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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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  • 4 weeks later...


Ahoy hoy ' x'

Shiny Charmander gave me a great reference, AK bluntly pointed out problems, and now we have come to the end of the ride.

Halloween contest time

Edited by seph1212
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Seph, great job with the fixes. She looks a ton better now, the hair and face especially. Soo cute~!

As for crit: I feel like her cleavage comes up too high, and needs lowered a few px. On the other hand, I know you were specifically going for gratuitous funbaggage, so do as you will. Also, Rydia's irises seem too dark; unless you're zoomed in, they appear black. Needs moar lightest green.

Good luck in the Halloween contest!

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  • 1 month later...

still it seems like its going to fall of her shoulder

You meant with the trim, right.


I used the wallpaper as the reference art for this, and the shoulder pads aren't symmetrical.

And if you look, there's a strap of leather running under the shoulder pad. That's what's holding it there.

I don't appreciate Fire Emblem character design because even though it makes sense it does look really stupid, but what can ya do. So if this wasn't supposed to represent Catria, I'd go and do something about the shoulder pads.

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They aren't symmetrical you're right in that.


I think you could put the shoulder pad one or two pixels closer to the rest of the armor

PS; hope you dont mind i do that in your sprite

Edited by Warg
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Dithering definitely gave it that wool look! My only complaint is the white zigzags look a little too spaced out on the right(opv) side of her chest compared to the rest of the zigzags.But it is really nice. :)

Edited by eCut
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  • 1 month later...

She is sooo cute. Hrrfff, adorable eyes! wub.gif

You should try a different angle on your next FC. Busty Blonde/Rydia, Catria, and Amera here all have very similar poses. Now that you have improved so much, issue yourself a challenge! :3

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In all seriousness, yeah. I agree with Astel. Another pose would be interesting.

I have to say that she is kinda...big. Idk if that is on purpose... Her hair is like...a rag on her head and the strands don't agree on where they originate and where they wanna flow. The near arm is kinda dinky compared to the far arm. I believe it's a near boob problem. Near boob is slightly bigger than the far one. lol idk.

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In all seriousness, yeah. I agree with Astel. Another pose would be interesting.

I have to say that she is kinda...big. Idk if that is on purpose... Her hair is like...a rag on her head and the strands don't agree on where they originate and where they wanna flow. The near arm is kinda dinky compared to the far arm. I believe it's a near boob problem. Near boob is slightly bigger than the far one. lol idk.


And I would but different poses are scary :<

but I can try ; ~ ;

Big is on purpose. And if you can help with the hair then hellllllp because I seriously don't know what to do Q u Q. And if the boobs are a problem then let me squish them down to size I'll see if I can bother AK about them :B


if you do help with the hair don't like, sprite anything for it because I tend to copy stuff when given a sprited example. Text or red lines pl0x? :<

Edited by seph1212
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