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[FE11] (h3!) Drafting Tourney V


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Chapter 11: 13/135

I will open this log by stating the most WTF thing to happen in this entire run: Marth got smacked over the head by a Stonehoist with 8% displayed hit. Screw you RNG!

Reclassed Gaggles to Archer, for the opening peggys. Reclassed Darros to Pirate and forgot to record it.

Ticked off the guys down south for extra experience, then ran north with my main group while Gordin, Matthis, and Radd mopped up south. Marth wound up using himself as bait for both bow enemies, and dodged both shots. Skirted around the boss, killing whatever got in my way. Caeda went down to a 32% displayed hit :(. No more Secret Shopper!

Once I hit the throne, I realized that my second sacrifice had died before he could bait ugly. I took an extra turn to bait and kill him, because several people have their eye on that Energy Drop. I'm proud to say that I managed to kill the boss without taking a single hit from him (Abel dodged).

Radd is threatening to pwn, and I have no objections. I might reclass him to Archer for a bit to get his Speed up.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      11.33   27    9    0    7   13   13   10    1
Abel     Cavalier  15.78   28   12    0   16   15    5   12    0
Jagen    Bishop     8.64   24    1    5    7    6    3    4    9
Gordin   Archer    12.87   24    5    0    9    6    7    8    1
Darros   Pirate    12.97   29   11    0    5    8    8    9    0
Julian   Thief     12.67   25    9    0   12   18   14    7    0
Matthis  Cavalier  11.53   27   10    0    5    8    1    9    0
Hardin   Cavalier  13.25   28   10    0   12   10    3   11    1
Radd     Cavalier   6.83   24   10    0    4    5    4   11    0

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I actually reclassed Sedgar to Guido General here which is proven to be awesome. Let's see if Roger is good seeing as iirc he was hyped in H5 tierlists. He didn't cost any turns to recruit either, even with base level Sheeda

I also made Jeigan a Paladin

6 Turns

Name    lvl   hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank              Class
Marth    7.56 24   9   0   5  11   12   8   1  Sword C           Lord(duh) 
Cain    19.31 31   13  0  15  17   9    11  0  Lance A, Sword C  Cav
Jeigan   8.74 22   9   1  12  11   4    12  3  Lance B Axe E     DK
Wrys    11.79 20   0   5   9  10   5    3   9  Staff C           Curate
Sedgar  5.04  25   6   1   7   7   2    7   2  Sword D Axe E     Guido 
Athena  11.29 26   9   0  13  14   7    7   0  Sword C           Myrmidon                           
Roger    5.30               Base                                 Fighter


This chapter pretty much marks the beginning of Sedgar and Cain's duo adventures. Marth is beginning to use his full move freely with no worries.

Reclasses: Sedgar back to Guido, Jeigan to DK, Roger to Fighter although really, I probably should have made him a Hunter for this one seeing as I purposely had Radd die and tried to get Julius Caesar killed.

5 Turns

Name    lvl   hp  str mag skl spd luk def res rank                Class
Marth    7.56 24   9   0   5  11   12   8   1  Sword C           Lord(duh) 
Cain    20.00 32   13  0  16  18   9    11  0  Lance A, Sword C   Cav
Jeigan  08.96 22   8   1  12  11   4    10  6  Lance A Axe E      DK
Wrys    12.67 20   0   5   9  10   5    3   9  Staff C           Curate
Sedgar  5.44  25   7   1  12  12   3    8   2  Sword D Axe E     Guido
Athena  11.46 26   9   0  13  14   7    7   0  Sword C           Myrmidon
Roger    5.30               Base                                 Hunter

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Chapter 12: 14/149

"I'm not drafted, and I'm alive? WHY?"

"You look so wimpy that the shopkeepers might give you a discount."

". . .you're mean. . ."

The real reason why the Green Skittle's alive is because he dodged a displayed 86% hit. Twice. I have a new secret shopper!

Reclassed Gordin to Cavalier. Used my first Speedwings on Radd.

