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[FE11] (h3!) Drafting Tourney V


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I just want you guys to know I worked on this stupid final chapter for the last three consecutive hours. THREE. CONSECUTIVE. HOURS.

I may have a new new new strategy that might work but it's for tomorrow.

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I just want you guys to know I worked on this stupid final chapter for the last three consecutive hours. THREE. CONSECUTIVE. HOURS.

I may have a new new new strategy that might work but it's for tomorrow.

Would it pain you for me to tell you that I'm there right now, and if my theory is correct, this won't be as bad as I feared?

EDIT: Theory correct, eclipse's run is done. I'll go verify my turn count, and fix stuff as necessary.

Edited by eclipse
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C12: 8 Turns

Thank god that General is passive until you whack him. Considering that, I shouldn't of whacked him. I needed him to miss at 50 displayed. And I didn't have a save point this time. He missed Caeda (which would have killed). The boss missed Caeda (which would have killed). Linde got both Thief kills with Wolf support. Wolf held off reinforcements. Cord bashed the General (and missed once, not helping.) Marth plundered treasure, missing the Dragonpike and Boots. Killed the Elfire drop mage as well.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord   8.21 22 11  0  5  9 12  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Draco  4.71 28 16  1 19 23 21 13  3 16  Lance A Axe E
Cord    Fight 13.12 28 15  0  8 16  6  5  0 --- Axe C
Wolf    Gen    9.00 41 14  0  9  9  8 21  1 --- Lance C Bow D

Cord got Energy Drop and Speedwing, Linde got Spirit Dust. Caeda got ANOTHER strength level. Edited out Linde's stats because I mis printed them.

C12x: 9 Turns

This is why my Caeda is hax.

Reclass: Cord to Hero (promoted him pre chapter), Wolf to Hero, Arms Scroll to D Axes, Linde to Cleric, Caeda to Paladin, Dolph to Hunter (did I mention he lived?)

Fielded Marth, Caeda and Linde only, with generics to block the back way from that one cav. Went to the right, killing everything with Caeda. First level, strength, speed and luck. Okay, sure. Second level, by killing the boss in one hit with Wing Spear, HP, strength, skill, speed, luck AND defense. What. The. Daffodil. I swear, I'm not manipulating this at all. However, Linde made up for that by getting nothing on her level up. Got Killer Lance.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord   8.21 22 11  0  5  9 12  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally  6.35 31 17  0 21 25 23 12  6 16  Lance A Axe E
Cord    Hero   1.00 30 16  0 17 21  6  9  3 13  Axe C Sword D
Wolf    Hero   9.00 35 12  0 16 17  8 13  1 --- Sword D Axe D
Linde   Mage   5.15 19  0  3  7  8  8  2 10 --- Staff E
Dolph   Hunt   4.00 22  8  0  8 11  3  5  0 --- Bow E

Edited by Mist
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Oh, I can't wait for the rest of you to finish! I wanna see how you've done stuff!

Everything's typed up and sitting in a Notepad file, stats and all. I'm rather glad I have a habit of saving stat boosters for the end, but I realized I wasted one somewhere along the line, and I am NOT happy about that.

I have no idea how Mist pulled C12 without a healer. Mine was overworked!

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Mist just informed me that I forgot to post my turncount for C21. Well, unfortunately, I FORGOT my turncount for C21. I know I finished before any reinforcements show up, so Marth either Seized on turn 4 or 5. I'll check the Epilogue and report back.

'clipsey, you MUST tell me how you finished the Final after I do and I can't capitalize on it. :(

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I have no idea how Mist pulled C12 without a healer. Mine was overworked!

Fairly simple. Had Wolf cover all the reinforcements, and charging through the treasure room, using a peg generic to reposition the sniper, so Cord could open the door on the following turn, allowing Caeda to stomp it into the ground. Wing Spear took care of Heimler's group, all OHKO's. Got a bit lucky at the end, facing 47 and 50 displayed hits that had to miss or Caeda was dead. Extra generics stalled the 3 mages running around. Linde sat at the start, not doing much. If Cord hadn't missed the second Hammer attack on the General, that 50 displayed hit wouldn't have to be accounted for.

