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[FE11] (h3!) Drafting Tourney V


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Yeah, now that i've started and did that much, I'll update. Chapter 12 is gonna be tough.

Re-did chapter 11 from a savepoint so Jeigan wouldn't die. Only change is Draug got a shitty level up. same turncount.

Chapter 12 9/119 Turns

Jesus Christ. Somehow Dolph lived, along with Midia and Macellan in the cell. Early promoted Ogma so he could double the sniper and the boss, and Jagen reclassed to Paladin to get the boots. Time to raise Macellan in 12x.

Chapter 12x (17)

Maccellan was suprisingly good, and Jeigan and Wendall staffspammed. Got Horace, and my last draftee joins me next chapter.

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 13 4/123

Horseman Ogma booked it to Grigas, Marth ran to the throne. Midia suicidally recruited Link Astram, the last member of my team.

Chapter 14 7/130 Turns

Gave Ogma the keys, and had him run to unlock the doors. Reclassed Roshea to Archer because he was close to levelling up, and he proc'd speed! Ogma got the bosskill with an armourslayer. Bought some Silver lances and Ridersbanes.

Chapter 15 6/136 Turns

I hate the lack of resistance in this game. But our hero Jagen, who has been a bishop for most of this campaign, proc'd enough resistance to be useful. With barrier support, he flew around killing mages. He also killed the boss, and Macellen died, but it was inevitable anyway.

Unit     Class        Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep
Marth    Lord         13.89   27 13   0   8  12  15   8   0  B Swords
Draug    Pirate       15.06   31 11   0   5  15   5   7   0  E Axe (D Sword, B Lance)
Jeigan   Draco        12.71   21  8   2  14  10   4   11  9  A Lance (B Staff D Tome)
Ogma     Horseman     15/5.60 41 16   1  16  16   9   12  3  A Sword D Bow
Merric   Mage         15.31   27  0  11  12  13  11   4   6  B Tome
Roshea   Cavalier     13.57   31 12   0  12  11   5   9   0  C Lance E Sword (D BoW)
Vyland   Failure      10.33   25  6   0   6   9   7   8   0  C Lance E Sword
Wendall  Sage         11.54   28  3   6   4  14   5   5  10  A Staff B Tome
Caeser   Fighter       9.67   30  8   0   1  11   7   6   0  D Axe (D Sword)
Horace   Hero          3.78   Base
Link     Hero          2.15   27  9   1  15  14   4   8   3  B Sword D Axe

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Chapter 16 9/145 Turns

This chapter, quite frankly, can go fuck itself.


Promoted Vyland at level 10 so he and Jeigan could fly and distract half of the cavaliers and horsemen away from Xane's cell. Some generic baited the dracoknights, and they were killed on the enemy phase. Marth reached the boss first, and got two crits! (But didn't double). They didn't matter, as horseman Ogma with an aromourslayer was approaching. I think this is the first run i've ever used the armorslayer, the hammer is just... better.

Chapter 17 3/148 Turns

Easy chapter, Ogma + Wyrmslayer = dead Morzas. Got fortify and VIP Card. Yay exp chapter, some units (Namely Caeser) need it.

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Completed 17x! I'll get stats after 18, as a majority of my units will promote after 18. Reclassed Ogma to Warrior so he wouldn't one round everything, and Horace to General to sponge the hits from the killer lance paladin so Caeser could get some easy exp.

Chapter 18 8/156 Turns

Reclassed Horace to Berserker, Ogma to Hero, and Roshea to Cavalier.

Ogma took the point on the bridge, while everyone else took turns filling the other gap on the bridge. Horace walked along the water and critted some stuff, importantly a Paladin early on. He also killed Est for Mercurius, because Vyland couldn't kill Est. Ogma killed the boss.

