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Lilmik's POR HM run

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Might I recommend Tormod (even though you've already got Ilyana)? Celerity is a great skill.

I'll see, but if no one suggest a healer or something I'll probably use him instead of Ilyana.Or I'll use one of the two as a filler.Maybe i'll use them both if don't get enough answers.I never used Tormod before. It was on my to do list before this playthrough. I also give myself a challenge: I will use Brom.

So for this playthrough:








Only five or six units to go :)

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Sothe XD

Never used him,I'll be fun :). Since nobody gives enough love for paladin I want to use Makalov and Oscar.











3 more characters to go.Should I use Mist or Rhys?

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3 more characters to go.Should I use Mist or Rhys?

Mist, Marcia, Titania.

Since nobody gives enough love for paladin I want to use Makalov and Oscar.


Tier List FAQ

Titania tier















Top 11 has 5 Paladins (at least, once they've promoted).

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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What I mean was that nobody gave me a paladin.

That's true. I thought maybe they were just trying to be original, though. Before your post, aside from Tanith none of the units proposed were particularly amazing or common. All the paladins except Geoffrey can be great characters and are stalwarts on most teams. That's probably why. Not a lack of Paladin love, just trying to suggest the less common characters.

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That's true. I thought maybe they were just trying to be original, though. Before your post, aside from Tanith none of the units proposed were particularly amazing or common. All the paladins except Geoffrey can be great characters and are stalwarts on most teams. That's probably why. Not a lack of Paladin love, just trying to suggest the less common characters.

True I guess. Alright I'll drop Oscar but I really want to keep Makalov, I've never used him before.The final team is:













I'll start as soon as possible :)

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Hey guys,So for the next past days I wanted to clear the early-games chapter so I could focus on the harder ones.

Chapter 1

Yeah. Prologue is so easy.Or that's what I thought before. It's really harder on hard mode, the enemy density always caught me off guard. I did a chock-point with Titania and Oscar in front of the two first houses.I had to start over again multiple time because of RNG screwage(Damn you, WTD!).Ike died a few times. Oscar missed a lot. I forget how early-game was impossible without Titania.She got the boss-kill.

Chapter 2

Me like a healer. But Rhys is a weakling. So yeah, protecting him isn't always easy.Whenever Titania arrive, it's ALWAYS a relief. She makes things a lot easier.After clearing the first rush of enemies, the group press foward. I give Oscar a few kills, even if I'm not training him, any chip is useful. The rest of the chapter was a lure-kill game. Oscar got the boss-kill( Should have gave it to Titania -_-)

Chapter 3

Easy chapter. Titania,Shinon and Gatrie rape everything in sight and Ike take the left-over. Went and talked to Marcia. The boss suicided himself on Shinon(Dumb pirate!).

Chapter 4

I always fear this chapter. There's so much enemies! We get another weakling: Soren. Not that I don't like Soren. But training him in this chapter is kind of a suicide and a waste of time. Shinon gets attacked as much as if he got a Justin Bieber shirt.Thanks god he has great avoid and if he don't he's kinda durable. Ike also takes a few hits, and he's weak.Very weak. Getting almost 2RKO'ed by soldiers is NOT good. Titania kills everything in sight and Gatrie lure all the enemies while taking no damage. In the end, Titania gets the boss-kill.

Chapter 5

Defense FOW chapter time! This chapter may seems hard. It's not that bad. Titania and Gatrie could handle the enemies by themselves. I park Titania and Shinon on the left thing, while Ike makes his way to substitute the sniper. I park Oscar and Gatrie at the down side. My Oscar is meh. He hits like a granny.He hardly double. If he didn't have a ok durability I wouldn't even bother.So yeah, that's pretty much it. Rhys heals things, Soren gets behind people and chip enemies. Didn't bother with the boss.

Chapter 6

This chapter is always long for me. It took me 14 turns.Oops. Anyway, Titania gets out of the bushes and PWN things. Oscar tries to chip but epicly fail. Boyd also try to chip and does so with shaky hit-rates. Ike waits that the enemies calm down before getting out of the bushes. Titania and Ike take care of the Axe Knights while Oscar,Boys and Soren team up to try to kill the archer but they can't.Grrr. They are really unreliable. Ike and Titania went to the bridge to help the fail team. The armors are no threats to them. At turn 13, Titania kills the boss like he was a little bird.I love her.Everybody escapes at turn 14.

Chapter 7

Last chapter before getting to the base.And it's about time. Oscar is hitting enemies with his Short Spear and his Javelin because his Iron Lance is almost out of use. Titania's Steel Axe is in the same state. OK, so Titania kills the nearby hand-axe fighter and all the group stay close to her. Oscar and Boyd form a(very bad) wall to stop the incoming soldiers. Mia recuits herself.Love the manly 7 STR and 7 DEF *sarcasm*.Gave her a few kill when I could. During this time, Gatrie and Shinon appears. Now, I have a question for IS. Why did you give us two great units that could have been awesome(Shinon's growth rates are WTF) if they stayed leave? OK, I understand that Shinon is maybe too good with his manly 9 STR and 9 DEF *sarcasm*. And maybe Gatrie's speed and resistance was too much for the group *sarcasm again*.Anyway, Gatrie block enemies with his armor while Shinon block a soldier with his face.A team of Titania and Ike kill the few armors. Finally, everyone get to the boss. Gave the boss kill to Mia.

