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My first sprite!


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THANK YOU LUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here it is, a basic Roy recolor with sword.

Constructive criticism please!I know, the sword is fucked up. I'll fix it later.

Edited by Groner
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Never ask for constructive criticism. All you're gonna get is trolling.

The sword looks okay, but something about the hilt bothers me. Maybe it's the angle of the crossguard. Try lengthening the part you're actually supposed to grip (The hilt below the crossguard).

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This is the custom battle sprite for... ehh... that guy


And I tried to continue the grip. I added shading in general. Does it look good now?


Also have a look at my personal sword, the Fury Glaive!

Edited by Groner
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For the sprite: That's not a sword. That's a pillow that looks like a sword ._.

As for the sword in the mug, it looks flat. Looks like a piece of wood ._.

The weapon icon is "meh". Maybe transparency the background?

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For the Roy recolor, the sword looks like it's made of cardboard. As previously said, try to shade it to make it look round, and use some kind of reference.

For the guy thing with sword battle sprite, the sword for some reason reminds me of a butterfly syringe. It looks round, like a tube, and the color isn't... right.

As for the personal mug, the outline is too thick. All I can think of right now.

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Your personal mug is pretty much just a recolor Lugh with some more hair. More effort next time, eh?

Eh... It's a recolor. I don't have much to say on recolors.

The shading on the extra hair looks weird. It looks like it's just diagonal lines.

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Remember, these are my first ever sprites.

And I didn't say the personal mug was finished, I just didn't have time to add other things and I have a cross-country today, so I had to sleep well.

And I did add more on my perso mug that you said. The hair on the left side and in the middle of my face.

Edited by Groner
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Wind tome doesn't look... windy... at all ._.

Maybe try a different palette? The red outline from the base Forblaze tome is making it feel not "windy", despite your attempt at combining them, hence I assume the reason for the name "Blazing Wind".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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