My turn count is so ridiculously high is because Marth missed against the boss (79%. . .), and that cost me two turns (one to get his butt out of the way and heal him, and a second to put someone more competent in his place). However, several characters got really awesome levels, and I can't ignore that. I also learned that if you bait the Sniper correctly, you've got a second boss to abuse.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      11.80   27    9    0    7   13   13   10    1
Abel     Cavalier  17.62   30   13    0   16   16    5   12    0
Jagen    Bishop     9.69   24    1    5    7    7    3    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  13.37   27    5    0    9    8    8    9    1
Darros   Pirate    14.52   31   12    0    6    8    9   10    0
Julian   Thief     13.56   25   10    0   12   18   15    7    0
Matthis  Cavalier  12.20   28   11    0    6    8    1   10    0
Hardin   Cavalier  15.11   30   12    0   12   11    4   11    1
Radd     Cavalier   8.11   26   10    0    4    9*   4   12    0
Boah     Sprang him after the map was over

Chapter 12x: 16

Reclassed Matthis to Archer and Darros to Mercenary

Here's what I wanted to do:

Abel and Hardin to C Swords - nope

Radd and Gordin to D Lances - done

Matthis gains a level - done

Darros gains a level - nope

Radd kicks ass - of course!

I had to finish this map early because I somehow got the Manakete and Sniper angry at the same time. Julian pulled through with a Killing Edge to the boss' face, otherwise I'd have to redo everything (I estimate at least three casualties, one being Marth). I got Horace, because I didn't have time to murder him.

Gordin for Facepalm Tier. Even with the reclassing I put him through, he's doing a spectacular job of falling behind where it counts.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      12.25   28    9    0    8   13   14   11    1
Abel     Cavalier  18.85   31   14    0   17   16    5   12    0
Jagen    Bishop    10.44   24    1    5    7    7    4    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  13.80   27    5    0    9    8    8    9    1
Darros   Mercenary 14.79   29   11    0   13   12    9   10    0
Julian   Thief     14.18   26   10    0   13   19   16    7    0
Matthis  Archer    13.45   27   11    0    8    7    2    9    0
Hardin   Cavalier  15.51   30   12    0   12   11    4   11    1
Radd     Cavalier   9.40   27   11    0    5   10*   5   12    0
Boah     Bishop     1.96   Needs to level

Chapter 13: 5/154

"C'mon Gordin, level Strength. . .sheesh, WTF?!"

Reclassed Matthis to Cavalier

It was a mad dash to the boss, and I stopped to take out anything in my way (which included the thieves and the pesky healer). Marth did his best work with the Levin Sword. Abel followed, in the hopes that he'll promote (he will, don't worry). People had to dodge like mad, and I was quite relieved when my two sacrifices died (as they were dodging a little TOO well). Horace somehow survived, despite Grust's efforts to kill him.

Astram died to Hardin, which I think is fitting.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      12.58   28    9    0    8   13   14   11    1
Abel     Cavalier  19.50   31   14    0   17   17    5   12    0
Jagen    Bishop    10.44   24    1    5    7    7    4    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  14.01   28    5    0    9    8    9    9    1
Darros   Mercenary 15.11   29   11    0   13   12   10   12    0
Julian   Thief     15.03   27   11    0   13   19   17    8    0
Matthis  Cavalier  13.52   29   11    0    7    9    2   10    0
Hardin   Cavalier  16.00   31   12    0   13   11    5   12    1
Radd     Cavalier  10.10   27   11    0    5   10*   6   13    0
Boah     Bishop     2.42   22    1    4    7   10    4    5   10

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Chapter 12 - 6 turns

I'm not actually proud of this one, awesome as 6 turns sounds. I had to Emergency Seize with two chests (Dragonpike and Boots, I think) left ungrabbed. Barst promoted and 1HKO'd the boss with his Silver Axe. Let's do a Chapter 12 Stats Update to make up for it.