Stats going into chapter 19:

Unit     Class  Promo Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep
Marth    Lord         15.91   29  14  0    8  13  17  9   0  B Swords
Draug    Pirate       18.55   33  13  0    8  17   9  7   0  D Axes
Jeigan   Bishop       14.86   25   2  5   11   8   4  4  14  A Staff, D Tome
Ogma     Hero     15  10.57   48  20  1   22  22  11 14   3  A Sword D Axe
Merric   Mage         18.96   30   0 12   13  13  11  4   7  A Tome
Roshea   Cavalier     18.37   36  13  0   16  13   5  9   0  C Lance E Sword
Vyland   Draco    10   3.96   28   9  1   10  11   7 11   3  B Lance E Axe
Wendall  Sage         16.16   30   3  8    5  15   7  5  12  A Tome A Staff
Caeser   Figher       14.73   36  10  0    3  14   7  6   0  C Axe
Horace   Berserker     6.22   30  14  0   12  11   7  9   0  D Axe
Link     Hero          3.35   28  10  0   15  14   4  8   3  B Sword D Axe   

Chapter 19 10/166 Turns

I could have easily done this is 6, but I wanted the XL Buillon and Geosphere, and I have a slight turncount lead, so I thought I would risk it. I hope this doesn't bite me in the ass.

Chapter 20 8/174 Turns

Now, this was interesting.

Reclassed Ogma to Berserker, and gave him speedwings and a dracoshield. He needed the wings to double the Paladins, and the shield to survive.

Used two uses of the geosphere to kill those damn fortify curates. The ones in the final chapter are easily enough taken care of. Jeigan had to use a vulernary to survive the second shock, then Wendall fortified everyone. Ogma then ran to the boss, killing everything along the way, except Camus, who was killed by Marth oddly enough, and Marth got a perfect level up! (Including Resistance!) Vyland also proc'd resistance this chapter.

Finished 20x, everyone hit Lvl 20, done for the day. Only Caeser needs promotion.

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Chapter 21 5/179 Turns

This one was rather difficult.

Reclassed Draug to General, gave him starsphere and the Gradivus. He ran up the middle doing massive damage, whilst the others cleaned up the scraps. Astram died a heroic death, but he wasn't of much use in the first place. Going to promote Caeser at the chapters end. Bought 3 Speedwings, Energy Drops, and Spirit Dusts.

Chapter 22 8/187 Turns

This was kind of ingenious actually. Went left, gave Roshea the Gradivus, and generics baited Michalis's army east. Roshea just flew into the building and pwned Michalis, while Marth seized. Gave Merric the spirit dusts.

Chapter 23 10/197 Turns

Gharnef was chillin' at the bottom of the stairs or left of the throne, I never found out which one was him. Gave Marth a Seraph robe so he could take two hits. Paladin!Roshea with the aid of 3 speedwings killed everything.

Chapter 24 8/205 Turns

Ogma lead Marth over the mountain while Roshea flew over and killed the boss. Vyland flew to the secret shop and bought everything sans arms scrolls. I have exactly 6 Gold left.

Chapter 24x

Roshea and Ogma hit Lvl 20, and Merric came close. Caeser got some nice level ups.

Epilogue 6/211 Turns

Dumped everything into Roshea, so he was rather awesome. Marth hid in a corner with Jeigan and Vyland. Roshea rushed to Medeus, and attacked him with the Gradivus, while Ogma finished him with the Mercurius. Draug and Horace took out the curates, and Horace was brought to within 1 HP of dying.

And with that, I am done, albeit 3 months late. Character analysis being typed up right now...

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep      Battles   Won
Marth    -        Lord       21.00   40  19  0   11  16  22  10  1  A Swords   111      59

His Rapier was useful earlygame but that was about it. He just tried not to die in the later chapters.

Averages: HP -1, Str +4, Skl +1, Spd -1, Lck +1, Def -1, Res +1. Above average.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep           Battles   Won
Draug    20       General    11.87   50  21  1   14  20  12  21  3  A Lance D Bow   154     78

He sort of faded in and out, when he was good, he was awesome, when he wasn't good, he was terrible. However, he was extremely clutch in chaper 21.

Averages: HP +3, Str +7, Skl -1, Spd +3, Lck +3, Def -2, Res +/- 0. He spent most of his unpremoted life as a fighter/pirate, so the strength makes sense. Still, very blessed.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep           Battles   Won
Jeigan   -        Sage       20.00   28  4   9  14   9   5   4   14 A Staff C Tome  55      22

Great utility as usual, hit A in staves, and used Recover effectivly.

