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FE: Realm of Darkness


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FE: Realm of Darkness features many of my original characters as they get randomly warped into a land in peril. They first set out to find out where they are, and begin to run into dangerous monsters and humans, eventually learning the true reason why they're there, and what they must accomplish to save the world.


I, BlueLeafeon, am not reponsible for any damage done to your computer, ear drums, eyes or head while you are playing this hack. I run a virus-free computer and my site should be virus-free as well.

I am also not responsible for any stuck game files that result in your careless decisions while playing. If the game tells you to go through Ryen's mode and you pick Luke's, that's YOUR OWN fault, not mine.

Teaser Info

  • --Completely New Storyline. Remember how Link's War was a half-edited script? NOT THIS TIME.
    --Imported Battle animations
    --"Custom" battle animations
    --Completely new maps
    --Edited Map palettes
    --Keo: Seed!
    --Toughened Monster enemies.
    --Altered weapon palette and massive item changes
    --Maybe, just MAYBE custom chapters or something. Depends on if I can get somebody to tutor me.
    --Edited stat sheet, title screen, etc
    --Minor Music hax
    --Light magic will no longer exist!

[spoiler=Character List]

  • Chase Cavalier
    Joltese Myrmidon F
    Laura Archer F
    Sethe Shaman
    Darren Swordmaster
    Andrea Myrmidon F
    Fremont Ranger
    Kendra Assassin F
    Lorelei Pegasus Knight
    Millicent Falcoknight
    Lupe Evil Wolf
    Mather General
    Ashton Wyvern Knight
    Marilyn Toubadour
    Sunny Sage
    Lance Hero
    Leon Mage
    Rebecca Paladin
    Luke Eliwood
    Keo Bard
    Kedar Sniper
    Luis Axefighter
    Michael Thief
    Connie Cavalier F
    Valerie Pegasus Knight
    Clark Priest
    Clarence Spearman
    Ryen Eliwood
    Pekia Pikachu
    [spoilerz] [spoilerz]

[spoiler=Prologue Screenshots]prologue00.pngprologue01.png



[spoiler=Chapter 1 Screenshots]chapter1_00.pngchapter1_01.png




Progress: Chapter progress is halted, however, I'm still working on other things.

Chapters Done: 1

Portraits Inserted: 3

Battle Animations Imported/Edited: 0 (Waiting on ShinyCharmander to finish the battle animations he's volunteered to do.)


  • BlueLeafeon, as I'm the one who made this hack.
    ShinyCharmander, for spriting various characters and for offering to make custom Ryen and Pikachu animations
    Nintenlord for his awesome utilities
    General Army for replacing Comrades with Together we Ride
    Aeorys for fixing up various sprites and providing chibis.

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Okay, apart from the massive seizure causing info screen things (and the fact that I don't like English names being used in a fantasy setting, but that's stylistic), looks good. I'll be lurking in the background somewhere.

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Hehe Purple is actually one of my favourite colours so I am happy it is being used!

This looks quite good, And some of the progress you have made so far shows you are doing quite well hacking wise!

Show to see some more progress from ya and keep up the good work!

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... Oddly enough, the hack I was going to make had characters named Chase, Leon, Luke, and Michael, tough the classes aren't even remotely close. Interesting.

I also like the usage of purple, and this certainly doesn't look like any run of the mill hack... Looking forward to how this does.

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Okay, apart from the massive seizure causing info screen things (and the fact that I don't like English names being used in a fantasy setting, but that's stylistic), looks good. I'll be lurking in the background somewhere.

I could always change the stat sheet background back to this sorry excuse for a stat sheet background:


lol jk. I hated that background. (And lol, don't mind my pupil Seth. Waaaaaaaay outdated picture XD )

Also, all these characters (aside from one) were made prior to the hack. In fact, they're mostly from my novels, and I just FE-fied them and threw them in my hack.

Hehe Purple is actually one of my favourite colours so I am happy it is being used!

This looks quite good, And some of the progress you have made so far shows you are doing quite well hacking wise!

Show to see some more progress from ya and keep up the good work!

Thanks! Good to hear some praise once and a while. (Though I'd be doing better if my spriter would hurry up with those animations. Luke is tired of being girly.)

... Oddly enough, the hack I was going to make had characters named Chase, Leon, Luke, and Michael, tough the classes aren't even remotely close. Interesting.

I also like the usage of purple, and this certainly doesn't look like any run of the mill hack... Looking forward to how this does.

lol Ironically, all four of those characters are from different places. Leon is from Star Ocean: The Second Story, and isn't even mine. Chase is from one novel, Luke and Michael are loose-leaf characters. (Though from different origins)

Also, I've been slacking off with the hack, hoping ShinyCharmander would get done with my images soon. However, I have finally figured out the title screen issues. (yeah the issue was me being dumb but anyway...)


EDIT: Epic title screen is epic. :D

Edited by MagicTiger
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Wow this thing was still going Leafy? Didn't you start working on this like.... 2 and a half years ago? :/

Is that you Maomao? Haven't seen you in a while.

Has it really been two years? I think it's only been one and a half. Regardless, I quit hacking for a long while but now I decided to get back into it and get my revenge on those hacking programs that made me quit. D<

...No progress to report. I caught a nasty cold and therefore have not felt like doing anything complicated. -_-

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Hmm, a year and a half it was *Pulled up GMHQ to check* ~Nostalgia~ XD

You haven't seen me because Aeo scared off your forum

Glad to see you changed your Prince's name to Ryen..... the former name had..... bad connotations XD

*Apologizes to all Ryans out there except one*


In other news I considered dropping in at PE last week but couldn't remember my password XD That and I noticed you've moved to a Pokemon forum anyway.

Edited by Kanami
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Well, now that this virus has finally stopped making my head fogged up, I can finally start work on this hack again. As some of you may know, I started the script over so that I could switch Luke and Ryen around.

As such, I have now updated the prologue screenshots. (Refresh your browser if the pictures haven't changed.)




Honestly, I had a lot more event editing planned for this chapter, but for some reason event assembler can't re-assemble anything without majorly screwing up the cutscenes and thus breaking the rom. -_- (Even when I dissembled, made absolutely no changes and assembled it again. <<; ) So y'all are going to have to overlook the half-edited prologue for now.


Edited by MagicTiger
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