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[FE11] Drafting Tourney IV


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Its been Quiet...


Why did you edit your post for picking Vyland? >_> I already had him down for you, so pick another unit.

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Ok got stats and turns.

Chapter 1 turns 7

Chapter 2 turns 6

Chapter 3 turns 8

Total 21 turns

Name Lv Hp Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Class

Marth 13.15 29 12 11 14 17 11. 1 Lord

Darros 3.20 21 7 3 1 3 12. 0. Armor

Lena 3.50 16 4 7 8 8. 4 2. Mage

Edited by Silent_Assasin
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How to do code:

Click on the button that looks like this: < >

That will generate the Code tags. From there, type in what you want to enclose in those tags. Every character will take up the same amount of space. Here's an example with an without code tags.

Name Hair Color Class

Marth Blue Lord

Maria Red Cleric

Arran Yellow Paladin

Name    Hair Color    Class
Marth   Blue          Lord
Maria   Red           Cleric
Arran   Yellow        Paladin

Edited by eclipse
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Do you have a proper computer to do this on? If not, go find the H3 run, hit Reply on a post that has a nice code box, copy it, and paste it into your reply. Edit the names, levels, and stats, and you should be good to go.

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...Tiki? Bantu's going to take a while to recruit, and IDK if anyone will have A rank staves by then to get to the village, and out of it.

... Jake I guess.

Edited by Iris
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Alright, started. Prologue went smoothly, Marth took down everything. Knights were killed by Jiol's force.


Prologue - Completed
Lv: 8 
HP: 24 
Str: 12
Mag: 0 
Skill: 6 
Spd: 13 
Lck: 12 
Def: 11 
Res: 0 
Sword C


Chapter 1 - Completed
Lv: 10 
HP: 26 
Str: 14 
Mag: 0 
Skill: 8 
Spd: 13 
Lck: 14 
Def: 11 
Res: 0 
Sword C

Pegasus Knight
Lv: 2 
HP: 16 
Str: 5 
Mag: 1 
Skill: 7 
Spd: 13 
Lck: 10 
Def: 8 
Res: 6 
Lance D



Chapter 2 - Completed

Str: 12
HP: 27 
Str: 15 
Mag: 0
Skill: 10
Spd: 15
Lck: 16 
Def: 11
Res: 0 
Sword B

Pegasus Knight
Lv: 3 
HP: 16 
Str: 6 
Mag: 1 
Skill: 8 
Spd: 14 
Lck: 11 
Def: 8 
Res: 6
Lance D

Lv: 2 
HP: 17 
Str: 4 
Mag: 0 
Skill: 1 
Spd: 6 
Lck: 3 
Def: 6 
Res: 0 
Bow D


Chapter 3 - Completed

No Change

Pegasus Knight
Lv: 4 
Str: 7
Mag: 1
Skill: 9
Spd: 14
Luck: 12
Def: 8
Res: 6
Lance D

Lv: 3
Str: 4
Mag: 0
Skill: 2
Spd: 7
Lck: 3
Def: 6
Res: 0
Bow D

Lv: 4
HP: 18
Str: 5
Mag: 0
Skill: 6
Spd: 12
Lck: 7
Def: 5
Res: 0
Sword E

[spoiler=Turn Count]

Chapter 1 - 6

Chapter 2 - 6

Chapter 3 - 8

Edited by Maria's bro
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Restarted because wrys and bord

Chapter 1


Draug bought time for Marth Abel and Jagen to pass

Jagen got boss kill

Killed off Pink Hair and Princess

[spoiler=Stats-Chapter 1 After]Math

Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
06/26 22 10  00  06  08  11   07  00


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
07/78 24 10  00  09  11   04 08 00


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
01/34 Base


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
02/00 Base


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
04/00 Base


Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
1/72 Base

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You can only draft one unit at a time, Leech. I'm going to assume you want Tomas in favor of Dolph.