Averages: HP +2, Str +1, Mag +/-0, Skl +2, Spd +/-0, Lck -1, Def +/-0, Res +5. It's Jeigan. With a lot of Resistance.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Ogma     15       Hero       20.00   58 25   1  29   26  15  20  3  A Swords B Axe   288     199  

He was rather kickass, having great stats all around, despite being promoted early. Invaluable all the time.

Averages (using 20/15): HP +3, Str +5, Skl +5, Spd +4, Lck +/-0, Def +4. He proc'd 2 more speed as a horseman, so that nullified the speedwings, and I factored in the dracoshield as well. This is probably the most blessed unit i've ever had on a draft run.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Merric  20        Sage       17.89   49  3   27  24  21  18  7  12  A Tome C Staff   129     67

Despite those stats, he was a rather meh pick. The magic is due to 4 spirit dusts. Took him a LONG time to double, and probably should have picked Hardin. Not bad, but not good.

Averages: HP +2, Mag +3, Skl +3, Spd +/-0, Lck +/-0, Def +1, Res -1 Pretty good.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Roshea   20       Paladin    20.00   60* 25*  1  28* 23   7  19   3  A Lance E Sword  178     78

He co-operated very well, but he didn't kick ass till near endgame. Was great with Gradivus. Having Cain/Abel/Hardin would have been preferred however.

Averages: (2 energy drops, 5 speedwings, 3 dracoshields) HP +2, Str -1, Skl +2, Spd +2, Lck +/-0, Def -2, Res +/-0 Pretty average, actually.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Vyland  10        Draco      8.87    33   11  1   10  14  10  12  5  A Lance E Axe    45       32

That battles won is misleading. I had to feed him every kill. Eh, he had his uses with the ridersbane, I am suprised he lived.

Averages: HP +1, Str -2, Skl +/-0, Spd +1, Lck +3, Def +/- 0 Res +2. Actually, he didn't end up too bad. His bases are truly that horrible I guess.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Wendall  -        Sage       20.00   31   3   9   6   16  9   5   13 A Staff A Tome   47       13 

Wendall is terrific. Staff utility, doubling power early on, etc... He didn't fight a lot later on because he was too busy healing.

Averages HP +2, Mag +2, Skl +1, Spd +1, Lck +1, Def +/-0, Res +2. Those are all boarderline +1's, so its not as much as one expects. Still good.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Caeser   20       Hero       5.58    48   18  1   15  22  9   12  3  B Sword B Axe    87      35

Kinda crappy earlygame, decent midgame, and great lategame. Too bad it took him so long to get great.

Averages: +4 HP, +3 Str, -2 Skl, +/-0 Spd, -1 Lck, +/-0 Def, +/-0 Res The strength is from going fighter till promotion.

Unit   Promo      Class      Exp     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep            Battles   Won
Horace   -        Hero       12.78   32   16  1   25  18  7   10  3  C Axe D Sword    69       30

Good midgame, Below average lategame. Handaxe chips were nice though.

Averages: +1 HP, +2 Str, +3 Skl, +/-0 Spd, -1 Lck, +/-0 Def, +/-0 Res Extra strength is always cool.


To little, too late, too crappy. Bad bases, unimpressive growths, and H3 speedrun don't work well. Died in chapter 15. 19 Battles, 9 won.


He actually wasn't too bad because of his weapon ranks. He also got some pretty rockin' level ups, but I really didn't feel like restarting chapter 21. 25 battles, 11 won.

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Actually Horace, can you verify your turncount? Using the totals from your logs, I get a total of 211. Is it 211, or 205?

Also, congrats on blowing us out of the water. Not even +5 Str Blessed Caeda could of helped more.

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Yeah, Np, (Watches epilouge again)

EDIT: I suck at math, added 2 turns to my count, then subtracted like, 7 or something, editing now.

Thanks, yes, the actual turncount is 211. Thanks for finding the mistakes.

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Sorry, I was out! Since you're done, here's the rest of my log:

Chapter 19: 6/197

Reclassed Darros to Mercenary. I'm leaving his Pirate stats in, because he gained no experience, and I'm reclassing him back to Pirate next chapter.

Took an extra turn because Marth was a little too frail to take on two Heroes and a Bolganone. Abel got Tiki with a Dragonpike, and I managed to get all the chests that mattered. I can make Starlight!