Also remember, my Caeda is ridiculously STR-blessed. Makes OHKO/ORKO's really easy.

C13: 4 Turns

Reclass: Wolf to General.

Pushed Marth straight west, Caeda killing anything obstructing his path. Cord took the top road to kill Arrowspates, whilst Wolf took the bottom and only killed one. Boss required a Killer Lance crit, and then Marth just had to not die. Linde and Dolph stayed at the beginning, Linde sitting on the save point that I used on turn 3. Cord got B Axes and Wolf got B Lances.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord   8.21 22 11  0  5  9 12  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally  6.96 31 17  0 21 25 23 12  6 16  Lance A Axe E
Cord    Hero   1.26 30 16  0 17 21  6  9  3 13  Axe B Sword D
Wolf    Gen    9.13 41 14  0  9  9  8 21  1 --- Lance B Bow D
Linde   Mage   5.15 19  0  3  7  8  8  2 10 --- Staff E
Dolph   Hunt   4.00 22  8  0  8 11  3  5  0 --- Bow E

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'clipsey, you MUST tell me how you finished the Final after I do and I can't capitalize on it.

Via PM, of course! Let's just say I have a habit of squirreling stat boosters, and that's what allowed me to pull what I did.

Got a bit lucky at the end, facing 47 and 50 displayed hits that had to miss or Caeda was dead.

Aha, bingo! My run insisted that the enemy's 40-50% displayed hit was more like 70-80% displayed, and my 70-80% displayed hit was more like 50-60%. . .which meant I had a hell of a time on certain maps. If I were playing, Caeda would be dead.

(I also managed to have the real Gharnef at the top of the stairs 7 times in a row, which was mighty inconvenient. . .since Bishops are SO slow. . .)

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I'm still railing against this stupid bullshit. Did you know the FEDS Final, regardless of difficulty, is my least favorite chapter from FEs 4-11? Ever?

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I'm still railing against this stupid bullshit. Did you know the FEDS Final, regardless of difficulty, is my least favorite chapter from FEs 4-11? Ever?

Hint 1:

The worst unit on the map isn't Medeus.

Hint 2:

Brave weapons are scary, but the units holding them hit for about the same amount of damage. If you can trivialize the worst of it. . .

Hint 3:

If you're able to block only one reinforcement, block the Pachyderm. Do this with either the biggest magic tank you've got, or use a second unit to block the Thoron dude.

Hint 4:

Made ya look!

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I've considered all of your words, 'clipsey. It doesn't make the slog any better.

The worst enemy on the map is Medeus's mandatory transformation sequence every time I restart.

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I've considered all of your words, 'clipsey. It doesn't make the slog any better.

The worst enemy on the map is Medeus's mandatory transformation sequence every time I restart.

Hint 1:

I'm telling the truth, really! I'd put Old and Ugly at third (one of the things ahead of him is said Pachyderm, and that's only second).

Hint 2:

Do you have anyone that can tank ALL the hits?

Hint 3:

The Pachyderm can go to hell.

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1: I believe you.

2: Yes, but reclassing means it's either he tanks all the hits or can kill Amadeus.

3: He dies every time. Neither Pachyderm has given me shit in my last dozen or so tries.

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Well, I've all but beaten it. I'm utterly and shamelessly RNG abusing now, as Barst has to get missed once out of twice at 64, and crit once out of twice at 15. As I type this, he just did. BOOMDYA


Okay, let it be said once and for all: I. Fucking. Hate. This. Chapter. Nothing I've played in any FE has even tickled the utter loathing I have pent up deep inside for Chosen By Fate. Let's have a map with interlocking fields of siege tome fire and fucking ridiculous amounts of reinforcements! I hate that reinforcements come at the beginning of the EP. I hated it in FE6 and I really, really hate it in FEDS HMs. I hate that some of those reinforcements are fucking Ballistae. I hate that the Manaketes with their 20 displayed SPD and Magestones (which, when used by a friendly Manakete, are MINUS one speed) aren't doubled by SPD 26. I hate that my 20/20 Barst who roflstomped the entire fucking game is DOUBLED by Amadeus, who can double the SPD cap of just about fucking everything except Berzerkers, Horsemen, and Swordmasters. I hate that dragonslaying weapons aren't effective against the Dark Dragon. I hate that there's a Fort staffer in the middle of the map taunting me. I hate that the doors shut behind or in front of you and force extra RNG manipulation when they cock up your plans no matter how many crits you get. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE this fucking chapter.

