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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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Oooh. I like Discan. His lines and shading are nice and crisp. He's a big improvement over the last mug you FCed (Ayra, IIRC), so congrats. :) His proportions are a little off, though - namely, his shoulders are too small/slim in comparison to how big his neck and head are. I think some wackiness is permissible, seeing as he's a comedic relief character, but don't use that as an excuse not to fix him up. April is right. Maybe not looking at it for a bit and coming back to it will help you see it with new eyes.

Lyrra isn't too bad, but the bold hair and choker colors against her more washed-out skin and shirt looks weird. Also, while cleavage is appropriate for a dancer, her chest seems too high up and too squished, and also too big for her petite frame. The chin should also be widened out to our left a little bit, and the parts of her hair near the neck made the same length. Overall, she is cute, and will look pretty smokin' after some refining.

What's your hack like/about?

Edited by Astelaine
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Oooh. I like Discan. His lines and shading are nice and crisp. He's a big improvement over the last mug you FCed (Ayra, IIRC), so congrats. :) His proportions are a little off, though - namely, his shoulders are too small/slim in comparison to how big his neck and head are. I think some wackiness is permissible, seeing as he's a comedic relief character, but don't use that as an excuse not to fix him up. April is right. Maybe not looking at it for a bit and coming back to it will help you see it with new eyes.

Lyrra isn't too bad, but the bold hair and choker colors against her more washed-out skin and shirt looks weird. Also, while cleavage is appropriate for a dancer, her chest seems too high up and too squished, and also too big for her petite frame. The chin should also be widened out to our left a little bit, and the parts of her hair near the neck made the same length. Overall, she is cute, and will look pretty smokin' after some refining.

What's your hack like/about?

Thanks for all that critique~

I made a topic about it in the hacking section, but, tl;dr, it's a silly little fan sequel to FE4.

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Oooh. I like Discan. His lines and shading are nice and crisp. He's a big improvement over the last mug you FCed (Ayra, IIRC), so congrats. :) His proportions are a little off, though - namely, his shoulders are too small/slim in comparison to how big his neck and head are. I think some wackiness is permissible, seeing as he's a comedic relief character, but don't use that as an excuse not to fix him up. April is right. Maybe not looking at it for a bit and coming back to it will help you see it with new eyes.

So, I took our friend Dory from FE6, and shoved him over Discan:


And I can definitely see that his head is too big for his body XD

I'll shrink the head, or super size the body. Probably the former.

How did you know he was supposed to be comic relief, by the way? XD

Lyrra isn't too bad, but the bold hair and choker colors against her more washed-out skin and shirt looks weird. Also, while cleavage is appropriate for a dancer, her chest seems too high up and too squished, and also too big for her petite frame. The chin should also be widened out to our left a little bit, and the parts of her hair near the neck made the same length. Overall, she is cute, and will look pretty smokin' after some refining.

The hair being different lengths on both sides is because of the ponytail. The hair on the other side would fall down, like hair normally would, while the side with the ponytail wouldn't.

I've been having problems with that chest, but, I think I know how to fix it.

Oh yeah, no one has anything to say about Jocelyn, and her armor? XD

Edited by Amera
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The hair being different lengths on both sides is because of the ponytail. The hair on the other side would fall down, like hair normally would, while the side with the ponytail wouldn't.

Oh, I see what you're trying to do. The hair near her right neck (opv) is supposed to be swept back into the ponytail, while the hair on the left (opv) hangs down because it's too short to reach the fastener, right? If that's the case, The hair on her right doesn't look like it's rooted to her head. Check Lyn, Serra, Fir, and Tethys to see how to fix that. Also, if the hair is pulled back on that side, her ear should be more visible.

As for Jocelyn, the armor again looks too bold in comparison to the hair, and as a result looks pasted on. I can't really say any more than that without seeing your reference.

Edited by Astelaine
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Aaahhh, 'k. I can fix that.

Also, references:



I'm willing to change the hair color, if it would help it match the armor more. If changing the color on the armor is all that's needed, though, I can do that.

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The resemblance to your reference is pretty good. (Damn, that armor is piiimp.) The shape of the orange spike to the left of her neck (opv) could be a little more refined, though. The spike on the tip of her left pauldron (opv) also needs a little shading so it doesn't look flat.

Edit: *squints* Maybe it's that the heavy outline color is used in her armor a lot, but not so much on the rest of her. Try a lighter color for that, perhaps?

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The resemblance to your reference is pretty good. (Damn, that armor is piiimp.) The shape of the orange spike to the left of her neck (opv) could be a little more refined, though. The spike on the tip of her left pauldron (opv) also needs a little shading so it doesn't look flat.

'Kk. Shading, go!

Alright. I can try that.

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Holy crap! That's so much better! Fabulous! :D

Let's see, you might wanna shave off some of that brighter skin shade near where his shoulder meets the shoulderpad. You also don't need so much of the outline color where his shirt meets his skin. The strap lays kind of awkwardly across his chest, too - it seems like its curve should be more gradual, and it shouldn't come up so high near the right armpit.

Other than that, hats off, this is very nice!

Edited by Astelaine
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Holy crap! That's so much better! Fabulous! :D

Let's see, you might wanna shave off some of that brighter skin shade near where his shoulder meets the shoulderpad. You also don't need so much of the outline color where his shirt meets his skin. The strap lays kind of awkwardly across his chest, too - it seems like its curve should be more gradual, and it shouldn't come up so high near the right armpit.

Other than that, hats off, this is very nice!

Woohoo! Approval from Astel! 8D

I shall do that tomorrow, as I'm quite sprited out today.

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So, I bet you're wondering why I'm posting a screen of my hack.

Well, 1) To make sure my gallery doesn't get lost within the pages of the spriting section and 2) To show that I'm messing around with generic enemy palettes.

I know I'm not the first to do so, but I think it's pretty cool.

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I bringeth you all more sprites!



Still getting the hang of doing FCs. I honestly think Discan is sprited better than Lyrra @__@

ALS helped me touch up Discan a little, mostly his face. The shape before was WAY too huge.

...I can't put my finger on what's wrong.



Why male armor though?

Edited by The Valter
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The druid darkest color is darker than 40 40 40(5 5 5 in GBA) in color

values. I suggest fixing that, because that is the standard values for

shadows and anything darker looks unfitting.

I think it fits :E

...I can't put my finger on what's wrong.


Why male armor though?

I can. You're looking at an older version.


because it was the first one I saw, and I might go back and do female as well. Maybe.

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40 40 40 is a terrible color choice because it's a completely unrealistic color. Any black you see never has equal shades of red green blue. In fact, don't use any pure black colors unless you know what you're doing.

Edited by Cazali
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