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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering when you were going to give this thread some love! :) You've really been improving, too. Post moar!

Female Eliwood is pretty darn good above the waist. Below the waist, she looks a little sloppy, though. The sides of her bell skirt need to curve more nicely - right now the diagonal lines that come out of her lips are way too long. The frilly bits on her apron need to be more consistent in shape, placement, and the way they curve to make the ruffle. Her legs are also kind of formless, and need a more defined shape. The slice in the shoe that you used to differentiate the heel from the foot part also cuts too high - you should find a reference image for the shoe shape. The shading seems fine to me, though. Overall it's a decent start, just needs some editing. :)

Thoughts on Leidrick:

Whoaaa, I love that hair and beard. I see no major problems, though his head does seem too long. I suggest shortening his forehead by a pixel, and moving up the beard, mouth, and bottom of the moustache so that the moustache is one pixel shorter. His hair poof could be moved to the right a little too, to center it on his head a little better. As for the face, his eyebrow shading kind of bugs me - try putting the darkest shade in the middle and antialiasing outwards with the lighter shades from there. His right eye is a little wide, also. You could shave it down by a pixel or so. I am definitely looking foward to seeing his finished clothes!

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The hair going down her shoulders look like they're shaded pretty weirdly, this might just be me though.

According to Amelia and Sakusa, it would be just you o 3o

And, Joe, just to clarify, you did mean the hair here, right? :


Edited by seph1212
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No, I meant the hair going down her front XD

Well then say that, not the hair coming down the shoulder XD

All I can say to that, is that Amelia and Sakusa said it was fine. If you can suggest something to improve it, then do so, otherwise it shan't be changed, since I see nothing wrong with it o 3o

I'm gonna have to agree with that hair looking a bit odd, you may want to make the hair cure better so you can anti alias it cleaner.

Expound? = w=

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I agree with Joe and Astra. Those two strands of hair that fall over her chest look a littled messy/jagged. The anti-aliasing needs to be cleaned up and smoothed out. For example, look at the strand falling over her right boob (opv). There are still "corner" pixels on that line of darkest hair shade where the strand meets her body. The blob of dark color in the middle of the strand doesn't curve cleanly. There are places where you haven't put in the second hair shade, leaving the darkest shade to touch the brightest one. Stuff like that. Vamp has done this kind of hair before, I suggest checking page 12 of his gallery to scope out the updated Elincia and Cybil mugs. Lachesis and Yuria on the first page could help too.

In addition, the shape of the top of the head/hair is off. Her hair seems really poofy on the top, but really flat on the side where it goes down her back. Look at Sophia's hair on the old mug to see how to make that shape more natural. Her ear also blends right into the side of her face - the old mug is actually more correct in this regard. Her jaw should have some definition there, and her ear should have a clearly demarcated lobe.

Overall though, I really like this character's redesign. She looks much more individual and interesting, and has a much better personality. Therefore, it's an improvement by leaps and bounds. :)

Edit: Didn't see Joe and Astra post again, I agree with everything they added.

Edited by Astelaine
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The shading here is weied, It makes the lock there look like it twists.

How was that, defense attorney?

EDIT: Well, twist isn't the Wright right word, but you know what I mean. it looks weird.

Edited by Joerachi
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The shading here is weied, It makes the lock there look like it twists.

How was that, defense attorney?




The court sees no problem with the twist, since it isn't, in fact, an error, but presents a small edit to please the prosecution.

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Disregard PW gags. Acquire critique.

Joe's right, there IS something wrong with that particular spot. Considering the amount of pixelized boobies in this topic, I'd imagine that you knew that they went away from the body, and any low necklines on an outfit would do the same. More like this:


Ain't a perfect fix, but I'm here to show you how to fix your work, not fix it for you.

... oh, one more thing: Good lord, that near shoulder is PUNY. Even starving supermodels have bigger shoulders than that, so her being a magic-user is no excuse. That needs to be at least another two or three columns wider.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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Just because I have tons of boobs in this gallery, doesn't mean I know how V-cut shirts are supposed to work :P which I obviously didn't

And you're right, it wasn't perfect :E

A lot of the shading near the cleavage was kinda chunky though the idea was right, so I used that

And it was tiny. I was referencing sad!lyn, and the outline started at her size, but it shrunk somehow. Oh well.


Oh btw I listened to what you said and fixed it :F

EDIT: OH! And PW gags are always fun, you spoil sport you >:U

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