That said, it's an RNG-fest from Turn 1 because my only units tough enough to survive against ...well, anything on the entire map are Catria and Barst. General!Barst seems like a good idea, except that his 9 points of DEF are countered by piss-poor offense due both to low Lances rank and not doubling, and due to the latter his high DEF means nothing because he gets doubled/quadded by everything. Like the Magestone Manaketes, who graduate to one-rounding him.

So who did I deploy? Barst, Maria, Jagen and Catria in the top-left. Etzel, Navarre and Lena with Marth and Gotoh.

Chapter - Final - 18 turns

Because fuck this chapter, that's why.

Strategy: Barst and Catria blitz south.

* RNG NUMBER ONE: The Levin Sword Hero can have 19 or 20 SPD. Cat had 23. She had to land one crit out of either one or two shots, depending on the Hero's SPD, at ~35%.

* RNG NUMBER TWO: If the Manakete next to the Hero had too much DEF, I wouldn't be able to finish him in a PP + EP + PP. This could be circumvented by Barst critting at ~15%.

Swarm is traded around like Caeda, as Gotoh, Lena, and Etzel combine to kill the southern Pachyderm.

* RNG NUMBER THREE: Lena only had about an 85% to hit. That fucked me over enough to warrant this bulletin.

Starting on Turn 2, Jagen and Maria attempt to leave their protective sanctuary to join Barst and Cat. Inevitably, due to MOV, they get stuck in the closing door on Turn 3. Jagen Master Keys it open and they rush to block the Pachyderm spawn before Turn 4 arrives. Etzel continues to run around his spawn shooting things with Swarm (pointless unless he crits for now, but it's a chance) while Marth, Lena, Gotoh and Navarre make their way right towards the forts. Following this, Barst/Cat (whoever's more damaged) blocks the Bishop's spawn point until Maria can arrive, while the other gets in the door and starts killing the initial rush.

* RNG NUMBER FOUR: Whoever's blocking the door is facing a lot of enemies. If they all connect - or if the doorman is lucky with crits - he or she will die.

Lena, Marth, Gotoh and Navarre all arrive to block their forts and commence spamming Physic/Fortify/Fortify/getting shot by the Swarm bishop for the rest of the map. After the door shuts itself and is opened again by Jagen's offloaded Master Key, Barst barrels out to kill anything still immediately outside. Cat takes two turns and rushes the Fort staffer with Gradivus. The Manaketes and Heroes are now the only reinforcements I'm facing. Etzel Keys his way out of the spawn and moves up to Swarm low-health enemies (not reinforcement manaketes though because they're immune to fucking magic damage.) and tag the lower Map Save ASAP.

* RNG NUMBER FIVE: One of the Heroes coming out of Amadeus's room will randomly run to the right instead of the left. Instead of suiciding on Cat, he'll come up behind poor defenseless Etzel. This actually went wrong and I had to spend two or three turns to finish it.

Gradivus breaks as Cat and Barst push to the throne. I have to mop up all the reinforcements and kill the Physic Curate still lounging about while Etzel continues to run. Reinforcements take me an extra turn to mop up. Barst is parked in front of Amadeus and Etzel tags the upper Map Save. End Turn.

* RNG NUMBER FINAL: Barst has to be missed once out of twice at 64%, hit twice out of twice at 85%, and crit once out of twice at 15%. This took a LOT of resetting before I even saw the crit.

After that, boom dead.

FUN FACT: The only unit in my army capable of not being doubled by Amadeus (all reclasses counting) was SM!Catria, and she only had C Swords. Cause that'd do us a lot of good with his Rifuckingdiculous/turn health regeneration and no vulnerability to the Wyrmslayer.

Now, turn counts and stats.

