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[FE11] (h3!) Drafting Tourney V


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Doesn't really matter who's picked at this point either as the rest of the available units are total scrubs except for who I'm about to take which is Ymir.

That was slick.

EDIT: FFFUUUUUUUCK. I had a chicks-only H3 run I'd gotten to the END, THE SODDING END. I deleted my H5 Epilogue save from Slot 3 to make room for the draft AND THEN SAVED OVER SLOT 1 INSTINCTIVELY. I've also made a fucking BATTLE SAVE over my one of those. I'm going to go cry now.


Chapter 2 - 12 turns

Used a little positioning trick involving Lord priority I devised for H5 to block off the Thieves and Hunter to the north - I never kill them. Surge left and end up landing a 61 with Jeigan, a 56 with Barst, and an 80 with Marth on Turn 11 for the Seize. Used the Map Save with Draug before he died but never had to load. LENA TIME TO MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER NOWWWWW

Amusingly, I kept failing in an initial attempt of this level and I was getting sad - until I realized I kept sacrificing Caeda and I need her for Navarre. I became happy that I kept failing at that point.


Chapter 3 - 12 turns


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Another question: Can undrafted units clog the forts to prevent reinforcements from coming?

Also, here's chapter 3:

[spoiler=Turns and stats(although the stats were taken after reclassing in chapter 4 prep)]

Turns: 13

Name    lvl  hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank              Class
Marth   3.40 20   5   0   3   9   8   7   0  Sword D           Lord(duh) 
Cain    8.48 24   9   0   9   11  6   10  0  Lance D, Sword D  Cav
Jeigan  5.38 22   8   1   11  10  2   12  3  Lance B, Axe E  Dracoknight(Has C swords as Pally, btw)
Wrys    4.23 17   0   5   5   7   4   2   4  Tome E            Mage

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Another question: Can undrafted units clog the forts to prevent reinforcements from coming?

Don't see how it's any different from meatshielding or blocking an archer from firing.


Stats for the deploy screen of C4 before I attack it con gusto:


Marth    Lord     7.51  23| 8|0| 5| 8|11| 9|1
Jagen    Draco   /3.63  22| 9|1|12| 8| 1|12|3
Barst    Fight    6.03  26|12|0| 6|10| 6| 6|0
Castor   Merc     4.74  19| 5|0| 7|10| 4| 7|0
LENA     Mage     4.24  16| 0|5| 7| 8| 9| 4|3
Navarre  Cure     4.47  20| 2|1| 1| 4| 8| 5|6


Chapter 4: 14 turns

Not strictly proud of this count, but hey it worked. Curate!Navarre took a good hit that would have killed Barst at one point. I like it! I could have possibly shaved a turn had Marth not missed a 92% Rapier hit on Turn 4 but whatever.


Chapter 5: 7 turns

Reclasses: Castor back to Hunter, Trim to Pegasus Knight so I can steal all the Hardin Brigade's shit.

Surprisingly easy, actually. Hammertime!Barst was able to blitz the open gate next to the boss on Turn 6 and wait with his Hammer out. He needed to land two out of four shots at 58% and I had JUST burned the Map Save, so it took one reset. Merric died in valiant defense of the northern village - not because I wanted a Firestone, but because Castor was able to pick the Thieves off as long as they prioritized the village. Trim grabbed the Wolfguard's shit and did some shopping. Wendell was recruited by Merric for future meatshielding and his Thunder. Amazingly, Wolf survived and now shall be tossed away.


Chapter 6:

Reclasses: Jagen back to Paladin, Wolf to Hero, Wendell to Swordmaster, Xestu to Fighter.

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Chapter 4:

We witness the birth of a red-headed rambo in this chapter

Wrys also plays ring around the rosie with a bunch of fighters.

Turns: 15


Name    lvl  hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank              Class
Marth   4.00 21   6   0   3   10  9   7   0  Sword D           Lord(duh) 
Cain   11.51 27   11  0  11  13  7   10  0  Lance C, Sword D  Cav
Jeigan  6.09 24   8   1   11  11  2   10 6  Lance A, Sword C  Pally
Wrys    5.09 18   0   3   6   9   4   3   7  Staff D           Curate

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Est, why not.

