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Diplomacy Game Thread


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60p? Seriously? It's 40p for 20 minutes where I live, and I just use my phone anyway. It kinda helps that we earn more on average though, although everything costs more as a result ¬_¬.

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alright mine is in.

just a few things that I coulden't find in the rules, when buliding can you choose whether to bulid troops or a fleet or is it set based on supply centre? also can fleets capture?

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alright mine is in.

just a few things that I coulden't find in the rules, when buliding can you choose whether to bulid troops or a fleet or is it set based on supply centre? also can fleets capture?

If a centre touches the water you can build a Fleet or an Army on it (you must specify), and yes, fleets can capture.

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Really sorry about the delay. Would have done it with a picture to match but I'm now in Israel on my uncle's computer so... picture is coming soon. Here's a list of the moves.

Fall 1901:

A Yor - Nor (Fail)

F Nth C A Yor - Nor (Holding)

F Eng Hold

F Ank-Con

A Con-Smy (huh?)

Albania -> Adriatic Sea.

Serbia holds.

Trieste -> Budapest.

Army from Spain to Portugal.

Army in Picardie holds.

Fleet in Mid-Atlantic Ocean holds.

Army at Ruh to Hol

Army at Kie to Ruh

Fleet at Den to NTH (Bounce)


A War-Gal

A Ukr-Rum

F Sev Sup. A Ukr-Rum

Army Ven - Hold

Army Apu - Move to Tun

Fleet ION - Convoy army to Tun

I think that Germany and England might want to have a word right now. And what the hell is Turkey doing? If you're trying to defend against a Lepanto, giving up the Black Sea is too big of a cost.

Supply Centers:

England: 3

France: 4

Germany: 4

Italy: 4

Austria: 4

Russia: 6

Turkey: 4

Everyone aside from England and Russia gets 1 build. Russia has 2 and England has 0 (your fleet was defending the NTH, couldn't convoy the army to Nor).

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Hmm... I'm worried that I'm gonna get stabbed for being the biggest player now :-/.

Edit: I'm going to make a poorly edited but existent map for clarity of positions.



Note: Germany has 2 builds as well. Also note you can only build in the supply centres you initially start in. In that sense the uncoloured one is better. But the coloured one shows where you now own.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Yeah, it's only end of turn armies that count, but it's not a huge problem, you still only have 1 unit over there, he can pick up Spain on the way back. Or get England to co-operate and move A Por-Nor :awesome:.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Wait, undo.

I just checked on my computer and England is indeed in Norway. My bad. That gives England a build as well. And Germany gets 2 builds (see what happens when I have no Diptool?) as well as Russia.

Please remember that you can only build in your home supply centers (the SCs that you started with in Spring 1901).


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I hope you fuckers realize that when I set down the times in EST, I didn't realize that it would mean doing this shit at 3/4 in the morning. Good thing that I'm a night owl.


It is now Spring 1902. All orders are due by 8 PM EST in 48 hours.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Also, Life, don't you think your sig is probably pushing the line a bit?

Absolutely not.

By the way, I just want to check. I've said time and time again that a lack of communication in private will screw you big time in this game. I hope you guys are at least talking to each other about shit since 3/4 of Diplomacy is talking.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Missing England (Iced), Germany (Lightning) and Turkey (WoMC). You're lucky that I'm nice because I'm giving you an extra 12 hours to send in orders.

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Sorry about the delay.

Turkey, do you want to go to the south coast or north coast with your fleet? Important question since it's the last order to put in. Once you tell me, I'll post the map.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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...Huh, I never even knew there was a difference between Constantinople coasts. A quick search hasn't shown any notable rules regarding them. Care to enlighten me (and perhaps WoMC) as to why/how they're different?

Edit: Oh, Bulgaria. Derp.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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