C1  - 33
C2  - 12
C3  - 12
C4  - 14
C5  - 7
C6  - 12
C6x - 9
C7  - 9
C8  - 7
C9  - 8
C10 - 15
C11 - 16
C12 - 7
C12x- 7
C13 - 6
C14 - 9
C15 - 7
C16 - 10
C17 - 4
C17x- 10
C18 - 10
C19 - 6
C20 - 12
C20x- 8
C21 - 6
C22 - 12
C23 - 12
C24 - 11
CF  - 18
= 275 total

Marth    Lord  17.38  30|15| 0|11|15|17|12| 1  B129 W46
Jagen    Snip  13.19  28|11| 1|16|15| 3|12| 3  B169 W53
Barst    Hero  20.00  52|25| 1|30|26|21|19| 3  B348 W238
Lena     Sage   4.20  30| 3|13|11|15|18| 5|12  B79  W35
Navarre  Sage  12.47  44| 6|14|14|19|21| 5|17  B25  W7
Maria    Bish   2.75  26| 1| 8| 7| 8|12| 6|14  B0   W0
Catria   Pala  15.50  49|24| 1|28|25|21|20|10  B104 W59
Etzel    Sorc   9.17  32| 2|13|14|10| 7| 7|13  B18  W3
Gotoh    Sage  20.00  38| 3|12|20|22|17|13|12  B1   W0
Castor   Hors   5.13  30|14| 1|13|14| 7| 9| 3  B109 W49  <--not deployed
Midia    Drac   4.79  25|10| 1|12|11| 7|11| 3  B34  W8   <--not deployed
Rickard  Thie   2.48  17| 4| 0| 3|10| 0| 3| 0  B13  W2   <--not deployed
Est      Pega   4.67  19| 6| 2| 6|13|12| 7| 6  B6   W1   <--not deployed
Trim     Pega   5.00  17| 4| 2| 6| 8| 0| 6| 6            <--truly heroic

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C14: 10 Turns

Cord used Master Key to drop the bridge, Caeda killed the Ballista. And Wolf parked in front of her. Killed stuff, Caeda went to treasure room, got both treasures with Master Key uses. Silver card to convoy, get out Silver Card, bought 9 Silver Lances, 2 Silver Bows, 4 Ridersbanes and 10 Door Keys. Cord killed the boss with the Hammer. Recruited Catria and Palla.

C15: 8 Turns

Reclass: Caeda to Draco.

Had Caeda and Palla go North, with Catria as decoy. Cord and Wolf killed mages around the starting area. Palla killed Swarm Bishop on the gate, and then went shopping, getting 3 Silver Axes. Fairly boring chapter. Generics to block Gharnef from killing people.

C16: 10 Turns

Reclass: Caeda to Pally.

Simple charge through Xane’s cell. Draco’s killed themselves on Cord and Wolf, Caeda opened the door, killed the Silver Sword Hero and mortally wounded the Levin Sword Hero so Palla could kill it. Xane copied Wolf so Linde could staffspam. Need to get her to A Staves before Final, preferably. Caeda killed the boss, without any crit chance against her. Skipped Samson, it would have taken too long.

C17: 3 Turns

About time Caeda proved her hax again.

Wolf to open door, Cord to hold Hand Axe for Bishops, Caeda to Javelin OHKO the mage and bosskill with Dragonpike. Somehow, Cord dodged all the attacks, both Bishops and the Sniper. Easy 3 turn.

C17x: 20 Turns

Fairly simple, move forward, kill stuff. Extended to 20 turns instead of ~14 because I wanted to staffspam with Linde. Wolf held off reinforcements.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  10.57 24 11  0  6 10 14  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally 13.61 36 18  0 27 25 25 13  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero   7.21 34 19  0 20 24 10 10  3 13  Axe B Sword D
Wolf    Gen   13.69 48 18  0 12 11 10 24  1 --- Lance A Bow D
Linde   Cler   9.94 21  0  4  8 10 12  2 11 --- Staff D
Palla   Peg   13.32 25 10  2 12 15  5 13  6 --- Lance B
Xane    Chame  1.40 18  2  1  2  8  9  4 10 --- None

Dolph isn't on the stats list anymore because he's done nothing, and I'm going to kill him off.


