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Risk: Now with SF Players!


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Well, there's 3 reasons why I've wanted to start this game up.

1. I played this recently (after like 2 years) and damn was it fun.

2. Serious lack of mafia or whatever games on SF. There's only 2 now.

3. I need a reason to stay on SF.

In any case, I'm hoping to find 6 people to sign up for this. If 12 people sign up, then I can have 2 games at once, I guess. I'll moderate stuff, though I don't mind a co-mod.

Note: IIRC there's different versions of Risk, so here's the one we'll be using.


Shamelessly taken off Google.

Aside from the usual rules of Risk, there's a few additional rules pertaining to conversation.

1. If you want to PM someone (which you probably will), add me and any co-mods to the convo. I want to see how conniving all of you are.

2. You can PM people whenever you all want to.

3. Shoot all co-mods in the head when you die.

Also, should I let you all pick your locations or should I randomize the countries? I'll leave that to you all.


1. Spykor

2. IET

3. Life

4. Spike

5. Psych

6. SlayerX

7. General Spoon

1. IET - Black - India, Alberta, Madagascar, Siberia, East Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern United States

2. Psych - Blue - Ontario, Egypt, New Guinea, Russia, Northwest Territory, Eastern Australia, Southern Europe

3. Dickpickle - Green - China, Central America, Central Africa, Afghanistan, Brazil, Argentina, North Africa

4. Life - Red - Venezuela, Iceland, Ural, Greenland, Japan, Mongolia, Middle East

5. Spykor - White - Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Northern Europe, Great Britain, Alaska, Western United States, Eastern Canada

6. SlayerX - Yellow - Western Europe, South Africa, Indonesia, Scandinavia, Kamchatka, Western Australia, Peru

Edited by JB25
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While I admit the idea is good, you're going to need either for someone to be online at the same time as a co-mod, who has access to a copy of the board and/or game, because so much stuff requires dice rolling. Otherwise sending an action and getting a reply a few minutes or hours later means an average turn, with a good 50 actions or so, is going to take weeks. So they're going to have to be on IRC/MSN or something to send actions and get feedback, so turns don't take forever.

This is also assuming a person never needs to communicate on their turn. Or that the defender doesn't have to choose how many people to defend with.

TL;DR, it's a good idea but I hope you've thought everything through.

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That's why I need a co-mod; while my holidays are soon, I live in Asia, which means I won't be online at the same time as you guys. Most of the orders should come in during the afternoon in America, which means it'll be like, ridiculously early morning for me. I've also got a copy of the game; depends on whether or not the co-mod has one or not.

And attacker can specify, "attack until I have 5 units left alive", for example. The defender just prays his one man can solo 20 guys. =P

The only actions you have to communicate on your turn are "Deploy reinforcements to AREA, Attack AREA, move X units from AREA1 to AREA2." Mode can dice-roll. That's assuming we're fair, though. :rolleyes:

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Yup. I was considering randomizing countries as well.

Also, 5 players or 6 players? 5 players means 25 units each, 6 players means 20 units each. I'd honestly rather have 6 players so I can do the 42 regions thing easier, but ehh.

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That makes six. Now I need a co-mod that's awake when I'm not.

Oh yeah, we're playing World Domination mode.

Since we have 6 players, Psych, you may have to sit out. Sorry. =(

Now, I'm gonna say randomize, because I don't want this to take fucking forever. So, order of turns, then colours, then countries.

1. Lightning - Black - India, Alberta, Madagascar, Siberia, East Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern United States

2. IET - Blue - Ontario, Egypt, New Guinea, Russia, Northwest Territory, Eastern Australia, Southern Europe

3. Dickpickle - Green - China, Central America, Central Africa, Afghanistan, Brazil, Argentina, North Africa

4. Life - Red - Venezuela, Iceland, Ural, Greenland, Japan, Mongolia, Middle East

5. Spykor - White - Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Northern Europe, Great Britain, Alaska, Western United States, Eastern Canada

6. SlayerX - Yellow - Western Europe, South Africa, Indonesia, Scandinavia, Kamchatka, Western Australia, Peru

Everyone now has 13 units to fortify their 7 base positions. All orders in in 36 hours. The earlier, the better obviously.

Edited by JB25
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Wait, if Psych wants in I'm happy to sit out and join the potential next game. I'd be happy to Co-mod but my plate's a little full already...

Also recommending you show a map with starting positions on it.

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