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The Assassin's Guild Signups


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One more thing I don't really need to mention yet but will anyway: For reminders about day/night, everyone will be in a PM with (up to) six other people: This group is completely administrative and has no bearing on the game, it is purely for me to notify everyone quickly that game phase has changed (I'll probably go through in order of signups adding people to each one). I'll post this or a similar message when I actually make the PMs but don't use these PMs to communicate with other players or send night actions (there's a very good chance there'll be both assassins and town in each one anyway).

If this system is effective, then I might recommend other mods to use it the future as well.

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One more thing I don't really need to mention yet but will anyway: For reminders about day/night, everyone will be in a PM with (up to) six other people: This group is completely administrative and has no bearing on the game, it is purely for me to notify everyone quickly that game phase has changed (I'll probably go through in order of signups adding people to each one). I'll post this or a similar message when I actually make the PMs but don't use these PMs to communicate with other players or send night actions (there's a very good chance there'll be both assassins and town in each one anyway).

If this system is effective, then I might recommend other mods to use it the future as well.

I have in fact done this before, but I think I used mass individual PMs and it got annoying to do it for a lot of people after N1.

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That's the point of putting people together :P. It means I can keep everyone up to date with just 4 PMs, compared to the normal not doing so/20 or so.

Also, I'm considering doing this on a seperate forum firstly for the anonymity aspect and secondly for potential ease of organisation. I'll let you all give opinions on if you'd like to or not and then closer to the time, I'll disregard them and make my decision.

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Life has been bought on board as an assistant mod for balancing and possibly writing some stuff (I forget what he said he'd do :awesome:). Regardless of this, unless I can sort out certain stuff soon there's a good chance the game will not start at the start of November as planned (that certain stuff being not entirely under my control, thus I can't say for certain anything.) I'll keep you updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slightly important update:

Having decided to blitz some role PMs and put in a lot less detail than originally intended, I'm fairly sure the game will be ready to start by the start of next week. HOWEVER, with Bizz's game ongoing and a fair number of people in it, plus Life being away for a little while, I might postpone starting a little. Hopefully the game will still be over by the end of November as initially stated but we'll have to see.

Finally I'm sending out update PMs now for the purpose of confirming that people still want to play.

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Sure. Minor update on progress: It exists. I still have a few more role PMs to write (I will do it soon, seriously...) and then balance checking, role distribution and we're good to go.

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Hey guys how about an update saying Game will start in <24 hours?

Role PMs have NOT been distributed yet. The game will start with an extended day phase of 84 hours. This gives everyone a little extra time to read their role PMs, formulate strategy (if needed), ask questions and other generally useful things that need to be done.

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I better go ahead and ask this, can we communicate with others through PMs? I didn't notice it specifically addressed in the rules.

You're kidding right? It is bolded in the rules that this is a no PM game.

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