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Hemlock's Classic Mini Mafia


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I believe he said something along the lines of the game being good for mindscrewing.

Yes and it's also a mini Mafia game (a game that will probably be over in a couple of days).

Aside from that, there's nothing really to talk about on the night phase. We can't co-ordinate actions or so forth. However, I have an idea that might help or screw the town.

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Aside from that, there's nothing really to talk about on the night phase. We can't co-ordinate actions or so forth. However, I have an idea that might help or screw the town.

As long as it's hilarious, let's go for it :awesome:. But so long as it isn't discussing night actions actually, I think you can post it (hmm... note to self: Reread rules)?

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I think anyone who is a regular townie should claim right now.

What this does is that it narrows down the town for both us and the mafia. Mafia gets a better chance at hitting a vital role (Drunk, Cop) while the town gets a better chance of A) figuring out who the mafia is and B) blocking or checking the right person. Again, screw or save the town.

You guys in?

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I'm not sure I like that idea...

and mafia can easily lie.

But it doesn't matter. We have 3 liars.

If 4 townies claim, then one of them is a liar. Which means that 2 of the other group are lying. If 6 townies claim, all we have to do is aim into that group. If only 3 townies claim, we aim into the group that didn't claim.

The point of Townies claiming is so that we don't give away exactly who is what special role.

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I like pooo-taaa-toooes


I agree with 4kids 4chan on this.

Edited by Spykor
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I would love to crunch the numbers and work out, assuming random picking and stuff of any non-clears), if it would be better or worse but my gut instinct is that it's a good plan. At the very least it forces the mafia to make fake claims and I think it guarantees us at least two clears.

But I suspect this will indirectly count as influencing night actions... we can certainly consider doing it in the morning, of course.

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Ok, time to play the claim game. First the townies should claim. Then everyone else. Max number of townies is 6 if all three mafia members are lying.

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At first I thought this was pretty bad and scuppered Life's plan... but then again, cops would almost certainly be hooked anyway. I expect now it means that the Vigilante would get hooked instead and the town would be left with no real night power.


I'm really not certain what the best course of action is now. And I need bed. Blargh.

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