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Anime suggestions?


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I've been wanting to start watching a new series of anime lately, but i've had no luck in finding one that piqued my interest.

The most recent one that i've watched was Code Geass R1 and R2. When that ended i was devastated, one because the ending was a huge shocker and i had just finished one of the best anime i've ever watched. Thus with no luck in finding another one to sick my teeth into i came asking for some suggestions for an anime to watch, one that is on the same caliber as code geass, or just close to it. Just hit me with all that you got that's super good and i'll try and figure out if i want to watch one of them or maybe all.( I'd really prefer that they're shorter ones, so nothing as ridiculously long as naruto or bleach...I tend to lose interest if they're that long...) I deeply appreciate any help you offer, as i've been having a sad anime drought lately...and it sucks!

Thanks in advance!


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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Around 60 or so episodes, my personal #1 series. Only a single episode of filler - that being the first.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - 26 episodes, psychological/mecha fusion, thought-provoking and very influentual. Make sure you watch the movie too.

Outlaw Star - 26 episodes, space-age western. Moving yet full of great fight scenes/dogfights.

Trigin - 26 episodes, another western. Very influentual although the ending was cut short and very open.

Claymore - 26 episodes, dark medival fantasy. Fairly grim although not quite as impressive or as deep as Berserk.

Great Teacher Onizuka - 43 episodes, Highschool hijinks with a seemingly incompetent teacher. Generally comical although it does get serious once in a while.

I apologize if you've seen some of these, although the rest should keep you busy and entertained ^^.

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If you haven't seen Death Note that has a similar style to Code Geass. If you want more Mecha you can try Full Metal Panic! and Gurren Lagann.

Do you have an anime list of some sorts so we can know what you've seen?

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How is Death Note similar to Code Geass? Aside from them both having really intelligent main characters. Every series needs an Aizen!

A brilliant mastermind who has to keep his identity secret trying to use his new found power to change the world for his ideals which he believes are correct, often being seen as the "bad guy?" How are they not similar? Obviously Code Geass has a lot more action, but the way they work is extremely similar to each other.

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Wow thanks every one! This seems like a pretty good list! As for an anime list...

-D.N. Angel ( LOVED IT!! My first anime...save pokemon...)

-Naruto ( Only season one or whatever you call it, Gen2/ Shippuden got pretty annoying to watch...)

-Bleach ( ONly up to ep. 80, I stopped watching because at the time that was as far as the english dub was and then i never really bothered coming back to it, despite the prodding from my friends to go back...)

-Code Geass 1-2

-Don't know if this counts but i watch FMA Bro. every sat. night ( Then why did i ask for an anime to watch, you ask? Its kind of a side thing every sat. for me...but alas i digress)

And that's pretty much it...seems small but I love anime, i've been watching for years...although it's been the same stuff...What can I say? I'm very picky! If something is too dark or "Evil" I simply don't watch, which is why I never got into death note. If something's a little too ridiculous then again i don't watch, like say lucky star or harem ecchi anime's in general.

Big selling points for me however are if the music is phenomenal, the story is awesome and the voice acting is good. Again my pickiness comes in when i say that if it doesn't have all of these, or at least two of them, then again i won't watch.

Do the ones you all listed hold to these terms? (What's gurren laggan like? I kind was wondering about whether or not to watch it, Wikipedia doesn't really give a good explanation)

Shinigami: What's beserk like?

I'm sorry if i'm making this hard...but i really do appreciate it!


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Think about how many series that can apply to. Just the idea of the main character having powers and doing stuff he wants to while other people sometimes do not like it.

Okay. What other shows are quite like them in this case?

Oh, and I'm not the only person who's saying this. On practically any anime site with recommendations these two will be the most recommended for each other by far (Example: On MAL Death Note has 243 recommendations for Code Geass with the next highest, Monster, at 25).

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Now that I'm on the spot I can't really think of many examples just off the top of my head, I don't want enough animu. =p

And I think more than any similarities, they'd be recommended due to the fact that they were both insanely popular for a while. Death Note involved a more singular effort and morals, while Code Geass was highly highly highly political.

At least, weren't they? Just occurred to me that I haven't seen either or even thought about them in years.

