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Angelic Devotion Signup


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I started planning an RP a year ago, but decided not to follow through with it since I was uncertain whether I would be able to efficiently run one. And simply because I didn't want to devote myself to such a project. After thinking it over, I've decided that I may as well give this a shot. Unlike common RP's this RP will have an established setting (world) based loosely around an FE world. How the players interact with said world and what choices they make is ultimately up to them. I have got a general outline of how things will flow planned, but am more then willing to adapt the plot to the RP'ers and their actions.

At present this thread will serve as an incomplete information thread for me to store my ideas. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions people are willing to give at this early stages.

[spoiler=The World]map.png

Granford: Also known as the holy capitol, Granford is known for it's cavalry both on the ground and in the air. Being the only nation which borders the Velmaya forest there is near an abundant supply of the magical creatures. Granford also serves as the home to the mysterious old man who calls himself the Archbishop. A figure said to be so divine that merely looking at him is enough to make a sinful person die instantaneously. Due to this, the Archbishop remains hidden away from the world, his words being spread to the public through a select few who call themselves the Templar.

Until recently, Crestia, Tolmaeus and Granford were close allies. Having fought against the growing Gavotskian empire fifty years ago, the three kingdoms were said to be united in principle, belief and goals. A land which would be free from oppression and war. However Granfords views towards peace changed approximately two moons ago when Granford withdrew itself from the alliance without providing reason. The act was soon followed by a declaration for all true followers of the Lord to return to Granford territory immediately. Crestia responded to this by closing it's borders with Granford which resulted in Granford forcefully reopening the borders, annihilating a significant portion of Crestia's military. Allegations of Crestia serving an evil deity were quickly made in an attempt to validate the attack. Granfords army is led by three figures which claim to be directly associated with the Archbishop and currently in possession of the position of Grand Templar.

Crestia: Ruled by King Albert IV, the nation is often associated with peace. Having never actually been involved directly in a war Crestia was completely unprepared for the attack on their border by Granford. Despite having the largest army in terms of numbers, it's military is poorly trained. Further hampered by the religious connotations of this war, soldiers and generals alike are uncertain whether they should follow their political or religious allegiances. Having noticed this flaw at an early stage, Crestia has made a call to arms for any mercenary that's willing to fight for them, regardless of criminal history. Fortunately for Crestia, it is also the wealthiest of the three major nations, due to abundant farmland in Rison, Crestia and Talgusta. Crestia is also in control of Delcotia, which holds the only port which has access to the neighboring continent. Crestia is ruled by several noble houses that have sworn loyalty to the King. Before anyone else, and are some of the select few who remain unshaken by their foe.

Tolmaeus: Is the smallest of the three major nations. However Tolmaeus is also home to the "Academy." An institute built for gathering talented minds in the art of chaos magic. Unlike the Mages of Granford, Tolmaeus's sorcerers study the destructive fire and thunder element. The nation is constantly making expeditions in to the Savarda desert in an attempt to recover artifacts of value. Tolmaeans believe that a great civilization once existed in the south-east of Sakenda, a civilization which has mysteriously disappeared and left relics of what would have been the most technologically advanced nation. Pravlum island likewise is thought to be an extension of this civilization, and the sorcerers of Tolmaeus spend much of their time scourging through the ruins there.

Tolmaeus is generally not interested in the war between Crestia and Granford, opting to remain neutral in the conflict. However are keeping a close eye on developments to see how things turn out. Ideally they wish for neither kingdom to win as they know that if either kingdom was wiped out, Tolmaeus would be next.

Izuna: A nation in the far north which has secluded itself from the rest of the world. Having seen several wars as a neutral party they have given up on the human race and see themselves as as superior beings. They strongly believe in bettering their own skill, and look down upon the other nations which uses weapons and lives for pointless things like land and wealth. A hierarchical nation. An emperor sits on the throne, followed by instructors, warriors, and the common worker. Those who do no agree with their teaching and use weapons for personal gain are banished from the nation and considered as foreign to the inhabitants as the rest of the outside world.

