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[FE11] (h3!) Drafting Tourney V


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I know I'm double posting here and I wanted to wait until my turn to post this but I might as well bump this thread up with another question seeing as I'm a curious person but are we 100% sure on the rules for forging as in no forging at all?

Also, what about the rule on generics? Is there a penalty involved if I were to just deploy the generics even if killing them off has nothing to do with my strategy/saving one of my other units? Or will they be allowed to meatshield? Seeing as sometimes a couple may have to end up getting killed off in order to reach the gaidens.

Edited by Joey
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100% no Forging, 100% no Warping.

The latter is covered under the nude meatshielding clause. Frankly, I'm tempted to say you're simply allowed to deploy any unequipped unit whenever you want, but I'm not sure of the ramifications on having a legion of infinitely replaced generics to wall for your squishies. Your thoughts? Obviously we need some rule in place otherwise generics will prevent us from getting any gaidens...

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I think we should set a limit on how many generics are allowed to get killed per chapter. I was thinking 2 or 3 but I'm kinda leaning towards 2. The generics will probably come in handy seeing as H3 with very limited units can actually be quite challenging and I also actually went ahead and did the first three chapters(Don't worry about me forgetting details for the logs as I will be doing this through video with possible commentary and I do have stats for each chapter recorded) and from my experience it might even be harder than just doing a normal-style(without warpskip), efficient playthrough on H5 so there might as well be a couple of freebies thrown in here and there.

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Maybe make named characters free to deploy for shielding killing always and add two generics if you want? That should let us get any gaiden.

Edited by Integrity
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Classy way to call it, Trollshades.

I'll just take...


How don't I notice these things when I update the OP?


Midia get cause she's cute.

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Having both ballistitians will be awesome.

Also, I'm debating on whether I should just completely re-do this playthrough because all my drafted units are somehow speed blessed to the point where it might be unfair. Like, Jeigan's level 6 and gained 3 speed points and Cain is level 13 with 14 speed as a cav and I'm only on chapter 6 >___>.

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To show everyone just how insane I am, I'm taking Matthis and Elice.

Elice I could possibly understand, but Matthis?

I'm going to go with Jeorge, if only for Silver Bow chip.

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Matthis is a waste of time and I did chapter 4 and killed him off before he was even taken on the draft list.

Very nice idea. Just curious, what were your turncounts for C1, C2 and C3? I'd like to know how much I need to torture myself.

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C1 was done in 11 turns

C2 was done in 17(Although I made tactical errors that cost me 2-3 turns here)

C3 was done in 13 turns

And as a matter of fact I just finished uploading C1 which can be seen here, no commentary. I'll do commentary in some of the videos if I feel like it but I'm not really feeling it for these first few chapters:

I'll also have C2 and maybe C3 uploaded before I go to sleep in a few hours. I'll update this post with end of C1 stats in a bit.

Edit: ch1 stats are up

Name lvl hp str mag skl spd luk def res
Marth 1.50 base
Cain 3.57 22 7 0 6 8 4 7 0
Jeigan 2.65 22 7 1 10 8 10 6
Wrys 1.51 base

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Jagen to fort on turn 1 I had never thought of before. So I tried that, and...

C1: 11 turns (lol)

I got lucky. Very lucky. So I killed pirates and went through. A small tactical error cost me all my undrafted characters and forced me (Reason: I had 3 pirates still alive.) to proc a 5% Silver Lance crit on the boss. Turns out, I did, and Marth was one square away from seize on turn 10. So I weakened a pirate with Jagen and had Caeda Javelin kill it. Marth seize, chapter over. Bought 4 Javelins, 1 Iron Lance, 1 Iron Sword and 2 Iron Axes from the armory.

Tries: 2 (quit the first one because it was going way slower.)

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   2.10 19  6  0  3  7  8  7  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg    2.70 17  4  1  6 13 10  7  6 Lance D
Jagen   Pally  2.18 22  8  1 11  8  1  9  6 Sword D Lance B 

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Okay, my turn!

Chapter 1: 13/13 (can't be arsed to do it again, because Gaggles friggin' cooperated, even if everyone else gave me the proverbial finger)

Got my gold, then used it to purchase two Javelins, an Iron Lance, and an Iron Sword. Marth got the Thief kill, Abel went to the fort (he makes awesome bait!), Jagen ran around weakening stuff, and the only person I had to sacrifice was Cain. Got a little lucky with the boss (I needed two 61% lance hits to hit. . .and they did), then had Marth seize.

Stat time!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       2.10   19    5    0    3    8    8    7    0
Jagen    Paladin    2.09   Base everything
Abel     Cavalier   2.71   21    6    0    8    7    2    7    0
Gordin   Archer     2.51   18    5    0    4    5    5    7    0

Chapter 2: 17/30 turns

Unlike Joey, I relied on pure dumb luck to get me through. If Marth is positioned correctly, Darros can be recruited without facing any danger from the enemy. Jagen's job was to carve out massive chunks of HP, so everyone else could level. Once the two horses rushed, I had Marth bait with his Rapier. Various people took turns on the fort. Darros dodged a hit from the boss, which meant I could OTKO the boss (Jagen, Darros, Abel, and Gordin, in that order). Marth walked over and seized.

If Gordin keeps this up, he'll earn himself the Fail award.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       3.80   19    6    0    4    9    9    7    0
Jagen    Paladin    2.81   Base everything
Abel     Cavalier   4.12   21    6    0    8    8    3    7    0
Gordin   Archer     4.54   20    5    0    5    5    5    7    0
Darros   Pirate     4.12   22    7    0    2    7    3    5    0

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And here are the chapter two videos, it's split into two parts(Can't believe it took me 40minutes to do, which is 20mins when the video speed is doubled)

[spoiler=Turns and Stats]

Turns: 17(Ehhh, could've been better)

Stats(Now tidier!)

Name    lvl  hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank
Marth   2.90 19   5   0   3   8   8   7   0  Sword D
Cain    6.66 24   9   0   7   9   5   10  0  Lance D, Sword D
Jeigan  4.17 22   7   1   11  9   2   10  6  Lance B, Sword D
Wrys    3.89 17   0   2   5   8   4   3   7  Staff D

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Whoa, progress before it's even begun. This is scary.

Well it makes sense, seeing as all characters up to C7 have been taken. Even then, No one would probably use Bantu anyway, so make that C12.

Luck is screwing me over on C2, btw. 5 attempts and all failed. Caeda even got strength in one attempt(!).

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Well it makes sense, seeing as all characters up to C7 have been taken. Even then, No one would probably use Bantu anyway, so make that C12.

Oh, it's not the illogic of it all - it's the diligence. :P


Chapter 1 - 33 turns :awesome:

Yeah. I'm totally not proud of this but I did it before seeing Joey's Jagen-to-Fort. I'm keeping the utterly pathetic turn count because Marth co-operated VERY well in stat-gaining, including +1 RES of all things. I also realized I drafted NOBODY to help out in C1. Here's to hoping Barst and Castor at least make my C2 easier.

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