C18: 11 Turns

Fairly slow, for some reason. And I stupidly put Caeda in Ridersbane range. Oops. Cord killed boss, Linde staffspammed, Palla assisted, Marth actually got kills.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  12.20 26 11  0  8 11 16  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally 14.51 37 18  0 28 25 25 13  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero   9.71 35 19  0 20 25 11 11  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   14.21 49 19  0 13 12 10 25  1 --- Lance A Bow D
Linde   Cler  11.59 22  0  5  9 10 13  2 12 --- Staff C
Palla   Peg   14.61 25 11  2 13 15  5 13  6 --- Lance B
Xane    Chame  1.60 18  2  1  2  8  9  4 10 --- None

Edit 2:

C19: 9 Turns

Wow I'm getting slow. Had Dolph grab the XL bullion (not that I'll probably need it), and Xane grab the Robe and the Geosphere (there's a reason). Killed stuff, got both Spheres and Caeda killed Tiki for 8 Exp. Yeah. Oh, she gained strength again.

P.S: Horace still isn't dead. He almost died, but the mage missed, leaving him at 1 HP.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  12.20 26 11  0  8 11 16  9  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally 15.39 37 19  0 28 25 25 13  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero  10.09 36 20  0 20 26 11 11  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   14.58 49 19  0 13 12 10 25  1 --- Lance A Bow D
Linde   Cler  12.18 22  0  5 10 11 14  2 12 --- Staff C
Palla   Peg   16.60 25 11  2 13 15  5 13  6 --- Lance B
Xane    Chame  1.60 18  2  1  2  8  9  4 10 --- None

Edited by Mist
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Chapter 10

Reclasses: Roger to Hunter

15 Turns Minerva costs about 4-5 turns to get. Hopefully she's worth it although I didn't think Cain and Sedgar would roflstomp the game at this point


Reclasses: None

Oh yeah, I gave Minerva the Seraph Robe and Speedwings.

Fuck you Roger, fuck you.

10 Turns

Chapter 12:

Reclasses: Roger to Merc

Cain actually made me facepalm at one point in this chapter.

8 Turns. I got all the treasure although if CAIN didn't make a stupid miss this could have been a 7 turn clear with all treasure gotten. The boots is worth an extra 2 turns as it gives Marth an awesome 9 move and this point in the game Marth is going to be moving full speed ahead almost all the time.

Edited by Joey
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C20: 9 Turns

Reclass: Caeda to Draco.

Dracoshield to Caeda, Robe to Linde.

I got fairly lucky, so I’m keeping this run. Xane kinda died to horrible placement, but meh. I don’t think he’ll be useful in future chapters anyhow. Caeda dodged the Pachyderm, which would have killed her, after crit killing Camus with the Wing Spear. Recruited Lorenz, just to save weapon uses. Draco was so Caeda could actually survive, Robe was so Linde didn’t get OHKO’ed by the Hoistflamme ballista. 20x hoy!

C20x: 15 Turns

Not much to say, really. Got Killer Bow, Poleax and Longbow. Very easy chapter.

Stat updates once I finish C21.


First attempt of C21: F***ing reinforcements. Nuff said. I'm going to play EO instead, possibly less torture.

Edit 2:

C21: 6 Turns

Linde to Sage, Palla to Draco.

Sent Palla to the secret shop to grab all the stat boosters. Generics provided enough distractions for the main group to survive. The third turn map save was useful, as it put me in a position where I could finish in 6 turns, which I did. Palla used a Speedwing mid chapter.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  14.39 28 11  0  8 13 17 10  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally 18.79 37 19  0 28 25 25 15  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero  13.01 39 22  1 21 26 13 12  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   14.58 54 22  0 16 14 12 27  1 --- Lance A Bow D
Linde   Sage   3.68 22  3 11 13 15 15  4 10 14  Staff C Tome C
Palla   Draco  2.58 31 16  1 15 18  5 20  3 17  Lance A Axe E

C22: 10 Turns

Reclass: Palla to Sniper.

Prep: Using the stat boosters from last chapter, I triple Dropped, Winged and Quad Iconed Palla, giving her something with a semblance of offense. Triple Dusted Linde as well. Saved the three Books.