Note to self: Put Door Keys before Master Keys.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      17.45   32   12    0   10   15   17   11    1
Abel     Paladin    9.21   41   18    1   25   22   10   16    7
Jagen    Bishop    12.74   25    1    7    8    8    5    4    9
Gordin   Archer    17.67   27    6    0   10    6   10   10    2
Darros   Pirate    18.00   34   14    0    7    9   13   12    0
Julian   Thief     18.19   30   11    0   13   21   20   10    0
Matthis  Cavalier  17.92   33   13    0    7   11    3   11    0
Hardin   Drakky     5.70   36   16    0   19   17    8   15    4
Radd     Cavalier  15.63   31   12    0    7   11*   9   14    0
Boah     Bishop     7.31   23    1    5    7   12    5    5   11

Chapter 20: 7/204

Reclassed Darros to Pirate and Abel to Dracoknight.

With six units that have weapons that scare horses (Radd hit C in lances), this chapter wasn't too bad. I took the first Paladin rush a little slower, and used Xane to shield Marth from an otherwise fatal blow (it's the last map where walking on water is a big deal). Camus was baited with Abel, who then proceeded to show him no mercy. I wound up using Mercurius to take out the generic general. Since Caeda died way back when, I killed off Lorenz for experience. Boah Excaliblicked twice to keep my party alive.

Matthis is headed for awesomeness, and that makes me extremely happy.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      18.48   33   13    0   10   16   17   11    1
Abel     Drakky    11.03   40   20    1   26   23   10   20    7
Jagen    Bishop    13.08   25    1    7    8    8    5    4    9
Gordin   Archer    17.78   27    6    0   10    6   10   10    2
Darros   Pirate    18.94   34   14    0    7    9   13   12    0
Julian   Thief     18.56   30   11    0   13   21   20   10    0
Matthis  Cavalier  19.29   35   14    0    8   12    4   12    0
Hardin   Drakky     6.58   36   16    0   19   18    9   15    5
Radd     Cavalier  16.42   31   12    0    7   11*   9   14    0
Boah     Bishop     7.71   23    1    5    7   12    5    5   11

Chapter 20x: 20

Reclassed Abel to Paladin.

Promotion party! My goal was to promote everyone that hadn't promoted yet. I almost succeeded.

I used Radd as a meatshield so that he'd gain levels, then had him kill the two Bishops and the boss to hit level 20. Matthis and Darros killed various promoted units to promote. Gordin fell just short (he was abusing Ymir, and needed one more turn to level). Julian ninja'd the kill.

Nabbed the important items, then seized.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      18.48   33   13    0   10   16   17   11    1
Abel     Paladin   11.07   42   19    1   26   23   10   18    7
Jagen    Bishop    13.69   25    1    7    8    8    5    4    9
Gordin   Archer    19.62   28    8*   0   10    7   11   11    2
Darros   Berserker  2.32   43   19    0    9   11   14   15    0
Julian   Thief     19.35   31   11    0   14   22   21   10    0
Matthis  Paladin    2.54   41   16    1   12   15    5   13    6
Hardin   Drakky     7.32   37   17    1   19   19    9   15    5
Radd     Paladin    1.00   37   17    0   12   14*  10   16    6
Boah     Bishop     7.71   23    1    5    7   12    5    5   11

Chapter 21: 4/208

The extra turn was so that Marth didn't die to a massive Paladin rush.

Reclassed Darros to Hero. Unless something weird happens, he stays in that class. Reclassed Radd to Dracoknight.

Radd went shopping (because the Dracos with Javelins did a whopping 2 damage to him), Darros took out three generals on the enemy phase (pity that he didn't dodge), then everyone else killed the curious Paladins. Gordin promoted, and that makes me happy. His stats, on the other hand. . .that is THE biggest failure I've seen out of anyone, Bantu included.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      18.48   33   13    0   10   16   17   11    1
Abel     Paladin   12.08   43   20    1   26   23   10   18    7
Jagen    Bishop    14.00   26    1    7    9    8    6    4   10
Gordin   Sniper     1.00   36   10*   0   16   12   12   12    5
Darros   Hero       4.22   42   18    0   17   16   15   18    3
Julian   Thief     20.11   31   11    0   14   23   21   11    0
Matthis  Paladin    3.08   42   16    1   12   15    6   13    6
Hardin   Drakky     7.72   37   17    1   19   19    9   15    5
Radd     Drakky     1.72   35   18    0   12   14*  10   18    3
Boah     Bishop     9.29   23    1    5    7   13    5    5   11

Chapter 22: 8/216

Reclassed Abel and Matthis to Dracoknight. Mobility is a must on this map.

