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Nintendo to localize Japan-only DS titles

The Awesomest

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With the release of the 3DS imminent, you'd imagine the old DS model was staring down a bleak future. Not so, insists Nintendo.CEO Satoru Iwata has told investors that Nintendo plans to localise previously Japan-only games as a way of keeping up a flow of new content for the handheld.

"If we should use too many of our development resources in order to maintain the Nintendo DS market, we would not be able to realise a sound launch for Nintendo 3DS," he explained.

"Nintendo's software is often made in Japan and launched first in Japan, and then localised for the overseas markets after confirming its marketability in Japan," Iwata went on to explain.

"Some Nintendo titles, such as the ones developed by Mr. Miyamoto and his team, have been made with the global market launches in view from the start of the development because people inside Nintendo believed in their global appeal.

"However, even some of the titles that Mr. Miyamoto was involved with, such as the original Animal Crossing, were first launched only in Japan, and only after the localisation teams outside Japan were able to appreciate the appeal of the software, our overseas subsidiaries requested us to launch the same titles in their countries.

"As a result, some software has already proved its marketability in Japan but is still not available in the overseas markets, and for some software titles, our localisation teams are currently spending time to localise them.

"Taking advantage of such software may be one of the ways to deal with your question about the transitional period from Nintendo DS to Nintendo 3DS," he proposed.

If that turns out to be the case, the DS's twilight years could prove rather interesting. Among the titles Nintendo has yet to release in the West are a new entry in its excellent Fire Emblem strategy series, a sequel to the fun Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol and a follow-up to the bonkers Zelda spin-off Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland

Then there's the immensely popular Tomodachi Collection, which has sold over three million copies since its launch in June 2009. Imagine Animal Crossing with Miis and you're somewhere close.

And maybe we'll finally see a release for Soma Bringer, a highly-regarded RPG developed by Monolith Soft – the studio behind the Xenosaga and Baten Kaitos series - which saw a Japan release in 2008.

The DS will formally pass the torch to the 3DS on 26th February 2011 in Japan, with a European and US release expected the following month.

Just in case anyone doubted FE12 was coming.

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Please please please please please let 7th Dragon come over to the states even though it was developed by SEGA! PLEASE!

This was going though my mind when I saw the title. Wonder if that Pokemon typing game will come over.

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Could it mean... SRW...for Europe?

No. That shit is never leaving Japan except for Original Generation games.

It is a real shame, though. It's not fair that westerners won't get a good chance at seeing the awesomeness of that series.

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It is a real shame, though. It's not fair that westerners won't get a good chance at seeing the awesomeness of that series.

It seriously is. We would have gotten OGs if it wasn't for fuckin' Sony not wanting Jap only VAs in a game. Silly, if you ask me.

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Does this mean we'll get more Tales over here? :awesome: I hope so!

I told you that dammit!

And yeah, please please PLEASE release ToH in English. ToI's got it's own translation patch, but oh dear god please bring Tales of Hearts over.

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I told you that dammit!

And yeah, please please PLEASE release ToH in English. ToI's got it's own translation patch, but oh dear god please bring Tales of Hearts over.

It was actually my first thought when I read it. <_< That and Dragon Quest.

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Laughing at you across a large pond of water. Where it will probably stay forever.

The people of the West are afraid of its demonic power. :V

But I want to halt the birth rate in North America!

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It seriously is. We would have gotten OGs if it wasn't for fuckin' Sony not wanting Jap only VAs in a game. Silly, if you ask me.

That's the only reason?

Ah well, I guess. A friend let me borrow them sometime back, but I neglected to let him know that my PS2 isn't modded.

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I told you that dammit!

And yeah, please please PLEASE release ToH in English. ToI's got it's own translation patch, but oh dear god please bring Tales of Hearts over.

If it's any consolation, I'm sure they'll release a new, extended version soon. On the PSP.

(Japan only)

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No chance for TokiMemo GS, Hakuouki, LoveRevo, etc. though.

Laughing at you across a large pond of water. Where it will probably stay forever.

The people of the West are afraid of its demonic power. :V

Not only Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side and Love Plus are games in a genre far too niche for the western world to be ever released there, they also are Konami games. And they got severly burned off by their failed Brooktown High attempt three years ago, so...

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