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Did Joerachi raegequit his FE10 video playlog after a triple post?

Also, the other day, like a week ago, me and the UT guys (Dio, Joey, Dagron, GO, etc) were playing, when all of sudden, some other player decides to join in. After a few shots and shits and giggles he starts insulting Dio and Joey for some reason and telling them to get a life. Then Joey trollolol'd him out. He ragequit.

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he starts insulting Dio and Joey for some reason and telling them to get a life.

It's because people like that one guy are so full of themselves and think they're the best that when they go up against people of better skill they get so pissed off so easily and will do anything they can to try and get an insult off even if it makes them look retarded just to try and save their precious little egos.

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It's because people like that one guy are so full of themselves and think they're the best that when they go up against people of better skill they get so pissed off so easily and will do anything they can to try and get an insult off even if it makes them look retarded just to try and save their precious little egos.

People who play CoD MW (1 or 2) are gr9.

"Way to fucking camp you faggot!"

"Wow, noobtube, how gay can you get?"

"Oh yeah buddy, just keep knifing people, not like you could get any kills if you actually played"

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People who play CoD MW (1 or 2) are gr9.

"Way to fucking camp you faggot!"

"Wow, noobtube, how gay can you get?"

"Oh yeah buddy, just keep knifing people, not like you could get any kills if you actually played"


but we cannot forgot those little bastards who camp back and hardscope on wasteland/underpass, as well as the bitchs riot shielding...that game is fucking ridiculous, me and my friend were playing last night, and its fucking crazy how people who suck kill the better players consistantly by doing gay shit.

and i may or may not have gotten more animated when doing your 3 mentioned things...

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"Way to fucking camp you faggot!"

"Oh yeah buddy, just keep knifing people, not like you could get any kills if you actually played"

Lulz people that complain about campers and knifers are probably baddies and/or on a bad team to begin with. If you get camped, then you lack skill because anybody worth their grain of salt can easily counter a camp. It's funny too I've had so many people try to insult me for camping where it got to the point where I made one of my usernames "CaptainCamper"

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F*cking campers. What are they anyway? I kept hearing it on UT and Online Gamer. XD

Either what ASL said, or guys who just stand at very strategic point waiting for someone to pass by.

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Lulz people that complain about campers and knifers are probably baddies and/or on a bad team to begin with. If you get camped, then you lack skill because anybody worth their grain of salt can easily counter a camp. It's funny too I've had so many people try to insult me for camping where it got to the point where I made one of my usernames "CaptainCamper"

Hahaha. I pretty much never play the game, but when I do, as a rule, I get all the lightest shit and then exclusively use my knife. My score often sucks, but it's ridiculously fun to chase someone across half the map before knifing them without them noticing.

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It's because people like that one guy are so full of themselves and think they're the best that when they go up against people of better skill they get so pissed off so easily and will do anything they can to try and get an insult off even if it makes them look retarded just to try and save their precious little egos.

Joey, was I there for that?

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