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Theyre all amazing if trained!

Srsly, Dozla and Amelia

Dozla can actually do something at monster-filled chapters. Heck, he can even be of some use on Ch 13 A.

who are the worst worst 2 characters for fe7

IMO, they're probably Dorcas and Wallace

What the hell are you smoking?

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FE 6: Sophia definitely (gets doubled and OHKO'd by everything and joins on a FOW desert map), and second is probably Wendy (bad bases, joins right before an axefest, and never really becomes good). Barth deserves mention as well.

FE 7: What I like about this game is that there aren't any truly terrible (like, Sophia/Amelia/Fiona/Lyre bad) characters. The worst two would probably be Karla (even ignoring recruitment requirements, she still has sub-par stats and only exists for three chapters) and Wallace (requires you to go out of your way, particularly in Hector Mode, and has bad stats and only 5 move). Renault is pretty bad too, since Serra/Priscilla/Lucius/Pent/Athos exist and are much better with magic/staves than he is. It's just too unlikely that you're not using any of them for Renault to get much credit in my opinion.

FE 8: There's not a lot of contest: Amelia and Ewan (they join halfway through the game at effectively level -10, with stats to match).

FE 9: Lucia and Bastian (they join late and have bad stats; Bastian doesn't even have staff utility, despite being a Sage). Ena and Shinon are also pretty bad.

FE 10: Fiona (really hard to train, has bad stats, and her class drags her down in the chapters she's in) and Lyre (deals little damage, can't double, gets doubled and ORKO'd for half of her existence, and levels worse than most early-joining premotes). Dishonorable mention also goes to Meg, Astrid and Oliver.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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What the hell are you smoking?

Errrr.... Nothing. It must just be that Dorcas was very unlucky when I tried to raise him. I mean, four 1 stat level ups is infuriating. I guess I'll switch mine to Karla. Karla and Wallace. See, Renault can still actually use a stave if needed. Karla can't.

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I didn't give an answer to this. . .

FE6: I've only used half the cast, so I don't think I'd be qualified to say much.

FE7: Wallace (assuming forced promotion) and Karla. On a good day, Wallace will survive long enough to be recruited. Karla requires leveling someone I'd rather not.

FE8: The two that can use Dark magic. Both start frail, and one starts with a Luck stat befitting of a generic enemy. The other is a PITA to raise.

FE9: I didn't really pay attention to this.

FE10: Ranulf's fan club, because both start outclassed, and don't catch up.

SD: Ban-Ban and Samson. You should have someone else that can wield axes, and that someone should be at B (or close to it) by the time Samson shows up. He's also got awful HP for his level, and the rest of his stats won't help make up for it. Boah, at least, has the Warp staff to his name, and with a little bit of use, gets Recover, making his awful Magic moot.

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FE6: Sue and Juno It's definitely Wendy and Sophia

FE7: Florina and Rath One of the things I like about this game is that there's not a lot units here that are actually horrible. But as much as I like him, I'd put my money on Wallace. Karla's definitely the second of the two worst units in this game.

FE8: Ewan and Amelia, but it's not like this game is actually hard. A guy could probably do it in his sleep.

FE9: Lucia and Bastian, with Shinon and Ena not too far behind.

FE10: Lyre and Fiona, with Meg, Astrid, and that fat and ugly chazzer Oliver not too far behind.

FESD: Est joins too late to be of any use, she'll die in one or two hits tops, and you'll likely have multiple people that can do the job better than she can. The only reason you'd want to recruit her is for a free Ridersbane and that's it. Lorenz as much as I like him, has horrible bases, and your other guys will already outclass him.

Basically what Radiant Dragon had said, but with FESD worst 2 units info.

Edited by LittleAl
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