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Vampire Elf

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Are you like the main spriter for FE7x? They are AWESOME!!!

I am fairly certain BwdYeti is the main battler spriter and I know the Vamp. makes a lot mugs(I am unaware of who else though). Please, correct me if I am wrong. :P

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Yeh, Yeti does most of the battle sprite work, we have rag now on that too(rag mainly makes the in between frames from the main poses)

Then on face sprites, there's Me(probably the most active mugger on the team), Aeo who hasn't been that active though she's got a few mugs in there and some edit work, Merc, more active than Aeo(he's made a fair few mugs, on a few of them i've gone through and style edit his though as they're a tad far from fe, still great sprites though), NOE who's new, contributed a new wallace and a generic pirate set and finally char who's made roeis so far :)

I just felt like something new, and i didn't think mundus fits very well into swordmaster battle sprites.

Edited by Vampire Elf
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Yeh, Yeti does most of the battle sprite work, we have rag now on that too(rag mainly makes the in between frames from the main poses)

Then on face sprites, there's Me(probably the most active mugger on the team), Aeo who hasn't been that active though she's got a few mugs in there and some edit work, Merc, more active than Aeo(he's made a fair few mugs, on a few of them i've gone through and style edit his though as they're a tad far from fe, still great sprites though), NOE who's new, contributed a new wallace and a generic pirate set and finally char who's made roeis so far :)

I just felt like something new, and i didn't think mundus fits very well into swordmaster battle sprites.

So Mundus will use your sprite and not this recolour?

http://www.bwdyeti.com/fe7x/images/screenshots/skills.png :)

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:newyears:Hey Vamp, can you make Zealot and Douglas look like what they would on FE7x. For me. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

FE7x is set 40 years before FE6... i think. Or 30. idk. Zealot is in his thirties, so he probably wasn't born yet. Then again, Isadora being in her teens while Marcus is in his 20's when in fact in FE7, they're 20 years apart... anyway

I really look forward to this sprite being finished! :)

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Perdy sure it's something like 20 years because this is set sometime before Hassar and Madlyn hooked up(and made you know who hee hee). So zealot could be alive, but around 10-15 :P

Uh, what? Excuse me, Dancer, but your understanding of the timeline must be extremely flawed if you think Zealot is only 10-15 XD

FE7x is set before FE7, like, 15-20 years before. Zealot is 30-ish in FE6. FE6 takes place 15 years after the end of FE7. Zealot wouldn't even exist :<

Vamp, I have no idea what you're going to do with the Astra animation, but I want to know @~@

It'll probably blow my mind.

Edited by seph1212
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minor update, just messing with the blur, im not happy with it yet, it needs to be more dynamic :D maybe have it go up toward his next post rather than be part of it with blur lines attatched.


Will probably re-do the blur and will definately work on this still frame some more too


worked on the blur, much happier now, still might tweak it a tiny bit



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Make the blur from his ground stance to his jumping stance(kinda like a mercenary). Well, have that one before your current blue one.. If that makes sense.

Ps; You work very fast!

Edited by Ecut
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the timing is probably way off, I'm using unfreeze(which is kinda bad, but it kinda gives you an idea of what it will look like)

I'll probably get yeti to finalize the timing and everything(hopefully shortening down the pre attack sequence flip thing)


Bit of an update, he still needs to hit with his other sword as he turns, but getting close and closer to beign done.

Need to fix the size difference in the landing after the hit frame, he's a little larger than he should be there.

EDIT: woops almost forget "that's yeti's soldier, not mine"

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It doesn't really make much sense.

The spacing in between everything seems huge(well mostly from is first blur to the end) and makes it look choppy.

I don't know, I am not fond of how he attacks.. It just seems to lack flow. The still is amazing and the sprites are amazingly made but together they just don't flow well.

Ps; I hope I am not being too hard/picky... :P

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It doesn't really make much sense.

The spacing in between everything seems huge(well mostly from is first blur to the end) and makes it look choppy.

I don't know, I am not fond of how he attacks.. It just seems to lack flow. The still is amazing and the sprites are amazingly made but together they just don't flow well.

Ps; I hope I am not being too hard/picky... :P

I think It's partly the positioning, I have it quite wrong as yeti pointed out (He starts further away than he should) SOOO I have to make his first swivel(into the crouch) spin furhter over therefore giving him more room to jump and stuff.

He's also going to take a step forward and slash his 2nd sword(which will be the paused frame during the hit explosion) so it might flow more nicely then i guess?



More Fe7x - Horace - Etrurian Paladin - Drinking Champion :D

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