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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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The folds in the hood are very thin and linear. For the most part, cloth is a very loose and flexible material, so the folds should, at the very least, be less straight. Compare this guy's hood to Novala's; Novala's hood has wider folds with the darkest shade on the inside of the middle shade. In the event that you only have two shades (which, from a 1x zoom not viewed from my laptop, it appears as though is the case), I would add in a third shade and replace one of the colors on the spiral patterns with one of the other blue shades. Personally, I also feel that, currently, the blue shades contrast too much, given where it appears the light source is coming from. Adding in the third shade may rectify this issue, however.

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The folds in the hood are very thin and linear. For the most part, cloth is a very loose and flexible material, so the folds should, at the very least, be less straight. Compare this guy's hood to Novala's; Novala's hood has wider folds with the darkest shade on the inside of the middle shade. In the event that you only have two shades (which, from a 1x zoom not viewed from my laptop, it appears as though is the case), I would add in a third shade and replace one of the colors on the spiral patterns with one of the other blue shades. Personally, I also feel that, currently, the blue shades contrast too much, given where it appears the light source is coming from. Adding in the third shade may rectify this issue, however.

I can agree with you, somewhat, on the folds, and will fix some of them, but, I'm enjoying the contrast on the sprite, and I don't particularly want to give it a third shade. If I 100% have to to fix the shading by adding a third shade, I will, BUT, I'd rather not.

Edited by seph1212
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I'm going with everything Glenn said, bar the color issue, the folds look very weird and unnatural. They are just really thin, too thin. I'd either make them bigger, or even just make it one big fold.

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Trenty likes pointy collar. :'3



This part right here makes his face looks jagged. Anti alias the collar more cause the black on that skin tone is not nice. It looks rather rough.

Also, Trent, go ref Natasha for the hat and folds. They seem... flat.

I'd yell at you because of the hair but Imma be nice and chut up.

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I tried to make his robes more foldy, and I think I succeeded :3


Also, woo, Refia~ This is gonna be my mug for the ultimate spriting contest.


Major props to Pi for giving me advice on this.

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O.o Dat looks extraordinarily cool bro. I'm digging the hair color and style.

The outfit is alright, nothing special there, and other than a little shading issues, I can see nothing wrong with it.

The eyes are a bit boring and bland, but they work.


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Green: The chin is shaded really weird, the darkest tone is all over the chin. I'd put the lighter tones on the chin.

Purple: I don't know what you were going for, so this might be pointless but, Where the spike meets the hair going down, it just comes out from the hair. I'd shad it more to establish a little more depth.

I think the color scheme looks a little weird too. I don't know, something seems wrong about it.

Edited by Joerachi
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LolJoe. Because you're the best spriter around, yes :3

There's nothing wrong with the use of the darkest shade on the chin, there. Putting a lighter shade on top of the darker one would start to give it a pillowed look.


The one small hair thing you pointed out wasn't really a mistake, but, it looked better changed.

I'm pretty sure the only reason the color scheme looks weird to you is because none of these colors are actually from FE8, but they work well together, and provide ample contrast because we all know I'm a contrast whore, so I'm sticking with them.

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Well, I can't take credit for all the colors xD

I had the blond, but, Pi gave me the blues and edited the yellows around, plus gave me a 4th shade to work with. I sprited it myself, but I do owe him for those :3

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LolJoe. Because you're the best spriter around, yes :3

Where would you get such an idea?

There's nothing wrong with the use of the darkest shade on the chin, there. Putting a lighter shade on top of the darker one would start to give it a pillowed look.


The one small hair thing you pointed out wasn't really a mistake, but, it looked better changed.

I never said anything was wrong with it, I said it looked weird. I never said the hair thing was a mistake.

I'm pretty sure the only reason the color scheme looks weird to you is because none of these colors are actually from FE8, but they work well together, and provide ample contrast because we all know I'm a contrast whore, so I'm sticking with them.

No, that's not it. It's just something about the dark blue shades that are bothering me that I can't point out D:

I love the sprite everywhere else though.

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I never said anything was wrong with it, I said it looked weird. I never said the hair thing was a mistake.

No, that's not it. It's just something about the dark blue shades that are bothering me that I can't point out D:

I love the sprite everywhere else though.

Okie dokie.

And, the blues are fine. SqRtofPi made them, and of all the spriters on these forums, I trust him the most to not make bad decisions.

It's not that weird, IIRC some FE sprites shaded like that, too. o3o

With the chin? I think there are a few in FE6/7. Not really FE8, but, I've never liked FE8's shading styles xD

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Now for some reason I'm having less problems with the blue XD

And you have every right to flex those muscles, hot damn, that hair has been made awesome. Maybe the bang to the right(OPV) of the middle one could use some shading to not make it look like it's blending into the head, considering the 3rd skin tone and 2nd hair tone are really similar, otherwise, pretty fucking awesome XD.

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I'll take your word on it. I do like the changes.

Why do you keep making the sprite taller?

Awesome :3

Because I kept having to lower the breasts, so, I just made the sprite taller along with it.

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How many times have you posted an edited version of that very mug? I'm new and I think I've seen it at least twenty five times already.

6 times. I think you're exaggerating a little bit :E

And, why wouldn't I? There will always be problems with sprites that I can't see myself, or don't know, so, asking people for help is the best course of action. That way I learn, so I don't make the same mistake, and I fix the problem on the sprite.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maddie, weeeee:


Almost hit the second page, hoooooo boy.

And, opposite the norm of multiple shoulder pads = wyvern, Maddie's a cavalier xD

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