Garius: Originating from a powerful nation (Gavotsk) that was situated in Falanoon, rivaling even the Granford empire fifty years ago is now nothing more then a small community of survivors. Their entire population consisting of less then a thousand survivors who sought refuge in Izuna, Despite being refused entry, the Gavotskites were permitted to set up an establishment on the border of Izuna in exchange for patrolling Grolvas Pass.

These days, Garius is only source of income is mercenary work. They are the only nation that are knowledgeable in the taming of wyverns and therefore most of their mercenaries are wyvern riders. While mercenary work is plentiful, their main concern is a viral disease created by Tolmaeus during the "Fall of Gavotsk" which is said to kill one in every two dozen wyverns hatchlings. A figure which is steadily increasing.

Rakuta: Rakuta is a lush region with open fields of green and emerald green trees. Originally a close ally of Granford, their alliance fell through when Granford began sending criminals and heretics into their land. Siding with Gavotsk in the war against Granford they were swiftly subdued after Gavotsk wyvern fleet were practically wiped out. Like the survivors in Garius, the Rakuta tribe were near annihilation and their once absolute power in the region is being contested by the other tribes.

Menolka: A small swampy nation which sided with Garius in the "Fall of Gavotsk." Due to their choice, they were permitted to remain independent after the war and have been at war with the Rakuta tribes ever since. While their are no major skirmishes due to Rakuta's small numbers, Menolka itself does not have a very large army. Menolka was one of the few nations in the region which were attacked by Gavotsk but managed to repel their invasion. How they managed is unknown but it is rumored a being of inhumane strength arose from the swamps and massacred the invading army.

[spoiler=Nation/People/Culture]Granf: Nearly everyone in Granford worships the God Celist, if not they have devoted themselves to the church which they attribute Granfords wealth and power to. While not compulsory, a large number of Granfs pay tribute to their local churches before going about their daily work routine, many believing that not doing so would result in some form of misfortune for themselves. Celism is the only widely known religion that exists in Sakenda today, the only other religions being minor cults that have long gone underground. (Except Rakuta's Nature worship)

~The nation is structure with the clergy at the top, the military enforcers in the middle, and the common folk at the bottom. Unlike Crestia which worries about heritages and noble blood, Granford is willing to promote anyone that has the required skill. Making it common for even the poorest of families to make it into Granfords elite. The clergy is split into three arms, the Priests and Bishops who devote themselves to teaching and worship, and the Templar's who control the military. And of course the Archbishop himself. The Archbishop is said to be an ageless man, with a replacement not being elected for at least a thousand years. Despite this, the citizens do not question the validity of exceptionally long life, but are conditioned to believe that like Celist, the Archbishop has attained eternal life.

~It is estimated that approximately five percent of Granfords population is situated in the position of military or religious enforcement. Meaning one in every 20 people have joined the army of the clergy. Due to the populaces religious devotion which borders on fanaticism, Granford society maintains a calm serenity which is seldom disturbed.

Crestian: Is the only nation in Sakenda which has an excessive amount of nobles, which has resulted in a wide gap forming between the rich and poor. Fortunately for Crestia though, taxes have always been low meaning even the poorest citizens have been able to afford a somewhat decent life, not a luxurious one mind you but they believe that the lack of war makes up for it. Unlike the other nations which have a certain feature that pops out, Crestia's main feature is it's urban and rural areas. Urban areas are often crowded and bustling, to the point where some refer to Crestian cities as Merchant cities. The rural areas are rich in agriculture, especially the Talgusta, Crestia and Rison region which is ideal for farming.

Having never actually sent troops to war (Gavtoskia they merely supplied the other two nations with provisions) their military is numerous but weak. With the majority of the military only joining for tax-free benefits. Crestia is also home to a large number of Celist followers, though they are hardly as devoted as the citizens of Granford, many have returned to Grandford, with a significant portion remaining to protest against the Crestia hierarchy and demanding it surrender.

~King Albert IV is the ruling figure of Crestia and is desperately trying to reach an agreement with Granford but has been turned away thus far. Albert IV has fostered 7 children from 4 wives. Crestia is a nation which values tradition, and is not willing to change from it's agricultural/noble ways. The combination of tradition and the first crown prince has led to debate among the populace as Prince Petran is know to be an alcoholic tyrant who has tormented his siblings throughout their childhood. At one point it was rumored that he had even resorted to killing one of his own brothers who publicly humiliated him.

