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how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? but heres the catch, woodchucks can chuck wood


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if theres one thing you could do now what would it be?

and whats the thing you would hate to ever have to do.

have sex with a really hot chick for me, anddd get a penis stuck in my ass :,O

Edited by Dickpickl3
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Watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua ever again...

wow...i knwo ur obssesed, but over like anyone else, a fucking bird from a video game?

lmao, i remember seeing a commercial for that in a theatre and saying to person sitting next to me, why the fuck are people laughing? that movie's gonna suck ass

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Ha ha, not even close. You're just irksome. If you want to be truly annoying by making pointless threads, go learn from the master, child.

That master is NESTLING.

yeah nestling is awesome, him and joey r the funniest people on this forum

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wow...i knwo ur obssesed, but over like anyone else, a fucking bird from a video game?

[spoiler=extra wide]...




Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Call you a twit and GTHO of here.


sum1 said in a thread u has no friends. so go fuck your self :awesome::newyears:

Throw you off a building

Know you.

QQ im scared of hieghts. but really i am.

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Does anyone hate you, really?

lol, Fenrir, you're actually in my Friend List. :awesome:

Kanami apparently doesn't like me.

There's also one girl IRL who seems to...I don't know how to explain it, but she's always pissed off when I'm around, and I get the feeling it might be me somehow.

Other than that I don't think so.

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@whoever said i have no friends: lol.

I find him likable...


*Prepares to be hated*

EDIT-But this thread is pretty boring.


yeah, pretty boring, but the topic makes it cool...right?

Why is everyone so mean to each other?

Be friiiiiiiiiiends! and be nice to everyone all of the time!

idk, i guess all the cool kids be haters, who r gunna b hatin of course

lol, Fenrir, you're actually in my Friend List. :awesome:


Kanami apparently doesn't like me.

There's also one girl IRL who seems to...I don't know how to explain it, but she's always pissed off when I'm around, and I get the feeling it might be me somehow.

Other than that I don't think so.

your probly one of the cooler people on the forum.

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