The first sacrifice used herself as bait to keep Abel alive. The second one kept Gordin from being doubled (because he's that sad). Stormed the castle, had everyone rest on the forts for a turn, then Abel stole the kill before anyone else had a chance to hit. Iote's Shield goes to no one ATM.

Gordin got his first truly godly level up ever. Took him long enough!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      18.97   33   13    0   10   16   17   11    1
Abel     Drakky    14.02   41   21    1   26   23   11   20    4
Jagen    Bishop    14.06   26    1    7    9    8    6    4   10
Gordin   Sniper     2.20   37   11*   0   16   13   13   13    5
Darros   Hero       5.18   43   19    0   18   16   15   18    3
Julian   Thief     20.20   31   11    0   14   23   21   11    0
Matthis  Drakky     4.44   40   17    1   12   15    6   15    3
Hardin   Drakky     8.41   37   17    1   19   19    9   15    5
Radd     Drakky     3.00   36   18    0   14   16*  11   19    3
Boah     Bishop    10.11   23    1    5    7   13    5    5   11

Chapter 23: 10/226

Reclassed Abel, Matthis, Hardin, and Radd to Paladin, for very obvious reasons. Burned a Seraph Robe on Marth so he could take two Swarms and live.

This map can be done a little faster, assuming Marth has somehow gotten Paladin-like RES before applying Barrier. Otherwise, you'll need to delay a bit for reinforcements.

Used Marth to bait the lowest Swarm dude, so Hardin could impale him. Managed to kill the Sniper and a Gharnef wannabe before the first wave of reinforcements showed up. Used Gradivus to take out everything in Abel's path, then had my overworked Paladin take out the dude on the throne. After that, I got my Fortify and seized.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      19.59   41*  13    0   11   17   18   11    1
Abel     Paladin   15.78   44   20    1   26   23   11   19    7
Jagen    Bishop    15.04   26    1    8    9    8    6    4   11
Gordin   Sniper     2.55   37   11*   0   16   13   13   13    5
Darros   Hero       5.65   43   19    0   18   16   15   18    3
Julian   Thief     20.20   31   11    0   14   23   21   11    0
Matthis  Paladin    5.61   43   17    1   12   15    6   13    6
Hardin   Paladin    9.89   39   16    1   20   20   10   13    8
Radd     Paladin    3.67   38   17    0   14   16*  11   17    6
Boah     Bishop    10.81   23    1    5    7   13    5    5   11
Elice    Party time!

Chapter 24: 5/231

Reclassed Abel, Matthis, Hardin, and Radd to Dracoknight.

Burned an Energy Drop on Abel, a Spirit Dust on Jagen, and a Speedwings on Marth and Hardin.

Turn 1 boss crit by Hardin. The rest is gravy. Marth got the Speedwings so he wouldn't be doubled by the Mage Dragons. Hardin got the Speedwings so he wouldn't be doubled by a Fire Dragon (I had to use him as a meatshield). Radd managed to sneak a kill in, and Matthis made good Bishop bait. The lone Firestone dragon that came around the mountain to say hi was obliterated by Jagen on Thunder. . .really. A generic flying unit did my shopping for me.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      19.59   41*  13    0   11   19*  18   11    1
Abel     Drakky    17.69   44   25*   1   26   23   12   22    4
Jagen    Bishop    15.54   26    1   10*   9    8    6    4   11
Gordin   Sniper     2.75   37   11*   0   16   13   13   13    5
Darros   Hero       5.74   43   19    0   18   16   15   18    3
Julian   Thief     20.20   31   11    0   14   23   21   11    0
Matthis  Drakky     6.29   42   19    1   12   15    6   16    3
Hardin   Drakky    11.42   37   17    1   21   23*  10   15    5
Radd     Drakky     4.69   37   19    0   14   16*  12   19    3
Boah     Bishop    10.95   23    1    5    7   13    5    5   11
Elice    Cleric    12.38   19    0    3    7    6    5    3    8

Chapter 24x: 20

Reclassed Abel and Hardin to Paladin, and Elice to Mage. Elice got an Arms Scroll.