So, here are the stats of my characters before entering chapter 8:


Ike 13 29 11 3 12 14 9 10 5

Titania 4 36 13 4 16 15 14 13 7 Gave her the seraph robe

Mia 8 29 8 1 12 13 7 7 2

Oscar 9 30 7 2 8 9 5 10 1 *facepalm*

Anyway, I'll update in a few days.

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Ike       13  29  11  3  12  14  9  10  5
Titania   4   36  13  4  16  15  14 13  7   Gave her the seraph robe
Mia       8   29  8   1  12  13  7  7   2
Oscar     9   30  7   2  8   9   5  10  1   *facepalm*

That looks better. Use the

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I'm shocked every time someone says this. I thought it was common knowledge that if you hit "Reply" next to a person's post, you can see the formatting of everything they did (except anything inside quote tags). All you have to do in order to figure out how to do something is hit "reply" on the post of someone that did what you want to learn and look at what they did. Simple, really.

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Wow.It seems like nobody really is interested to see my progress.Anyway, update time!

Chapter 8

The GM are cornered. And we lost Shinon and Gatrie. Damn it. So yeah, there is three side to cover. Mia take the left one. Yep, even though she has great avoid, she's really having a hard time with her damage output and her dirability is not excellent. She does like 4 damage to armors,3HKO the soldier and 2HKO the myrms.She needs chip from the fail team to cleanly 2HKO most of the enemies.Ike take the down side and pwn the knights.Titania with a Steel Axe 3HKO the armors at the right side.It goes like this for 7 turn.Then our favorite hungry-mage is recuited and goes to do nothing.Didn't bother with the boss again.Chapter ends

Chapter 9

We get two other weaklings who also needs protection:Rolf and Mist.I divide my group in two.Mia,Ilyana,Boys,Rolf and Rhys go to nice little trip to the beach. With enemies, of course. Mia 3HKO the bandits and fighters while Ilyana finish them off. Boyd and Rolf proceed to chip while Rhys heals the wounded. During this time, Ike,Titania,Oscar,Soren and Mist goes down the road. I order Lethe and Mordecai to avoid the enemies, I have enough problems like this, they only would have messed up my plans. Ike and Titania murder everything in sight while Oscar fails to damage enough the enemies.Soren chip and Mist heals small wounds(Because she can heal maximum 14 HP, which suck.).Marcia arrive,Ike recruit her, blah blah blah.Oh, that reminds me of that awesome trashy singer, Ke$ha! Anyway, Nedata shows up and the beach group escape while Ike make a wall to all the incoming bandits, which he pwn, except Nedatta(You know, the pirate), that he can't even double. During this time, the reste of the group rush to the boss and kill all the enemies in the process. Finally, Titania soften up the boss and Ilyana kills it.

Chapter 10

Units: Ike,Titania,Mia,Oscar,Marcia,Mist,Lethe,Volke,Ilyana

OK, so we are in a fort. We have two choices: Or we cowarldy avoir the guard to escape in a sneaky way, or we provoke one of them to fight a bunch of enemies.I choose the second option. So I form a wall with Lethe,Ike and Titania to block the incoming renforcements close to the start point and Marcia flies to the range of the closest soldier.On enemy phase, the bunch of enemies appear. The great wall of Tellius block the closest with ease.Marcia 3HKO the soldier because of her max MT forged Iron Lance. Then, Volke opens manipulative bishop Sephiran's cage and Ike talks to him. He then run to the right with Oscar to open Big EgoKieran and Fat farmerBrom's cage.They both do what they have to do. During this time, Titania lure the soldiers nearby the escape point and and open Country Gal Nephenee's cage. Ike and fail knight rush to recruit Nephenee. Then, Titania park herself near to the boss and equip a Steel Lance(Don't want to have WTD!). Then, Lethe,Ilyana,Mia and Marcia take care of the Halberdier and and the two armors.Ilyana finish the boss. Ike direct the allies to the escape point.Everybody escape while Volke open all of the chests.

Here are the stats of my team before entering chapter 11

Ike       17  32 14  6   13  15 11  12  6
Brom      10  28 12  1   10  8  4   15  4
Mia       13  32 10  3   15  17 10  9   5
Mist      5   19 2   6   6   7  8   4   9
Marcia    9   22 10  0   9   14 7   8   8
Titania   6   37 13  4   18  16 14  14  8
Ilyana    12  24 3   10  14  11 14  3   14 

Hope you like it!

Edited by Lilmik11
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