Also, Chapter 6: 12 turns i really like that number it seems

Barst. Got all the Thieves except Mr. Killing Edge by a one-square vagary of poor positioning :(

Gaiden get.


Chapter 6x: 9 turns

Reclassings: Barst and Castor to Mercs.

Blitzed left. Rickard got a kill.

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Chapter 3: 18/48

ITC: We understand why eclipse chose Darros

Devil Axe went straight to the unlucky pirate. Darros knocked out one of the pesky western fighters and the boss with it (it was a whack that made my job half as hard). I stuck around as long as I did to level Julian. He's no longer weighed down by his sword.

Draug, Bord, and Cord sacrificed themselves to keep everyone else alive. Navarre surrendered his Killing Edge before dying.

Gordin's still failing hard.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       4.68   20    7    0    4    9   10    8    0
Abel     Cavalier   5.41   22    7    0    8    9    3    7    0
Jagen    Paladin    3.19   Base everything
Gordin   Archer     5.19   21    5    0    5    5    5    7    0
Darros   Pirate     5.39   23    8    0    3    7    4    5    0
Julian   Thief      5.06   19    5    0    7   14    7    4    0

Chapter 4: 18/66

Reclassed Jagen to Bishop (I need him to gain staff rank ASAP), Caeda to Myrmidon Gordin to Curate, Ogma to Pirate, Darros to Mercenary, and Barst to Knight.

This might be 18, but I don't remember. All I know is that I intentionally took an extra turn to level Julian's swords and Matthis.

Barst the Knight on a fort was plenty distraction for the mob to the east. Marth weakened everyone without a face, while everyone else mopped up after him. Julian and Marth got good levels, which means Julian doubles a lot of stuff, and Marth can now take hits. By the time Barst went down, I had grabbed Merric (extra meatshield) and was busy healing Matthis.

Gordin's still being weird, but at least I don't have to worry about him falling behind in levels. Jagen finally gained a level of something!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       6.23   22    7    0    5   10   12    9    1
Abel     Cavalier   7.78   24    8    0    9   10    4    8    0
Jagen    Bishop     4.07   22    1    4    7    5    1    4    8
Gordin   Curate     7.00   21    0    1    4    6    5    4    7
Darros   Mercenary  6.64   21    8    0   10   11    5    7    0
Julian   Thief      6.37   20    6    0    7   14    8    5    0
Matthis  Cavalier   4.52   22    6    0    2    6    0    7    0

EDIT: I did this one in 18 turns. . .I hate early math errors. . .

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Chapter 7 - 9 turns

Predictably, the boss met his end on Barst's Hammer. I'm not terribly innovative. The first part was a BITCH, because I forgot the reinforcements were proximity-triggered and managed to move Jagen far enough to trip them on turn 1. ick.

EDIT: Okay, 'clipsey, you take one draft and then drafting's over.


Chapter 8 - 6 turns

Predictably, the boss met his end on --

Actually, he didn't. Knight!Barst was left behind to stop the reinforcements just in case. SM!Jagen Armorslayed the boss twice, LENA shot him, then Jags finished. Marth Seize.

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Chapter 9 - 7 turns

Castor actually got the kill, awesomely.

Merc!Barst stomped. A lot of scrubs were sacrificed to buy Rickard the time to get the center chests. I abandoned the Wyrmslayer, but whatever.

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Not bad, Integ

Chapter 5:

I finally get another person to use and it's no other than the original and best FE guido ever: Sedgar. Although I wish the pope wasn't stolen from me ):

Also surprisingly the only Wolfguard member to die here is Vyland

Turns: 7

Name    lvl   hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank              Class
Marth   04.37 21   6   0   3  10  9   7   0  Sword D           Lord(duh) 
Cain    13.02 27   12  0  11  14  7   10  0  Lance C, Sword D   Cav
Jeigan  06.73 22   9   1  11  11  3   12  3  Lance A, Axe E  Dracoknight
Wrys    06.14 19   0   3   6   9  4   3   7  Staff D           Curate
Sedgar  1.19                Base             Sword D Axe E     Guido 

Chapter 6:

This pretty much begins the reason why javelins got nerfed in FE12

Turns: 14(I could have saved two turns but I was too lazy to move Jeigan due to laziness thinking he wouldn't be needed to kill the boss)

Forgot to take stats for this one.

