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Enemy stat problem


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So I was changing enemy growths and increasing their levels in FE8, and everything was working fine until Chapter 8. After that, when I choose Eirika's route, the enemies in Chapter 9 have some messed up stats. Look:


The first row shows some enemies in C8, while the bottom one the enemies in C9. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem may be, and what should I do to fix it?

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What Medeus said I'm fairly sure is correct. Basically, you know how each level in Nightmare has the same option twice? Yeah, they're actually different. One is fixed, one is random. Whatever the bottom one is on, change to the other option at the same level, and bam, problem fixed.

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For the second row it seems you used their "Fixed" stats rather than their "Random" stats. Fixed basically means they're stuck at their bases, while Random lets them have growths.

What Medeus said I'm fairly sure is correct. Basically, you know how each level in Nightmare has the same option twice? Yeah, they're actually different. One is fixed, one is random. Whatever the bottom one is on, change to the other option at the same level, and bam, problem fixed.

Just did that, and it worked. Thanks.

Oh yes, another problem. I'm trying to change the Guiding Ring/Orion Bolt in C5/C6 to Master Seals, yet I can't seem to find them in the Chest Editor for their respective chapters. Are they located in another module, or am I just blind?

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Just did that, and it worked. Thanks.

Oh yes, another problem. I'm trying to change the Guiding Ring/Orion Bolt in C5/C6 to Master Seals, yet I can't seem to find them in the Chest Editor for their respective chapters. Are they located in another module, or am I just blind?

I doubt it works like that, since you get those from conversations rather than chests. However I never really tried to work around this, so I'm afraid I can't help you much there.

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To change the item you recieve from conversations you need to edit the event to change what the item is. It shouldn't be too hard if the only thing you are changing is just the item from conversations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back with a few more questions:

1) How can I edit the stat bonuses of already existing weapons (Ex. Sieglinde)? The Stat Bonuses editor doesn't show any of the stat bonuses for them (all pointers are filled with -1s). The editor says to consult Stat Bonuses.txt, which I can't seem to find.

2) How can I get more weapon locks? I already have used both Eirika's/Ephraim's, and also Lyn's unused one.

3) How can I change the staves that have a 1~Mag/2 range to have a fixed one (1-10 or something like that)?

4) Are the items from 0xBB to 0xCC (The ones that lack a name) unused ones that I can freely edit?

Also, this:


Enemy in Chapter 11A. This will be fun.

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1) Unless you have a module to edit those specific bonuses, you're best off using the stats bonus editor. Fill it with the data you want (remember to change -1's (which are actually signed 255's, if you understand two's compliment (if not, just ignore these brackets)) into 0's) and then change the pointer for stat bonuses to the memory address you've edited in the stat bonus editor (that's the 8 digit hex number).

2) There's also the Shamshir, and after that I'm not sure but I suspect ASM hacking (AKA you don't unless you're very skilled). Also consider giving both Eirika and Ephraim the same weapon lock - they can't use each other's weapon, after all, so being able to access it is irrelevant (this might not be true though depending on their personal weapons ranks... but it's worth a check)

3) I THINK that it's based on a hex value - the range appears as something like 0x11, right? That basically is the range, first number is minimum, second number is maximum. Changing it to 0x1A would make it 1-10. The reason I say I think this works is that I don't know if it works with staves.

4) I think so but I can't confirm.

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