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What would you like to see in a new FE

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Well, the GBA FEs (and FE9 as well, I'd suppose) have big casts and everyone has a personality thanks to Supports even if half of them have little impact in the storyline. Also, FE4 and FE5 don't even have Support conversations and most people still have a personality, even if some of them still are painfully bland.

No, having ~50 units is not a problem, the earlier FEs just had a simplistic script and the remakes did very little to improve that. If they actually produce a new game that is not a remake someday, all they need are Supports. Or something like FE4, I certainly wouldn't mind that as well.

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Man, I'm tired of telling people this, but...

FE12 has about as many units as FE10, and they ALL have personalities and many of them of have very interesting personalities/stories. Not to mention the fact that they added about twenty chapters which really are just for character/story development.

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Man, I'm tired of telling people this, but...

FE12 has about as many units as FE10, and they ALL have personalities and many of them of have very interesting personalities/stories. Not to mention the fact that they added about twenty chapters which really are just for character/story development.

Well, since the game wasn't released in the West yet and I don't speak Japanese, I was mainly basing my opinion on FE11 (where half of the cast is as interesting as a rock). But good to know!

Edited by Axie
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You know would would be neat IMO? If shops in different areas had different prices for everything. Like in Location A Steel Sword costs 670G, and in location B it costs 630. Like in real life.

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Well, the GBA FEs (and FE9 as well, I'd suppose) have big casts and everyone has a personality thanks to Supports even if half of them have little impact in the storyline. Also, FE4 and FE5 don't even have Support conversations and most people still have a personality, even if some of them still are painfully bland.

No, having ~50 units is not a problem, the earlier FEs just had a simplistic script and the remakes did very little to improve that. If they actually produce a new game that is not a remake someday, all they need are Supports. Or something like FE4, I certainly wouldn't mind that as well.

Most of my experience is with the SNES FE's (Although I'm working through the GBA ones), so I see where you're coming from. FE4 generally does have some characterisation, although guys like Noish and Delmud seem fairly hollow ( the nature of the second generation makes it difficult for them to develop). FE5 has the Fiana Braves nicely developed, but Ronan and the like didn't get too much. A line from him in Chapter 2x wouldn't have been asking for too much (after all, pirates did plunder where he lives). The GBA's supports are a step up, but a few of them aren't amazing (Clarine and Rutger, Alan and Lance).

I haven't had the chance to try either DS title, but if character development's gone up in the 2nd it can't be a bad thing.

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