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Sorry about the wait.

This is actually Spring 1902 Retreats. Russia, you may move the army that was in Galacia to any of the regions surrounding Galacia that is not already occupied. Post the region name here and then I'll post the Autumn 1902 Status map.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Two things:

Firstly shouldn't Gal-War cut Bud's support, and secondly I've just checked my orders, Psych can verify them too:

A Rum S. Bul-Ser

Not the other way around as that map seems to be showing (unless it's a really bad diagram...)

The first is probably just a misunderstanding of the rules so I'll retreat Gal-Boh. The second is plain wrong (Life, double check the orders Psych sent you) and I'm fairly sure Turkey should be moving.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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The first is probably just a misunderstanding of the rules so I'll retreat Gal-Boh. The second is plain wrong (Life, double check the orders Psych sent you) and I'm fairly sure Turkey should be moving.

Checked and you're half right.

Russia: Army Galicia can retreat to Bohemia or Ukraine or Warsaw

Austria: Army Serbia can retreat to Albania or Greece

With regards to Galacia, Budapest is supporting Vienna to Galacia.

It also means that I'm officially pissed off at both you and Turkey. We have a Juggernaut going...

Here's the revised map.


Dear Austria, Germany, France and England: Stop fighting NOW. We are facing a Turkish/Russian alliance (thanks to Russia supporting Turkey deep into the Balkans), most commonly known as a Juggernaut. What this means is that those two will bulldoze over Eastern Europe (Me and Austria) and then focus on you two together. Is is a very simple yet effective tactic.

What we need to do is form a wall against Russia and Turkey. Support each other if you have to. France, do NOT attack anyone right now. This is serious since if you guys fuck up, we're all doomed.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Italy Lepantos, and I'm the one who backs you into a corner? I could have stabbed Italy. In fact, I was probably in a better position to attack Italy than I was to attack you, considering my fleet in the Adriatic. I didn't because you and Russia obviously allied and were advancing on me. You forced me.

And now we're all screwed. Russia and Turkey are going to continue marauding all over the map, and then, when Russia decides Turkey isn't worth keeping alive anymore, he'll crush him with his superior army (since Turkey will obviously go a more navy oriented build) and win. Life's right. Our only hope is if everyone works together to stop this.

By the way, Lightning, you screwed up, too. I told you to advance on Russia. You thought he was going to honor your non-aggression pact? He has nowhere but West to go once he's done murdering me. Now he's right at your door step.

Edited by Ninji
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1. I was addressing Italy.

2. Italy's intentions to Lepanto were clear early.

3. The Lepanto involves an Austrian alliance.

4. This is bad for me.

5. This is fixed by an alliance with Russia.

6. This is executed by a counterattack.

7. Present situation.

Here's a kink in the chain: An Austrian alliance is never completely assured.

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Yet you did not deny allegations that you were involved in a Lepanto.

Excuse me but you're forgetting two things.

1. A Lepanto doesn't need Austrian help. It just needs Austria not to get in the way (AKA move to the ION in Spring 1902) which is basically a pact of neutrality because ANYONE in the ION means that I'm going to war with them ASAP. If Austria or you (Turkey) have a fleet in the ION, that's my soft spot.

2. My first two moves were a standard Italy opening. It's not my fault that you didn't build a fleet in Smyrna making a Lepanto look so inviting. But even though I can't get into Turkey now (brilliant defense), I now control your seas. The problem with this is that you're clearly starting a land war with Russian aid meaning that me holding the seas is pointless.

So yes. We need to hold back the Juggernaut. Austria, you still need to tell me where you're retreating to (Albania or Greece). I'm also sending my army in Venice to Tyrolia in the Autumn to help out against Russia.

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Here's the map for Autumn 1902. Time starts now and ends in something like 48 hours. Maybe 56 if I'm nice. And yes, it is Autumn 1902.

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Requesting that you make that 56 hours for certain (reason: time spent organising Assassins Guild and I have lots of discussion I've needed to do).

Really? I call bullshit. I can look at the map and figure out your moves in two minutes flat.

Boh - Vie

Sil - War

Rum - Bud (cut support to Vie or take Bud if Bud goes to Vie)

Sev - Rum

Swe Hold


Not freaking hard.

Official deadline is in an hour but I'm extending it to the usual 8 PM EST.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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Germany, I'm moving to Tyrolia. I'm saying it in public so that you and Austria both know that I'm not being hostile, just trying to help against the Juggernaut on land.

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AND THE LEPANTO SUCCEEDS! Sucker. Think is, there's a lot of things wrong with this phase. I'll bash you all in a second.


First off, Russia. Fleet Sweden can retreat to Baltic Sea or Finland or Gulf of Bothnia. So BAL, Fin or BOT. Pick your poison.

Now, let me go through all of the countries in order.

Italy: I have no clue how I pulled off the Lepanto but fuck, that was good Diplomacy with Russia.

Austria: My army in Tyr is there to help you bounce Russia out of Vienna. Aside from that... you're fucked, matey.


England: Good job knocking Russia out of Sweden and losing Liverpool and Norway in the process. I'm watching a film next week called 1906 and you're not in it.

France: I get that you have interests to look after but could you at least have WAITED for the Juggernaut to be over?

Russia: Get the fuck out of Vienna. Now. I told you not to move there as I would declare war on you if you did so. If you annex Austria, you die painfully.

Turkey: You're shit up a creek without a paddle. You got Serbia. YAY! You also lost the Black Sea and your build in Smyrna which is now my territory. At this point, it's a race to see which one of you and Austria bites the dust first.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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