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My sprites. Simple. And I'll start with just one. I think.


Lemon Browning, from the game Super Robot Wars A (Advance) for the Game Boy Advance. Later in the games Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2 for the Game Boy Advance and then Orignal Generations for the Playstation 2. She reappeared in an update of Super Robot Wars A, Super Robot Wars A Portable, for the Playstation Portable.

And maybe later, we'll see some more images.


Oh, lookie! Changed my mind again. ^^


Kon, a captain in the Pherae Guard during the Fire Emblem 6 era. Appears in a remake of FE6 I was doing as well as a side project. He has a violent personality, but is aware of this and tries to gain control of his emotions when they get let loose. He likes pork. Why? I 'unno.

I wonder...


Henna, the alternate version of Hector if his second X chromosome didn't have a fight with Rocky Balboa and Guile at the same time. And also, I have the mind of a slightly evil black hole. With a heart of gold of course.

Oh! Simple, by the way, a bit too simple, but...


This is Karth, again for the FE6 Remake I had going. And thereby proving:

Mustaches equate to great evil. Or a possible source of all human sadness.

Oh and while we're on the subject of evil, here's a Kent.


An old Kent, albeit. But still, when you promote, it takes a lot of energy out of ya.

I think that's that. For now. Maybe.

Edited by NagafenOfIvalice
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Thanks for posting your stuff! :D

Some quick critique:

~ I like Lemon, but be careful with her shoulder size. Right now they're pretty big, and combined with the blocky neck, she looks like a transvestite. From what I've seen, women's shoulders should typically be about 60some pixels across.

~ Female Hector - haha, cute! Her far eye should be moved down a little, though. The outline color on the cloak is a little weird, too - it should be darker than the red you used to shade it.

~ Older Kent's eyebrows are much darker than his hair - throw some of his orange in there :) The underside of the jaw also has a small gap in the shading, it needs some of that dark orange against the jawline.

Hope this helps, happy spriting!

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  • 3 months later...

Hello and back again. To Trent, consarn you, number one of ten. The first sprite I'm updating with need's some work on the scarf and I think some fixing with the shoulders. And colours.

Regardless, number one of ten. I aim to get ten uploaded over night. And once I get some crtique, I'll try and fix them up as well as the ones posted before. (Lemon really has man shoulders? T.T Aww. Then again, when Excellen pulled that face in OG2... hm.)


I call him Shinji. Mainly because and I wonder if this shows, I was listening to the Neon Genesis Evangelion soundtrack while working on him. I'll edit this post as I post up more.

EDIT: Now with slightly more PNG.

2. Yeah, I'm taking this slow. I'll try and do the rest before the week is over, but no promises. I do want to do this though.

So the second is a not to greatly edited 'me'.


I need a bit of work with the eye and the hair feels like it needs more tidying as well as the collar. But I managed to I think get a general construction of it down. And as for the collar of the shirt/jumper/sweater on the inside, thank you Seth. Proving once again how awesome you are.

EDIT: So now, we have a slight update of 'me' (still supposedly)


Slight edits, but... I really dunno if that helps at all.

Edited by NagafenOfIvalice
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