I'm taking Astram.

Logs of Chaps 1-3 will be posted soon.

I'm waiting on LOLMatthis [to see if he's drafted] before I start chapter 4.

Edited by Iris
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I started to write a few blurbs like Eclipse does, and used a similar format. Not as great as my fanfiction works, bu this is just for a draft. Not serious at all. Just don't pay attention if you want. I foreshadow/break the fourth wall in my story. It's funnily serious. >=3

BTW, coding does not like me.


Unit	Lvl   Class	HP  Str  Mgc Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   8.17   Lord 	24   9    0   8   10   13   9      0   C Swords
Jagen   base
Gordin  3.30   Archer   20   7    0   3   4	4   6      0   D Bows

The prologue. Nothing much happened. Average Marth right now, meh Gordin. Hopefully he'll get better. Marth soloed the first few chapters [cause I didn't want Jagen snatching the exp], and Gordin got some kills. Forgot to kill Cain and Abel [they'll die next chappie probably], but sacrificed Frey.


"Why does the sky taunt me so?" Marth's voice echoed in the wind. He placed his hand on the boat's railing, and looked towards the horizon.

"Sire, pardon me, but whatever do you mean?" asked Jagen.

Marth blinked twice, still staring in that direction, not bothering to look back at Jagen. A crack of lightning could be heard, and dark clouds covered the sun. It seemed like a fog was to come, and the roaring winds would not subside.

"It's like an omen," he started with simple words, not even knowing what he wanted to say, "and it tells me that many will die."

There was silence between the two.

"Prince Marth, don't you want one last look at Altea?" Jagen broke the silence.

"It's hard to see anything against the fog..." He had a blank expression as he stared in the direction of what was Altea. "Cruel, isn't it? I can't even see my beloved country anymore."


"Why Frey?" He had lost one of his knights, but that was just another sacrifice added to the countless that would be made.

"Frey was a good knight. He was the most loyal, and brave, and Altea will honor him."

"You know why I couldn't save him? Because I am a craven. If I cannot save my sister, nor help my people, how do I expect my knights to follow me? How do you expect I should beat Grust?"


"Grust will pay, I assure you, and by my hand." he added with force. He turned to face Jagen. "Tell me Jagen, do I look more experienced since when I first left the castle?"

"You certainly fought a lot of people." Jagen had no idea how to quell the sorrow in his liege's heart.

"And killed them, that's what I did. I can't bear doing it, but I must." He had a glazed look on his face. "The only good thing that has come out of this is that my swordplay is improving."

"Prince Marth, if you could please..."

"Jagen," he started, "please leave me. This talk tires me."

Jagen obliged, bowed, and quickly added that he should not stay out too long in the storm. He left to the lower deck to join the other knights.

Marth looked up towards the sky once more. Instead of a quiet prayer, he shouted in the loudest voice he could muster.

"To the one who controls fate, what will become of us!?"

[spoiler=Chapter 1]Chapter 1 (6/6)

Unit	Lvl   Class	HP  Str  Mgc Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   9.65   Lord 	25   9    0   9   11   14   9      0   C Swords
Jagen   1.25   base
Gordin  4.10   Archer   20   8    0   3   5    4    6  	0   D Bows

Let's see, Marth ran as fast as possible towards the throne. Traded stuff from Draug, Abel & Cain to Caeda [needed to recruit a few characters], and Gordin. Then they formed a meatshield around Gordin as he proceeded to fight pirates, and Jagen ran after Marth. 1HKO the boss, and seized next turn. Oh, and Abel and Cain died protecting Gordin.


"Are Cain and Abel well?" Marth called as he burst into the village, heeding Caeda's warning.

"We're okay, Sire." replied Abel, calm as ever.

"Yes Sir- ACHOO!" Cain sneezed.

"If you're not feeling well, you should stay behind." Marth had a sympathetic look.

"No sir, we owe the villagers too much!" Cain said.