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I would say that Code Geass and Death Note are relatively similar because of the constant game of cat and mouse between two given sides, with the protagonist's objective being creating a new world in their image. Death Note was more...realistic(?), whereas Code Geass is more rife with drama and general anime stereotypes.

He was rather right on with the protagonists. Both of them are for the most part morally bankrupt. I would say that Lelouch has some good in him, however, whereas by the end of Death Note I think Light was more or less psychotic, a sociopathic killer.

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I don't really think Lelouch was morally bankrupt. I mean, he made some nasty decisions, but his situation was also a lot different (Light lived in modern Japan, Lelouch lived under a regime that officially endorsed racism and discrimination), and his intentions were always to carry out his plans for the sake of others.

Anyway, ANIME.

Uh, watch Haruhi. Even if you don't like it, at least you will understand the internet that much better.

Also, watch Clannad, it is a harem, but it's pretty wtfpwn.

And I guess from what you like I could recommend Durarara!! as well.


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Ok...Guess i'll forget about watching beserk and technolyze, thanks for the suggestions though! Glad to see more help! So Vxvalareven, What exactly about Durarara!! fits my terms? I looked it up on wikipedia but it didn't give too much of an explanation... So I was hoping you could help clarify what about it that you'd think i'd like...( I really hope i'm not coming off as stuck up, or snobby or something by saying this, I'm just trying to formulate an idea for an anime based on all of your opinions)

Ugh this harder than i thought...Ok let's try this...Name an anime that you have watched that has something about that made it something you'd never forget about... Preferably the memorable thing wasn't violence, but whatever else...Great music, great story, love story ( I'm a sucker for those...god i'm lame...) or whatever else you can think of!

And again, thanks! (I think i'm saying that too much...but i really do mean it, you've all been great help!)

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I have to mirror the recommendation for Clannad and Clannad: After Story.

Trust me, you will not regret it. If you do regret it for whatever reason, I do not see you fit to be called human. It is that good.

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love story ( I'm a sucker for those...god i'm lame...)

If you haven't watched Clannad, drop everything else and watch it. Now. It's not exactly a love story, but if you're a sucker for them you should like it.

EDIT: Damn you, Ether, you ninja.

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I am hurt, dearest Red Fox. Would you send me to damnation for such a thing... I may have out sped you this time, however, you have done the same to me in the past, no?

Or maybe I just am that fast. There is a note with an address I left in your pocket. If you want this bra back, I would suggest you meet me there.

Although our points are the same. Clannad is an excellent investment of time.

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If you haven't watched Clannad, drop everything else and watch it. Now. It's not exactly a love story, but if you're a sucker for them you should like it.

EDIT: Damn you, Ether, you ninja.

I am hurt, dearest Red Fox. Would you send me to damnation for such a thing... I may have out sped you this time, however, you have done the same to me in the past, no?

And the Rage Fox is back. Poor Ether, picked a bad time to get the better of her.

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Music, story, and voice acting are big deciders?

Cowboy Bebop, easily hits the top on all three of those.

FLCL, great voice acting and music. There is a story in there as well, but it can be hard to find with just how over the top the show itself is.

Rurouni Kenshin, all genres have a series against which all others in the genre are measured. The anime may be weaker than the manga in general, but I'd still say that Rurouni Kenshin is definitely that series for Shonen.

Others that I'd recommend would have to be Vandread, s-CRY-ed, and Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi.

With the exception of Rurouni Kenshin, and its still much shorter than any of the Big 3, they are all at 26 episodes or below.

I can expand on any of them if you want me to.

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Music, story, and voice acting are big deciders?

Well i wouldn't say big deciders per se, but it's certainly nice to have them! Story because I like a good book...as such a good story to escape the problems of my life...as such slice of life animes/ mangas have never been my all time favorites. Music is good because as a musician i deeply appreciate good music...

But alas i've gone off track...Man i'm gettin swamped with all of these suggestions...But i've done my best to look into all of them...

As for clannad...*Drumroll*...I like it! Despite it's slice of life aspect that sometimes deters me from watching most of these kind of anime. Now what do you mean it's not exactly a love story? It seems to be going in that direction...But hey i only just watched the first episode so...