Tolmaeans: Broadly categorized, Tolameans are either students of the Academy, or "Slum citizens". Slum citizens refers to people who show no interest in studying magic and technology. Due to the slum conditions outside educational institutions, Tolmaeus has the highest crime rates in all of Sakenda. Crimes have escalated to the point where gangs of criminals are forming across Tolmaeus fighting eachother for land and resources. Despite this the Tolmaean government remains unphased by this behaviour, opting to keep their minds on their students and their research.

~Tolmaean students are likewise poor, since while accomodation and food is provided by the Academy, they are not permitted to work, and any funds they hold is to be directed solely at their field of research. As if to reflect this, the nations resources are piled into expeditions into Savarda and Pravlus. Tolmean student often look down on the slum citizens as "savages" who are more primitive then the ape.

~Despite the completely different styles of living, both the Academy and Slum Gangs have maintained a peaceful existence. Due to the agreement made that; slum citizens will not attack Academy students in exchange for the Academy not interfering in slum affairs. This does not change the fact that the two groups hate the existence of the other.

Izu: Are loosely based on the East Asia. It is currently ruled by a child emperor who has been brought up to take pride in being an Izu. True power is said to lie with the child's mother who acts as an advisor to the emperors decrees. Being a nation which highly values strength and skill. The government consists of more meat heads then strategic mind. Most valuing the glorification of their family names and personal honor over the lives of their men. Regardless this has not shaken the faith and loyalty of Izu soldiers who are just as ambitious in proving themselves to the emperor.

~There are two ways to achieve positions of authority in Izuna, one is to challenge and kill a General in honorable combat. Another is to befriend one and slowly work your way up via manipulation. However the former is more common as it results in even the most manipulative figures been killed off during one on one combat.

~Despite opting to remain secluded, Izuna is known for their loyalty to each other. Women in particular as married women are not permitted to talk or even interact with males which do are not their immediate family. Infringement of this rule comes at the expense of the offenders life. Furthermore women are required to have married out of the family be the age of 16. Women who have exceeded this age are considered "expired goods" and are given a choice of working in prostitution institutes or death. A brothel district can be found in every city, however only unmarried men are permitted there. Izuna is strictly monogamous, the only exception being the emperor who can take as many concubines as he wants.

Gavotskites: Gavotskites are the remnants of the Gavotskian empire that existed in the past. Even after fifty years, their numbers are still in the hundreds. Resulting in no real social structure existing for these people. They have mainly settled in small collective communities in the mountains called Eyries. Due to the Garius region being unsuitable for proper farming, they receive their supplies from Izuna in exchange for keeping an eye on the Grolvas pass, and Garius region. Resulting in constant surveillance for intruders.

~Gavotskites don't really have a leader, they act independently, some even opting to abandon their former countrymen to seek a life in other parts of the continent. While older members of their society still hold animosity towards the three major nations, youth are the more then willing to give up the grudge of their elders in exchange for freedom and better pay rates.

Rakutans: Rakutans are often considered the heretics of Sakenda due to their belief in Mother Earth. They believe that the land itself is alive and breathing, and everything spawns from the ground beneath them. At one stage Rakutans were willing to accept Granfords concept of a Father God, but due to the political complications of the past they now reject the idea of Gods and Demons as mythical tattle tales.

~Rakutans live primarily for their own families. And are taught to value their parents and siblings first and foremost, then Mother Earth and finally their tribe. Due to this tribal loyalty, while strong, is not what controls Rakutan society. The only acception to this is the tribal chief who must place the welfare of the tribe first. Rakutans are generally vegetarians, and seem to prefer to eat food in it's natural form without blending tastes.

~Rakutan women are generally considered more important then males. They are believed to be more pure and closer to mother earth, which has resulted in child raising to be a woman's task. However due to their ability to hunt and fight just as well as men have raised them to the higher levels of society. A woman status is also measured by how many children she was able to give birth to. Since Rakutans deaths are common due to their minor skirmishes with Menolka and Granford.