Elice would've been sitting on far more experience, but Julian kept landing criticals at inopportune times. Other shenanigans I pulled on this map include:

- having Radd the Dracoknight draw bow fire

- disarming Darros so Elice could get a kill

- having Marth rampage with a Wyrmslayer

- turning Jagen into a combat unit

- somehow killing every single unit on the map, and keeping that turn count.

I needed her to gain at least 1 HP as a level, and she did that. She also needed to have at least 8 Magic before I finished the level, which she pulled off. I'll promote her before the next chapter.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      21.03   42*  14    0   11   21*  19   11    1
Abel     Paladin   17.69   46   24*   1   26   23   12   20    7
Jagen    Bishop    16.96   26    1   11*   9    8    6    4   12
Gordin   Sniper     4.68   38   12*   0   18   15   14   14    5
Darros   Hero       7.26   45   20    0   18   16   16   18    3
Julian   Thief     22.02   32   12    0   15   25   23   12    0
Matthis  Drakky     7.36   43   20    1   12   16    6   16    3
Hardin   Paladin   11.50   39   16    1   21   23*  10   13    8
Radd     Drakky     5.52   37   20    0   14   17*  12   19    3
Boah     Bishop    11.36   23    1    5    8   13    5    5   11
Elice    Mage      17.43   22    0    8   11    9    8    4    4

Endgame: 5/236

Stat booster candy time!

Seraph Robe: Abel, Boah, Jagen

Spirit Dust: Elice, Boah x2

Energy Drop: Hardin x3

Secret Book: Hardin x2, Radd

Speedwings: Hardin

Goddess Icon: Abel x2

Dracoshield: Abel x2

Arms Scroll: Julian

Leftovers: Seraph Robe, Speedwings x3, Dracoshield x2, Talisman x2, Arms Scroll x2

Reclassed Abel and Hardin to Dracoknight, and Matthis to Paladin.

Everyone's positions:

Northwest corner: Boah, Jagen, Matthis, bait

Northeast corner: Gordin, Darros, bait, empty

Near Marth: Julian, amazing generic, Elice, Nagi

Awkward Alcove (from left to right): Radd, Hardin, Abel

Abel held Gradivus, Starsphere, Lightsphere, and Iote's Shield. This will be important later.

It took about an hour and a half of planning, and one clean run for me to do this. Here's what happened:

Turn 1: Marth uses the Geosphere, Elice Fortifies. Julian uses the Geosphere, Boah Fortifies. Nagi uses the Geosphere, Jagen trades and Fortifies. I got rid of the healers and magic users, and left all the physical units at garbage for HP. Awesome generic runs to the closed door next to Marth, Gordin whiffs a Longbow shot (86%), Matthis kills the dragon, generic Horseman shield Matthis, Hardin kills a Pachyderm, Abel runs like he needs to use the bathroom, Radd follows. Darros wonders why he's there. So does the generic next to him.

Turn 1E: Both generics die (and save the people they were supposed to), a couple of enemies suicide, and I'm happy. Awesome generic draws the Paladin, and survives.

Turn 2: Abel continues running, Hardin positions himself so that only one enemy to the north can reach him, Matthis kills the Pachyderm, Radd make a Hero go an hero, Gordin kills the Dracoknight he missed earlier, Darros kills the General, Awesome generic moves so Julian can open the door and Marth can molest the Paladin, and everyone else either runs or Fortifies.

Turn 2E: One enemy pursues Hardin, the rest end their lives next to Abel.

Turn 3: I place Radd and Matthis on the stairs where the Bishop and Pachyderm spawn, place Gordin on the stairs where the Dracoknight comes out, Darros kills an offending dragon, Abel runs down the hallway leading to Medeus, Hardin follows. Everyone else isn't important at this point.

