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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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With Mr. Daein Captain, I have to agree with what's been mentioned before: more pronounced trim and GBA-shaded armor. The FE10 style works in FE10, not as much in 8's style. (D:) I also think that the "back" part of the helmet (to the right of his face in our PoV) seems either pillowed or flat shaded. (The horns are quite nice though.)

For Toona, I can't really say too much since it's still a WIP and I don't know the character. Only things I could point out are that the hair still isn't shaded very FE-like and that you've kinda got the MK404-Anime-Eyes syndrome going on with how large the eyes are.

For Nicki, I think you could be a bit more liberal with the middle hair shade in the main part of the hair, since it's hella flat. I feel like the middle bang could be a more curvy on the right side (our PoV) as opposed to being a straight line. As for the clothes, I'd couple Uphir's suggestion with using something different for the clothes. Considering the custom work you've done on the mug so far, I wouldn't leave a heavy L'Arachel base for the clothes. And, since Nicki is a noble, it's kind of a given that she have somewhat fancy clothes, so... (Yeah, I got nothing specific for ya, except to either look at other character arts for ideas or sit down and ponder the character and what you could see them wearing.)

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I don't like fish all that much coughtunacough other seafood is great though :D

Dernit, Vamp :P

With Mr. Daein Captain, I have to agree with what's been mentioned before: more pronounced trim and GBA-shaded armor. The FE10 style works in FE10, not as much in 8's style. (D:) I also think that the "back" part of the helmet (to the right of his face in our PoV) seems either pillowed or flat shaded. (The horns are quite nice though.)

For Toona, I can't really say too much since it's still a WIP and I don't know the character. Only things I could point out are that the hair still isn't shaded very FE-like and that you've kinda got the MK404-Anime-Eyes syndrome going on with how large the eyes are.

For Nicki, I think you could be a bit more liberal with the middle hair shade in the main part of the hair, since it's hella flat. I feel like the middle bang could be a more curvy on the right side (our PoV) as opposed to being a straight line. As for the clothes, I'd couple Uphir's suggestion with using something different for the clothes. Considering the custom work you've done on the mug so far, I wouldn't leave a heavy L'Arachel base for the clothes. And, since Nicki is a noble, it's kind of a given that she have somewhat fancy clothes, so... (Yeah, I got nothing specific for ya, except to either look at other character arts for ideas or sit down and ponder the character and what you could see them wearing.)

As for the soldier, you are tons correct Josh.

Those are Tana's eyes, Josh XD I've barely edited them at all.

It is pretty flat up top, and I think having the bangs run a little bit longer, or maybe having a little bit of the root there would be better. I like the way the hair is shaped, though.

Dernit, Josh! No one has any specific suggestions D:

Edited by seph1212
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And don't be nasty either! :cthulhu:

I can totally picture Nicki wearing exactly nothi- I mean, yeah, what Josh and Dancer said :P

Dan gave me a pretty dern cool idea, so I think I'll just do that. She shall have clothing like Tiltyu, bwuaha!

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I concur, much better.

The hair shading is indeed better, but I also might suggest that you reference the top of the Ephidel!hair that Steven has in his sprite for the main part of the hair and how it heads back to where the ponytail starts at. Either that or the old sprite of Amera with the front of her hair (below the headband). Nicki's hair just seems a bit... bland in that big spot. (Maybe Vamp can be a little more helpful here on this one? A bunch of his sprites seem to have some nice uses of adding in that middle shade to show depth and hair flow.)

I forgot to mention it before (which is odd, because I had reminded myself to make note of it before posting...), but it feels like the fur straps going over the shoulders don't really conform to Nicki's body. For instance, the one on our right doesn't really look like it curves back down Nicki's back to the backside of her robes. It just kinda... stops, if you know what I mean. Also, I'd try shifting the strap a pixel or two to the right, since it feels like it's a bit too centered (well, at least it looks like it might be; it's one of those things that I'd have to play with and see which looks better). Furthermore, I might shrink the fur by a pixel in width. It seems like it might be just a little bit too thick. (And, for the left strap, it just kinda looks like a clump of fur that's there. Though, that maybe be because of the following point and not the fur itself.)

Another thing that seems to jump out to at least me is that it looks like Nicki's right shoulder is lower than her left shoulder coupled with the fact that her head is tilted towards said left shoulder. It just kinda comes off as an odd pose. Granted, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that since it's a normal bodily position, but I think it might be slightly more natural to have her right shoulder be higher than her left (e.g. it would need to be raised up back there and become more visible, which would likely require the fur to be changed as well) while keeping the same head angle. Granted, my artistic ability and sense of proportion and the like are pretty non-existent, so you might want some other opinions on this.

As for the trim, it needs to... pop more. Once I get back to my laptop and can rummage through my reference files, I'll send over an example of some trim that you might want to look at. In the event that I can't find the image that I'm thinking of (or it's less helpful than I remembered), basically, I think that the brownish colors could be darker with some tweaked shading (it's pseudo-pillowed right now, but not really noticeable since there are only like two shades and it's in a limited area) and the trim could use some lighter accents (i.e. pull in some of the lighter skin shades and replace some of the current lighter trim tone with those) and could possibly be a bit thicker in places (namely the center and back pieces, IMO).

EDIT - Oh, and about Toona's eyes: I blame IS and their inconsistent style. XD

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Everything but the trim section. (And, even for that, it'd be nice if you could make the dark area that's inset against the trim darker, but I have a hunch that those are the darkest skin shade and you don't have any spare colors so...)

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Is that fur on her shoulders? I'm not much feeling the colour scheme either :| and now her trim looks pillowy :|

It's supposed to be :<

Awww... I like the colors.

And, fuck it:


I can't get the darkest shade in there without making the trim look pillowed x[

If you've got any suggestions, Vamp, lemme know.

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I can't really compare the versions right now, since I'm not at my laptop and thus don't have access to stuff where I can zoom in, etc. I'll likely be back in my room in a couple of hours though, so if you can wait that long...

As for what I can visibly discern at 1x zoom, I don't really see how using the darker shade for the "background" made the trim pillowed. It was definitely pillowed before the trim got tweaked and even with the darker shade, it was nowhere near what pillowed was originally. Maybe it's just this monitor, but at a regular zoom, it definitely didn't look pillowed.

I'll have to leave more detailed hair stuff until I return to my laptop, but even though it was styled on Lyn's stuff, I guess the "issue" might be that there was slightly less hair area for Lyn than there is for Nicki in that spot, i.e. Lyn's feels less "flat" since there's less pixel area there that is being taken up by the lightest shade. I guess it really depends on what you're envisioning Nicki's hair to be like in terms of what kind of shading looks natural. I still might look at some of Vamp's hair and see if any style jumps out as being nicer and see if something like that works for Nicki.

(I'll have to compare the fur stuff later.)

And, Vamp, for the palette, it's really none of your say, since it's Trent's character... >_>

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Um, before insertion, I'd suggest a well needed clean up.

That trim is awful. ;_;

Thanks for being an ass, again. Frankly, I'm not surprised :/

Nickt, if you're not gonna suggest a way to make it better, please don't comment.

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Lol, don't be butthurt because you haven't yet got the hang of spriting trim.

Frankly, I'm not surprised you're insulted because spriters these days are so fucking high on their horse and when I don't suck up to you, you get shitty.

And because I feel like it, I'm gonna record myself adding trim to Beran's shoulder pad, and I'll upload it when it's done. c:

Edited by 弐句戸™
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