Marth   Lord   12.50  26|12| 0| 7|11|13|11| 1
Jagen   Pala  /10.64  25|10| 1|13|12| 2|12| 6
Barst   Zerk  / 2.68  42|20| 0|15|18|15|14| 0
Castor  Hunt   13.47  25| 9| 0| 7| 9| 6| 6| 0
LENA    Mage   13.18  23| 0|10| 9|11|14| 4| 4
Navarre Cure   19.45  30| 3| 3| 8|10|16| 5|10
Rickard Thie    2.48  17| 4| 0| 3|10| 0| 3| 0
Maria   Cure    5.55  17| 0| 3| 3| 4| 2| 4| 8
Midia   Pala  / 1.00        all teh bases
Trim    Pega    5.00 she's my hero generic shopper

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Chapter 14: 8/162

Reclassed Darros to Pirate. Turns out this was a good thing.

The first ballista died to. . .Boah. It seems he has the power to Excaliblick stuff. Sent Abel, Julian, and two baits down to the treasure room, while everyone else made a beeline to the throne room. One bait saved Julian, and the other refused to die. I got the Silver Card, and Abel promoted. Cain, eat your heart out!

Jiol went down to Hammer and turban (because Marth was too weak to do anything useful). I like how Hardin is slowly conquering the other nations. . .he's also next in line to promote.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      13.33   29    9    0    8   13   14   11    1
Abel     Paladin    1.37   36   17    0   20   18    6   14    6
Jagen    Bishop    10.70   24    1    5    7    7    4    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  14.49   28    5    0    9    8    9    9    1
Darros   Pirate    15.69   31   12    0    6    8   10   11    0
Julian   Thief     15.44   27   11    0   13   19   17    8    0
Matthis  Cavalier  13.79   29   11    0    7    9    2   10    0
Hardin   Cavalier  17.03   32   13    0   14   12    6   12    1
Radd     Cavalier  10.97   27   11    0    5   10*   6   13    0
Boah     Bishop     3.10   22    1    4    7   10    5    5   11

Chapter 15: 8/170

Well. . .that's embarrassing. . .

Reclassed Abel to Dracoknight and Radd to Myrmidon.

Stupid Gharnef decided to be tricky with his movement, but that turned out to be a good thing, because I was able to raid the chests for a much-needed Energy Drop. Bait #1 got the two Dracoknights within Excaliblick range. Bait #2 held up Gharnef long enough for me to get those chests.

I wound up having to delay three turns because the mages hit REALLY hard, no one else was in range to kill the boss, and Marth was short a square to do so on Turn 6. Also, all my level-ups stank, except for Boah's and Jagen's. I'm keeping it anyway, since I don't believe in resetting for stats.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      14.03   30   10    0    8   13   15   11    1
Abel     Drakky     2.08   34   18    1   20   18    7   16    3
Jagen    Bishop    11.09   25    1    6    7    8    4    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  14.57   28    5    0    9    8    9    9    1
Darros   Pirate    16.03   32   12    0    6    8   11   11    0
Julian   Thief     15.84   27   11    0   13   19   17    8    0
Matthis  Cavalier  14.02   30   11    0    7    9    2   10    0
Hardin   Cavalier  17.36   32   13    0   14   12    6   12    1
Radd     Myrmidon  12.03   27    9    0   13   15*   6   10    0
Boah     Bishop     4.40   22    1    4    7   11    5    5   11

Chapter 16: 10/180

Nope, this is more embarrassing.

Early promoted Hardin and reclassed him to Dracoknight, and reclassed Gordin and Matthis to Archers.

I hate those Dracoknights with a passion. Despite Gordin's amazing Strength, he was still able to put a big dent in some unlucky Dracoknight's HP. Radd was bait, and managed to kill one. The last one was Excaliblicked. Opened the prison, killed off the Silver Sword Hero with alternating attacks from Hardin and Abel, then had the dynamic duo fly off and kill all the horses in the center. I had to fly out of range of a couple of angry Horsemen before killing them. Darros and Horace walked on water, and I sacrificed Horace so the boss would switch to his bow. Exiting the prison was much tougher, because a whole conga line of enemies formed, and it took three turns to kill them all, because Marth sucks that much. I had time to send Abel shopping for staves.

