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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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I'll see what I can do, though, there's some sort of straight line on both sides, so...

I honestly don't know which one you mean XD

Still new to this whole making-things-from-scratch jazz. Not too good at realizing mistakes

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D'AWWWWW, look at the cute couple.


Is it just my troublesome personal taste getting in the way again or does it seem like Ranulf's head is proportionally/relatively too small?

EDIT: Never mind. XD

Edited by Fireman
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They're not supposed to be Ranulf and Lethe XDDDD

They're cosplays for the Halloween contests on FEND and on here.

Bases are go:



So... Before anyone else gets confused, they're not Lethe and Ranulf, just my characters here cosplaying as such.

This is what you guys get when you assume XD

Edited by seph1212
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Mr. ALS, what exactly looks off to you on the hair? I thought Lance fit pretty well, as I'm not really trying to make him look EXACTLY like his FE5 sprite, just close to it, in GBA FE style I guess.

Any suggestions?

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Never really said anything was off, just that if you looked for a bit, you could find pieces that you could splice together to make it better than just a regular Lance hair, I guess Lances hair does take the front part well, but the part near the ear could be a bit different. The shading where the bangs go down could use some work as well.

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W26FEND Comp: Has a long neck, maybe cutting down two or three pixels?

Levin: has a very bland shirt, I'd prefer seeing a third shade on the clothes. But if it was my splice, I probably wouldn't bother, (shading is painful)

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Neck fix on Lawrence. Still not telling you the gender, suckers.


I so totally would put a third shade if he wasn't 16 colors and every color was important. Small shading fix on Levin, and small hair shading fix.

And, new sprite! Claude, go:


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I so totally would put a third shade if he wasn't 16 colors and every color was important. Small shading fix on Levin, and small hair shading fix.

..... It's not important? Don't know why you're sticking to 16 colors (Meeting a standard/input into hack) However the background can be one color. (Grey/transparent). Since it's 15 colors for the mug and one background color. You've got two background colors, meaning you still have a spare shade left :/

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White's in the iris, meaning, no, I don't have one more shade left :P

And, I'm sticking to 16 colors because I'm going to use it in a hack, dur hur.

I think that's a lie from your mouth :/

Only see (lightest) skin shade in the eyes. And if not it can be anyway. No real visible different. :/

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LOL, I never even bothered to check in Usent before, but he was only 15 colors, even with the white in his eyes XD

Ah well. Tomorrow, if I stream, I'll throw another shade in there; see how it looks. O' course, if I don't like it, I'm gonna leave it with two :P

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Try adding a green(?) Cape over Claudes shoulder, I do know he has a cape/cloth over one of his shoulders.

And have his near bang smoothened out a bit, since they still look like where they were spliced from, also make them a bit thicker.

Levin needs look on his shirt palette, steal some colors from another mug.

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Double post with a purpose:

Claude gets a cloth-thing and some hair shading:


And, Levin gets a third shade on the gray (Since it was severely lacking in such) and a shading fix on the back of his hair near where the "ponytail" comes out:


And, for anyone who actually wants to watch me make these while listening to some cool music, you can click on my stream below:


I play games too! It's pretty fun, or at least, I don't think I'd have 220 followers if it wasn't XD

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Seph not as good as a shader as I thought? :/

Back on Levin

The left side of his cheek, you could probably do away with the darkest skin shade) The grey used for defining the chin when outline cuts off Cause the left side of the face seems kind of dark and ugly. (too thickly shaded)

The area right of his chin could also used touching up as it looks pillowy right now.

Overall, I'm not sure what's wrong with Levin, to be completely honest he looks like an amateur splice (something a newb would do) and doesn't compare with your other "awesome" splices at all. :/

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