Also, here's a preview of what to expect in the future:



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You posted Chapter 5's video twice.

Which reminds me. . .

Chapter 5: 9/75 (I don't have a shot in hell of winning this. . .)

"HEY! Where are you going?!"

"Group therapy. We need it, since we're all gonna die anyway."

Hardin's Happy Horses have returned! Reclassed Matthis to Archer and Darros to Pirate.

I disarmed all the newbies without turbans, while Marth baited the three enemies to the south. I managed to position him so he'd then bait the Pegasus (and Wendell). Got my first Thunder tome before putting the speedy sage six feet under. Meanwhile, the disarmed Wolfguard ran west, then north, to pin the reinforcements the hell away from everyone else. Therefore, I was able to slowly pick stuff off, rather than have to deal with a bunch of arrow guys, horses, and a couple of armors. Marth was the only one doing appreciable damage to the boss, so that's why it took so long to finish this map. Hardin got the kill, and a much-needed level.

Believe it or not, Matthis leveled as a bow dude, and did a damn sight better than his previous two levels combined.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       7.34   23    8    0    5   10   12    9    1
Abel     Cavalier   8.42   25    9    0   10   10    4    8    0
Jagen    Bishop     4.63   22    1    4    7    5    1    4    8
Gordin   Curate     7.64   21    0    1    4    6    5    4    7
Darros   Pirate     7.54   24    9    0    3    7    5    7    0
Julian   Thief      7.13   21    6    0    7   14    9    5    0
Matthis  Archer     5.32   21    7    0    4    4    0    6    0
Hardin   Cavalier   7.31   25    9    0    8    8    3    8    1

Chapter 6: 12/87

Interestingly enough, I finished this in the same time I did for my Normal run. Go figure.

Reclassed Matthis to Cavalier.

Brought everyone with a name, and ditched all generics except for my two sacrifices. Julian unlocked Rickard's cell, then punched his lights out. Hardin's turban Silver Lance came in handy, as he was able to OHKO the mages. I controlled my units better, so I didn't have to worry about ZOMGRUSH from the north. A generic stalled the two horses from the north long enough for Abel to get there and deal sweet Ridersbane justice to them. Managed to catch all the thieves that mattered. Matthis got a surprising number of kills (by surprising, I mean more than zero). Darros hit C in axes mid-level, so I gave him the Hammer, and had him go to town with it. The boss died to Hammer, Fire, Silver Lance, and Ridersbane, in that order.

Abel, Hardin, and Matthis are cooperating (I'm somewhat surprised at the last one). Gordin is Gordin.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       7.84   23    8    0    5   10   12    9    1
Abel     Cavalier  10.39   25   10    0   11   12    4    9    0
Jagen    Bishop     5.35   22    1    4    7    5    2    4    8
Gordin   Curate     8.92   22    0    1    5    6    5    4    7
Darros   Pirate     8.31   25    9    0    3    7    6    8    0
Julian   Thief      7.84   21    6    0    7   14    9    5    0
Matthis  Cavalier   7.71   24    8    0    4    7    0    7    0
Hardin   Cavalier   9.29   25   10    0   10    8    3   10    1

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Chapter 6x: 20

Reclassed Matthis to Archer.

This was the Build Weapon Rank chapter. Julian and Abel got fort duty, while Matthis sniped from behind. Darros got a couple of potshots in (but since he's already where I want him, it's not so vital). I had Hardin attack as much as I could. The boss went down in quite a few turns to Julian, Abel, and Matthis. Marth stole the glory (like a proper leader), then seized.

What do I win for getting WTF levels on this chapter?

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       9.02   25    9    0    6   12   13    9    1
Abel     Cavalier  11.97   25   10    0   12   13    4   10    0
Jagen    Bishop     6.17   22    1    5    7    5    3    4    8
Gordin   Curate    11.03   24    0    1    6    6    6    5    7
Darros   Pirate     8.48   25    9    0    3    7    6    8    0
Julian   Thief      9.59   23    7    0    9   16   11    7    0
Matthis  Archer     8.85   22    8    0    5    5    0    6    0
Hardin   Cavalier  10.37   25   10    0   10    9    3   10    1

Chapter 7: 10/97

As a note for anyone else doing this chapter, the reinforcements DO NOT stop when the boss goes down. This caused me to redo it (Darros went down).