Abel got a WTF level up.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      14.53   30   10    0    8   13   15   11    1
Abel     Drakky     3.00   35   18    1   21   18    7   17    4
Jagen    Bishop    11.63   25    1    6    7    8    4    4    9
Gordin   Archer    14.86   26    5    0   10    6    9    8    1
Darros   Pirate    17.46   33   13    0    6    9   12   11    0
Julian   Thief     16.68   28   11    0   13   20   18    8    0
Matthis  Archer    14.49   28   11    0    8    7    2    9    0
Hardin   Drakky     2.83   34   16    0   18   14    6   15    4
Radd     Myrmidon  13.42   28    9    0   14   15*   7   10    0
Boah     Bishop     5.26   23    1    4    7   12    5    5   11

Chapter 17: 3/183

Reclassed Abel to Paladin, and Gordin, Matthis, and Radd to Cavalier.

This chapter is boring. Due to a snafu, I couldn't go shopping. That means I'll need to detour to get the axe I want, and the Longbow. I did get the VIP card and Fortify, so that's cool.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      15.00   31   10    0    9   14   16   11    1
Abel     Paladin    4.04   38   17    1   22   18    7   15    7
Jagen    Bishop    11.70   25    1    6    7    8    4    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  14.95   28    5    0    9    8    9    9    1
Darros   Pirate    17.54   33   13    0    6    9   12   11    0
Julian   Thief     17.83   29   11    0   13   20   19    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier  14.49   30   11    0    7    9    2   10    0
Hardin   Drakky     2.83   34   16    0   18   14    6   15    4
Radd     Cavalier  13.51   30   11    0    7   10*   7   13    0
Boah     Bishop     5.62   23    1    4    7   12    5    5   11

Chapter 17x: 13

Another early finish, because a certain Gaggles was in danger of dying. I couldn't have that, because he finally, FINALLY gained Strength (after 15 levels of grief. . .folks, this is why I'd rather have him as a healer). His RES is NOT a typo - he gained it randomly.

Julian managed to snag the Poleax and Longbow, which means the next chapter will be much easier. I fed Gaggles and Radd some experience, and killed Etzel, because I'm having problems killing off generics (and Xane really needs to go). Marth, Abel, Matthis, Darros, and Boah marched to the boss, murdering everything in their path. Abel was once again being heroic at single-digit HP for most of this. The boss was Excaliblicked.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      15.87   31   10    0    9   14   16   11    1
Abel     Paladin    6.14   40   17    1   23   20    8   15    7
Jagen    Bishop    12.33   25    1    7    8    8    5    4    9
Gordin   Cavalier  16.32   28    6    0    9    8    9   10    2
Darros   Pirate    17.80   33   13    0    6    9   12   11    0
Julian   Thief     18.11   30   11    0   13   21   20   10    0
Matthis  Cavalier  15.63   31   12    0    7   10    2   11    0
Hardin   Drakky     3.37   35   16    0   19   15    7   15    4
Radd     Cavalier  15.19   31   12    0    7   11*   9   14    0
Boah     Bishop     6.86   23    1    5    7   12    5    5   11

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C6x: 19 Turns (not that it matters)

Left Wolf as General to boost his Lance rank. Funneled enough experience into Cord. Caeda was killing Armorslayer Mercs. Everyone (besides Marth) got boss abuse help. Caeda got a level(check the stats, I'm not kidding with this.) and B lances (hell yeah Silver), Cord got to C Axes (Hammertime) and Wolf got C Lances (umm...). Wolf took bosskill and didn't get another level. :(

Ignored Athena's village, wasn't worth bothering.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   6.74 22  9  0  5  9 11  8  0 Sword D
Caeda   Peg   12.11 19 10  1 13 20 17  8  6 Lance B
Cord    Fight  9.84 26 11  0  6 12  6  5  0 Axe C
Wolf    Gen    4.97 32  9  0  4  5  5 16  1 Lance C Bow E

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Chapter 18: 8/191

Reclassed Gordin to Archer, for Longbow abuse. I intend on plenty of abuse!