Menols: Menols society is controlled by the elderly, many of them drawing on history to make decisions. A significant amount Menol males were killed during the Gavotskian Invasion resulting in very small number of males who have reached a wisened aged. The losses were so severe that Menol society was said to be unsustainable without seeking men from other nations, resulting in those who can claim pure Menol ancestry into higher positions.

~Menols are known for their strange tastes in nearly everything, whether it be structure, food or schooling. The former two are believed to be due to their marsh-based home-region. The later is a result of the lack of males. Children in Menolka are gathered and raised in schools immediately after birth. Resulting in many Menols not knowing who their parents are. This was originally a Granford concept of church schooling and was implemented in an attempt to weed out the elitism coming from pure Menol ancestry, but proved that children were more likely to form bonds and develop faster when raised communally.

~Despite aligning themselves with Granford, Celism never was an important factor in Menols society. Missionaries never set up establishments in the swampy marshes, and the Menols were quite happy to not venture into Granford terriory.

[spoiler=Signup]Name: (The name of your character)

Age: (The age)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Affinity: (Chaos/Order/Nature)*

Occupation: (You can fill this in with whatever your character is, Myrmidon, Traveler, Mercenary, Noble etcetc)

Weapons: (Any weapon your character is proficient with)

Appearance: (An image, or brief description, preferably 3+ sentences long)

Background: (A brief history about your character, should be a paragraph long ((4 sentences.))

*Affinity: I will be presenting minigames during the course of this RP, your affinity determines which team you belong to. Since it doesn't really make much of a difference, just pick which one you feel is most appealing (Chaos: Fire/Thunder, Order: Light/Ice, Nature: Earth/Wind)

[spoiler=Characters]Kieru: Unfaithful Healer ©

Bullet: Bounty on the Run ©

Ivan: Disillusioned Mercenary ©

Hubert: Flaming Mage ©

Laterite: Noble Spy ©

Arias: Undercover Dean ©

Shizunai: Exiled Samurai from Izuna (N)

Naomi: Tolmaean Mad Archeologist (N)

Andra: Freelance Mercenary (N)

Beatrice: Captured Raider (N)

Gerard: Street Summoner (O)

Cicero: Penniless Traveler (O)

Arc: Side-shifting soldier (O)

Brianna: Enchantress (O)

Opening Post: If you've read "The World" you have a pretty good grasp on the worlds situation already (hopefully). The RP will start in Fort Talgusta, where characters may elect to be a soldier/volunteer from Crestia, or a mercenary under the employ of Crestia. Alternatively you could just wander around the fort, but you'll probably run out of things to do. There are two possible starting points. You may start in an adjacent city, or inside the Fort itself. If you have any questions or want to discuss anything, there is a place to address issues and questions here http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22700&st=0

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Name: Shizunai

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Occupation: Samurai/Monk

Weapons: Swords, specializes in katanas, bows

Affinity: Nature

Appearance: A man heavily scarred all over the place, on his hands, arms, legs, face and chest. He has short scruffy green hair and gentle blue eyes. Because of his appearance, he wears a fox mask and heavy samurai robes to cover his body.

Backstory: From the country of Izu, Shizunai was a loyal soldier and monk, trying to serve his liege the best he could. He worked his way up to be one of the generals in the army, having honed his swordsmanship and spiritual side. Unfortunately during battle, he was set aflame by a magician and remained somewhat scarred since. A man with a strong sense of justice, Shizunai disliked the treatment of women in his country and was infuriated when he heard of Crestia's attack and Izu not lifting a finger to help. Because of this, he deserted the army and joined up with Crestia, intent on helping them out. He is pursued by Izunian bounty hunters and soldiers for his crime.

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Name: Naomi

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Weapons: Knives

Affinity: Chaos

Appearance: A woman with long golden hair. She has deep brown eyes, and likes to wear short robes to move around in and keep her cool. She has thick boots not really situated for the desert, but wears them anyway.

