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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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Now that's breaking the mold. Cavaliers with Wyvern rider armor. I do like. Though the shirt and breastplate seem a little flat. Either way it's looking good.

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Now that's breaking the mold. Cavaliers with Wyvern rider armor. I do like. Though the shirt and breastplate seem a little flat. Either way it's looking good.

Speaking of that mug, actually...


I got some critique/reference from SqRtofPi, and have been spending the last while trying to fix the mug xD (Mine on the left, his on the right, obviously).

I should have it finished by today, hopefully.

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Wow, that's so much better it's not even funny. O_O The breastplate and shirt look heaps better. Not to say your first version was bad but...

Personal opinion: I liked the color of the trim from the first version a little more =/

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Personal opinion: I liked the color of the trim from the first version a little more =/

I did too, but I also didn't want to arse myself into getting the blue to work properly, when the normal type of trim works fine xD

I might experiment with colored trim some more in the future, but, not with this mug.

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Man, good things happen when you and Pi have art babies together.

I don't really have any crit to offer; just wanted to say that the improvements are great. Especially regarding the angles and her posture - the fixes are subtle, but everything feels much more natural.

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It looks exponentially better than the original, my one issue is the little bit of hair that comes out from under the bandana, it just doesn't look natural. If you wanted hair there it should be more consistent with the rest of the hair and come out from in front of the headband.

Also, I love the eyes. I can't wait for the finished product.

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Manliest straight line (on the trim on his left side) ever. For realz.

You could probably curve it just a tiny amount and it would look better.

I have massive red green/pink/purple line to follow for fixing it up, so, I'ma do that, first o 3o


Edited by seph1212
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That's amazing. the shading on the neck looks a little weird to me, it's hard to explain how though. It might just be me, it's like the 3rd shade going through the center is a little off. But it looks great! smile.gif

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He's still sexy. If furries weren't creepy I'd do him.

I do see a weird transition from the jacket to the chest on the right side (our left). I don't think there's enough shading there.

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