This map is far easier when I have five horse-slaying units available (Marth, Abel, Hardin, Darros, and Matthis). I was a little more careful about positioning, and I decided to wait for Est, so I could get Mercurius and 13 EXP off her corpse. Xane did his best impression of a pirate, walked across the river, and went shopping for me. I think I'll wait until Chapter 20 to have him go an hero.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      16.95   32   11    0    9   14   16   11    1
Abel     Paladin    7.89   40   17    1   24   21    8   15    7
Jagen    Bishop    12.47   25    1    7    8    8    5    4    9
Gordin   Archer    17.13   27    6    0   10    6   10   10    2
Darros   Pirate    18.00   34   14    0    7    9   13   12    0
Julian   Thief     18.11   30   11    0   13   21   20   10    0
Matthis  Cavalier  16.38   32   13    0    7   11    2   11    0
Hardin   Drakky     5.05   36   16    0   19   17    8   15    4
Radd     Cavalier  15.53   31   12    0    7   11*   9   14    0
Boah     Bishop     7.06   23    1    5    7   12    5    5   11

Chapters 19-Endgame: Withheld, until everyone else finishes. Good luck!

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Chapters 19-Endgame: Withheld, until everyone else finishes. Good luck!

Wait, you're done? That was quick.

P.S: Your total turncount numbers are mostly wrong. Up to C18 you should have 192 turns.

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Wait, you're done? That was quick.

P.S: Your total turncount numbers are mostly wrong. Up to C18 you should have 192 turns.

Not done, but I intend on saving those write-ups until everyone else finishes.

Are you counting the Gaiden chapters? I'll go through and correct stuff as needed.

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Are you counting the Gaiden chapters? I'll go through and correct stuff as needed.

Nope. I used Excel to sum total just the main chapters, using your turncount numbers, and it gave me 192.

P.S: I put everyone into that Excel, so I have total turncounts for everyone up to their current chapter. They are:

Mist: 68 up to C6

Integrity: 149 up to C12

Joey: 97 up to C9

Eclipse: 192 up to C18

General_Horace: No records.

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Nope. I used Excel to sum total just the main chapters, using your turncount numbers, and it gave me 192.

P.S: I put everyone into that Excel, so I have total turncounts for everyone up to their current chapter. They are:

Mist: 68 up to C6

Integrity: 149 up to C12

Joey: 97 up to C9

Eclipse: 192 up to C18

General_Horace: No records.

Thanks! Made a typo on Chapter 18, and miscounted an earlier chapter.

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Ill get around to my run soon enough, just life is getting in the way. Btw eclipse, what was your turncount in the last NM draft, I finished my run. (Drafting tourney III)

Since it looks like the others aren't gonna finish, take your turn count and add 3.

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C7: 8 Turns

One thing to say:


Did not like manipulating that Turn 7 player phase and enemy phase. (If only I positioned Marth better...1 square away) Save point on turn 5 and 7. Caeda needed to critkill the boss with 16 crit, Cord needed to not miss a Cav at 77 displayed (He doubled only needed to hit once) and had to dodge some crap. One attempt that was working, I forgot about the spawning Steel Sword Cav. It hit, left him with 2 HP, and a Jav!Cav attacked him. But thankfully missed, and hence, I seized. On two attempts, Caeda got strength on her levels after killing the boss. This was not one of them.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   7.11 22 10  0  5  9 12  8  0 Sword C
Caeda   Peg   13.68 20 10  1 14 20 17  8  6 Lance B
Cord    Fight 11.19 26 11  0  7 14  6  5  0 Axe C
Wolf    Gen    5.41 34 10  0  5  6  6 17  1 Lance C Bow E


C8: 5 Turns

Moved straight for the boss with Caeda. Marth took the normal route, with Wolf and generics guarding him. Killed boss with Caeda, and seized on turn 5. Caesar and Radd went shopping.

Shopping List:

3 Steel Lances

1 Wing Spear

1 Rapier

4 Door Keys

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   7.11 22 10  0  5  9 12  8  0 Sword C
Caeda   Peg   14.25 20 10  1 15 20 18  8  6 Lance B
Cord    Fight 11.19 26 11  0  7 14  6  5  0 Axe C
Wolf    Gen    5.90 34 10  0  5  6  6 17  1 Lance C Bow E

Edit 2:

C9: 5 Turns

Reclass: Wolf to Hero.

