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Eternal Poison

kuroi rinkku

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Has anyone ever played a game called Eternal Poison? (or Pink Poison whichever one you prefer)

If so what do you think of it?

I personally thought that it's character design is cool, very Gothic and dark. The enemies look cool but why the heck do they sing when you approach them.... it's rather annoying. Getting to pick 3 different story lines is pretty awesome as well. However, once you touch the 2nd strata it gets impossible out of no where. All my characters keep dying and the only thing any enemy is weak against is fire so those who do magic are exp hogs. I've never met anyone who has heard of this game let alone play it. I feel it's worth checking out, but not the best rpg.

Anyone agree, disagree, what to know more about the game...

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The King of Valdia then issues a decree for her rescue which brings upon numerous adventurers of dissimilar intentions, the story of game is told from multiple perspectives of five key parties as they journey their way through the realm of Besek to rescue the princess.

The concept sounds intriguing.

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picture of the game and what not are on the site

It's by atlus which is usually either really awesome or really annoying (like for example Eterian Odyssey, good game but hard as hell... I can say hell right?) It's for the PS2 and it came out 2008 (recent but not too new) Anyway it's about this princess that gets kidnapped by these demons called Majin and you (you get to pick from this chick named Thage, the Knights Commander Oliefen (sp?), and some other lady I never picked her yet so I have no idea who she is or how she fits in the story) have to save her (each character has their own reason) Did I forget to mention its an RPG? anyway another thing that annoys me about it is... In Fire Emblem for example there is your turn, then the enemy's turn... in this game however, it's in a random order and as far as I know you can't adjust it. OH did I mention that attacks have like crazy reach so strategies that work in FE don't work for this game

I meant to be specific, but I.... forgot I guess XD

Anyway worth a look but not the best game in the world

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