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Who plays Harvest Moon?


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I dont know what Rune Factory is. :/

Is it like HM?

Gah this cookbook is impossible whe my chicken won't cooperate.

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Yeah, I played Friends of Mineral Town (I tried to find a Rom with more friends of mineral town, but couldn't find a working one), as well as the Game Cube Game (forgot the name) and Harvest Moon DS, even though the last one got somehow boring.

Btw, is it true that your son (friends of mineral town, GC game) somewhen grows up? Played friends for about 10-in-game years, but it didn't seem so.

Edited by Xiltas
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Awww yeah, Harvest moon is awesome. I've played nearly all of them friends of mineral town remains my favorite.

<3 pink hair girl (forgot her name)

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