Suichimo: Thanks for your input...I'd have to say that S-CRY- ED looks the most interesting to me...With a little researching i've found that the director is the same person who directed Code Geass, and the composer is the same one as Code Geass. Two pluses by my book! But even with the same people, the works can be immesnely diffferent. ( Just compare the older final fantasies to...ugh i can't even say it's name...F-F-Final F-F-fantasy 13...) So long story short, I'm not asking for it to be the same as code geass, just if it could be considered as just as good or a close second?

Whoo...this tough trying to figure out which i'll watch...then again i'll soon have a long list of anime to plow through.


EDIT: Just watched episode one of S-Cry-Ed...can't say it really spoke to me...But thanks for the help suichimo...

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Wow thanks every one! This seems like a pretty good list! As for an anime list...

Missed this.

Sorry, I actually meant a cataloging site like MyAnimeList, though if you didn't post one already you probably don't have one. If you want to see an example of what they look like, click the appropriately labeled link in my sig.

(What's gurren laggan like? I kind was wondering about whether or not to watch it, Wikipedia doesn't really give a good explanation)

It's Mecha. It's more about being big and explosive rather than focusing on plot like Code Geass, but it is still great.

As for clannad...*Drumroll*...I like it! Despite it's slice of life aspect that sometimes deters me from watching most of these kind of anime. Now what do you mean it's not exactly a love story? It seems to be going in that direction...But hey i only just watched the first episode so...

The first season at least focuses more on Comedy and Drama than Romance. The second season has more of the *love*, though I'd categorize it more as a Coming of Age story.

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...Heh heh, Missed that i did! I had no idea that's what you meant and as you guessed i don't have one...but the list i provided was seriously all i've ever watched all the way through (Numerous times...)

Guren laggan no plot...Bad! Nah just kidding...This is getting to be kinda hard...I'm sorta leaning now towards Gun X sword...It has ( Again) the same director and composer as Code Geass...Maybe i'm sticking to much to my guns ( No pun intended...well actually i think it was!)

Do any of you have an opinion of it...I've already watched episode one and I thought it was alright but i'm very reluctant to start new animes sometimes...Heck I almost didn't watch the rest of code geass cause of the darkness of it in the first episode...

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Guren laggan no plot...Bad!

Don't get me wrong, it has a plot. It just isn't a spiral of complex plot twists and character development. It's simpler than other things.

Do any of you have an opinion of it...I've already watched episode one and I thought it was alright but i'm very reluctant to start new animes sometimes...Heck I almost didn't watch the rest of code geass cause of the darkness of it in the first episode...

Are you talking about Clannad? It's my absolute favorite series out there if that says anything about what I think of it.

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I don't really think Lelouch was morally bankrupt. I mean, he made some nasty decisions, but his situation was also a lot different (Light lived in modern Japan, Lelouch lived under a regime that officially endorsed racism and discrimination), and his intentions were always to carry out his plans for the sake of others.

Other. He had originally planned on doing anything, killing anyone, to create a better world for Nunally. And throughout the storyline he backstabbed and murdered thousands of people to get this done. He even went as far as to manipulate and ruin the lives of his previously closest friends, and all because of his desire to help Nunally and his overestimation of his own worthiness and intellect.

He changed fundamentally somewhat by the end of the series, but he was certainly without morality throughout much of the program.

Anyway, ANIME.

Uh, watch Haruhi. Even if you don't like it, at least you will understand the internet that much better.

Also, watch Clannad, it is a harem, but it's pretty wtfpwn.

And I guess from what you like I could recommend Durarara!! as well.


Man I wish Haruhi'd get a new season, and fans would stop being trolled. :(

Ugh this harder than i thought...Ok let's try this...Name an anime that you have watched that has something about that made it something you'd never forget about... Preferably the memorable thing wasn't violence, but whatever else...Great music, great story, love story ( I'm a sucker for those...god i'm lame...) or whatever else you can think of!

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's scale becomes so utterly large by the end of the series that it justifies a watch in and of itself. This is ignoring the interesting characters, catchy tunes, and the over-the-top-awesome burning heart theme.

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