Backstory: A Tolmaean archeologist, she was sent towards the desert to recently begin a large full scale excavation. She however, has underlying motives, hoping to steal the technology for herself and make her fortune. Stopping at nothing to achieve her goals, her masked emotions hide her true character. Stemming from an incident in her past, she has a deep fear of water, and can't stand to ride on a boat. Her expedition had recently run into a hitch, and knowing the correct palms to grease made her way north towards FOrt Talgust.

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Two minor issues.

Affinity: Wind is not an affinity, I assume you mean Nature?

Nation: "Izu" refers to the people from Izuna, Izuna is the nations name.

And being proficient in a bow and sword is fine. But I'm assuming the sword is your primary weapon, and the bow a secondary. Probably not as skilled with a bow as someone who's dedicated their life to only mastering one weapon.

Other then that, no issues really, Accepted.


Likewise, Earth is not a selectable affinity

Other then that it looks great. Nice variety of characters we're developing :P

I'm working on Kieru right now. (My character) at to the dismay of a few of you, it's Kamilla XD Only this time she's acting her age :P

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Name: Kieru

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Affinity: (Chaos)

Occupation: Healer

Weapons: None

Appearance: kieru2.png

Background: Found in a state of starvation near the Yarvek estate, the nobles took pity on the girl and offered to feed her. An offer Kieru accepted with less then an acceptable amount of dignity. She remained with the Yarveks for a few weeks before she displayed a natural talent in healing. Not wanting to leech of the Yarvek family forever she accepted the Church's offer and was sent to the nearest church to work under the sisters there. Much to the sisters dismay she proved to be loud, rude and a prankster .

It wasn't long before Granford asked all Celists to return to Granford. While the entire church around her packed their things up and made for Granford, Kieru didn't really care about God or his rigtheousness and opted to remain behind. Despite her young age, she was forced to join the army as she was one of the few healers who had not left Crestian land. Unlike normal healers, Kieru doesn't require a staff to heal. Instead she is able to heal by covering the wound with her hands. Unfortunately she also has the ability to drain life force from another person. When applied to normal people it simply makes the victim more tired, draining the person of energy and will.

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Name: Gerard (Jer-ARD)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Affinity: Order... kind of. While his heart is in the right place he's noticed a tendency for his hands to be in the wrong place.

Occupation: Summoner

Weapons: None* Gerard lacks traditional weaponry on his person. Though he carries a small knife, it is more of a dinner/cooking tool than it is a actual combat measure. Instead, his 'weapon' is a small stone made of Granite that he carries about his neck. This stone grants him the ability to summon up the souls of certain creatures to do his fighting for him. Currently he has access to the ability to summon a hawk or a wolf, though this collection of monsters may grow as he becomes more powerful.

Appearance: Despite his unique ability to summon, Gerard is surprisingly plain-looking. Instead of the tell-tale black robes of a shaman or necromancer, Gerard wears simple and common travelers clothes. A shirt made of greyish-brown cotton (more from dust than actual dying) and a pair of simple pants are his only notable clothes. His hair, though unbound by a bandanna or hat or any other kind of headgear, is well combed and maintained. He has also gone through pains to ensure that he is clean-shaven. His wearly-looking green eyes complete the image of normalcy. At first glance, he seems like just a weary worker, except for the granite medallion hanging about his neck. Even this seems more like a common mages charm or knockoff bauble at first than anything else.

Background: Born in Tolmaeus, Gerard was not one off the lucky people to be born with innate magical talent. Stuck living within the capitol city with no where to go, he was pretty much a bum until, one day, a mage fell from the sky (actually the roof above him) and went 'SPLAT' right beside him. Hearing the shouts of guards, he did his duty as a proper citizen and told them what he knew (namely 'A mage fell from the sky and went 'Splat!'). Later that night, he 'found' a stone pendent with runes carved into the sides hiding away in his pocket. Though he was happy at his new fortune, he decided it wouldn't be wise to turn the stone in to the authorities on the off-chance they recognized him from earlier. So, eager to pawn the stone off away from the prying eyes of the Academy, he left home for Talgusta. After all, those Granfordian people were traitors! Right?

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Is a wyvern knight acceptable?

