

  • Sunup represents Indian Race
  • Midday represents White Race
  • Sundown represents Asian Race
  • Midnight represents Black Race

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If the 4 racial components of 2 sex pole hemispheres agreed to a cubing of the sphere as a spiritual unity, heavenly music of cubed sphere could be audible on Earth simultaneously to every human ear, not discord, but harmony.

The simultaneous 4 human races debunks a God for any race.

  • Sunup represents Indian Race
  • Midday represents White Race
  • Sundown represents Asian Race
  • Midnight represents Black Race


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Azns, clearly.

I wonder whether "Indians" means people from India or Native Americans...

EDIT-What I mean is, you are an evil heretic who cannot comprehend or disprove the timecube, condemned to never win the $10,000 prize offered for disproving it, and doomed to be executed for your blasphemous beliefs in a 1-day 24-hour cycle.

Edited by SeverIan
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Azns, clearly.

I wonder whether "Indians" means people from India or Native Americans...

EDIT-What I mean is, you are an evil heretic who cannot comprehend or disprove the timecube, condemned to never win the $10,000 prize offered for disproving it, and doomed to be executed for your blasphemous beliefs in a 1-day 24-hour cycle.

He actually offers $1,000 to normal people as he's afraid of people actually trying rather than ridiculing him.

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