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Plants vs. Zombies Ranking Thread!


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Gargantuars and giga-gargantuar are common if you are playing endless and you are past wave 15-ish. by then, you will realize that doom shrooms are just not enough to handle those things, so i just start building cob-cannons( and any other 1 use bomb plants), spikeweed and it's upgrade fangweed for stall( fang weed takes 3 hits from Gargantuars). maybe throw in a few winter melon to further slow them.

They're common then, yes, but like you mentioned, spikerocks, winter melons and cob cannons are much better than single use jalepenos anyway, and the advantage it had over a gargantuar is a very, very minute one.

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Project Thread Revival! Sorry for the late post, but I've just been busy/other games appeared.

Current Arguments

Jalapeños down.

Will do. Dropped down to a 6.5/10.

Today's Rankings!






Attack Speed-None

Utility-Dissipates fog in a small area.


No one loves fog chapters. Hence the Plantern. The Plantern removes the fog and allows you to see the zombie menace before it munches on you. However, Planterns are a bit difficult to use effectively. First, they have to be near the edge of the map, which is almost counter-intuitive. Plus, because it's a night chapter, we're using Gloom Shrooms to destroy everything and anything. Secondly, it offers no other utility, unlike the Blover, which can get rid of fog and kill balloon zombies. With a faster recharge.

Final Thoughts

They're extremely useful when you first get them, but then they begin to drop off. Badly.







Attack Speed-Average

Utility-Pops balloons.


Ah, the cactus, how we dislike you. You can pop balloon zombies, but Blovers do it better. You can attack, but Peashooters or Fume Shrooms/Puff Shrooms are cheaper. And we can't give you any sort of upgrade or use you in combos, like Peashooter+Torchwood or Gloom Shroom+Garlic.

Final Thoughts

Useful when you need it, but overall, Cactus' could've been given some better tools to work with.


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Thought this was dead, lol.

Final Thoughts

They're extremely useful when you first get them, but then they begin to drop off. Badly.

I highly disagree with a 7.0, fog is nowhere near that annoying. It only covers half the map which, frankly, I'd only be putting spikeweeds on anyway. Sure, you can't see if a pumpkin needs replacing, but just click around and you can probably find it. I don't think I used it in my Night: fog (hard) run at all, and I don't think I ran into any issues in that run.

It's definitely not at the same level as an ice shroom or potato mine, which can be so useful.

Edit: also, remember to update the first post ;)

Edited by Kevin
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Nothing truly dies.

Back on topic, when you're running a strategy that's highly dependent on if your weaker plants are alive, fog can get annoying. Plus, you're not sure if you need to bomb a certain plant or be extremely worried about an upcoming plant, such as a Jack-in-the-Box Zombie. Fog isn't as annoying as some other things, but it's high up there, and you want to get rid of it, or at least nullify it.

And I will. Thanks for reminding me.

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If you're saying it's so bad, why is it a 7. I played through and got them, and as soon as I got the Blover it was almost outdated. Balloon zombies start appearing with the Blover, and you can either waste a spot with Plantern + Cactus, or you can save a spot with the Blover. Sure, it's more expensive, but the Blover doesn't have to be up front and getting attacked maybe for the fog to be cleared.

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Back on topic, when you're running a strategy that's highly dependent on if your weaker plants are alive, fog can get annoying. Plus, you're not sure if you need to bomb a certain plant or be extremely worried about an upcoming plant, such as a Jack-in-the-Box Zombie. Fog isn't as annoying as some other things, but it's high up there, and you want to get rid of it, or at least nullify it.

3 lines of fume shrooms, one line of tallnuts + pumpkin and the rest spikeweed is enough to stop anything, from metals to jack in the box zombies. Heck, use magnashrooms on them if you like (put a wall of them in front of the tallnuts, pumpkin them, and simply click around with a pumpkin seed to see if any needs healing. However, with 2 spikrocks in front and 2 fume shrooms behind, that probably won't be very frequently.

Fog is not an issue, as that said strategy only has the magnashrooms in the fog, the rest is fine.

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