That's what I was going to do in Astelaine's RP, which doesn't in fact seem to be a thing anymore.

EDIT: Never mind.

Name: Andra Lachesis

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Affinity: Nature (but more Wind, yo)

Occupation: Mercenary wyvern rider

Weapons: Lances and spears, knives

Appearance: Tall, spiky red hair, green eyes, medium build, long green coat

Background: A mercenary from Garius. He signed up as a men-at-arms of a nobleman in Crestia. However, the noble turned out to be extremely corrupt and cruel, and so he and a few other men-at-arms turned on their employer and left his army. Now works as a freelance mercenary along with an old comrade of his (CATZ's Ivan)

I can give more detail if you like.

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It's a concept I've approved so it's acceptable. Affinity in my mind reflects personality, so if he intends to do "good" he goes under order. (Nature=Neutral). Though to be honest, I don't really care how you decide an affinity.

To clarify, if you want to make a "creative" character like Gerard, you should probably contact me first. At present Gerard can summon a wolf or hawk, but both are mainly for combat sake, and personally, I don't consider the wolf and hawk to be much stronger then an average soldier. Simultaenous summonings are not allowed. (one at a time) And I don't intend to give him many more types of spirits to summon. (3max)

I've allowed it since I want to see how creative people can get during the RP. I don't know how hawk/wolves are going to be creative but if it results in constant idiocy/godmoding, I'll just smash the damn granite stone and we'll all be happy. (bar Snowy). :P I doubt I'll end up smashing it, but I don't know Snowy too well... so..... XD


A wyvern Knight... is not XD

A wyvern rider is. If you read "The World" The only nation which has wyverns is Garius (Gavotsk). And neither are an active military force. Since Garius is more a mercenary type nation.

You are welcome however to have a character who is the son on a Gavotskian Knight, who carried on the title. (50 years means you'd have to be Eltair old to have served under Gavotsk)

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Name: Bullet

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Affinity: Chaos

Occupation: Mercenary

Weapons: Prefers a sword, but has basic training in most weapons sans magic. Also rarely carries around a set weapon. He prefers to use whatever he can get his hands on, be it a sword, axe, rock or cast-off spear handle.

Appearance: 56wrn.jpg

Background: Formerly part of a famous mercenary group based in Izuna Granford. However, most of the group were hunted down and killed by bounty hunters after the 20,000G on their heads. As the sole survivor, he is constantly hunted. While on the run, he found himself in Fort Talgusta, defending it.

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While I suppose I don't mind, Izuna is mainly a Asian-esque nation, with a closed door policy (No outsiders). You'd also have to get past Garius and Grolvas Pass to get away (near impossible). Though I suppose the wyverns could have killed his comrades. Personally I think that you'd be better off basing your mercenary group in Crestia or Granford. I'd suggest the later since it gives you a reason to be fighting against Granford.

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Name: Ivan

Age: Late 30's

Gender: Male

Affinity: Chaos

Occupation: Merc

Weapons: Sabre, longbow

Appearance: Tall, lean, somewhat weathered, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, short black coat, plain clothes; not 3 sentences but oh well, I'm not big on jamming lots of big flowery adjectives into char descriptions to try and make them seem more "vivid" or w/e, let me know if there's anything you want specified further

Background: Ivan was born and raised among the common folk of Crestia in a small rural village; loyalty to the local noble family was instilled at an early age, and Ivan was always happy with his position as a lowly servant of a wise and worthy ruler. Once he came of age, Ivan decided to gain the skills necessary to defend the home he was so fond of. Since Crestia's military was notoriously incompetent, Ivan knew that this would require him to leave his home nation. He took up a sword and set off on a journey across the lands; he traveled while working as a mercenary, usually defending caravans from highwaymen and bandits. When he finally returned to his village, Ivan had become an experienced and competent fighter, and immediately joined the local guard as a personal retainer of the ruling nobles.