Had the main group go west with a Pally generic (proved useful), while Wolf alone went east. Stuff died, Thief destroyed the Starlight village, hence I'm forced to 24x. Not much happened after that, besides finishing the chapter.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  14.53 28 11  0  8 13 17 10  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Pally 19.63 39 19  0 28 25 25 16  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero  14.37 39 23  1 22 26 13 12  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   19.02 58 24  0 17 14 13 29  1 --- Lance A Bow C
Linde   Sage   3.78 22  3 17 13 15 15  4 10 14  Staff C Tome C
Palla   Snipe  4.77 36 22  1 19 22 14 18  4 17  Bow C

Edit 3:

C23: 10 Turns

This was completely luck based. Turn 7 save required me to have Caeda and Cord dodge 3 mages between them, then a Killer Lance crit on the Thoron Bishop. Other than that, it wasn't that bad.

Edit 4(!):

C24: 11 Turns

Reclass: Caeda to Draco, Linde to Sage.

First order of business was to critkill the boss using Caeda and the Dragonpike, to stop reinforcements. They screwed me over on one run. Went around, and sent a generic Draco to the secret shop for stat boosters. Fairly simple, bait stuff, kill stuff in one turn. Got a few random crits and the end which sped things up, but wouldn't have made a turn difference.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  16.62 29 13  0  8 15 17 11  0 --- Sword C
Caeda   Draco ----- 38 20  0 26 23 26 18  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero  17.82 40 24  1 24 26 13 13  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   19.26 58 24  0 17 14 13 29  1 --- Lance A Bow C
Linde   Sage   5.89 38  3 19 13 15 16  4 12 14  Staff B Tome C
Palla   Snipe  6.94 38 24  1 20 23 14 19  4 17  Bow C

C24x: 16 Turns

Meh. Extra Exp. Time to kill myself on Chosen By Fate.

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  18.80 29 15  0 11 17 19 11  0 --- Sword B
Caeda   Draco ----- 38 20  0 26 23 26 18  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero  19.05 40 24  1 24 26 13 13  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   19.71 58 24  0 17 14 13 29  1 --- Lance A Bow C
Linde   Sage   7.78 38  3 20 14 15 17  4 12 14  Staff B Tome C
Palla   Snipe  8.66 39 24  1 22 24 14 19  4 17  Bow C

Final Chapter: 7 Turns

Reclass: Linde to Bishop (for A Staves)

Marth got 3 Books, 2 Robes and 3 Dracoshields. Turns out, that was useful later. Linde got a Robe and a Wing. Palla got 2 Arms Scrolls for A Bows, and Wolf got one for B Bows.

Fun fun fun. Cord, Caeda, and Palla up in the northwest, Wolf and Linde with Marth and Nagi. Burnt all uses of the Geosphere straight away, Linde uses Fortify, Palla and Cord kill the Manakete in the Pachyderm and Forged!Levin Sword Hero room. Caeda used Gradivus to kill the Pachyderm. Generic Draco blocked Caeda from dying. Pushed Nagi to the throne, Cord blocking the Pachyderm reinforcement. Range killing most enemies, with Marth killing two Pallies after using the save point on turn 3. Nagi suiciding on Medeus, then Caeda killed Medeus with Gradivus (with Starsphere to guarantee the hit.). Game over.

Final Stats:

Name    Class Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DE RS Pro Weapon Level   
Marth   Lord  20.60 47 16  0 18 19 21 18  0 --- Sword B
Caeda   Draco ----- 38 20  0 26 23 26 18  6 16  Lance A Sword E
Cord    Hero  19.96 40 24  1 24 26 13 13  3 13  Axe A Sword D
Wolf    Gen   19.99 58 24  0 17 14 13 29  1 --- Lance A Bow C
Linde   Bish  10.16 45  1 22 15 18 20  4 15 14  Staff A Tome D
Palla   Snipe 11.20 42 24  1 25 24 14 19  4 17  Bow A

Turncount verified. I had one discrepancy.