Reclassed Gordin to. . .wait for it. . .Cavalier. He hits about as hard as a cotton ball, but he can take hits, and he's not doubled by the entire map. Also, he's in promotion range (not that I'd promote him as he is).

Baited the Dracoknight with Hardin so Matthis could shoot it down. Darros was good Dragoon bait, and they met the same fate as the earlier Dracoknight. Matthis shot down Palla and Catria, for giggles. I triggered the reinforcements by blocking the two northern forts, then having a generic female unit fly to block the southernmost fort. Abel ran down to the eastern fort to put an end to the reinforcements. From there, marched Darros to the boss and Hammered him to oblivion.

Julian can wield the Armorslayer. Matthis got the best level I've seen from him so far, and Darros did a pretty good job, too.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       9.43   25    9    0    6   12   13    9    1
Abel     Cavalier  12.44   25   10    0   13   14    4   10    0
Jagen    Bishop     6.72   22    1    5    7    5    3    4    8
Gordin   Cavalier  11.41   26    5    0    7    8    6    9    1
Darros   Pirate    10.50   27   11    0    4    7    7    8    0
Julian   Thief     10.13   24    7    0   10   17   12    7    0
Matthis  Archer     9.71   23    9    0    5    6    1    6    0
Hardin   Cavalier  10.57   25   10    0   10    9    3   10    1

Chapter 8: 7/104

Reclassed Matthis to Cavalier. My purpose should be obvious.

There's a neat little choke point near the first group of horses that only allows two enemies to attack. I parked Gordin and Abel there. The former did squat for damage. The latter held a Ridersbane. Instead of dealing with four enemies on my next turn, I only needed to deal with one.

Slowly worked everyone over to the boss. Once Roger went down, I had Darros and Marth make a mad dash towards the boss. This triggered the reinforcements, but two generics and Athena were enough of a distraction so that I could get everyone across the bridge. After that, Darros landed the counterattack I needed, so Hardin and Julian on Armorslayer could finish him.

Due to the reinforcement pattern, I was able to level up Radd. He got a good one, too!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       9.60   25    9    0    6   12   13    9    1
Abel     Cavalier  13.17   26   11    0   14   14    5   10    0
Jagen    Bishop     7.01   23    1    5    7    5    3    4    8
Gordin   Cavalier  11.65   26    5    0    7    8    6    9    1
Darros   Pirate    10.75   27   11    0    4    7    7    8    0
Julian   Thief     10.98   24    7    0   10   17   12    7    0
Matthis  Cavalier  10.26   26    9    0    4    8    1    8    0
Hardin   Cavalier  10.84   25   10    0   10    9    3   10    1
Radd     Myrmidon   2.24   18    5    0    9   10    2    6    0

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C2: 15 Turns

Finally! That took longer than it needed to. Ogma traded swords to Jagen, Barst traded axes to Bord. Fought my way to the save point by turn 8, and took about 10 or so resets before something worked. Boss went down to Jav!Caeda (doubling!) and Steel Sword Jagen. Marth got the 5000 gold village during, and I got 2 Hand Axes and an extra Hammer.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   2.70 19  6  0  3  7  8  7  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg    4.68 18  6  1  7 15 11  7  6 Lance D
Jagen   Pally  3.19 23  8  1 11  8  1  9  6 Sword D Lance B 
Cord    Fight  4.00 22  7  0  5 11  5  5  0 Axe E
Bord    Fight  2.30 20  8  0  4  7  1  5  0 Axe C

Yes, that's right. Caeda got 2 strength levels that chapter.

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Chapter 9: 8/112

This run shall henceforth be known as Following In Integrity's Shadow.

Reclassed Radd to Cavalier and Darros to Mercenary.

Everyone, look at Radd. Please tell me why his stats are wrong, but so very right.

It took a miracle to finish in this time frame (Hardin needed to hit with his turban Silver Lance), and Abel was at 2 HP for most of the map. I had two extra class B males, so I made them Pirates, and had them bait the projectile guys. They managed to dodge until Turn 6.

