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So, running a fever on three hours of sleep


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is incredibly trippy

I fell asleep maybe six times at school today: once in economics, twice in choir, and three in AP English.

and i didn't even get sent to the nurse, woooo

And, see, I don't think my AP English teacher realizes that I don't fall asleep by choice like some other students do. In fact, I fell asleep sitting up, at a computer, with my hand still on the mouse and everything. My friend claims to have witnessed me scrolling up and down the page in my dazed condition... and I don't remember a thing. I remember dreaming, but I don't recall what they were about and such.

i also don't think she realizes that i got such little sleep last night because of her essay that i had to finish

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Coffee is nasty.

Finally, someone who agrees.

I was kidding about the pills....but i was serious about coffee in the morning...LOTS of coffee. (though i don't drink it myself)

I think that she means that you forgot:

3. ????

Edited by Cocytus
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Coffee and caffeine in general don't work for me. They don't affect me at all. It's very sad. People tell me that I should be getting at least 9 hours of sleep. laugh.gif Ahh, no. Not even on the weekends do I get 9 hours of sleep. The average is more like 5-7 hours on schooldays (sometimes...), and 8 hours on the weekends, if I'm lucky. I know this sleep deprivation will catch up with me soon...

Ahh...The joys of sleep-deprived, overscheduled high school life... dry.gif

Oh, and I always get tired at around 2 o' clock in the afternoon. Guess what class that is? Economics (And I'm usually tired in French, too). Apparently, Levity and I have the same problem.

Edited by Flashpoint_1230
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I sleep so much. at least 10 hours a day, more on weekends. I'm in love with dreaming I guess.

I know exactly how you feel though ;p I felt exactly like that the other day but I still went to school so I was dying. I decided to be productive though so I wrote down all my thoughts and now I'm re-reading them and it's pretty funny (and a bit insightful).

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