Chap Turns
1    11
2    15
3    9
4    12
5    7
6    14
7    8
8    5
9    5
10   10
11   15
12   8
13   4
14   10
15   8
16   10
17   3
18   11
19   9
20   9
21   6
22   10
23   10
24   11
F    7
6x   19
12x  9 
17x  20
20x  15
24x  16

Total turns: 227

Battle Results:

Marth: 70 B/41 W

Caeda: 236 B/167 W

Jagen: 49 B/11 W (Killed in C6)

Bord: 8 B/2 W (Killed in C3)

Cord: 177 B/124 W

Wolf: 214 B/66 W

Jeorge: Unrecruited

Linde: 24 B/14 W

Dolph: 2 B/0 W (Killed in C20)

Palla: 78 B/44 W

Xane: 2 B/0 W (Killed in C20)

Samson: Unrecruited

Nagi: 4 B/2 W (Killed in Final)

P.S: Did everyone die, or something?

Edited by Mist
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Chapter 1 14/14 Turns

It was quite difficult as Jagen was my only unit that could do shit all to the boss, because of lolMarth and Draug being doubled. Draug was actually excellent in this chapter, and had 2 defence procs that will help him later. Jagen missed about 4 times with his silver lance, but I guess that conserves some uses. Everyone but Shiida died. I actually recruited Wrys as a meatshield so that Marth would survive.

Unit    Class    Lvl    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   Lord     2.70   18   6    3    8    7    7    0   D Sword
Jeigan  Paladin  2.46   23   7   11    8    1    9    6   B Lance D Sword
Draug   Knight   3.00   22   8    3    3    1    13   0   D Lance

Edited by General_Horace
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  • 2 months later...

Ok, file deleted, but I am legitametly going to start this today. Happy New Year!

Chapter 1 9/9 Turns

Well, that was a lot better than before wasn't it? I used my meatshields more effectivly this time, and Jagen didn't miss the boss. However, the level ups sucked, Jagen got +1 Skl and Draug got +1 Speed.

Chapter 2 17/26 Turns

Ogma was cool here, Marth and Jeigan both got +0 level ups. Literally all undrafted characters died.

Chapter 3 13/39 Turns

Julian managed to live one turn longer than he should have, by dodging fighters on a mountain. I wish I had kept Shiida alive so I could recruit Narbal for his Killing Edge. Rest of the army ran west, and I eventually got into a comfortable situation here, where Jagen was almost fully healed by the fort after getting hit by the fighters, and Ogma was only facing 45 displayed hit from Reynard. Marth just sat around, and Draug had killed the thieves and chucked Javelins from behind the peaks and Jagen.

Stats in Chapter 4 base:

Unit    Class    Level    HP  Pow  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   Lord     5.94     20   7    5    8    9    8    0   D Swords
Draug   Merc     4.20     20   7   10   15    2    6    0   E Swords (C Lances)
Jeigen  Pope     3.87     22   3    8    5    1    4    8   Base, (A Lances, C Swords)
Ogma    Merc     8.39     25   8   14   13    3    8    9   C Swords
Ossa    Hunter   9.00     28  11    8   11    0    4    0   D Bows

Chapter 4 12/51 Turns

I must say, I am enjoying the increased difficulty of this run as opposed to a NM run.

My valiant brigade of generics bought me time to deal with the Cavs, Marth got a critical, but also missed, so that balanced out. Merric was suprisingly useful, providing huge chip on the horsemen, and critting one that saved me a turn. Ogma camped on the fort and took out the fighters and hunters once the generic army had died. Not looking forward to Chapter 5. Reclassed Draug to Merc and Jeigan to Bishop as stated above. Ossa is a boss generic. Ogma hit B in swords, so he can use the silver sword recieved at the chapters end.

Chapter 5 8/59 Turns

Reclassed Draug to Knight.