Julian got the treasure, then got the thief and one pirate, somehow. Javelins do good chip damage against the boss (hence, why I picked Matthis).

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      10.11   26    9    0    7   13   13   10    1
Abel     Cavalier  13.88   26   11    0   14   14    5   10    0
Jagen    Bishop     7.45   23    1    5    7    5    3    4    8
Gordin   Cavalier  11.98   26    5    0    7    8    6    9    1
Darros   Mercenary 11.06   26   10    0   11   12    7   10    0
Julian   Thief     11.46   24    8    0   11   18   13    7    0
Matthis  Cavalier  10.69   26    9    0    4    8    1    8    0
Hardin   Cavalier  11.84   26   10    0   11    9    3   11    1
Radd     Cavalier   3.47   21    7    0    3    5    2   10    0

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C3: 9 Turns (!)

Immediately charged west, getting Marth to the Devil Axe village on turn 2. Took the save point before taking on the three Fighters that come from the west. Julian and Lena died on the mountains. Killed Fighters, and Hunters, and took the save point on turn 8. Then I needed to get a 2% Devil Axe crit with Bord at 76% displayed. Adding in the 30% backfire chance for Devil Axe, it came to a 1.24% chance of success. Total reset count: 33. Turns out, I took a chance, after Bord hit with Devil Axe and subsequently died, with Caeda attacking with Wing Spear, needing a 14% crit. I got it, and had Marth seize.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   3.00 20  7  0  4  7  9  7  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg    5.97 18  7  1  8 16 11  7  6 Lance C
Jagen   Pally  3.53 23  8  1 11  8  1  9  6 Sword D Lance B 
Cord    Fight  4.37 22  7  0  5 11  5  5  0 Axe E

Caeda got strength again. OMGWTFBBQ.

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Reclasses: Sedgar - Guido, Jeigan SM

"What!? Sedgar didn't proc speed and strength?!"

Turns: 12(Doesn't matter as we're not counting these, I know I could've gone for a quicker clear but somewhat took my time to build up Sedgar's axe rank. I still played somewhat efficiently, though)

Name    lvl   hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank              Class
Marth   06.54 23   8   0   4  11   11   8   1  Sword C           Lord(duh) 
Cain    17.03 30   12  0  14  15   8    11  0  Lance B, Sword C   Cav
Jeigan  08.19 26   8   1  15  13   4    9   3   Bow C            Sniper
Wrys    10.04 20   0   5   9  10   5    3   9  Staff C           Curate
Sedgar  2.71  22   6   1   7   7   2    7   2  Sword E Bow D     Guido Cowboy
Athena  10.15               Base                                 Sword Nazi


Reclasses: Sedgar to Guido Cowboy, Jeigan to Sniper

Things are starting to get pretty smooth for me. Hate the reinforcements though, I probably should have reclassed Jeigan to DK instead of Sniper for this. At least Sedgar is starting to get his typical level-ups which means give him another level or two and he'll be a pretty awesome asset.

Turns: 9

Name    lvl   hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank                Class
Marth   07.33 24   9   0   5  11   12   8   1  Sword C           Lord(duh) 
Cain    18.18 31   13  0  15  16   9    11  0  Lance B, Sword C   Cav
Jeigan  08.52 24   8   1  12  11   4    10  6  Sword C, Lance A   Pally
Wrys    11.32 20   0   5   9  10   5    3   9  Staff C           Curate
Sedgar  3.44  25   7   1  12  12   3    8   2  Sword D Axe E     Guido
Athena  11.14 26   9   0  13  14   7    7   0  Sword C           Sword Nazi

I almost started' date=' but Jagen missed with an iron sword for the bosskill, then got critted by the boss. Fml.[/quote']

Ouch, hate when that happens.

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Chapter 10: 10/122

"Let me get this straight. Marth's army consists of some grandpa, a loser with no personality, Gaggles, J Random Pirate Dude, a klepto, a wannabe from Macedon, a European man with a mustache and turban, and some bright-eyed kid from Port Warren? I demand the RNG be manipulated to give me the biggest advantage!"

. . .and that's exactly what happened! Reclassed Caesar to knight, and plopped him on the fort.