Generics to bait Pirates, Cord getting the Bullion and Goddess Icon, Caeda kills boss with Silver Lance crit, Marth seize. Pretty boring. Skipped Jeorge, even though I drafted him.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   7.11 22 10  0  5  9 12  8  0 Sword C
Caeda   Peg   15.04 21 10  1 16 20 19  8  6 Lance B
Cord    Fight 11.19 26 11  0  7 14  6  5  0 Axe C
Wolf    Hero   6.25 30  9  0 13 15  6 10  1 Sword D Axe E

Edit 3:

C10: 10 Turns

Reclass: Wolf to General.

Charged west, dealt with initial Cav rush, left generics to rot to the start point to the reinforcements. Was considering skipping the Seal, but realized it would probably waste more turns than I'd gain. Only took an extra 2 turns, anyway. Caeda killed the Seal Hero, Wing Spear chipped the boss down to 3 HP, and had Wolf kill and level, Marth to seize.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Level
Marth   Lord   7.91 22 10  0  5  9 12  8  0 Sword C
Caeda   Peg   15.91 21 10  1 16 20 19  8  6 Lance B
Cord    Fight 12.24 27 12  0  8 14  6  5  0 Axe C
Wolf    Gen    7.10 38 12  0  7  8  6 19  1 Lance C Bow D

Edited by Mist
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Goddammit 'clipsey. Do you never SLEEP?

Apparently, cause he's not here now.

Also: Caeda is the most ridiculous unit I have right now. Just see this.

C11: 15 Turns

Having to get Linde didn't help my turncount, but I have a turn surplus anyhow. Gave Caeda the last exp for level 16, then sealed her in the middle of the Mercs guarding the village. It was lols. They all died to an Iron Lance. Baited Killer Bow Sniper and Khozen with generics. Linde killed Khozen, and everything died, for once.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord   8.21 22 11  0  5  9 12  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Draco  2.98 27 15  1 18 21 20 13  3 16  Lance B
Cord    Fight 12.42 27 12  0  8 14  6  5  0 --- Axe C
Wolf    Gen    7.78 38 12  0  7  8  6 19  1 --- Lance C Bow D
Linde   Mage   2.73 19  0  2  5  7  7  3  5 --- Tome D

Consider: Peg->Draco gets 4 strength on promotion. Caeda had 10 at level 15. I leveled her to 16. See the problem? (Another strength level, that's what.)

Added an additional column to my stats list. The "Pro" column indicates at what level a unit promoted, if applicable.

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Chapter 12x - 7 turns

I keep forgetting I don't need to rush the Gaidens. Oh well, it's good for practicing.

Barst, lol. Navarre promoted to Bishop and he'll be going Sage in a minute. He ate a Spirit Dust and Midia ate an Energy Drop. Plus, I killed the shit out of Horace after Talking with Marth to fill up the Event Log.


Chapter 13 - 6 turns

I'm not very innovative. Macellan and two generics were sacrificed to the Wooden Cavalry. Astram fell on Hero!Barst's Steel Sword and died.


Chapter 14 - 9 turns

Went straight right with Barst, Midia, Jagen, Rickard and Marth. Midia blocked the thieves and then ran after they were dead to assist in the top. Rick looted. Barst killed the Sniper then Master Key'd the southern door open to let Cat through - and then killed everything. Jags spent 10k of Silver Card gold on Silvers and effective weapons. Happy with the outcome, all told. Cat even killed the boss's healer pet without costing a turn!


Chapter 15 - 7 turns

Awesome. Barst went straight up as a Warrior while DK!Jagen straight aggroed the Bishop and critblicked it (!). Midia went right to juke around Gharnef with a Master Key and Minerva went with her to block the mage spawn. Catria killed some Curates. Laim, Auffle, and Palla (:() were sacrificed to Gharnef. Jags managed to do some Silver Card shopping and Marth Seized.


