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Risk: Now with SF Players!


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Aaaah!!!! Riiiiisk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But.... I've only played Risk on Sega Genesis, I've never played the board game before! (I even sorta forget how to play it on the sega game) D= Anyway, still hardly active.

Weellll... Anyway have fun!!! =]

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No. Turns go like this.

Reinforcements: Distribute your reinforcements around the board. You have 3 reinforcements BTW.

Attack places if you want to.

Move people from ONE area to ANOTHER area

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I know. You cannot move units from one location to another unless you've ended your turn and stopped attacking. So if you have, say, 10 units in Alaska and 4 units in Kamchatka, you can only move units between those 2 areas when your troops have decided to stop conquering. Once you move troops, your turn ends.

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Yeah. First game of Risk I played was basically 'don't let anyone get a continent!' and it was slow and boring with nobody really going anywhere. Next game was the more usual 'mass armies and take a continent ASAP' which is generally the best strategy. Someone will probably get Australia (Psych probably), South America, North America (probably me), Europe and Africa, but Asia is pretty tough to hold.

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Plus, in the even after I take Australia, I'm not doing so hot taking Asia, I have a nice little bunker to defend myself.

I love Australia.

Though that is the problem. Australia's next target is almost always Asia. And Asia is tough to capture successfully.

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Oh. Shit. I should've positioned my little guys differently.

Well, just kill East Africa with North, India with China, move a unit from Af to it, and move 1 unit from Central and 1 unit from North Africa to East Africa.

Reinforce Brazil, East Africa, and China.

You don't have East Africa, that belongs to IET.

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Spike sends 1 unit to Central Africa, 1 unit to Brazil and 1 unit to China.

North Africa (2) attacks East Africa (1), North Africa (2) wins.

China (4) attacks India (1), China (4) wins.


move a unit from Af to it, and move 1 unit from Central and 1 unit from North Africa to East Africa.

You an only move once, so I'll just take the first order, which is to move 1 unit from Afghanistan to India.


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Lemme think...

3 units to the Middle East.

Attack Southern Europe from Middle East.

Attack Scandinavia from Iceland.

Attack China from Mongolia.

Reinforce Iceland from Greenland.

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oh shit i completely forgot about this

Life sends 3 units to the Middle East.

Middle East (5) attacks Southern Europe (1), Middle East (4) wins.

Iceland (2) attacks Scandinavia (1), Iceland (2) wins.

Mongolia (2) attacks China (1), Mongolia (1) wins.

2 units move from Greenland to Iceland.



It is now Spykor's turn. He gets 3 reinforcements.

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oh shit i completely forgot about this

Life sends 3 units to the Middle East.

Middle East (5) attacks Southern Europe (1), Middle East (4) wins.

Iceland (2) attacks Scandinavia (1), Iceland (2) wins.

Mongolia (2) attacks China (1), Mongolia (1) wins.

2 units move from Greenland to Iceland.



You're trying to screw me, aren't you?

Middle East should have started with 6 units. Iceland and Mongolia with 3 each.

Correct to this for my properties:

Middle East - 1

Mongolia - 1

Greenland - 1

China - 2

Japan - 2

Venezuela - 3

Ural - 3

Scandinavia - 3

Iceland - 3

Southern Europe - 5

Should look like that.

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I'll just say that the numbers in the brackets are the number of units left.

Middle East (5) attacks Southern Europe (1), Middle East (4) wins.

Iceland (2) attacks Scandinavia (1), Iceland (2) wins.

Mongolia (2) attacks China (1), Mongolia (1) wins.

Middle East conquered SE, but they lost 1 man in the process.

Iceland conquered Scandinavia without any casualties.

Mongolia conquered China, but they lost one man in the process.

Nothing wrong.

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I'll just say that the numbers in the brackets are the number of units left.

Oh. I thought that the numbers signified the amount of units I started with.

EDIT: Wait, I'm right. Iceland and Mongolia both started with 3 units, not 2. You might want to check your math.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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I consider one unit to be left behind in the country to defend it. So if a country with 20 units attacks another country, only 19 units will be sent forth for the attack.

That's wrong.

If there are 3 units in Iceland and they attack Scandinavia which has 1, then it is 3v1. After the battle, one stays back in the country. Not beforehand.

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