Despite the best efforts of this map to screw me over, I made it through. The four cavaliers in the beginning went down to Ridersbane, turban, Rapier, and attrition (by attrition, I mean Matthis missing twice with 76% displayed hit). The dracoknight and peggy that went after the main group died to Gordin and Jagen, respectively. Dashed around the castle, then baited the knight with Hardin's turban Silver Lance. Wandered too close to my Master Seal, so it ran by to say hi. In the process of getting the Master Seal, Matthis missed a 70-something displayed hit, and Jagen missed a 78% displayed hit (or something like that). Darros ran up to the boss, and proceeded to miss two Hammer hits in a row (granted, it was something like 62% displayed, but twice in a row?). Luckily, the third one connected, so I was able to finish the map.

Couldn't get the second Levin Sword, but I don't think it will matter. Did manage to get the Physic, and have Julian shred a Knight in the process.

I am not making Radd's stats up, I swear!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      10.63   26    9    0    7   13   13   10    1
Abel     Cavalier  14.51   27   11    0   15   15    5   11    0
Jagen    Bishop     8.11   24    1    5    7    6    3    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  12.18   26    5    0    8    8    7    9    1
Darros   Mercenary 12.14   29   11    0    5    8    8    9    0
Julian   Thief     11.63   24    8    0   11   18   13    7    0
Matthis  Cavalier  11.08   27   10    0    5    8    1    9    0
Hardin   Cavalier  12.40   27   10    0   11    9    3   11    1
Radd     Cavalier   4.90   22    8    0    3    5    3   11    0

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C4: 12 Turns

Reclass: Jagen to Draco, was considering Mage!Caeda before, she proc'd enough strength, so it wasn't worth it.

Immediately charged west, waited for Cavs to come, bought 2 Steel Lances, sacrificed Merric to the Horsemen, Javelin spammed boss and Wing Spear kill. When Caeda got the level from killing the boss, I was worried she'd proc another strength point. When you see my stats, you'll see.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   4.43 20  8  0  4  8  9  7  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg    8.20 19  9  1 10 17 13  7  6 Lance C
Jagen   Draco  3.80 21  9  1 11  8  1 11  3 Sword D Lance B 
Cord    Fight  5.89 23  8  0  5 11  6  5  0 Axe D

Caeda proc'd two strength levels. WTF. I swear, I'm not manipulating that at all.


C5: 7 Turns

Sent the Wolfguard (quite literally) west, diverting most of the attention away from my main group. Wolf killed the Peg that came down, and Hardin stood on the fort. Ignored Wendell, went south, Caeda bosskilled.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   4.97 20  8  0  4  8  9  7  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg    9.37 19  9  1 11 18 14  7  6 Lance C
Jagen   Draco  3.90 21  9  1 11  8  1 11  3 Sword D Lance B 
Cord    Fight  6.27 24  9  0  5 11  6  5  0 Axe D
Wolf    Horse  3.17 22  6  0  6  8  5  6  1 Sword E Bow D

Edit 2:

C6: 14 Turns

Reclass: Wolf to General.

This was a pain. Didn't get any of the treasure, didn't think I'd need it. Just getting to the throne room was hard. Cord was running around at 1 HP most of the time. The only way to achieve 14 turns was to have Jagen suicide on the boss with his Silver Lance. He broke it, he died, and Caeda killed with the Wing Spear. Just. With like, 8 units, it's off to 6x.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   6.27 22  9  0  5  9 11  8  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg   11.13 19  9  1 13 20 16  7  6 Lance C
Cord    Fight  7.88 25 10  0  6 11  6  5  0 Axe D
Wolf    Gen    3.80 30  8  0  3  4  5 15  1 Lance D Bow E

Edited by Mist
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Chapter 10 - 15 turns

rrgraaah recruiting Maria set me back a bit. Jags Armorslayed the boss while Minerva and Barst put up a heroic stand against the reinforcements coming in. Got all the loot, sacrificed Wendell and one generic.


Chapter 11 - 16 turns

Quite frankly, I could have done this faster. But, I didn't and I managed to get shopping done without sacrificing any named units. A generic died in the pursuit of those stupid initial Pegasuses, but fuck him anyway. Barst was fed some statups and LENA got the Angelic Robe.

Edited by Integrity
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