However, as time went on and Ivan grew older, he began to question his decisions. As a personal retainer of the noble family, he was able to more closely witness their activities, to see things that happened behind closed doors. He became aware of certain less-than-savory practices; the way that the nobles often favored their own or neglected the common people when it suited them, told lies to the people in order to maintain the illusion that they were fair and just rulers, and other such abuses of their power. Eventually Ivan couldn't put it out of mind anymore. He decided to abandon his job and leave the village which he had devoted most of his life to. Now well past his prime, disillusioned with Crestia, and burdened with a jaded view of life in general, Ivan has resumed his life as a traveling mercenary.

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I'm sorry >_< I only read one post with him in it. And that was several months ago XD

See what happens when I try to make references to RP's I'm not familiar with?

Andra is accepted, but I just wanted to ask if you plan to do what was done in LoAF, where the wyvern will be named and have certain "quirks" or whether you just plan to leave it as an obedient mount which gets occasionally mentioned?


As with Fush's character, it conveys the meaning well enough. I just didn't want to see something like "Is tall" and things be left at that XD

Seems great, and adds more context to Fush's. Good to see some of the characters already know eachother. I get the feeling Phoenix will say something about taking the name "Ivan" but that's not important.

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Yes, I said I didn't mind you being based in Izuna and had you added into the Characters list at the top of this page. (All characters who are accepted will be listed there).

@Starting this RP

I'm actually going to be horrible and leave this until tomorrow. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not in any hurry to get this thing started within the first few hours of opening signups. And for most, I assume it's nearly midnight. I've got more signups then I expected I'd get, so yes, this will start soon. (within the next 24 hours)

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I don't really mind if you develop it into a second character, not so common with Wyverns, but horses in RP's tend to be bland stupid creatures which exist solely to transport one person to another location, and mysteriously disappear in all other circumstances.

@Purg Joining

Does that mean I get the SQ Animal Trinity? XD

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Name: Hubert

Age: 28

Gender: Male.

Occupation: A Mage with a talent for setting things on Fire.

Weapons: Fire Tome

Affinity: Chaos

Appearance: A fairly average man in most respects, if a bit lanky and pale on close examination. His purple hair is messy, but short enough not to get in the way of his hazel eyes. Wears blue robes with a purple trim, and a matching outfit underneath. Folds in the inner parts of the robe hold travelers items. Has two monocles for some reason.

Backstory: Hubert had a typical Tolmaean mage upbringing. Work, work, work some more. Find money, spend it doing more work. Same old, same old. Sure, his work was a little bit more dangerous, a tad amount more reckless, a smidgen more lethal to participants. But life went on and on, until a dreadful lab accident resulted in... Hubert losing interest in that field of study. Bored with anything in Tolmaeus, and with no interest in the insufferable heat of Savarda or the decrepit ruins on Pravlum, Hubert looked northward to satisfy his curiosity. And lucky for him, the hostilities between Granford and Crestia came at the perfect time! Hubert petition--whined really--for a chance to spy upon the two other nations. A certain circle within Tolmaeus granted his request, mostly to get rid of the annoying and unpredictable bastard. Hubert has thus made his way to Fort Talgusta in his search for a dozen things of interest.

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Name: Laterite Defaux

Age: Mid-20s, thinking about 25 or 26

Gender: Male

Affinity: Chaos, probably closer to Fire

Occupation: Freelance spy, disguised as a noble's son

Weapons: Knives, both throwing and otherwise. Wears a saber at his side, mostly for show, but he can use it well enough if he absolutely has to.

Appearance: About 5'10", brown hair, brown eyes, relatively handsome, wears relatively fancy clothes, comfortable enough for traveling.

Background: Laterite is a freelance spy, out to gather as much information as possible to be useful in case of any developing war. While it's true he doesn't have a lord that he serves, early on in his career, he was adopted by a Crestian noble family, to make his cover story that much more believable. He tries not to think of them as his parents, but can't help but consider Crestia his home. When Ivan and Andra chose to desert their posts in favor of mercenary careers, Laterite caught them as they were leaving - but rather than raise the alarm, he chose instead to travel with them, content with the idea of gathering more information traveling instead of attending fancy balls or whatever his adopted family did. While it made for tense relations at first, he hasn't done anything to betray their trust thus far, and believes himself to legitimately be their friend.

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