"Very well." Marth nodded, running out of the village with his knights following.


"Prince Marth and I will quell the pirates at the castle, and everyone else can stop those approaching towards the village." Jagen commanded.

The knights were no match for Marth, Jagen had observed. With two quick jabs, he was able to kill them without getting hit. They rushed towards Gazzak, and with Marth's skill, and Rapier, he was killed instantaneously.

"Round up the rest of the knights, Jagen." Marth ordered .

Jagen obliged, and he and his steed were off in the direction of the knights.


There was something alarming in the air.

"Draug, where are Cain and Abel!?"

"... Sir Jagen, the pirates had surrounded them and with their sickness it was inevitable for them to dodge."

He was silent, but scanned the area for their bodies, for those who died so bravely must have an honorable burial. When he had found them, he saw that Gordin was by their sides, crying.

"A knight does not cry!"

Gordin was startled, not even realizing Jagen had sneaked up on him.

"Sir Jagen, it's all my fault, they were protecting me, you see as I couldn't fight back. And then..." He tried to wipe his tears off his face, but they were still pouring down.

"..." Jagen had no words to reprimand him.

"Who's going to tell Prince Marth?" he whimpered, suddenly realizing deeper consequences.

"It's not your fault, boy. I'll tell him." Although he had no disdain for the boy, he had no sympathy as well.

"No Jagen, allow me."

"Princess Caeda! Were you watching? Very well, I leave this matter to you.

"Thank you Jagen." She mounted her pegasus and flew towards the castle.


"Caeda! I'm so glad you're safe, have you seen the rest of the knights?" Marth exclaimed when he noticed Caeda flying towards the castle.

"Yes, they're coming, but-"

"I talked with your father, I'm off to adventure." Marth looked at the ground. "He mentioned you were welcome to come."

"Oh yes Marth! I would like that very much!" Caeda beamed at him.

"Great, let's go meet up with the knights now."

"Marth... About that..." Caeda murmured when she remembered why she was here. "Cain and Abel were very brave knights."

"All of us are very brave." He was curious with her tone of voice though. "Wait... Were?"

"Marth, they're gone. Dead." Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

"..." Marth let out a deep sigh. "Caeda, I can't cry now, I promised myself when I first came here, I'd give up crying for good."



The funeral was brisk and short seeing as they had to leave soon.

A pretty pink haired girl called Norne helped with the preparations. She was visiting her relatives, and was a resident of Altea.

When she asked if she could join, Marth had politely told her no. He didn't want to see her die as well.

"That's okay! I'm not that experienced with a bow." She smiled. "Prince Marth, so you know, everyone from Altea believes in you. Don't give up hope!"

He was surprised that she was clad in black, at a funeral, and was still hopeful.

Then the girl had noticed a green haired archer sniffling in the corner.

"Hey you!"

Gordin looked up.

"Why are you crying? These fallen men were your comrades, right?" she asked.

"Yeah..." he said gloomily.

"Even so, you should be fighting, ya know?" She nodded as if agreeing with herself. "I'm not trying to be like someone in those novels where you have to go on. You get what I'm saying?"

"Yeah. I never stopped fighting. I'll just try my best." Gordin blinked, surprised.

"Great! I'm Norne."


"... You should be going, you know? I'm sad that I'm not able to help my country this way, but I'll find another way!"

"I guess I should go then."

"I don't want to be out of the blue." She gave him an appraising look. "I know! You can write me letters on what's happenening!"

In a second, she pulled out some parchment and a quill, and neatly wrote on it.

"Whenever you have time, I guess."

"Gordin, it's time to go!" Marth called.

"Yes Sir!"