Woah, just realized that I get 3 units this chapter: Wendall, Roshea, and Rick Astley Vyland. Draug took out the Cav's to the North with his trusty ridersbane, and got a good level up. Speaking of level ups, Ogma got a perfect one, he's turning out great. Generics baited Wendall, who was recruited by Merric. Marth killed the Knights while Wolf and Sedgar baited an archer and cav (sorry guys). Wendall and Jeigan combined for the bosskill, Marth's Rapier is half gone. Vyland couldn't do anything without risking death, so this is how he had to get exp:


Chapter 6 10/69 (lol) Turns

VYALAND FOR TOP TIER! He ran around killing thieves (including Rickard), and singlehandedly saved the seraph robe and armourslayer from oblivion because of other units missing solid (85+) hit rates. Draug did his thing with the ridersbane, 0HKOing both cavs. Ogma 0HKO'd the mages with the silver sword, and my mage trio combined for the bosskill. I'll post stats after 6x.

Chapter 6x (19)

This chapter was an attempt to raise weapon ranks and Roshea and Vyland. It was somewhat a success, but Vyland's level ups failed. If he doesn't proc strength soon, he's becoming another mage. Jagen and Wendall hit C in staves.

Unit    Class    Level    HP  Pow  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   Lord     10.12    24  11    7   11   12    8    0   C Swords
Draug   Merc     8.86     22   8   11   17    3    7    0   E Swords (C Lances)
Jeigen  Bishop   7.14     22   4    9    6    3    4   11   C Stave, E Tome
Ogma    Fighter  12.05    34  11    9   12    7    7    0   C Swords
Merric  Mage     8?    Crap, slightly blessed all around C Tomes
Vyland  Cavalier 4.22     21   5    5    7    3    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Roshea  Archer   6.01     23   8    7    6    4    7    0   E Bows (D Lance E Sword) 
Wendall Sage     3.70     23   4    3   13    2    5    7   B Tome C Staves

Jeigan looks like a generic Bishop

Chapter 7 9/78

My units had trouble getting to the boss, who was eventually taken out by Wendall and Merric. Vyland got HP and Luck, he's becoming a mage so he can do SOMETHING. Wendall missed once, and it cost a turn. Oh well.

Chapter 8 7/85 Turns

Marth tried to run to the throne as fast as he could, but he almost died (1HP) and had to be kept alive via Physic support. Armourslayer Ogma finished Kannival. Caeser went to the arena, and defied odds against a fighter (3 Straight dodges) and bought a Rapier. Jagen sat back and healed Caeser. Vyland kept failing. Roshea is looking pretty decent.

Chapter 9 5/90 Turns

Nothing too hard here, Excaliber helped a lot against the boss. Vyland got the Buillon, because I am almost out of money.

Chapter 10 9/99 Turns

Marth ran to the throne, generics and Radd distracted the peg and dragon knights, Merric killed Zharov. Roshea will appreciate the speedwing. Draug looted the physic staff, then protected Jagen, Roshea, Caeser, and mostly Vyland from dying. Ogma killed the Hero for the master seal. Hit A in swords.

Chapter 11 11/110

First off, Jeigan died heroicly luring a Peg. Knight away from Roshea. I tried to sacrifice Vyland, but the peg went for Jeigan instead. This means Vyland is going curate. Oh, and I didn't touch Khozen, he's scary.

Unit    Class    Level    HP  Pow  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   Lord     12.64    26  12    7   12   14    8    0   B Swords
Draug   Knight   13.20    29  13    6    9    4   15    0   C Lances (D Swords)
Jeigen  Bishop   Deceased 
Ogma    Merc     15.54    33  12   18   16    8    9    0   A Swords
Merric  Mage     12.71    25   8   12   11   10    4    4   C Tome  
Vyland  Curate    6.83    21   1    4    5    4    3    6   E Staves
Roshea  Cavalier 10.59    28  11    9   10    5    9    0   C Lance E Sword 
Wendall Sage      6.83    25   5    3   14    2    5    7   B Tome C Staves
Caeser  Merc      6.47    23   5    8   14    6    8    0   D Swords

Edited by General_Horace
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What, someone is updating? Means I need to update my Excel spreadsheet.

After doing so, to this point (C11), General Horace is beating me by 1 turn. 1 freakin' turn.

Edited by Mist
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A spreadsheet? Really?

Yeah. I got bored. And it gives me a bunch of needless trivia for when everyone finishes. E.G: Who got the lowest turncounts on each chapter, who was leading in total turns after each chapter, etc.

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