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Lumi's Spritastic Coffeeshop.

Thor Odinson

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I'd say to use a different color for the shoulder pads. As it they are now, you could just say they're ivory-colored.

Otherwise, my other crit is that the cloak should probably wrap around his neck a bit more, especially on the right side (his left). Right now, his neck looks really long thanks to that space on the right side, but you could give the illusion that it isn't so long just by having the cloak take up more of that space.

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His shoulders are too lowww.


Neoned out Lance. His shoulder armor is slightly more thicker, though, it may only be by a pixel or so. But yeah, shoulders are way too low.


He's also missing part of his shoulder. owo

Edited by Joerachi
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Amelia, gotcha.

Sploder, that'd go against the reference pic. If Fin was my own character I'd change the colors up, but alas, his design belongs to IS. But I see what you mean on the cloak. Will fix after exams.

Joe, if you want to crit on anatomy you better go learn it first. It's a good thing that Trent and I actually know this shit. If you pointed the wrong thing out to a less experienced spriter, it's going to mess them up further. Not saying I don't make mistakes occasionally but, you don't say stuff you have no experience in. Get a book on anatomy, study it for three years, THEN talk.

but yeah I have long neck tendencies, pointed out by Trent and Sploder already. that can be fixed when I redo the cloak

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It's a good thing that Trent and I actually know this shit. If you pointed the wrong thing out to a less experienced spriter, it's going to mess them up further. Not saying I don't make mistakes occasionally but, you don't say stuff you have no experience in. Get a book on anatomy, study it for three years, THEN talk.

"I have more experience than you, so don't critique my work" is what I read.

Either way, Joe has valid critique. Whether it's long neck or low shoulders, the gap between them is still too big. That's what he was pointing out. The only difference between your Finn and the numerous splices by the "less experienced spriters" on this forum is a torso. You don't have to be Burne Hogarth to know that something's disproportionate.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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I do give that the gap is too big and the neck is too long, but he could've said that instead. I'd much prefer to have the actual thing I did wrong pointed out to me, as my methods of fixing both are different. For long necks, move the head down a few px, clean up, done. For shoulders, I'd actually have to resprite a bunch of stuff that would cause immense irritation due to external reasons. Low shoulders to me indicate the shoulders are drooping, vs long neck where shoulders would be in the right spot, just the neck is too long. I don't mind the crit, but I want pinpoint accuracy on them.

Hell, he could've just stated that there's too big a gap, and it'd be okay. But low shoulders to me indicate another set of mistakes that wasn't present.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Sorry for going against the word of god.

Yes, I miss-phrased it. Punish me, for I have sinned!

Joe, while Lumi didn't have to have the 'tude she did in her post, and while I agree with Dei on her overreacting about a simple miswording, this kind of response won't really help the situation, and doesn't really show maturity :/

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I wasn't being super serious for the latter of that post. :/

A lot of what I say should be taken with a handful grain of salt, really.

Still doesn't mean you should say it, bud. Whether or not you're being serious, sarcasm in a situation like this, where you are mostly in the right, will only make you look like a gloater/person who only want to be right.

It's just not very mature.

And now I should stop minimodding. Lumi, I'm with Kai, I wanna see this gold armor art of Fin.

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