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I just read somewhere that Aideen completely survived first gen and conducted church services in Celeices Tale.

Is this true? O_o

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Levin did die.

He was resurrected and then either ordered or possessed by Holsety.

I'm sure he would've stayed with Fury and the kids if he could have his own way.

Tiltyu survived but died later, as did Fury. Sylvia lived as well. Lachesis is probably turned into stone while crossing the Yied, and out of the women, Ayra's probably the only one who actually died in battle.

All the guys died besides Fin.

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Levin did die.

He was resurrected and then either ordered or possessed by Holsety.

I'm sure he would've stayed with Fury and the kids if he could have his own way.

Tiltyu survived but died later, as did Fury. Sylvia lived as well. Lachesis is probably turned into stone while crossing the Yied, and out of the women, Ayra's probably the only one who actually died in battle.

All the guys died besides Fin.

Ayra died? what a sad story :sob:

That sucks for all the guys :(

So Levin isn't cruel like I thought he was?

It seems like Sylvia, Aideen, and Brigget has the better fates. Poor Lachesis thats such a horrible fate, hopefully Sara got to her ^^'.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Well, she was the only one who wasn't really mentioned to have any chance of survival. Lakche thinks she's alive, but I'm sure that Holsety-Levin would've told them if she was, since being Holsety, a god, he kinda knows everything.

Knowing her, if she'd survived she'd come to Shanan first second and join the army.

But in battle is probably fitting for her anyway. Like a true warrior.

Levin's not a cruel person. He can't act on his own will. Poor guy.

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Well, she was the only one who wasn't really mentioned to have any chance of survival. Lakche thinks she's alive, but I'm sure that Holsety-Levin would've told them if she was, since being Holsety, a god, he kinda knows everything.

Knowing her, if she'd survived she'd come to Shanan first second and join the army.

But in battle is probably fitting for her anyway. Like a true warrior.

Levin's not a cruel person. He can't act on his own will. Poor guy.

Now I feel bad for him :(

In Thracia poor Sety searching for his father trying to get his mom to feel better and then Karin tells Sety that his mother passed away. I couldn't help but resent Levin.

I wonder what Sylvia did after the war since we know about Brigget and Aideen ^^'.

Every FE4 character is so likeable <3

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Sylvia left Leen at a orphanage, and then had Corple. Poor girl, she can't fight well, so it's probably the best course of action since she wouldn't be able to protect them. After Claude died and everything. She kinda disappeared, but unless she got herself in trouble, she's probably still alive.

The only one I don't like is Beowulf.

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Sylvia left Leen at a orphanage, and then had Corple. Poor girl, she can't fight well, so it's probably the best course of action since she wouldn't be able to protect them. After Claude died and everything. She kinda disappeared, but unless she got herself in trouble, she's probably still alive.

The only one I don't like is Beowulf.

Isn't he the one that has a crush on Lachesis? I really liked Gen1 characters they all had striking personalities. I liked Sylvia's hair-do ^^' but her personality was too revealing I did like her overall though she was kind of funny ^_^ I like when she starts to cry because Levin doesn't let her follow him and then he lets her tag along because he feels sorry and next thing you know she's all happy ^^.

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Yeah him. I heard he was also supposedly Felgus's dad, with the Beo Sword and all.

He strikes me as the irresponsible type, sleeping with a princess then leaving her with his kid.

what a jerk but at least he died

I actually enjoyed using him in the game though now that I think of it him and Fergus are the same class (and most of the same class seem to be comical like them and Makalov).

Fergus is awesome though

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Damn you IS and your one-letter difference in names.

I don't really like using him before he promotes, though. Doesn't do that much damage and I like Ayra too much to let her part with her Hero Sword.

Who needs Beo when you have Leg!Knight!Ayra running around killing everything with Meteors? :awesome: /favoritism

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Well, at least he can promote now.

Poor guy. He needs more speed.

Though the benefit of Leg!Knight!Ayra is gen 2 rolls by and I get this Lakche with ~35 kills on Hero Sword (15 more until crit time!) and movement like a Paladin. Who starts out on an axefest.

Best myrm ever.

She's like Ayra 2.0 with better stats and some nice additions to her skillset.

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So, just to add to the convo, Tiltyu was actually tortured and finally killed by Hilda, who hated her for the death of Reptor, I think.

At least, I think that's why she did the torturing and killing.

I do know that's what happened to her, though.

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