Chapter 16 - 9 turns

Zerk!Barst to the island and clear from the back. Everybody else surged through Xane's fortress. Xane recruited himself :D


Chapter 17 - 4 turns

I had everything ready on Turn 3 but I deigned to take an extra turn so Midia could hit the Secret Shop for Poleaxes and shit. General strategy: Rick opens the door, Horseman!Barst charges in with a Steel Bow and kills the first Mage. That EP, everything except one Knight (easily killed by LENA and Navarre) suicides into him. That's it.


Chapter 17x - 10 turns

Dammit. I don't have to rush these.

Castor was earlypromoted at 16 and did some good as a Horseman. Hero!Barst did his shtick. Jagen was reclassed to a Sniper to do some good with the Longbows I bought. Etzel get!


Chapter 18 - 10 turns

Marth was positioned to Seize on Turn 7 but I had to wait for Est to catch up and self-recruit. Catria fought two bouts in the Arena while I waited. Otherwise? Barst.


Chapter 19 - 6 turns

My thumb is starting to hurt something awful.

Barst up. Rick and Master Key!Castor grabbed shit. Got both the Orbs.


Chapter 20 - 12 turns

This could have easily been faster, but I detoured Marth to get Hammerne. Camus was all but invincible with Gradivus, except to Barst apparently. Castor did his part as a Berzerker!


Chapter 20x - 8 turns

I totally forgot about this chapter. LENA was reclassed back to Curate and now I can use Physic again thanks to Hammerne. Barst hit 20. Catria is getting good.

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Goddammit 'clipsey. Do you never SLEEP?

Yes, I do. It's usually when you post at this time (check the timestamp).

If I'm doing a draft, it usually takes ~20 hours, all said and done (I usually don't have to pull reset parties, and the last chapter where I'd normally do it is Chapter 22). Right now, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to do Chapter 23 without killing off Marth. The last run was ALMOST perfect. . .but the real Gharnef was in a most inconvenient spot. . .

Apparently, cause he's not here now.

I'm a she. . .:(

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Yes, I do. It's usually when you post at this time (check the timestamp)

Er, what? >>


Chapter 22 - 12 turns

Hero!Barst could have shaved a turn or two, I think, by clearing the way for Marth faster. Dunno why I left him Zerk. Doesn't matter, though, 'cause I got Starlight and some levels on Cat. LENA promoted!

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If you quote someone, the time will show up as the time relative to the user's time zone. For example, it looks like it's about 4 PM where you are, if I'm reading the timestamp on the last post you've quoted me on correctly (it displays 3:37 PM).

Have fun on Chapter 23.

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Well fuck me. I never noticed it quoted the quotee in the proper timezone. Somehow I just figured it adjusted based on who was viewing it :P

I have 23 down-pat. I just need to get the sequence of events properly this time.


Chapter 23 - 12 turns

Lucky, sexy Integrity - Gharnef was the one to the immediate right of the start. Barst cruised straight up the map and killed the boss the turn reinforcements should have arrived, pulling out of the bunch at 2hp. Pure Water, HO! Staffspamming everywhere; Hammerne, Physic, Barrier, Fortify. I might have been able to safely start Marth going one turn earlier but I wasn't chancing it. Catria had the honor of learning which Gharnef was real and promoting - and after luring him to the killzone she had 1hp left. LENA took an EP from Gharnef - getting doubled was ick - and, due to Barrier and him missing, was able to give a PP. Etzel traded for Starlight and blasted him off again. Yes, ETZEL. HO!

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Is he fixed per game or does he change with each reset of the chapter like enemy stats?


Chapter 24 - 11 turns

Catria got a 10% crit on the boss on Turn 8 which was possibly unnecessary - I don't *think* the one fort I didn't have blocked would have spawned anything capable of dropping her. Barst led the charge, with Maria throwing Physic everywhere in a desperate attempt to get A Staves. She got around halfway - maybe maybe enough to promote to get the remainder. Final Chapter time, blaaaargh.

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Nope, it's random. Which reminds me, I finally got a map where Gharnef was elsewhere, so my plan worked.

The bad news is that I chewed through more than half of Gradivus' uses on that map.

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