[spoiler=Chapter 2]Chapter 2 (6/12)

Unit	Lvl   Class	HP  Str  Mgc Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   10.67  Lord 	26   10   0   9   12   15   9      0   C Swords
Jagen   2.33   base + 1 skill
Gordin  5.37    Archer   21   8    0   4   6    4    6      0   D Bows

Let's see. Everyone is left back at starting spot except for Marth and Jagen who once again charge at throne. Gordin is protected by meatshield power, and is left to kill incoming pirates. Cord dies because of this. Also because it was convenient, Castor died to Marth. Darros runs after Marth, but he never reaches him. Jagen & Marth take down boss, and Marth seizes. Jagen gains crappy stat! Gordin is turning slightly better now.


Jagen started to speak. "As always, Prince Marth and I will sneak our way towards the castle. Everyone stay behind and defend the fort."

Gordin nodded, and he watched the mercenaries assemble.

When Jagen and Prince Marth had left, pirates and thieves were surrounding them. He took a position behind a few axe fighters and shot at them with ease.

All was well until one of them collapsed.

"CORD!" A similar looking man screamed. He closed his eyes when he saw a splash of blood. He didn't want to see another death.


"Prince Marth, we're almost near the castle."

"That's good news. Ah, there's an archer in my reach!" Marth grabbed an iron sword and ran after a blue-haired man.

"I'm sorry, but it's for my mother..." The man tried to shoot of arrow, but was stabbed in the chest. "... Mother, Princess Caeda..."

"Princess Caeda?" He repeated out loud. He shook his head. How was that man suppose to know her, anyways?

He ran towards the castle, gripping a rapier, and Jagen with his silver lance. The man was not expecting to die here.

Too bad.


Caeda flew over to Marth after the battle.

"Marth!" she called.

"Caeda! How did the battle go over there?" he asked.

"Well. But me lost one man, a mercenary named Cord..."

"I see..." he said grimly.

"We already buried him, we didn't have enough time to give a proper one though..."

"It's okay. Ah, and I've been meaning to ask you."

"Ask me what?"

"Do you know a blue-haired archer?" He hoped the answer wasn't going to be what he expected.

"A blue-haired... Ah! You mean my old friend, Castor? He is really takes care of his mother, always working so hard. Have you met him?."

"Yes, I have. On the battlefield. Forgive me Caeda..."

"It's okay Marth, you didn't know."

"Thank you Caeda... Do you know where his mother lives? I want to send his family some money..."

"Oh Marth..."

[spoiler=Chapter 3]Chapter 3 (7/19)

Unit	Lvl   Class	HP  Str  Mgc Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   11.73  Lord 	27   10   0   9   12   16   9      0   B Swords
Jagen   3.03   Paladin  22   8   1   12   8    1    9      3   D Swords B Lances
Gordin  6.41   Archer   22   8    0   4   7    5    7      0   C Bows
Marth   4.37   Myrmidon	20   5   0    9   11   8    6      0   C Swords

Let's see. I could have gotten one turn earlier if Jagen was going to be nice and actually hit, but no. Recruited Navarre. He got a crappy level up, but Gordin got an okay one this chapter, so I didn't restart. Lena kept alive just in case I have to recruit LOLMatthis next chapter. Julian kept alive to save time for recruiting Rickard. Gordin's slightly better right now.


Gordin was use to battle by now. He needed to be vigiliant for the only young recruits of the Altean Rabble were him and Draug.

Looking ahead, he could see Princess Caeda almost fly into the vincity of an archer! He ran after her, for he knew Marth would weep if something were to happen to her.

Running past him was a pretty red haired cleric, and a thief.

He sighed, relieved when he saw her talk to a myrmidon. And then he gasped again. That was the Crimson Fencer!

He shuddered at the thought of what could befall the princess.

In the next moment, he saw the myrmidon turn his blade and strike at the thief.

"You..." He was looking at Gordin.


"The archer." He pointed with his sword over the mountain.

"Y-Yes!" Gordin strung his bow, and shot an arrow over the mountain. He could hear a scream, and knew his job was done.

He could hear cheers coming from the castle. At least the prince was having a better day...

Edited by Iris
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