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New weapons?


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Can someone explain to me how to do NEW weapons because there's always a chance for an enemy to have the spear you have edited and I don't want that?

Two simple answers:

1: Hack a weapon over an unused weapon. That could mean things like Dragon weapons in FE7, the Monster slayers in FE8 etc.

2: Hack over an empty slot. Make sure to make an animation pointer.

(3: Hack over an existing weapon, then change every enemy so none have said weapon)

3 is a bad plan but the others should work.

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Those "Empty" items aren't empty.

Two of those are respectively Ninian's Dance, and Nil's Sing command.

Leave those with blank weapon icons unless you want the default "Dance" or "Sing" to have... not so fitting icons. As well as ill effects if you change the item attributes. Like I said, I suggest you stay away from those.

Item 0x9D and 0x9E is what I mean. From experience, I ended up having a "Tempest Bld." command for Ninian at one point. >_<

0x9A is probably safe to use. It's probably the "dummy" Vulnerary.

If you want new items without being limited to one (aka the Vulnerary dummy) without screwing up something else, I suggest you read up on the GBA Ultimate Tutorial's expanding chapter.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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You see that little thing that says "Name Pointer"?

Yeah. Change that.

Camtech, I said that the " item name pointer" of the DUMMY and blank space weapons are the same. If I change one and use many, they'll all be called Forblaze. READ

The rest of you, thanks for your help.

:mellow: Me waiting to see camtech fight back by saying that my english is poor or something because he's a little kid that don't like

reprimands about him being smart mouthed or so.

Edited by Bowser_Guy
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Camtech, I said that the " item name pointer" of the DUMMY and blank space weapons are the same. If I change one and use many, they'll all be called Forblaze. READ

The rest of you, thanks for your help.

:mellow: Me waiting to see camtech fight back by saying that my english is poor or something because he's a little kid that don't like

reprimands about him being smart mouthed or so.

You can smart mouth me all you want. You'll just get me rolling my eyes at you. Maybe not even that. Besides, it's hard for me to actually be insulted by someone who doesn't know how grammar works. :KnollRoll:

And I meant that you can change the name slot to whatever you want using FEditor. Maybe I can start using one or two syllable words exclusively? Or maybe I can spell out the whole process for you? Because you seem to be the only one here who doesn't get it.

Step One: Start your FEditor. Then open your ROM.

Step Two: Open Text Editor.

Step Three: There is a little box that says "Pointer". Take note of the number in there.

Step Four: Edit the text.

Step Five: Open up Nightmare.

Step Six: Open up your module (Ooh big word.)

Step Seven: Put that number you got earlier into the "Name Pointer" box.

Step Eight: Save.

Step Nine: Close ROM.

Step Ten: Test.

If it works, you're good. If it didn't you messed up somewhere.

Did you get all that? Or should I say it slower, or stop using all the two syllable words?

Never ONCE did I say use the DUMMY pointer anywhere. READ

(Sorry for all the big words, I'm not smart enough to use shorter ones.)

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^*Thumbs up*

I fully approve of that post.

@Bowser_Guy: Camtech has been very patient with you.

Camtech, I said that the " item name pointer" of the DUMMY and blank space weapons are the same. If I change one and use many, they'll all be called Forblaze. READ

Considering that doesn't make a DAMN bit of sense.... I'm still surprised he's still answering any/all of your questions.

If you change one... to another text pointer, how the HELL are they all gonna be called Forblaze unless you SOMEHOW by some weird chance changed them ALL to be still the same.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Told ya! Insulting my grammar, so predictably boring. Plus you missed commas, too. Not bad for someone who know French and English with an average level of Spanish and Chine. Nimen ne!

I won't post back so don't bother responding to me. It's not a war and if you want it, here's the white flag.

Edited by Bowser_Guy
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It's at this point when I just say "Fuck it" and let you figure stuff out on your own. I've pulled patience out of who knows where to answer your questions as well as I can.

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