Turn 3E: The Snipers and Manakete next to Medeus die.

Turn 4: I put Abel within range of Medeus, Hardin catches up, Darros inches to the save point, and everyone else isn't important.

Turn 4E: Abel dodges both of Medeus' attacks and retaliates (21 damage, 99% hit!), which was a good thing, because I completely forgot about the Hero that spawns. Fortunately, Abel dodged that, too (and killed the offender). Even if he didn't, I still had one more Seraph Robe, so in the event that everything hit, I would've restarted, and slapped the final Seraph Robe on Abel.

Turn 5: Abel attacks Medeus for another 21 damage. I save, Hardin flies over, takes Gradivus, Lightsphere, and Starsphere, and finishes the job (even if that was over 90% hit, I don't trust the RNG. . .just look at what it did to Gordin!).

Final stats and thoughts:

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      21.56   42*  14    0   11   21*  19   11    1
Abel     Drakky    19.79   52*  25*   1   26   23   17*  26*   5
Jagen    Bishop    17.65   33*   1   12*   9    8    6    4   12
Gordin   Sniper     5.85   39   12*   0   18   15   14   14    5
Darros   Hero       8.70   46   21    0   18   16   17   18    3
Julian   Thief     22.02   32   12    0   15   25   23   12    0
Matthis  Paladin    9.81   46   20    1   14   16    6   16    3
Hardin   Paladin   13.33   38   23*   1   25*  23*  10   15    5
Radd     Drakky     6.09   38   21    0   17*  17*  13   19    3
Boah     Bishop    12.37   30*   1    9*   8   14    5    5   12
Elice    Sage       2.40   28    3   11*  12   11    9    5    6
Nagi     Ummm. . .you weren't used
Quatro   Sniper     5.00   35    9    1   14   16    0    9    3
Tomas    Secret Shopper after Caeda died

Marth: More durable than what I normally get, but he couldn't hit very hard, and that made certain chapters harder than they should've been. He looks a litte screwed to me. . .

Abel: The first star of the show. I was a little worried about his Luck and Strength, but it worked out in the end.

Jagen: +3 Magic. . .that is awesome.

Gordin: Hooray for Longbows, because I seriously wanted to kill him. This was the wrong time to be Strength AND Speed screwed!

Darros: He thought he was Sedgar, and I'm not complaining.

Julian: Useful as always, and his +3 Defense meant I could be a touch more reckless with him than I normally am. His +3 Speed meant that he doubled for almost the entire game (which is what I asked of him before I started). Little bummed about the Strength, but Elice was thankful.

Matthis: He was the biggest surprise of this draft. I remembered what happened last time I drafted him, and I wasn't happy with it. This time, he pulled out all the stops, and became pretty good (+3 Strength and Speed, +2 Skill). Thanks!

Hardin: Not as godly as the last tournament, but having a mini-Jagen meant that several chapters after his recruitment were less painful. He was lagging behind with Speed for a long time.

Radd: His Speed kept up, and he gained a ton of Defense, which is why I recruited him in the first place. I think I'll keep recruiting him!

Boah: Lagged behind in everything but Speed. Even with his mostly-base stats, he was useful as a healer and Excaliblicker.

Elice: Got the Magic I needed, which meant everyone stayed alive during Endgame.

Nagi: Not used

Tomas: Helped steady Boah's aim every now and then. Tagged along after dodging two 86% hits in a row.

MVP: Hardin's Happy Horses, with honorable mention to Darros, Julian, and Jagen.

Given my party (dammit, Marth!), I'm quite happy with my turn count.

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Cool. Mind you, with my numbers, I got a turncount of 237 for you, not 236. Mind you, it's not that relevant.

So, is that it? Or is Joey going to pop in at the last minute with a full completed run or something?

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I have an early-game error I need to fix. Thanks for pointing it out!

EDIT: Just went through my logs with a calculator, and my count is correct. Did you make a typo on my turns?

Edited by eclipse
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I have an early-game error I need to fix. Thanks for pointing it out!

EDIT: Just went through my logs with a calculator, and my count is correct. Did you make a typo on my turns?

Considering I input the numbers as they arrive, I missed your edit for C4. But after I changed that, I got the correct number. It's all good now. :D

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